[BUGS] BUG #8396: Window function results differ when selecting from table and view, with where clause

2013-08-24 Thread paul
The following bug has been logged on the website:

Bug reference:  8396
Logged by:  Paul M.
Email address:  p...@weotta.com
PostgreSQL version: 9.3rc1
Operating system:   Ubuntu Linux

When I select from a view, the where clause in my select statement does not
restrict the rows processed by window functions referenced inside the view
definition. Thus, if window functions are involved, using a where clause
when selecting from a view and using a where clause when selecting directly
from the underlying table produces different results.

Without wanting to speculate on the cause of the differing results, I will
say that this seems to be a case of an issue noted a year ago on Stack
Overflow: "Will Postgres push down a WHERE clause into a VIEW with a Window
Function (Aggregate)?"


At that time, responder Evan Carroll noted, "I can't think of anyway an
un-referenced Window function can change the result if the WHERE was pushed
down." This seems to be just such a case.

Thanks in advance for looking into this. I've written a test case, which I
hope will be helpful...

create table plant (
  plant_id character varying( 6 )
, city character varying( 25 )
, constraint p_pk_pid primary key ( plant_id )

insert into plant
  ( plant_id, city )
  ( '14 ST', 'San Francisco' )
, ( 'FOLSOM', 'San Francisco' )
, ( 'CHAVEZ', 'San Francisco' )
, ( 'HEINZ', 'Berkeley' )

create view plant_extend as
  plant_id as plant_id
, row_number() over ( partition by city order by plant_id ) as plant_number
, count(*) over ( partition by city ) as of_plants_in_city
, city as city
from plant;

-- Despite the where clause, the window functions see all 3 San Francisco

from plant_extend
  plant_id = 'FOLSOM'

-- But when the query is expressed this way, the window functions see only
the Folsom Street plant: 

  plant_id as plant_id
, row_number() over ( partition by city order by plant_id ) as plant_number
, count(*) over ( partition by city ) as of_plants_in_city
, city as city
from plant
  plant_id = 'FOLSOM'

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[BUGS] BUG #8247: Duplicate database names - pg_dump backup fails

2013-06-21 Thread paul . macdonald
The following bug has been logged on the website:

Bug reference:  8247
Logged by:  Paul Macdonald
Email address:  paul.macdon...@ssc-spc.gc.ca
PostgreSQL version: Unsupported/Unknown
Operating system:   Debian Sarge

Postgres version: 7.4.7-6sarge1

Issue: pg_dump fails due to unexpected duplication of database name
("avipads"). Dropdb will remove one instance of the database name, but
unable to remove the second instance. 

Scope: This specific database is used on multiple servers nationally. Three
of our servers have this issue, the majority do not. The issue only affects
our ability to locally backup the "avipads" database. The servers having the
problem are clustered pair systems. The other cluster pair servers do not
have the problem.

   Name| Owner   | Encoding
 avipads   | | SQL_ASCII
 avipads   | avimgr  | SQL_ASCII
 rtadb | rtafbackend | SQL_ASCII
 rtafdb| rtafbackend | SQL_ASCII
 template0 | postgres| SQL_ASCII
 template1 | postgres| SQL_ASCII

When a new version of the database is available for installation, the
installation script does the following steps
a) remove the old database 
su - avimgr -c "dropdb --quiet --username=avimgr avipads" || true
b) remove the avimgr user 
su - postgres -c "dropuser --quiet avimgr" || true
c) create the avimgr Posgresql user
su - postgres -c "createuser avimgr --no-adduser --createdb --quiet; true"
2> /dev/null
d) install the new database
su - avimgr -c "/apps/avipads/voicedb/restorevoice

I would like details on how to successfully remove both "avipads" databases,
in order to have the pg_dump be functional again.

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[BUGS] BUG #7795: Cannot choose UTF-8 encoding for initdb

2013-01-07 Thread paul . watson
The following bug has been logged on the website:

Bug reference:  7795
Logged by:  Paul
Email address:  paul.wat...@zephyr-consulting.com
PostgreSQL version: 9.2.2
Operating system:   Microsoft Windows [Version 6.0.6002] Vista 64-bit

C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.2\data2>initdb.exe --locale="English_United
States" --encoding=UTF8 --pgdata="C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.2\data2"
The files belonging to this database system will be owned by user
This user must also own the server process.

The database cluster will be initialized with locale "English_United
The default text search configuration will be set to "english".

fixing permissions on existing directory C:/Program
Files/PostgreSQL/9.2/data2 ... initdb: could not change permissions of
directory "C:/Program Files
/PostgreSQL/9.2/data2": Permission denied

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Re: [BUGS] BUG #7632: Postgres binds to all IPs even when listen_addresses="localhost"

2012-10-31 Thread Paul Jungwirth
> This behaves as expected for me.  I'm wondering whether your DNS
> server is resolving "localhost" as meaning both and your
> public IP.  "dig localhost." might be illuminating.

Wow, that is some psychic debugging. Sure enough, my /etc/hosts is
setting localhost to both and my other IP. Using
`listen_addresses = ''` fixes the problem.

Thank you!

Pulchritudo splendor veritatis.

