Re: pf/altq on a fast link

2003-06-01 Thread siivv
Go here:
Daniel wrote a great article about just how to do this.
Can't help with real world examples, but that should point you in the
right direction.

Note, you will need openbsd 3.3 to accomplish this


On Sat, 31 May 2003, Tony Faoro wrote:

 Good day,

 I operate a web-hosting/colocation/game server hosting company with a
 generous amount of available banwidth. I have a OpenBSD bridge firewalling
 my network but after reading about the 'Prioritizing empty TCP ACKs with
 pf and ALTQ' I began to realize that there may be more I can do to speed
 things up on my link.

 If anyone out there would be so kind as to share a pf.conf they are using
 in a similar circumstance that would be great. I'm somewhat new to the
 packet prioritizing world and would love some real world examples you all
 have had success with.

 Thanks for your time,


 +--- --  -  - -
 | Anthony M. Faoro II
 : CIO, Adtaq Internet
 . tmf at adtaq dot com
   425.444.8787 VOICE
 . 800.861.1834 FAX

Re: smtp pop3 portforwarding

2003-05-07 Thread siivv
look below

On Wed, 7 May 2003, Jeffrey S. Payao wrote:

 hi folks! im having a problem regarding my small network, regarding my
 internal pop3/smtp server. its running cool if im connecting internally.
 but if im connecting remotely i got a connection timeout. im running
 OpenBSD 3.2 PF/NAT as my firewall. heres my pf.conf. hope you can point
 my fault thx!!!

 # Variables
 # PF supports variables expansion, modelled after
 # that of the shell. We define some variables that
 # we'll use later in the ruleset:
 # Available Interfaces
 EXT_IF= fxp2
 INT_IF= fxp0
 # Configured Networks
 # Firewall IP Address
 # Special Networks/Hosts
 RESERVED=   {,,, }

 # Packets normalization
 # Since some IP stacks don't correctly implement IP
 # packets defragmentation, OpenBSD PF provides the scrub
 # directive. For packets matching the rule, the PF
 # normalization component makes sure they are defragmented
 # and completely stripped of all abnormalities before they
 # are sent along to their final destination.
 # NOTE: using the scrub directive uses quite an amount
 # of server resources, so its use should be limited to
 # protecting only the weak TCP/IP stack implementations
 # (or to prevent NIDS evasion through IP fragmentation).
 scrub in all
 #scrub out all

 # NAT: IP Masquerading (many-to-one mapping)
 # Masquerade the hosts in the Internal network, dynamically
 # changing packets as they traverse the external interface.
 # This allows a single IP address on the translating host
 # to support network traffic for a larger range of machines
 # on an inside network.
 nat on $EXT_IF inet from $INT to any - $FW

 # NAT: Bi-directional NAT (one-to-one mapping)
 # Uncomment the following rule to publish an internal
 # IP address ( to the external network
 # (in this case we use the public IP address x.x.x.33).
 # Remember that to be genuinely useful, binat should
 # be used in conjunction with either proxy arp, or
 # ifconfig(8) aliases. See the pf.conf(5) man page
 # for details.
 #binat on $EXT_IF inet from to any - x.x.x.33

 # NAT: Port redirect
 # Uncomment the following rule to redirect all traffic
 # from the specified external port to an internal
 # host ( In this example we did SMTP
 # protocol.
 rdr on $EXT_IF inet proto tcp from any to any port 25 -
 port 25
 rdr on $EXT_IF inet proto tcp from any to any port 110 -
 port 110

 # NAT: FTP Application Proxy
 # The following rule activates the FTP proxy for the
 # masqueraded hosts. With PF comes ftp-proxy(8), to
 # run it with this configuration we need to put the
 # following line (uncommented) in /etc/inetd.conf:
 # stream tcp nowait root /usr/libexec/ftp-proxy ftp-proxy
 rdr on $INT_IF inet proto tcp from any to any port 21 - port 8081

 # PF: Default policy (very restrictive)
 # Set the default policy for INBOUND and OUTBOUND traffic
 # on every interface. Basically, block everything, logging
 # incoming blocked packets. For TCP and UDP protocols,
 # return the replies specified by the RFCs.
 block in log all
 block return-rst in log inet proto tcp all
 block return-icmp in log inet proto udp all
 block out all
 block return-rst out inet proto tcp all
 block return-icmp out inet proto udp all

