request for comments/advices about mapping PetscCookie - Python Type

2008-10-10 Thread Lisandro Dalcin
In petsc4py, I've just implemented support for compose()/query() in my
base Object class. However, I wanted to implement query() in such a
way that 'dynamic_cast' (in the C++ sense, i.e, downcast) the composed
PETSc object and return to Python code an instance of the appropriate
Python type. Then, if you compose() a Mat, then query() will return a

I manages all this inside a private python dictionary mapping
PetscCookie - Python type. Of course, this required to make sure that
ALL PetscXXXInitializePackage() have been called before adding stuff
to my dict. All is working fine; moreover, this machinery is also
being used in slepc4py and tao4py (yes, I have those...), then after
importing slepc4py or tao4py, the dictionary is populated as

Then, the question are: Do this approach sound good enough? Is it too
much hackery? Can I relly in the long future that this approach will
always work?

BTW, now I have a clear use case for initalizing all the XXX_COOKIE's
to 0 in core PETSc. This will really help me to spot package
initialization problems. In fact, I had to manage some of those
problems in petsc-2.3.2, petsc-2.3.3 and tao-1.9 .

PS: The renaming DA_COOKIE - DM_COOKIE does not play well with all
this, but I do not care about it right now.

Lisandro Dalc?n
Centro Internacional de M?todos Computacionales en Ingenier?a (CIMEC)
Instituto de Desarrollo Tecnol?gico para la Industria Qu?mica (INTEC)
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient?ficas y T?cnicas (CONICET)
PTLC - G?emes 3450, (3000) Santa Fe, Argentina
Tel/Fax: +54-(0)342-451.1594

request for comments/advices about mapping PetscCookie - Python Type

2008-10-10 Thread Matthew Knepley
That approach sounds fine. I think that initializing the COOKIEs was not
liked by some compilers. Ugh.


On Fri, Oct 10, 2008 at 1:31 PM, Lisandro Dalcin dalcinl at wrote:
 In petsc4py, I've just implemented support for compose()/query() in my
 base Object class. However, I wanted to implement query() in such a
 way that 'dynamic_cast' (in the C++ sense, i.e, downcast) the composed
 PETSc object and return to Python code an instance of the appropriate
 Python type. Then, if you compose() a Mat, then query() will return a

 I manages all this inside a private python dictionary mapping
 PetscCookie - Python type. Of course, this required to make sure that
 ALL PetscXXXInitializePackage() have been called before adding stuff
 to my dict. All is working fine; moreover, this machinery is also
 being used in slepc4py and tao4py (yes, I have those...), then after
 importing slepc4py or tao4py, the dictionary is populated as

 Then, the question are: Do this approach sound good enough? Is it too
 much hackery? Can I relly in the long future that this approach will
 always work?

 BTW, now I have a clear use case for initalizing all the XXX_COOKIE's
 to 0 in core PETSc. This will really help me to spot package
 initialization problems. In fact, I had to manage some of those
 problems in petsc-2.3.2, petsc-2.3.3 and tao-1.9 .

 PS: The renaming DA_COOKIE - DM_COOKIE does not play well with all
 this, but I do not care about it right now.

 Lisandro Dalc?n
 Centro Internacional de M?todos Computacionales en Ingenier?a (CIMEC)
 Instituto de Desarrollo Tecnol?gico para la Industria Qu?mica (INTEC)
 Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient?ficas y T?cnicas (CONICET)
 PTLC - G?emes 3450, (3000) Santa Fe, Argentina
 Tel/Fax: +54-(0)342-451.1594

What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their
experiments is infinitely more interesting than any results to which
their experiments lead.
-- Norbert Wiener

request for comments/advices about mapping PetscCookie - Python Type

2008-10-10 Thread Barry Smith


   In the current model of initializations there are two submodels

1) no dynamic libraries (example Mat, others should be the same)

MatCreate() ALWAYS calls MatInitializePackage(). Inside  
is a static variable indicating if initialization has take place.