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Re: [BUGS] BUG #6379: SQL Function Causes Back-end Crash

2012-01-04 Thread Paul Ramsey
Further notes, from Andrew (RhodiumToad) on IRC about the cause of this crasher:

[12:03pm] RhodiumToad: what happens is this
[12:04pm] RhodiumToad: postquel_start know this statement doesn't
return the result, so it supplies None_Receiver as the dest-receiver
for the query
[12:04pm] RhodiumToad: however, it knows it's a plannedStmt, so it
fires up the full executor to run it
[12:05pm] RhodiumToad: and the executor allocates a new destreceiver
in its own memory context, replaces es->qd->dest with it,
[12:05pm] RhodiumToad: (the new destreceiver is the one that writes
tuples to the created table)
[12:06pm] RhodiumToad: then at executorEnd (called from postquel_end),
executor shutdown closes the new rel, _and then frees the executor's
memory context, including the destreceiver it created
[12:07pm] RhodiumToad: postquel_end doesn't know that its setting of
->dest was clobbered, so it goes to try and destroy it again, and gets
garbage (if assertions are on)
[12:07pm] RhodiumToad: if assertions weren't on, then the rDestroy
call is harmless
[12:07pm] RhodiumToad: well, mostly harmless
[12:07pm] RhodiumToad: sneaky one, that
[12:09pm] RhodiumToad: you can confirm it by tracing through that
second call to postquel_end and confirming that it's the call to
ExecutorEnd that stomps the content of qd->dest
[12:12pm] pramsey: confirmed, the pass through ExecutorEnd has
clobbered the value so there's garbage when it arrives at line 638
[12:14pm] RhodiumToad: if you trace through ExecutorEnd itself, it
should be the FreeExecutorState that does it
[12:15pm] RhodiumToad: wonder how far back this bug goes
[12:16pm] RhodiumToad: actually not very far
[12:17pm] RhodiumToad: older versions just figured that qd->dest was
always None_Receiver and therefore did not need an rDestroy call
[12:17pm] RhodiumToad: (which is a no-op for None_Receiver)
[12:17pm] pramsey: kills my 8.4
[12:17pm] RhodiumToad: so this is broken in 8.4+
[12:17pm] pramsey: ah
[12:18pm] RhodiumToad: 8.4 introduced the lazy-eval of selects in sql functions
[12:19pm] RhodiumToad: prior to that they were always run immediately
to completion
[12:19pm] RhodiumToad: that requires juggling the destreceiver a bit,
hence the bug
[12:20pm] RhodiumToad: btw, the first statement of the function
shouldn't be needed
[12:21pm] RhodiumToad: just  ... as $f$ create table foo as select 1
as x; $f$;  should be enough to break it
[12:31pm] RhodiumToad: there's no trivial fix

On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 11:32 AM, Paul Ramsey  wrote:
> One extra detail, my PostgreSQL is compiled with --enable-cassert.
> This is required to set off the killer function.
>> On Wed, Jan 04, 2012 at 07:17:17PM +, pram...@cleverelephant.ca wrote:
>>> The following bug has been logged on the website:
>>> Bug reference:      6379
>>> Logged by:          Paul Ramsey
>>> Email address:      pram...@cleverelephant.ca
>>> PostgreSQL version: 9.1.2
>>> Operating system:   OSX 10.6.8
>>> Description:
>>> AS $$
>>>   DROP TABLE if EXISTS foo;
>>>   CREATE TABLE foo AS SELECT * FROM pg_class LIMIT 1;
>>> $$ LANGUAGE 'sql';
>>> SELECT kill_backend();

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Re: [BUGS] BUG #6379: SQL Function Causes Back-end Crash

2012-01-04 Thread Paul Ramsey
One extra detail, my PostgreSQL is compiled with --enable-cassert.
This seems to be what sets off the killer function.

On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 11:25 AM, hubert depesz lubaczewski
> On Wed, Jan 04, 2012 at 07:17:17PM +, pram...@cleverelephant.ca wrote:
>> The following bug has been logged on the website:
>> Bug reference:      6379
>> Logged by:          Paul Ramsey
>> Email address:      pram...@cleverelephant.ca
>> PostgreSQL version: 9.1.2
>> Operating system:   OSX 10.6.8
>> Description:
>> AS $$
>>   DROP TABLE if EXISTS foo;
>>   CREATE TABLE foo AS SELECT * FROM pg_class LIMIT 1;
> Cannot replicate:
> (depesz@localhost:5910) 20:23:43 [depesz]
>>> AS $$
>>>   DROP TABLE if EXISTS foo;
>>>   CREATE TABLE foo AS SELECT * FROM pg_class LIMIT 1;
>>> $$ LANGUAGE 'SQL';
> (depesz@localhost:5910) 20:23:49 [depesz]
> $ select kill_backend();
> NOTICE:  table "foo" does not exist, skipping
> CONTEXT:  SQL function "kill_backend" statement 1
>  kill_backend
> --
>  [null]
> (1 row)
> (depesz@localhost:5910) 20:23:55 [depesz]
> $ select kill_backend();
>  kill_backend
> --
>  [null]
> (1 row)
> (depesz@localhost:5910) 20:23:56 [depesz]
> $ select kill_backend();
>  kill_backend
> --
>  [null]
> (1 row)
> (depesz@localhost:5910) 20:23:58 [depesz]
> $ select version();
>                                                version
> ---
>  PostgreSQL 9.1.2 on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc-4.6.real 
> (Debian 4.6.2-5) 4.6.2, 64-bit
> (1 row)
> Side note - definition as is, doesn't work on 9.2:
>>> AS $$
>>>   DROP TABLE if EXISTS foo;
>>>   CREATE TABLE foo AS SELECT * FROM pg_class LIMIT 1;
>>> $$ LANGUAGE 'SQL';
> ERROR:  language "SQL" does not exist
> changing it to proper sql (not uppercase) fixed this problem.
> Best regards,
> depesz
> --
> The best thing about modern society is how easy it is to avoid contact with 
> it.
>                                                             http://depesz.com/

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[BUGS] BUG #6269: Anomaly detection

2011-10-25 Thread Paul Stapersma

The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference:  6269
Logged by:  Paul Stapersma
Email address:  paul.staper...@gmail.com
PostgreSQL version: 8.3.3
Operating system:   Mac OS X Version 10.6.8
Description:Anomaly detection

Dear reader,

For a project at my University, we compared PostgreSQL with MySQL's InnoDB.
In this research, we found several cases in which anomalies where detected
in Isolation levels that guaranteed not to have these anomalies.

