
In my company, we're using Postgresql 8.0.0 beta 5 since the company
started to implement databases.

A co-worker said that he couldn't migrate from this version to a newer onw
because it use a datatype that doesn't exist anymore.

Could you tell me if thats correct. If it is, how i can upgrade this
database to a newer one or move to another database.

System Specs:

Win 2000 Server
Postgresql 8.0.0 beta 5


Rogelio Monter

Abedules 120, Santa María Insurgentes, Mexico City. Mexico.

* <http://www.magnabyte.com.mx/>*
*Rogelio Monter*
*Ingeniero de Soporte*
Tel. +52 (55) 5541-6073
Abedules 120, Santa María Insurgentes. 06430
Deleg. Cuauhtémoc, Ciudad de México
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