RE: Open BSD 3.9 unable to send email with attachment thru pf firewall.

2006-06-27 Thread Ajith Kumar


Ajith Kumar wrote:
 I got your email address from Open BSD mailing lists.I hope you can help

Some more information would be helpfull.
Your OpenBSD setup, PF Configuration, E-Mail Client / Server, internet


It is a simple connection.
The client is contacting the sendmail server. The gateway machine is Open
BSD Firewall.
If I disable pf I am able to send mails with attachments.It looks like
problem with firewall itself.

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RE: Open BSD 3.9 unable to send email with attachment thru pffirewall.

2006-06-27 Thread Ajith Kumar

On Mon, 26 Jun 2006 19:14:54 +0530
Ajith Kumar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Ajith, what exactly seems to be the problem?  PF does not do any
application layer filtering.  If you are having trouble sending an
email, you should verify with the recipient that the email server at
the remote end is not filtering email attachments.

There is no problem with mail server.If I disable pf by pfctl -d , 
I am able to send mails with attachments.

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blocking on scan attempts

2006-06-27 Thread nobiscuit

I have a simple firewall set up with OpenBSD 3.9 and have been playing
around with logging ssh login attempts to my DMZ server and banishing
IPs using max-src-conn -rate ...

block quick from banish
pass in log quick on $ext_if proto tcp from any to $dmz_ip port = ssh
flags S/SA
 synproxy state (max-src-conn 10, max-src-conn-rate 3/10, overload
banish flush global)

Great fun.

My DMZ server IP is part of a very small cidr block ( - with .65 being the gateway address and .66 being the
externally visible address.  What is interesting about this is that I
can see automated login attempts coming. The four addresses in my cidr
block will get scanned on port 22 or port 25 fairly regularly.  Shortly
after the initial scan there will be ssh login or smtp relay attempts
on my external address.  I also get keyword spam attempts (e.g.

I'd like to be able to automatically load any IP address that scans
any of these 3 none active addresses on port 22 or port 25 to a table
to be blocked.

I tried setting it up like this:

table cidr const {,, }

block quick from scanner
pass in log quick on $ext_if proto tcp from any to cidr = ssh flags
 synproxy state (max-src-conn 1, max-src-conn-rate 1/1, overload
scanner flush global)

This doesn't work because the connections have to exceed the number
limits and pfctl won't let me set the limits to 0.  Each address
usually gets scanned only once from a particular IP.

I gather it is possible to add IP addresses to a table using pfctl run
with a cron job based on what has been logged from pf. However, this
cron job would have to be run frequently to be any more effective than
the banish rule listed above.

I've been through the documentaion and this mailing list.  Is there
another way to add IP addresses to a table directly using a rule in
pf.conf?  I can see the little bastards coming and I'd like to cut them
off as quickly as possible.


RE: Open BSD 3.9 Pf issue with email with attachments.

2006-06-27 Thread Ajith Kumar

On 06/26/2006 09:17:33 AM, Ajith Kumar wrote:
 Ajith Kumar [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  I am able to send and receive mails . But if there is any
  is bigger than 64 KB, i am not able to send.

 Peter N. M. Hansteen Writes :

 My first impulse is to look at what happens elsewhere, in no
 particular order, any content filtering or for that matter hard
 message size limits, network congestion on the way there causing
 timeouts etc.

 Ajith Kumar [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 There is no problem in n/w congestion.If i disable pf by  pfctl -d 
 I am
 able to send mails
 with attachments. There is no problem in mail server also.

This has a feel to it of what happens when you have a pf.conf
file that keeps state but does not use flags S/SA, so
(if I understand correctly) the state tracking mechanisim
gets out of wack because it starts tracking in the middle
of a flow.
There was something about this on the pf list
in the last couple of months.

I had modified the entry like this

pass in quick log on fxp0 from any to  x.x.x.x  keep state flags S/SA  #1
pass out quick log on fxp1 from   any to x.x.x.x keep state flags S/SA  #2

pass in  quick log on fxp1  from x.x.x.x  to  any keep state flags S/SA #3
pass  out quick log on  fxp0 from  x.x.x.x  to any  keep state flags S/SA #4

( fxp0 is internal interface card. fxp1 is external interface card)

where x.x.x.x is ip address of mail server.Still I am not able to send mail
with big attachments.
I am able to send and receive other mails.

I subscribed to the mail list yesterday only :(


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Re: Open BSD 3.9 unable to send email with attachment thru pffirewall.

2006-06-27 Thread Lars Hansson
On Tuesday 27 June 2006 11:34, Ajith Kumar wrote:
 There is no problem with mail server.If I disable pf by pfctl -d ,
 I am able to send mails with attachments.