In short summary:
- we detected non-repeatable reads in the repeatable read isolation level
- we detected non-repeatable reads in the serializable isolation level
- we detected phantoms in the serializable isolation level
- we detected lost updates in the repeatable read isolation level
- we detected lost updates in the serializable isolation level

Furthermore, we detected differences between Read Committed and Read
Uncommitted and differences between Serializable and Repeatable Read which
is in contrast to the documentation.

A full report on our findings can be found here:

Friendly regards,

Paul Stapersma

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[BUGS] BUG #5978: Running postgress in a shell script fails

2011-04-13 Thread Paul Deschamps

The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference:  5978
Logged by:  Paul Deschamps
Email address:  pdescha...@gmail.com
PostgreSQL version: 8.4.6
Operating system:   Ubuntu 10.4
Description:Running postgress in a shell script fails

When running postgres in a shell using the -c option it looks as though it
parses the contents of the --command as command line arguments. 

psql --version
PCOMMAND='psql postgres -c"SELECT tablename FROM PG_TABLES limit 1;"'

echo "PGSQL - Execution from a shell script test"
echo "Running Command:"${PCOMMAND}

echo "TEST 1 "
echo $OUTPUT1
echo "TEST 2"
echo $OUTPUT2
echo "TEST 3"
echo $OUTPUT3
echo "TEST 4"

echo "TEST 5"
psql postgres -c"SELECT tablename FROM PG_TABLES limit 1;"

[postgres@host03 scripts]$ ./test.sh 
psql (PostgreSQL) 8.4.6
PGSQL - Execution from a shell script test

Running Command:psql postgres -c"SELECT tablename FROM PG_TABLES limit 1;"
psql: warning: extra command-line argument "FROM" ignored
psql: warning: extra command-line argument "PG_TABLES" ignored
psql: warning: extra command-line argument "limit" ignored
psql: warning: extra command-line argument "1;"" ignored
psql: FATAL:  role "tablename" does not exist

psql: warning: extra command-line argument "FROM" ignored
psql: warning: extra command-line argument "PG_TABLES" ignored
psql: warning: extra command-line argument "limit" ignored
psql: warning: extra command-line argument "1;"" ignored
psql: FATAL:  role "tablename" does not exist

psql: warning: extra command-line argument "FROM" ignored
psql: warning: extra command-line argument "PG_TABLES" ignored
psql: warning: extra command-line argument "limit" ignored
psql: warning: extra command-line argument "1;"" ignored
psql: FATAL:  role "tablename" does not exist

psql: warning: extra command-line argument "FROM" ignored
psql: warning: extra command-line argument "PG_TABLES" ignored
psql: warning: extra command-line argument "limit" ignored
psql: warning: extra command-line argument "1;"" ignored
psql: FATAL:  role "tablename" does not exist
(1 row)


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Re: [BUGS] BUG #5972: Update with subquery: erroneous results for foreign key field

2011-04-12 Thread Paul Cocei
Thank you very much, i understand now :)


On Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 4:42 PM, Kevin Grittner  wrote:

> "Paul"  wrote:
> > update cart set status = 1 where userid = (select userid from
> > users where email = 'exam...@example.com');
> >
> > As you can see, the subquery is broken (users table doesn't have
> > the column userid).
> By standard, if the identifier isn't defined within the most local
> scope, each enclosing scope, from the inside out, will be checked.
> I would expect the above to update each row where cart.userid was
> not null.
> I always use and recommend aliases where practical.  If you wrote it
> this way, such a mistake would be clearly identified:
> update cart set status = 1 where userid = (select u.userid from
> users u where u.email = 'exam...@example.com');
> Not a bug.
> -Kevin

[BUGS] BUG #5972: Update with subquery: erroneous results for foreign key field

2011-04-12 Thread Paul

The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference:  5972
Logged by:  Paul
Email address:  paul.co...@punct.ro
PostgreSQL version: 9.0.3
Operating system:   CentOS 5.5
Description:Update with subquery: erroneous results for foreign key


We found what we think is a bug while running an update with a subquery in
the condition.

The relevant database layout is as follows:

id integer serial PRIMARY KEY,
username character varying(32),
email character varying(200),
password character varying(32),
status smallint DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL,
rdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL,
last_action timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL,

id integer serial PRIMARY KEY,
userid integer,
dt timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now(),
status integer DEFAULT 0,
optional_firstname character varying(100),
optional_lastname character varying(100),
optional_email character varying(254)


We issued the following query, directly through psql:

update cart set status = 1 where userid = (select userid from users where
email = 'exam...@example.com');

As you can see, the subquery is broken (users table doesn't have the column
userid). We missed that when we ran it, and we were stunned to see that the
query updated 1573 rows, when we expected it to updated only 1 (even though
this one should have failed).

We further investigated the problem, and were able to replicate it on other
databases as well.

It seems that the folowing query has the same result: 

update cart set status = 1 where userid = (select userid);

So it seems that PostgreSQL uses the foreign key as some kind of "shortcut",
even though the following query fails (more than one row returned by a

update cart set status = 1 where userid=(select cart.userid from cart, users
where cart.userid = users.id);

We are still not sure if this is a bug or the desired behaviour, but it
seems strange (because the subquery, issued separately, fails).

Thank you very much,


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Re: [BUGS] BUG #5804: Connection aborted after many queries.

