2ndQuadrant, the leading developers of PostgreSQL, are delighted to
announce the release of pglogical 1.1 – the next generation in replication
systems for PostgreSQL.

The 1.1 release brings new features along with bug fixes to pglogical. Same
salient features are listed below:

- Sequence replication support

- Support for replica triggers

- Foreign keys are no longer checked on the replica

- Multiple subscriptions between single pair of nodes

- The create_subscription function does not synchronize structure change by

- User can specify affected replication sets in replicate_ddl_command

- New functions for manipulating connection strings of nodes

- PGLogical processes are clearly marked in the pg_stat_activity

- Better behavior on worker crashes

- Logging improvements

- Ubuntu Xenial package

pglogical offers Logical Replication as a PostgreSQL extension, which
provides the flexibility of trigger-based replication with the efficiency
of log-based replication. This ground-breaking new technology has benefits
for many key use cases

- UPGRADE      Upgrade PostgreSQL from 9.4 to 9.5, without downtime

- SCALE OUT    Copy all or a selection of database tables to other nodes in
a cluster

- AGGREGATE    Accumulate changes from sharded database servers into a Data

- INTEGRATE    Feed database changes in real-time to other systems

- PROTECT      Provide backup or high availability for clusters, replacing
earlier technologies

pglogical is open source and available for download as binary packages for
PostgreSQL 9.4 and 9.5 versions. Visit http://2ndquadrant.com/pglogical/
for more detail.

2ndQuadrant’s respected 24/7 Production Support provides the fastest and
highest rated response service for PostgreSQL anywhere and is available now

2ndQuadrant leads the drive for improving the enterprise functionality for
PostgreSQL, contributing major features every year in performance,
replication, business intelligence and usability.

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