There's no problem with pf either since it does not do any application layer 
filtering. Perhaps you're doing something stupid like blanket ICMP blocking 
that screws up MTU discovery.
Also, you haven't given nearly enough information for anyone to even make a 
reasonable guess on what the problem could be. Posting your pf ruleset would 
be a start.

Lars Hansson

Re: Open BSD 3.9 Pf issue with email with attachments.

2006-06-27 Thread Daniel Hartmeier
On Tue, Jun 27, 2006 at 09:17:18AM +0530, Ajith Kumar wrote:

 I had modified the entry like this
 pass in quick log on fxp0 from any to  x.x.x.x  keep state flags S/SA  #1
 pass out quick log on fxp1 from   any to x.x.x.x keep state flags S/SA  #2
 pass in  quick log on fxp1  from x.x.x.x  to  any keep state flags S/SA #3
 pass  out quick log on  fxp0 from  x.x.x.x  to any  keep state flags S/SA #4
 ( fxp0 is internal interface card. fxp1 is external interface card)
 where x.x.x.x is ip address of mail server.Still I am not able to send mail
 with big attachments.
 I am able to send and receive other mails.

The test with disabling pf was a good one.

Next, enable pf but load an empty ruleset (pfctl -Fa, pfctl -e) and
retry. Still working?

If so, load only the four rules you pasted above, retry. Still working?

If so, take a good look at your other rules. The difference between your
real ruleset and the four rules quoted above must explain the breakage.
Post the real ruleset if you can't spot it. If any other rule matches
and creates state (for those TCP connections), make sure all states are
created on the initial SYN only.

If connections break with an empty ruleset or just the four rules above,
enable debug logging (pfctl -xm), reproduce the problem, then check
/var/log/messages for entries from pf. Post them.

Run pfctl -si before and after reproducing the problem, what counters
are increasing? Post both outputs.


Re: Open BSD 3.9 unable to send email with attachment thru pf

2006-06-27 Thread Peter N. M. Hansteen
Ajith Kumar [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 If I disable pf I am able to send mails with attachments.It looks like
 problem with firewall itself.

The problem here is that you keep repeating a very vague description
of symptoms without giving us any information which could point us in
the right direction.

Basically, to PF, the difference between a text only mail message and
one with an attachment lies only in the amount of data which is
transferred, if that.

I reiterate that the more likely culprit is some sort of content
filtering you are either not aware of or not telling us about.  In
some truly resource starved configurations, such as a system extremely
low on memory, loading PF could be what makes the system start
swapping, if the connection between your gateway and the mail server
is already rather saturated a largish mail message would have trouble
making it without timing out, and so on.

There are several more ways to misconfigure a machine so it will
produce the rather bizarre symptoms you are describing, but from the
information you are volunteering it's pretty much impossible to tell
what is causing the situation.

Peter N. M. Hansteen, member of the first RFC 1149 implementation team
First, we kill all the spammers The Usenet Bard, Twice-forwarded tales
20:11:56 delilah spamd[26905]: disconnected after 36099 seconds

queueing: give some BW to each addr (in a table)?

2006-06-27 Thread McLone


I work for small isp, and we want to make
customer plan look like this:

client A has N kbits/s while business day;
 he has N*2 kbits/s at night and weekends;
 and we guarantee to him minimum speed of N/2.

(we also buying our main uplink BW according to this formula)

We have many clients here, so i wanted to do it
on my freebsd6 router, with simple cron job switching
tables in PF, but pf doesn't support a thing like
give EACH ip in that table N kbits/s.

So i thought i will be able to do it using anchors for
pass rules AND for queues (many subqueues,
every client has one). But, unfortunately,  PF in
freebsd6.1 and in openbsd3.9 does not support
anchors in queue declarations (i looked at man page).

So i have one option now - write some pf.conf
preprocessor, with soem frontend to edit it.

Also i have two feature suggestions (i'd be happy
to see just one of them implemented):

a) make pf+altq able to do things like
=== 8 =
table cli512 persist {
 ip-one;  ip-two;
queue int_cli512 bandwidth 8192Kb priority 2 \
 cbq(ecn rio each=512Kb)
pass out quick on $int_if  to cli512 keep state \
   queue int_cli512
= 8 ===

b) make anchors work also for queues, not only
  for rdr, nat and filtering rules

p.s. i used cbq in example, but i need hfsc here, so
if someone has a good documentation on hfsc,
please let me know where i can find it.
(i grok some hfsc only with this list archive's help)

Also, i may be on totally wrong way, and things i need
can be done in some other way i missed?...
wbr,|\  _,,,---,,_   dog bless ya!
`   Zzz /,`.-'`'-.  ;-;;,_
McLone at GMail dot com|,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'
, net- and *BSD admin '---''(_/--'  `-'\_)   ...translit rawx

Re: Open BSD 3.9 Pf issue with email with attachments.