2010-12-29 Thread Paul Davis
On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 11:27 AM, Tom Lane  wrote:
> Paul Davis  writes:
>> And this intriguing error in the server logs from around that time:
>> 2010-12-28 18:40:02 EST LOG:  SSL renegotiation failure
>> 2010-12-28 18:40:02 EST LOG:  SSL failed to send renegotiation request
>> 2010-12-28 18:40:02 EST LOG:  SSL renegotiation failure
>> 2010-12-28 18:40:02 EST LOG:  SSL error: unsafe legacy renegotiation disabled
>> 2010-12-28 18:40:02 EST LOG:  could not send data to client:
>> Connection reset by peer
>> 2010-12-28 18:40:02 EST LOG:  SSL error: unsafe legacy renegotiation disabled
>> 2010-12-28 18:40:02 EST LOG:  could not receive data from client:
>> Connection reset by peer
>> 2010-12-28 18:40:02 EST LOG:  unexpected EOF on client connection
>> Googling, I see something that suggests turning off SSL renegotiation
>> which I'll try next.
> In all cases, you were testing a client against a server on a different
> machine, right?  This looks to me like you've got two different openssl
> libraries, one of which has a bogus partial fix for the recent SSL
> renegotiation security issue.  I'm not sure what the state of play is
> in Apple's shipping version of openssl --- you might have to get an
> up-to-date source distribution and compile it yourself to have non-bogus
> renegotiation behavior.  Or you could just disable renegotiation on the
> PG server.
>                        regards, tom lane

Yeah, all failures were between separate machines with various
versions of OpenSSL that I never thought to keep track of. After more
Googling I've found that OS X "fixed" the renegotiation issue by
disabling it in a security fix [1].
For the time being I'll just disable it server side as traffic isn't
ever routed across a public network.

Thanks for the help.

Paul Davis

[1] http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4004

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Re: [BUGS] BUG #5804: Connection aborted after many queries.

2010-12-29 Thread Paul Davis
On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 10:58 AM, Kevin Grittner
> "Paul J. Davis"  wrote:
>> After running many queries (millions) a connection will report an
>> error that the server has unexpectedly closed the connection.
> What message are you getting?  (Copy/paste is a good thing.)
> What do you see in the server log at the time of failure?
> Are you using a connection pool?
> -Kevin

Doh, that was on my list of things to add but managed to forget.

The error message reported by the client:

DECLARE CURSOR failed: server closed the connection unexpectedly
This probably means the server terminated abnormally
before or while processing the request.

And this intriguing error in the server logs from around that time:

2010-12-28 18:40:02 EST LOG:  SSL renegotiation failure
2010-12-28 18:40:02 EST LOG:  SSL failed to send renegotiation request
2010-12-28 18:40:02 EST LOG:  SSL renegotiation failure
2010-12-28 18:40:02 EST LOG:  SSL error: unsafe legacy renegotiation disabled
2010-12-28 18:40:02 EST LOG:  could not send data to client:
Connection reset by peer
2010-12-28 18:40:02 EST LOG:  SSL error: unsafe legacy renegotiation disabled
2010-12-28 18:40:02 EST LOG:  could not receive data from client:
Connection reset by peer
2010-12-28 18:40:02 EST LOG:  unexpected EOF on client connection

Googling, I see something that suggests turning off SSL renegotiation
which I'll try next.

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Re: [BUGS] BUG #5804: Connection aborted after many queries.

2010-12-29 Thread Paul Davis
On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 10:30 AM, Paul J. Davis
> The following bug has been logged online:
> Bug reference:      5804
> Logged by:          Paul J. Davis
> Email address:      paul.joseph.da...@gmail.com
> PostgreSQL version: 9.0.2
> Operating system:   OS X 10.6.5, Ubuntu 10.04
> Description:        Connection aborted after many queries.
> Details:
> After running many queries (millions) a connection will report an error that
> the server has unexpectedly closed the connection. I first noticed this
> through psycopg2, but I've been able to reproduce it with a small C program
> using only libpq which I've included below. I compiled this against a libpq
> built by Homebrew (after upgrading the formula to use a 9.0.2 tarball) on OS
> X 10.6.5. The server was installed from 9.0.2 package available from
> https://launchpad.net/~pitti/+archive/postgresql
> My next step is to try building libpq with --enable-cassert to see if that
> triggers anything client side. Let me know if there's something else I
> should be doing to debug this.
> This test has been bailing between 2.6 and 2.7M queries:
> #include 
> #include 
> #include "libpq-fe.h"
> static void
> fail(PGconn* conn, PGresult* res)
> {
>    if(res != NULL) PQclear(res);
>    PQfinish(conn);
>    exit(1);
> }
> static void
> check(PGconn* conn, PGresult* res, const char* fmt)
> {
>    ExecStatusType status = PQresultStatus(res);
>    if(status != PGRES_COMMAND_OK && status != PGRES_TUPLES_OK)
>    {
>        fprintf(stderr, fmt, PQerrorMessage(conn));
>        fail(conn, res);
>    }
> }
> void
> run_query(PGconn* conn, PGresult* res)
> {
>    int nFields, i, j;
>    res = PQexec(conn, "DECLARE myportal CURSOR FOR select 1");
>    check(conn, res, "DECLARE CURSOR failed: %s");
>    PQclear(res);
>    res = PQexec(conn, "FETCH ALL in myportal");
>    check(conn, res, "FETCH ALL failed: %s");
>    nFields = PQnfields(res);
>    for(i = 0; i < PQntuples(res); i++)
>    {
>        for(j = 0; j < nFields; j++)
>        {
>            PQgetvalue(res, i, j);
>        }
>    }
>    PQclear(res);
>    res = PQexec(conn, "CLOSE myportal");
>    check(conn, res, "CLOSE failed: %s");
>    PQclear(res);
> }
> int
> main(int argc, char **argv)
> {
>    PGconn* conn;
>    PGresult* res;
>    int i;
>    if(argc != 2)
>    {
>        fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s DSN\n", argv[0]);
>        exit(1);
>    }
>    conn = PQconnectdb(argv[1]);
>    if(PQstatus(conn) != CONNECTION_OK)
>    {
>        fprintf(stderr, "Connection failed: %s", PQerrorMessage(conn));
>        fail(conn, NULL);
>    }
>    res = PQexec(conn, "BEGIN");
>    check(conn, res, "BEGIN failed: %s");
>    PQclear(res);
>    for(i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
>    {
>        if((i+1) % 10 == 0)
>        {
>            fprintf(stderr, "I: %d\n", i);
>        }
>        run_query(conn, res);
>    }
>    res = PQexec(conn, "END");
>    check(conn, res, "END failed: %s");
>    PQclear(res);
>    PQfinish(conn);
>    return 0;
> }
> --
> Sent via pgsql-bugs mailing list (pgsql-bugs@postgresql.org)
> To make changes to your subscription:
> http://www.postgresql.org/mailpref/pgsql-bugs