The user is not allowed to call any other Mat... methods BEFORE  
if they do bad things could happen. For example, you cannot call  
MatNorm() if you
have not yet created a Mat.

2) dynamic libraries

 when the dynamic library is opened by PETSc,  
is automatically called.  PetscInitialize() automatically opens all  
the standard
dynamic libraries like

If the user calls any Mat routine before PetscInitialize() it  
won't work. If the
user calls MatNorm() before a MatCreate() it will not work, but not  
for the same
reason as 1), only because they are not passing a matrix in.

   With python you care about the dynamic case: so long as your python  
occurs after PetscInitialize() which it must and will ALL packages  
have been registered
(unless we have a bug).  So I think your code should be fine. You say  
that you can use the PETSC_COOKIE of zero
to find such a bug, a pretty weak argument.

   I don't like the idea of you using the MAT_COOKIE directly at all  
for your cool
python dictionary building. Reason: it is not extensible. Some one  
adds a new
ZAP_COOKIE and you don't know about it and when you find out you have  
to go
change your code. Correct?

   Here is an alternative model that I think is much better. Every  
call to PetscCookieRegister()
actually registers the cookie (currently it is not recorded in any  
way,  it is only registered in the logging)
with the name; could be into something as ugly as a global array or   
linked list.  Your python caster
(each times it needs to cast) then could look in this global array or  
linked list and do the
translation. This way your caster will always work; if later in the  
run someone registers
new cookies your caster now has access to it. Now your python code  
doesn't ever
need to see, touch or taste a XXX_COOKIE variable directly; I view the  
global XXX_COOKIE variables
as private to that class implementation and really don't want any  
other code outside that class
touching them directly.

   Sound workable?


I am assuming that your Python caster only needs to know the string  
name of the class (like Mat) to manage the
caste.  If it actually needs specific code written for each class then  
I would like that specific code to be inside
that class and not managed in some central location (that is, it would  
go somewhere in the src/mat/ directory tree.

On Oct 10, 2008, at 1:31 PM, Lisandro Dalcin wrote:

 In petsc4py, I've just implemented support for compose()/query() in my
 base Object class. However, I wanted to implement query() in such a
 way that 'dynamic_cast' (in the C++ sense, i.e, downcast) the composed
 PETSc object and return to Python code an instance of the appropriate
 Python type. Then, if you compose() a Mat, then query() will return a

 I manages all this inside a private python dictionary mapping
 PetscCookie - Python type. Of course, this required to make sure that
 ALL PetscXXXInitializePackage() have been called before adding stuff
 to my dict. All is working fine; moreover, this machinery is also
 being used in slepc4py and tao4py (yes, I have those...), then after
 importing slepc4py or tao4py, the dictionary is populated as

 Then, the question are: Do this approach sound good enough? Is it too
 much hackery? Can I relly in the long future that this approach will
 always work?

 BTW, now I have a clear use case for initalizing all the XXX_COOKIE's
 to 0 in core PETSc. This will really help me to spot package
 initialization problems. In fact, I had to manage some of those
 problems in petsc-2.3.2, petsc-2.3.3 and tao-1.9 .

 PS: The renaming DA_COOKIE - DM_COOKIE does not play well with all
 this, but I do not care about it right now.

 Lisandro Dalc?n
 Centro Internacional de M?todos Computacionales en Ingenier?a (CIMEC)
 Instituto de Desarrollo Tecnol?gico para la Industria Qu?mica (INTEC)
 Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient?ficas y T?cnicas (CONICET)
 PTLC - G?emes 3450, (3000) Santa Fe, Argentina
 Tel/Fax: +54-(0)342-451.1594

FW: [PETSC #18391] PETSc crash with memory allocation in ILU preconditioning

2008-10-10 Thread Deng, Ying


I am seeing problems when trying to build petsc-dev code. My configure
line is below, same as I successfully did for 2.3.2-p10. I tried with
mkl 9 and mkl 10. Same errors. There are references to undefined
symbols. Please share with me if you have any experience with the issue
or suggestions to resolve it. 


