Re: [BUGS] BUG #5895: Ability to match more than just CN in client certificate

2011-03-05 Thread Christopher Head
On Thu, 3 Mar 2011 10:20:06 -0500
Robert Haas  wrote:

> It seems like there are a lot of possible combinations here that could
> be useful, so we'd want something that allowed a fairly flexible
> specification of what to match.
> Is this a problem you're interested in working on (i.e. contributing
> code)?

I agree, it seems like something along the lines of a full
distinguished name with the option to leave out fields would make the
most sense, plus some way of specifying other fields not in the formal
DN (serial #, fingerprint, or so). Thinking about it, serial number is
not necessarily ideal either, since one could reasonably want to trust
more than one CA. I feel like I'm pretty much saying I want to specify
a single certificate, in which case the full PKI is really kind of
pointless, but X.509 certificates are for better or worse the only sane
way of doing non-password-based authentication over TLS right now, so
that's what we've got to work with.

As for contributing code, not right now, but sometime in the near
future (next handful of months) I might be interested in hacking at


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[BUGS] BUG #5895: Ability to match more than just CN in client certificate

2011-02-20 Thread Christopher Head

The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference:  5895
Logged by:  Christopher Head
Email address:
PostgreSQL version: 9.0.3
Operating system:   Linux amd64
Description:Ability to match more than just CN in client certificate

This is a feature request/wishlist, not a bug. Right now, when using client
certificates over SSL for authentication, the username map maps from the
Subject Common Name field in the certificate to a username in the database.
It would be nice if matches could be done on a few other fields in the
certificate. For example, my name is not particularly unusual, so it's
reasonable that someone else in the world might (and probably does) have the
same name. That doesn't mean I want to give that person access to my
database, even if they also get a certificate from e.g.!

A few fields to match on that would pretty much instantly close this hole
would be e-mail address and certificate serial number. While the e-mail
address suggestion could be generalized to match an arbitrary subset of the
subject's distinguished name fields (e.g. write something like
/O=FooOrg/CN=Christopher Head/ to require that both fields must be present
with the specified values), matching certificate serial number would be
slightly different as the serial number is not part of the distinguished
name. It would probably be the most secure field to match on, however, as no
CA will ever issue two certificates with the same serial number. E-mail
address would be a close second as an address can only be held by one
person, though it relies on the CA being able to verify the legitimate owner
of the address.

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[BUGS] BUG #5868: Client ignores X.509 subject alternative name

2011-02-07 Thread Christopher Head

The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference:  5868
Logged by:  Christopher Head
Email address:
PostgreSQL version: 9.0.1
Operating system:   Linux amd64
Description:Client ignores X.509 subject alternative name

This is more of a wishlist/feature-request than an actual bug. The X.509v3
certificate standard allows an extension field called the "subject
alternative name". This field can contain a list of names that should be
considered as legitimate names for the entity to which the certificate
belongs. Specifically, if an alternative name is of the form
"", then the certificate should be treated as though
legitimate for the domain "", just as if that domain
were in the common name field of the subject distinguished name. Right now,
the psql client (probably libpq) doesn't look at this certificate extension;
rather, it only checks if the subject distinguished name common name field
matches the requested hostname. It would be nice if the alternative names
could be checked also (modern Web browsers all seem to check the extension
fine when using the certificate for HTTPS). What this allows is for the
common name to have a human-readable name instead of a hostname, with the
hostnames stuffed into the alternative names list. While this is pretty much
irrelevant for PostgreSQL connections, when sharing a certificate with a Web
server, browsers will show the human-readable distinguished name, which is
nice. Therefore, it would be preferable for the PostgreSQL clients to also
honour this field.

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Re: [BUGS] BUG #5559: Full SSL verification fails when hostaddr provided

2011-01-04 Thread Christopher Head
On Tue, 4 Jan 2011 19:42:38 -0500
Robert Haas  wrote:

> Me, too.  I reread the original discussion of this topic and I'm still
> a little fuzzy on it, but the issue that was under discussion seems to
> be what information we pass to external auth libraries like GSSAPI or
> Kerberos, given that we have host and hostaddr to choose from.

I'd have thought the logical thing there would be "host", in keeping
with the idea that "host is the thing you want to connect to, hostaddr
is just how you get there". If you're tunnelling through SSH, you want
to ask Kerberos for a ticket to the final end machine, not "localhost",
after all.


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Re: [BUGS] BUG #5559: Full SSL verification fails when hostaddr provided

2010-12-19 Thread Christopher Head
On Wed, 14 Jul 2010 18:35:55 -0400
Tom Lane  wrote:

> Bruce Momjian  writes:
> > Do the docs need any more updating?
> No doubt, but it's a bit premature to consider that while we're still
> arguing whether the code needs to change more.
>   regards, tom lane

Sorry to bother everyone, but AFAICT this discussion kind of
disappeared. Did I perhaps get dropped from CC? I'm interested to know
what the final resolution of this is.

My own thought would be:
"host" means the thing you intended to connect to: a unique identifier
for the server, probably (usually) the hostname, and also the thing
that goes in a certificate. Should (probably) never be omitted.

"hostaddr" means the thing you actually send your TCP SYN packet to:
maybe an IP address if you want to save a DNS lookup, maybe even
"localhost" if you want to use an SSH tunnel (or even some other
hostname if you have an even stranger tunnel set up), but purely a
"network-layer" thing about *how to get to* the server, and not a
"user-trust-layer" thing about *who the server is*. If omitted,
defaults to being equal to "host".

I don't know if that's what was intended, but that's what I thought
they would mean.


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[BUGS] BUG #5559: Full SSL verification fails when hostaddr provided

2010-07-13 Thread Christopher Head

The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference:  5559
Logged by:  Christopher Head
Email address:
PostgreSQL version: 8.4.4
Operating system:   Gentoo Linux i386, kernel 2.6.34
Description:Full SSL verification fails when hostaddr provided

When establishing a connection to a PostgreSQL server using a connection
string, there are two parameters that can be provided to specify where to
connect to: "host" and "hostaddr". If both are provided, the documentation
states that "hostaddr" is used to actually establish the socket (thus
a potentially-expensive DNS lookup), while "host" is used for doing some
Kerberos stuff.

It makes sense that in the case of an SSL connection with
"sslmode=verify-full" (check that the server's certificate is signed by a
trusted CA and has the
correct hostname), if both parameters are provided, that "host" also be used
for certificate checking. Unfortunately, as per line 536 of the file
fe-secure.c in the PostgreSQL sources, if hostaddr is specified, SSL full
verification just plain fails without trying at all. I suspect this line
should be "if (!conn->pghost)" instead of "if (conn->pghostaddr)".

There is no security vulnerability here, since "host" is a configuration
slot intended to hold some kind of semantic name for the host as understood
by the
user (which is precisely what you want to verify a certificate
against—that you are connecting to the semantically-correct server, not
simply the one that
happens to have the right IP address), while "hostaddr" is merely a
network-level implementation detail which should be essentially meaningless
the user.

Although it's easy enough to avoid the issue when using psql (just don't
include "hostaddr" at all), this unfortunately causes all connections to
when using pgAdmin3, as that program apparently does its own DNS lookups and
always attaches a hostaddr (thus causing the confusing message "verified
connections are only supported when connecting to a host name" even if one
*does* in fact specify a host*name* in the appropriate place!)

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