I should've mentioned the various version combinations I tried this with.

Originally the client was 8.2 ish on OS X 10.5.something (it was an
old MacBook I don't have anymore) against the 8.2 server package in
Ubuntu 9.04. The python scripts where I noticed this issue would run
fine against that combination. After upgrading my MacBook to a Mac
Pro, I ended up installing Postgres 9.0.1 on the client (and building
psycopg2 against that) which is when I started getting errors. The
original error in the 9.0.1 client against the older server was that
libpq would get stuck on a poll() call down when trying to fetch
tuples or execute a command.

After a bit of narrowing down what was the cause I ended up trying to
upgrade the server to see if it was just a weird interplay between
9.0.1 and the older server. After upgrading to Ubuntu 10.04 and
installing Postgres 8.4 (from apt) the error turned into the current
manifestation in that libpq would give an error saying that the server
had unexpectedly closed the connection (instead of blocking on the
poll() call).

At some point I upgraded my client install to 9.0.2 and started a
server locally. Running the test program against a local database
failed to trigger the bug. I then tried to downgrade my local client
to 8.4 and tested that against the 8.4 install on Ubuntu which showed
the bug. And finally I upgraded both the server and the client to
9.0.2 and I can trigger the bug.

Paul Davis

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[BUGS] BUG #5804: Connection aborted after many queries.

2010-12-29 Thread Paul J. Davis

The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference:  5804
Logged by:  Paul J. Davis
Email address:  paul.joseph.da...@gmail.com
PostgreSQL version: 9.0.2
Operating system:   OS X 10.6.5, Ubuntu 10.04
Description:Connection aborted after many queries.

After running many queries (millions) a connection will report an error that
the server has unexpectedly closed the connection. I first noticed this
through psycopg2, but I've been able to reproduce it with a small C program
using only libpq which I've included below. I compiled this against a libpq
built by Homebrew (after upgrading the formula to use a 9.0.2 tarball) on OS
X 10.6.5. The server was installed from 9.0.2 package available from

My next step is to try building libpq with --enable-cassert to see if that
triggers anything client side. Let me know if there's something else I
should be doing to debug this.

This test has been bailing between 2.6 and 2.7M queries:

#include "libpq-fe.h"

static void
fail(PGconn* conn, PGresult* res)
if(res != NULL) PQclear(res);

static void
check(PGconn* conn, PGresult* res, const char* fmt)
ExecStatusType status = PQresultStatus(res);

if(status != PGRES_COMMAND_OK && status != PGRES_TUPLES_OK)
fprintf(stderr, fmt, PQerrorMessage(conn));
fail(conn, res);

run_query(PGconn* conn, PGresult* res)
int nFields, i, j;

res = PQexec(conn, "DECLARE myportal CURSOR FOR select 1");
check(conn, res, "DECLARE CURSOR failed: %s");

res = PQexec(conn, "FETCH ALL in myportal");
check(conn, res, "FETCH ALL failed: %s");

nFields = PQnfields(res);
for(i = 0; i < PQntuples(res); i++)
for(j = 0; j < nFields; j++)
PQgetvalue(res, i, j);


res = PQexec(conn, "CLOSE myportal");
check(conn, res, "CLOSE failed: %s");

main(int argc, char **argv)
PGconn* conn;
PGresult* res;
int i;

if(argc != 2)
fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s DSN\n", argv[0]);

conn = PQconnectdb(argv[1]);

if(PQstatus(conn) != CONNECTION_OK)
fprintf(stderr, "Connection failed: %s", PQerrorMessage(conn));
fail(conn, NULL);

res = PQexec(conn, "BEGIN");
check(conn, res, "BEGIN failed: %s");

for(i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
if((i+1) % 10 == 0)
fprintf(stderr, "I: %d\n", i);
run_query(conn, res);

res = PQexec(conn, "END");
check(conn, res, "END failed: %s");


return 0;

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Re: [BUGS] BUG #4967: polygon @> point incorrect for points close to shared borders

2009-08-06 Thread Paul Matthews

Tom Lane wrote:

  "Paul Matthews"  writes:
A number of points close to the common border claimed they fell into both of
the polygons.

How close is "close"?  There's some pretty arbitrary fuzzy-comparisons
logic in the geometric datatypes ... see FPeq() and friends.  That might
be doing it to you.

			regards, tom lane

I'll try to figure out how "relatively" close tonight, this stuff is
sub-metre resolution GPS data. The attached picture shows the two
polygons, the shared border, a road in this case, and the houses that
think they are on both sides of the road. Houses and other features are
located with latitude+longitude.

Last night I plugged in the polygon contains point code from
This resolved to houses correctly. If it helps in anyway please see the
attached. No use of fuzziness. Opaque yes, fuzzy no.  :-)  . Use in any way you
see fit.