./config/ --with-batch=1 --with-clanguage=C++
--with-vendor-compilers=intel '--CXXFLAGS=-g
-gcc-name=/usr/intel/pkgs/gcc/4.2.2/bin/g++ -gcc-version=420 '
'--LDFLAGS=-L/usr/lib64 -L/usr/intel/pkgs/gcc/4.2.2/lib -ldl -lpthread
-L/usr/intel/pkgs/icc/10.1.008e/lib -lirc' --with-cxx=$ICCDIR/bin/icpc
--with-fc=$IFCDIR/bin/ifort --with-mpi-compilers=0 --with-mpi-shared=0
--with-debugging=yes --with-mpi=yes --with-mpi-include=$MPIDIR/include
--with-scalapack=yes --with-scalapack-include=$MKLDIR/include
--with-scalapack-lib=$MKLLIBDIR/libmkl_scalapack.a --with-blacs=yes
D/Lib/libamd.a\] --with-umfpack-include=$UMFPACKDIR/UMFPACK/Include
--with-parmetis=1 --with-parmetis-dir=$PARMETISDIR --with-mumps=1

undefined reference to `f2cblaslapack311_id_'
undefined reference to `pthread_atfork'

You set a value for --with-blas-lapack-lib=lib, but
', '/p/dt/sde/tools/x86-64_linux26/mkl/']
cannot be used


-Original Message-
From: Barry Smith [] 
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2008 12:39 PM
To: Rhew, Jung-hoon
Cc: PETSc-Maint Smith; Linton, Tom; Cea, Stephen M; Stettler, Mark
Subject: Re: [PETSC #18391] PETSc crash with memory allocation in ILU

We don't have all the code just right to use those packages with
64 bit integers. I will try to get them all
working by Monday and will let you know my progress. To use them you
will need to be using
  so you can switch to
that now if you are not yet using it in preparation for my updates.


On Oct 9, 2008, at 12:52 PM, Rhew, Jung-hoon wrote:


 I found that the root cause of malloc error was that our PETSc
 library had been compiled without 64 bit flag on.  Thus, PetscInt
 was defined as int instead of long long and for large problems,
 the memory allocation requires memory beyond the maximum of int and
 causes integer overflow.

 But when I tried to build using 64 bit flag (--with-64-bit-
 indices=1), all files associated with the external libraries (such
 as UMFPACK, and MUMPS) built with PETSc started failing in
 compilation mainly due to the incompatibility between int in those
 libraries and long long in PETSc.

 I wonder if you can let us know how to resolve this conflict when
 builing PETSc with 64 bit.  The brute force way is to change the
 source codes of those libraries where the conflicts occur but I
 wonder if there is a neater way of doing this.


 libfast in: /nfs/ltdn/disks/td_disk49/usr.cdmg/jrhew/work/mds_work/

 umfpack.c(154): error: a value of type PetscInt={long long} *
 cannot be used to initialize an entity of type int *
int  m=A-rmap.n,n=A-cmap.n,*ai=mat-i,*aj=mat-

 -Original Message-
 From: Barry Smith [mailto:bsmith at]
 Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2008 6:15 PM
 To: Rhew, Jung-hoon
 Cc: petsc-maint at; Linton, Tom; Cea, Stephen M; Stettler,
 Subject: Re: [PETSC #18391] PETSc crash with memory allocation in
 ILU preconditioning

During the symbolic phase of ILU(N) there is no way in advance to
 know how many new nonzeros are needed
 in the factored version over the original matrix (this is tree for LU
 too).  We handle this by starting with a certain
 amount of memory and then if that is not enough for for the symbolic
 factor we double the 

FW: [PETSC #18391] PETSc crash with memory allocation in ILU preconditioning

2008-10-10 Thread Matthew Knepley
On Fri, Oct 10, 2008 at 6:29 PM, Deng, Ying ying.deng at wrote:

 I am seeing problems when trying to build petsc-dev code. My configure
 line is below, same as I successfully did for 2.3.2-p10. I tried with
 mkl 9 and mkl 10. Same errors. There are references to undefined
 symbols. Please share with me if you have any experience with the issue
 or suggestions to resolve it.