2006-06-27 Thread Tim Donahue
On Tue, 27 Jun 2006 09:56:46 +0200
Daniel Hartmeier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Tue, Jun 27, 2006 at 09:17:18AM +0530, Ajith Kumar wrote:
  I had modified the entry like this
  pass in quick log on fxp0 from any to  x.x.x.x  keep state flags S/
  SA  #1 pass out quick log on fxp1 from   any to x.x.x.x keep state
  flags S/ SA  #2
  pass in  quick log on fxp1  from x.x.x.x  to  any keep state flags
  S/SA #3 pass  out quick log on  fxp0 from  x.x.x.x  to any  keep
  state flags S/SA #4
  ( fxp0 is internal interface card. fxp1 is external interface card)
  where x.x.x.x is ip address of mail server.Still I am not able to
  send mail with big attachments.
  I am able to send and receive other mails.
 The test with disabling pf was a good one.
 Next, enable pf but load an empty ruleset (pfctl -Fa, pfctl -e) and
 retry. Still working?
 If so, load only the four rules you pasted above, retry. Still
 If so, take a good look at your other rules. The difference between
 your real ruleset and the four rules quoted above must explain the
 breakage. Post the real ruleset if you can't spot it. If any other
 rule matches and creates state (for those TCP connections), make sure
 all states are created on the initial SYN only.
 If connections break with an empty ruleset or just the four rules
 above, enable debug logging (pfctl -xm), reproduce the problem, then
 check /var/log/messages for entries from pf. Post them.
 Run pfctl -si before and after reproducing the problem, what counters
 are increasing? Post both outputs.

I just wanted throw this into the debugging mix as well, anywhere you
have a block statement add 'log' to the statement.  Then you can run
`tcpdump - n -e - vv -i pflog0` and it will list the rule number that
the packet matched in the ruleset.

Tim Donahue

Re: blocking on scan attempts

2006-06-27 Thread Darrin Chandler
On Mon, Jun 26, 2006 at 07:45:07PM -0700, nobiscuit wrote:
 I gather it is possible to add IP addresses to a table using pfctl run
 with a cron job based on what has been logged from pf. However, this
 cron job would have to be run frequently to be any more effective than
 the banish rule listed above.
 I've been through the documentaion and this mailing list.  Is there
 another way to add IP addresses to a table directly using a rule in
 pf.conf?  I can see the little bastards coming and I'd like to cut them
 off as quickly as possible.

I'm not sure about the archives here, but this comes up every few months

One way is to use a log tail program, which would use pfctl to add the
address to the table.

Another way would be to rdr in pf.conf to a simple daemon which would
add the address. You'd have to do this yourself, and you'd want to be

Darrin Chandler|  Phoenix BSD Users Group

Re: blocking on scan attempts

2006-06-27 Thread Travis H.

On 6/27/06, Darrin Chandler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've been through the documentaion and this mailing list.  Is there
 another way to add IP addresses to a table directly using a rule in
 pf.conf?  I can see the little bastards coming and I'd like to cut them
 off as quickly as possible.

I'm not sure about the archives here, but this comes up every few months

See my article on open-source active response:
There's some discussion there as to the wisdom of this, since scans
are trivially spoofed, it could lead to a DoS.

I have been beset with system administration issues, but I intend to
finish up my sniffer that will detect stuff like this and trigger DFD
rule changes.  However, scan detection is going to be one of the last
features I'll encode.

BTW: I'll be making OpenBSD ports to make installing dfd_keeper more
easy to install.
I sometimes have delusions of adequacy -- Woody Allen
Security guru for rent or hire - --
GPG fingerprint: 9D3F 395A DAC5 5CCC 9066  151D 0A6B 4098 0C55 1484

Re: blocking on scan attempts

2006-06-27 Thread Darrin Chandler
On Tue, Jun 27, 2006 at 02:38:06PM -0500, Travis H. wrote:
 There's some discussion there as to the wisdom of this, since scans
 are trivially spoofed, it could lead to a DoS.

I'm usually on the side against blocking. My reasons, more or less in

* It wastes time and resources
* Possible DoS situations
* It's ineffective (see below)

Anyone really serious about getting into your site probably will be
scanning with a botnet. You can block 30 machines, but they still find
out what they wanted to know and use yet other machines to mount their

I have not been attacked, but I've seen the onslaught of botnet scans
(scans of a certain type occuring within a short time from diverse

My conclusion is that your time is best spent securing the network and
individual boxes, and less time blocking drive by shooters (who won't be
back anyway). YMMV.

Darrin Chandler|  Phoenix BSD Users Group