 # PF: Trusted interfaces
 # Take care of the trusted interfaces, allowing all
 # traffic to/from the specified networks:
 # lo0 is the loopback interface;

 # INT_IF is the internal interface.
 pass in quick on lo0 all
 pass out quick on lo0 all
 pass in quick on $INT_IF all
 pass out quick on $INT_IF all

 pass in quick on $EXT_IF all
 pass out quick on $EXT_IF all

dont be so quick to use the quick keyword.  since this rule passes
everything in, you never address the rules below... make sure you read the
manual to understand the quick keyword which allows the iteration over
rules to be stopped when it matches something marked as quick

now why this isnt still allowing the traffic to get passed in is well
beyond any logic i can offer (as noted in the below tdump)

and you probably dont want this rule at all, because it allows for
everything to come in and that wouldn't be much of a firewall
outbound probably shouldn't be much of a problem, but you definitely dont
want the inbound pass rule for all


Re: pppoe tun0 addr

2003-03-29 Thread siivv
why not just start pf after the connection comes online once in the
that'll solve the redundant call problem

and i think tun0 is always what obsd uses to reference a pppoe connection


On Sat, 29 Mar 2003, Kent R. Spillner wrote:

 I use pppoe to connect to my DSL service provider.  I call ppp from
 rc.local so my 'net connection is established after pf has been started.

 The problem is that I use (tun0) in my pf.conf as my external address,
 but when pf loads pf.conf it spews some errors about tun0 not having any
 address associated with it.  Therefore, I have to reload my ruleset in

 That's not a problem; I'm just wondering if there is a better way to
 give tun0 a dummy address initially to appease pf and so that I don't
 have to reload my ruleset immediately (using (tun0) will automagically
 update my external addr, right?).

 Is a really stupid question?

 Kent R. Spillner
 They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little
   temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
 - Benjamin Franklin

Re: Port = domain

2003-03-26 Thread siivv
im gonna beat it to death... has most, but not all

must up-to-date resource, imo

and it has a good searchable iface


On Wed, 26 Mar 2003, Richard Maclannan wrote:

 Can anyone tell me which ports are covered by port = domain? To stop me
 from asking any more obvious questions, is there a list of name aliases for
 certain ports?


 Richard Maclannan
 Facilities Technical Support
 Data Connection Ltd.

Re: dump pflog to a database

2003-03-19 Thread siivv
i am working on an app for this right now (with a web-based monitoring
tool), though it should be a short while until i get it done, due to other constraints

there is a conversion tool that takes pf logs and formats them to
xml output, if that is of any use to you ( - as referenced in 
a recent post to this list


On Tue, 18 Mar 2003, Sid Keller wrote:

 Is there an easy way to get pflog information into a database?  I don't
 need for pf to log directly to a database, I would just like to be able
 to take data from the pflog file and load it into a database,
 specifically a postgresql database.  Any ideas or thoughts on how to do


Re: problem with port 443 traffic

2003-03-19 Thread siivv
port 443 (ms sql server traffic) is being blocked because you dont have a
rule to pass it in

your ruleset allows only smtp, ssh, and https to come in, everything else
is being blocked

is that the only problem you are having? or is the email not functioning
properly either?


On Tue, 18 Mar 2003, Sid Keller wrote:

 I having some problems with my rulesets for an email server.  The server
 is not behind a firewall but I have pf enabled on the server.  Here is
 my ruleset.

 # Variable Section
 nonroute={,,,, }
 approved_mgmt_net={ x.x.x.x }
 server_ip={ x.x.x.x }
 #Firewall Rulebase Begin
 #Packet Normalization (deny fragmented packets)
 scrub in all
 #Default Deny
 block in log all
 #Allow Loopback Packets
 pass in  quick on lo0 all
 pass out quick on lo0 all
 #Drop Spoofed Packets
 block in  log quick on $int_if from $nonroute to any
 block out log quick on $int_if from any to $nonroute
 #Drop wrong TCP Flags
 block in quick on $int_if inet proto tcp from any to any flags FUP/FUP
 #Firewall RULES
 pass  in quick on $int_if inet proto tcp from $approved_mgmt_net to
 $server_ip port ssh
 pass in  quick on $int_if inet proto tcp from any to $server_ip port
 https flags S/SA modulate state
 pass in  quick on $int_if inet proto tcp from any to $server_ip port {
 smtp } flags S/SA modulate state
 #Allow Return Traffic and Connection From Firewall
 pass out on $int_if inet proto { tcp, udp, icmp } all keep state

 Here is a snippet from my pflog file using tcpdump -n -e -ttt.