1) Please always send configure.log. The screen output does not tell us
enough to debug problems.

2) Specifying libraries directly is not usually a good idea since some packages,
like MKL, tend to depend on other libraries (like libguide,
libpthread). I would
use --with-blas-lapack-dir=$MKLDIR

3) Mail about install problems should go to petsc-maint at 
is for discussion of development.




 ./config/ --with-batch=1 --with-clanguage=C++
 --with-vendor-compilers=intel '--CXXFLAGS=-g
 -gcc-name=/usr/intel/pkgs/gcc/4.2.2/bin/g++ -gcc-version=420 '
 '--LDFLAGS=-L/usr/lib64 -L/usr/intel/pkgs/gcc/4.2.2/lib -ldl -lpthread
 -L/usr/intel/pkgs/icc/10.1.008e/lib -lirc' --with-cxx=$ICCDIR/bin/icpc
 --with-fc=$IFCDIR/bin/ifort --with-mpi-compilers=0 --with-mpi-shared=0
 --with-debugging=yes --with-mpi=yes --with-mpi-include=$MPIDIR/include
 --with-scalapack=yes --with-scalapack-include=$MKLDIR/include
 --with-scalapack-lib=$MKLLIBDIR/libmkl_scalapack.a --with-blacs=yes
 D/Lib/libamd.a\] --with-umfpack-include=$UMFPACKDIR/UMFPACK/Include
 --with-parmetis=1 --with-parmetis-dir=$PARMETISDIR --with-mumps=1


 undefined reference to `f2cblaslapack311_id_'
 undefined reference to `pthread_atfork'


 You set a value for --with-blas-lapack-lib=lib, but
 ', '/p/dt/sde/tools/x86-64_linux26/mkl/']
 cannot be used

 -Original Message-
 From: Barry Smith [mailto:bsmith at]
 Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2008 12:39 PM
 To: Rhew, Jung-hoon
 Cc: PETSc-Maint Smith; Linton, Tom; Cea, Stephen M; Stettler, Mark
 Subject: Re: [PETSC #18391] PETSc crash with memory allocation in ILU

We don't have all the code just right to use those packages with
 64 bit integers. I will try to get them all
 working by Monday and will let you know my progress. To use them you
 will need to be using
  so you can switch to
 that now if you are not yet using it in preparation for my updates.


 On Oct 9, 2008, at 12:52 PM, Rhew, Jung-hoon wrote:


 I found that the root cause of malloc error was that our PETSc
 library had been compiled without 64 bit flag on.  Thus, PetscInt
 was defined as int instead of long long and for large problems,
 the memory allocation requires memory beyond the maximum of int and
 causes integer overflow.

 But when I tried to build using 64 bit flag (--with-64-bit-
 indices=1), all files associated with the external libraries (such
 as UMFPACK, and MUMPS) built with PETSc started failing in
 compilation mainly due to the incompatibility between int in those
 libraries and long long in PETSc.

 I wonder if you can let us know how to resolve this conflict when
 builing PETSc with 64 bit.  The brute force way is to change the
 source codes of those libraries where the conflicts occur but I
 wonder if there is a neater way of doing this.


 libfast in: /nfs/ltdn/disks/td_disk49/usr.cdmg/jrhew/work/mds_work/

 umfpack.c(154): error: a value of type PetscInt={long long} *
 cannot be used to initialize an entity of type int *
int  m=A-rmap.n,n=A-cmap.n,*ai=mat-i,*aj=mat-

 -Original Message-
 From: Barry Smith