#include "postgres.h"
#include "utils/geo_decls.h"
#include "fmgr.h"



  POLYGON* polygon;
  Point*   point;
  int  isin;
  polygon = PG_GETARG_POLYGON_P(0);
  point   = PG_GETARG_POINT_P(1);
  isin    = contains( polygon->npts, polygon->p, point ); 

int contains( int nvert, Point* vertex, Point* test )
  int i, j, c = 0;
  for( i=0, j=nvert-1; i
    if( ((vertex[i].y>test->y) != (vertex[j].y>test->y))
     (test->x < (vertex[j].x-vertex[i].x) *
(test->y-vertex[i].y) / 
 (vertex[j].y-vertex[i].y) + vertex[i].x) )
  c = !c;
  return c;

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[BUGS] BUG #4967: polygon @> point incorrect for points close to shared borders

2009-08-06 Thread Paul Matthews

The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference:  4967
Logged by:  Paul Matthews
Email address:  p...@netspace.net.au
PostgreSQL version: 8.3.7
Operating system:   Linux Open Suse 11.0 + 11.1
Description:polygon @> point incorrect for points close to shared

Have two polygons, both with many vertex, sharing a common edge. Several
thousand points where then tested to see which of the polygons the points
fell into using the "polygon @> point" operator.

A number of points close to the common border claimed they fell into both of
the polygons.

A quick perl+DBI+GD application was developed to plot both the polygons, the
polygon boundaries, as well as the points that thought they where in both. 

This showed points close, but still several pixels away from the shared
border, thinking they where in both.

Guidance on this matter would be appreciated.

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Re: [BUGS] BUG #4810: Complex Contains, Bad Performace.

2009-05-17 Thread Paul Matthews

Tom Lane wrote:

  "Paul Mathews"  writes:
Despite the existence of the index, postgresql is determined to full table
scan when given.
boundary @> point 'x,y';

polygon @> point isn't an indexable operator.  The indexable operators
for a gist index on polygon are


So it looks like you need to convert the point to a one-point polygon.

			regards, tom lane


   g.boundary @> polygon(box(w.geocode,w.geocode));

Is there are more convenient, less ugly, way to convert a point to a

[BUGS] BUG #4810: Complex Contains, Bad Performace.

2009-05-15 Thread Paul Mathews

The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference:  4810
Logged by:  Paul Mathews
Email address:  p...@netspace.net.au
PostgreSQL version: 8.3.7
Operating system:   Linux SuSE 11.0
Description:Complex Contains, Bad Performace.

Consider a table :
postcode char[4]
boundary polygon
with an GIST index on boundary. 

The table contains about 500 postcodes. Each boundary object is very
complicated however. Each one may contain up to 2000 (latitude, longitude)

Despite the existence of the index, postgresql is determined to full table
scan when given.
boundary @> point 'x,y';

This is slow. 4m19 for 500 points. 

Adding a bounding box to the table:
postcode char[4]
boundary polygon
boxbound box

Allows 500 points to be processed in  less than 2 seconds.
boxbound @> box( point 'x,y', point 'x,y' ) and
boundary @> point 'x,y';

Issue: For complex polygon contains, users have to write their own bounding
box routines. 

Issue: The existence of a GIST index on the boundary polygons is ignored,
despite the horrendous complexity of the polygons.

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[BUGS] BUG #4809: Missing Expected Operator

2009-05-15 Thread Paul Matthews

The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference:  4809
Logged by:  Paul Matthews
Email address:  p...@netspace.net.au
PostgreSQL version: 8.3.7
Operating system:   Linux OpenSuse 11.0
Description:Missing Expected Operator

Not a bug as such, but an obvious operator is missing.

g.box_boundary @> w.geocode and
ERROR: operator does not exist: box @> point
g.boundary @> w.geocode;

This can be worked around with, the following, but it is really a kludge. 

   g.box_boundary @> box( w.geocode, w.geocode ) and
   g.boundary @> w.geocode;

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Re: [postgis-devel] RE: [BUGS] BUG #4567: Clustering on GIST INDEX clobbers records in table intermittently

2008-12-09 Thread Paul Ramsey
Yes, that patch removes the bug.


On Sun, Dec 7, 2008 at 11:51 PM, Obe, Regina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "Regina Obe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Description:Clustering on GIST INDEX clobbers records in table
>> intermittently
>> This doesn't always happen to me but does intermittently, and for others
>> it
>> happens all the time.
>> I wonder whether this is fixed by this recent patch:
>> http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-committers/2008-12/msg00053.php
>> The pre-patch behavior would've depended on the value of a
>> never-initialized struct field, so the erratic behavior is explained
>> by varying contents of memory.  I'm unable to make it happen in an
>> assert-enabled build, but that's probably because the initial contents
>> of a palloc'd chunk are never zeroes in such a build.
>>   regards, tom lane
> Tom,
> Thanks for the quick response on this.
> Paul,
> You think by chance you can test out the patch since you can make this bug
> happen consistently on your build.
> Thanks,
> Regina
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> computer.
> Help make the earth a greener place. If at all possible resist printing this
> email and join us in saving paper.
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[BUGS] BUG #4558: Error 255!

2008-12-02 Thread Paul

The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference:  4558
Logged by:  Paul
Email address:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PostgreSQL version: 8.3.5
Operating system:   Vista Ultimate
Description:Error 255!

