On Tue, Apr 18, 2006 at 10:27:53PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> altq on $int_if bandwidth 100Mb cbq queue { ether, nattraffic }
> queue ether bandwidth 70% cbq
> queue nattraffic bandwidth 30% cbq (default) { out_, in_ }
> queue out_ bandwidth 64Kb cbq { out_me, out_others }
> queue out_me bandwidth 80% cbq
> queue out_others bandwidth 20% cbq ( default )
> queue in_ bandwidth 128Kb cbq { in_me, in_others }
> queue in_me bandwidth 80% cbq
> queue in_others bandwidth 20% cbq ( default )

You have multiple queues with 'default', which is invalid. pf.conf(5)

   default     Packets not matched by another queue are assigned to this
               one.  Exactly one default queue is required.

That literally means you must have exactly one queue as default, not one
queue per level or sub-tree or such, just one queue in the entire tree
of queues.

I don't know what your intention is with using 'default' on 'out_others'
and 'in_others', you'll have to assign to those two using filter rules
explicitely. Anything not assigned to any queue by filter rules will go
to the one default queue.


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