 Mar 07 10:58:10.177507 rule 1/0(match): block in on fxp0:
 user.ip.address.1501  my.ip.address.443: F 71818460:71818460(0) ack
 3194040235 win 5549 (DF)
 Mar 07 10:58:10.183314 rule 1/0(match): block in on fxp0:
 user.ip.address.1502  my.ip.address.443: F 71819657:71819657(0) ack
 963312026 win 5549 (DF)
   Mar 07 11:52:59.986506 rule 1/0(match): block in on fxp0:
 user.ip.address.1586  my.ip.address.443: R 75169994:75169994(0) win 0 (DF)
 Mar 07 11:52:59.990614 rule 1/0(match): block in on fxp0:
 user.ip.address.1585  my.ip.address.443: R 75170656:75170656(0) win 0 (DF)

 I'm curious as to why the above traffic is being block on port 443.

 Thanks for your help.  Any other suggestions concerning my ruleset would
 be greatly appreciated.

 Sid Keller

RE: CheckPoint SecureRemote Client through pf

2003-03-06 Thread siivv
problem resolved, thank you everyone for your help..
especially jolan for his openbsd vpn how-to

oddly enough, my first problem was on the vpn server, whoever setup my
account was a poor typer and screwed something up... stupid simple mistakes that i
cannot control... (a waste of 3 days of my time for a stupid mistake on
their part, shoulda hit up the firewall team at the get-go)

also, i found that i had to open up port 2746 - checkpoint udp encap port
to allow connections (in addition to the rules found in jolan's how-to)

thanks again to all


On Tue, 4 Mar 2003, siivv wrote:

 I am trying to work with a few others to figure out the solution to this
 problem, though their time is hard to come by...
 since I do not have access to the vpn firewall, I cannot check it's logs,
 and can only deal with what is on my end

 I thank you all for your time and help, hopefully this is something simple
 that I am forgetting to configure, but we shall see...


RE: CheckPoint SecureRemote Client through pf

2003-03-03 Thread siivv

What kind of setup am I looking for?

I am using the VPN-1 SecureClient 4.1 SP5 build 4200

The initial connection and proper update of the client with the VPN
server works just fine.
Then, it states that it is performing the key exchange when trying to
connect to a computer on the vpn, but always seems to fail

tcpdump shows only the first packet going out, but then it would
seem nothing is being returned

it's strange to me, i do not know what type(s) of packets compose vpn
traffic, so i am unsure of what to look for when sniffin

any help is appreciated



On Sat, 1 Mar 2003, Terry Baranski wrote:

 Works fine here as well.  There are issues when the NAT'd network behind
 the user's firewall overlaps with the destination encryption domain, but
 that's about it AFAIK.

 -Original Message-
 Of Camiel Dobbelaar
 Sent: Saturday, March 01, 2003 4:13 AM
 To: siivv
 Subject: Re: CheckPoint SecureRemote Client through pf

 I have secureclient working fine here through a pf firewall, with NAT.

 No special tricks really...  if I tcpdump I first see isakmp traffic
 (500/udp), then encapsulated traffic using 2746/udp.

 Let me know if you need more info.


 On Fri, 28 Feb 2003, siivv wrote:

  Is a connection with the checkpoint secureremote client possible
  through a obsd 3.2 nat'd pf firewall?  I am refering to an outbound
  connection from my home network, through the pf fwall, and to the
  checkpoint fwall
  I have read that it is not possible with NAT, but figured I would run
  it by those who may have used it.
  Also, if this is possible, can someone point me in the direction of
  documentation or explain how exactly it can be done

Re: Priorizing empty ACKs

2003-02-27 Thread siivv
If this works I will be terribly happy, until now I thought there was no
way arround it.  THANKYOU

I will try implementing it tonight!