Whenever I try to install postgres database I keep getting an error that
says Failed to run initdb: 255! Please see log file and then gives the log
file location. When I check the log file it is blank. What can I do to fix

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[BUGS] Getting the command line to work

2008-05-21 Thread Paul Jordan
Hi. Perhaps this isn't the proper place to send this, but it's the only
address I have. I've installed postgres and I'm trying to use the
command prompt to create a database (PGAdmin III having failed miserably
at the task). The documentation I'm working with, created by people I
trust know what they're doing, says that I should enter the following:
"createdb qf_local -U postgres -W -h localhost"
But when I do that, it tells me that there are too many command line
arguments and it fails.
What am I doing wrong? I've never worked with DOS before, so my error
might even be blindingly obvious, but I have no idea what it is. Any
help you could give me in getting postgres to do what it's supposed to
do would be marvelous.
Many thanks,
Paul Jordan
Digital Archivist
Occidental College

Re: [BUGS] duplicate key violates unique constraint pg_toast_635216540

2006-10-16 Thread Paul Laughlin
We got it early last week and again this morning.  Before these two it was about six months ago.On 10/16/06, Tom Lane <
[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:"Paul Laughlin" <
[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:> warehouse=# select count(distinct chunk_id) from> pg_toast.pg_toast_635216540;> count> ---> 74557> (1 row)> We're on version 8.0.7
Well, 8.0 is definitely at risk for OID collisions in a toast table,but with so few entries I'd have thought the probability pretty low.How often do you see these errors?regards, tom lane

Re: [BUGS] duplicate key violates unique constraint pg_toast_635216540

2006-10-16 Thread Paul Laughlin
warehouse=# select count(distinct chunk_id) from pg_toast.pg_toast_635216540;count---74557(1 row)We're on version 8.0.7On 10/16/06, 
Tom Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:"Paul Laughlin" <
[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:> For the last 6 months or so we've had an intermittent issue while doing a> data import with a simple update statement.  The fix that we've found for
> this issue is to REINDEX TABLE ;What PG version is this?Are you sure that the REINDEX actually does anything, as opposed tomerely retrying the data import?  I'm thinking you may be having
problems with OID collisions after OID wraparound, which is something8.1 should defend against but no earlier version does.What do you get fromselect count(distinct chunk_id) from pg_toast.pg_toast_635216540 ;
regards, tom lane

[BUGS] duplicate key violates unique constraint pg_toast_635216540

2006-10-16 Thread Paul Laughlin
Hi,For the last 6 months or so we've had an intermittent issue while doing a data import with a simple update statement.  The fix that we've found for this issue is to REINDEX TABLE ; Has anyone seen this error before?  
Again, the error is: duplicate key violates unique constraint pg_toast_<>Thanks,Paul

[BUGS] BUG #2611: 2 instalation probs: invalid directory and user account creation

2006-09-10 Thread Paul Suckling

The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference:  2611
Logged by:  Paul Suckling
Email address:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PostgreSQL version: 8.1.4-1
Operating system:   Windows XP
Description:2 instalation probs: invalid directory and user account

I used the file postgresql-8.1.msi to install the software from an
administrator account on an up to date Win XP, using the instructions at


as suggested by the readme. At the time of installing the software, no other
accounts existed.

Problem 1)

During installation I chose to install the software to 


I have ActivePerl installed (5.8.7), and at the "Enable procedural
languages" step I selected both "PL/pgsql" and "PL/perl".

I got to the installing step, and everything was progressing fine. Just
before the "Installation complete" window, I encountered a couple of error
messages telling me that it couldn't find certain perl related files at
under C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.1\ or something similar.

Problem 2)

During the "Service Configuration" step of the installation, I entered a
non-existant account name (Web) and left the account domain as is. I
expected the installer to create an account for me.

I believe an error must have occured when doing so. I can see the account
directory under

C:\Documents and Settings\Web\

However, when I log off windows, it doesn't appear on the log on screen.
Furthermore, when I investigate "User Accounts" from the control panel, it
doesn't exist there either. I cannot therefore log onto the account, nor
delete the account. If I try to create an account with the same name, it
tells me that one already exists.

Please can you tell me what I should do to resolve this most annoying
problem? I tried uninstalling postgreSQL, but, as I guessed it wouldn't, it
didn't delete this ghost account.

Please let me know if there is any other information I can provide which
will help you.

Thank you,


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


[BUGS] BUG #2520: security problem

2006-07-06 Thread Jean Paul Aguilar Ruiz

The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference:  2520
Logged by:  Jean Paul Aguilar Ruiz
Email address:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PostgreSQL version: 807,814
Operating system:   Win xp
Description:security problem


When you add a user as owner of database and the database has been created
for another user as sistem administrator the user dont have all permissions
òn the database, but if the database is created for the user (not sa) he
can do all.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?



2006-07-01 Thread Paul Röttgerding

The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference:  2498
Logged by:  Paul Röttgerding
Email address:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PostgreSQL version: DBMS 8.0.3
Operating system:   Windows / Linux
Description:Problem with ADO.RECORDSET.UPDATE

we have PG 8.0.3 on Linux and Windows ODBC 8.2.2.
Wenn we try to update recordsets in Visual basic 6 with the rs.update we get
the following error.

-2147467259 (Nicht gengend Basistabelleninformationen zum Aktualisieren.)

What will that be.
The Table and the sql are all OK.
When you need more information, please tell me.

Thanks Paul

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [BUGS] BUG #2436: cannot --enable-thread-safety on -lpthread host

2006-05-16 Thread Paul Forgey
As given in my OS info, this isn't FC4.  The configure script fails  
to enable threading in Debian Sarge.

On May 15, 2006, at 6:48 AM, Tom Lane wrote:

"Paul Forgey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Linux supplies -lpthread.  The configure script seems to only look  

-lpthreads and then give up.

Say again?  I get this configure trace on Fedora 4:

checking for the pthreads library -lpthreads... no
checking whether pthreads work without any flags... no
checking whether pthreads work with -Kthread... no
checking whether pthreads work with -kthread... no
checking for the pthreads library -llthread... no
checking whether pthreads work with -pthread... yes
checking whether pthreads work with -pthreads... no
checking whether pthreads work with -mthreads... no
checking for the pthreads library -lpthread... yes
checking whether pthreads work with --thread-safe... no
checking whether pthreads work with -mt... no
checking for the pthreads library -lpthreadGC2... no
checking pthread.h usability... yes
checking pthread.h presence... yes
checking for pthread.h... yes

regards, tom lane

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

[BUGS] BUG #2436: cannot --enable-thread-safety on -lpthread host

2006-05-15 Thread Paul Forgey

The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference:  2436
Logged by:  Paul Forgey
Email address:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PostgreSQL version: 8.1.3
Operating system:   Debian stable (sarge)
Description:cannot --enable-thread-safety on -lpthread host

Linux supplies -lpthread.  The configure script seems to only look for
-lpthreads and then give up.  I'm surprised to not find anything about this
on the mailing list archives.

configure:16421: checking for the pthreads library -lpthreads
configure:16459: gcc -o conftest -O2 -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes
-Winline -Wendif-labels -fno-strict-aliasing   -D_GNU_SOURCEconftest.c
reads  -lz -lreadline -lcrypt -lresolv -lnsl -ldl -lm  >&5
conftest.c: In function `main':
conftest.c:124: warning: `th' might be used uninitialized in this function
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lpthreads
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
configure:16465: $? = 1

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
   choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [BUGS] BUG #2406: Not all systems support SHM_SHARE_MMU

2006-04-27 Thread Paul van der Zwan

On 25-apr-2006, at 20:34, Tom Lane wrote:

Paul van der Zwan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

On 25-apr-2006, at 16:46, Tom Lane wrote:

guaranteed semantic effect anyway, it's just a performance hint; so
ignoring it on platforms that can't handle it is reasonable.

I disagree, I have no definite info  why it is a hard failure,
probably because
there is no way to communicate to the app that it's request is

Which applications do you think will do anything except exactly  
what you

are proposing we do, ie, just redo the call without the flag bit?  Why
are you going to make every application jump through this hoop in  

to cope with a (possibly temporary) inadequacy in some seldom-used
versions of Solaris?

We'll probably put in the kluge because we have no other choice, but
I strongly disagree that it's our problem.

I think I have to make something clear, I am not part of the Solaris  
Engineering group
and even though I work for Sun I personally have probably less  
influence on Solaris than
a customer. What I wrote/write is my personal opinion and  I should   
insert the usual

disclaimer about me not 'officially' representing Sun Microsystems .

I personally do believe that silently failing or ignoring something  
an application asks for explicitely
is bad, if the application wants it and does not get it, the OS  
should communicate this to

the application.
I feel it is  up to the application and not to the OS to decide how  
to respond when the request fails.
It may be true that all or most applications will just redo it, or  
they may do something else

because ISM is not present, to be honest I do not know.
The code you suggested is IMHO a clean way to ask for an optimization  
and gracefully accept the denial

and continue without it.

My guess is  the absence of ISM on the VIA cpu is purely a hardware  
issue and not related to a 'seldom used
version of Solaris' as there are no different versions of Solaris,  
only different releases. If the hardware
does not support something it may be difficult or impossible for an  
OS to implement a feature. It would be
nice though if every CPU supports the  large pages so the failure  
would never happen.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
  choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [BUGS] BUG #2406: Not all systems support SHM_SHARE_MMU

2006-04-27 Thread Paul van der Zwan

On 25-apr-2006, at 16:46, Tom Lane wrote:

Paul van der Zwan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

AFAIK getpagesizes() appeared in 2001 so that probably means it is
missing in anything before Solaris 9.

We could handle this without relying on getpagesizes() by just trying
and falling back:

memAddress = shmat(shmid, addr, SHM_SHARE_MMU);
if (memAddress == (void *) -1 && errno == EINVAL)
memAddress = shmat(shmid, addr, 0);
memAddress = shmat(shmid, addr, 0);

That would be a clean solution ( and was suggested by some of my  
colleagues as well)

However, I would argue that a system is pretty broken if it exposes  

SHM_SHARE_MMU #define and then rejects it at runtime.

It is just a define, the fact that this define exists has nothing to  
do with it having
any meaning. It's not like a HAVE_ISM flag. shmat() can fail for a  
number of reasons, one of

them is not having ISM available on the current system.

I'll see if I can get the x86 experts here to have a look at it...

I think either Solaris/x86 should not expose this #define, or it  

silently ignore the bit at runtime.  AFAICS, SHM_SHARE_MMU has no
guaranteed semantic effect anyway, it's just a performance hint; so
ignoring it on platforms that can't handle it is reasonable.

I disagree, I have no definite info  why it is a hard failure,  
probably because
there is no way to communicate to the app that it's request is  
ignored. System calls
either fail or succeed. And introducing a new errno value just for  
this is overkill, I guess.

    regards, tom lane


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


Re: [BUGS] BUG #2406: Not all systems support SHM_SHARE_MMU

2006-04-25 Thread Paul van der Zwan

On 25-apr-2006, at 9:08, Tom Lane wrote:

Paul van der Zwan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Maybe noone ever ran Postgres on Solaris on a VIA Epia system.

Maybe.  What is a "VIA Epia system"?

VIA is a hardware manufacturer who make small, low power boards with  
their own X86 compatible cpu
on it, you can find more about it on : http://www.via.com.tw/en/ 

Frankly, I'm afraid that your patch is likely to break way more  
than it fixes.  What is getpagesizes(), and is it guaranteed to  
exist on
*every* Solaris system?  What the heck correlation does its result  

to whether SHM_SHARE_MMU will work?

AFAIK getpagesizes() appeared in 2001 so that probably means it is  
missing in anything before

Solaris 9.

If you look at line 308 of http://cvs.opensolaris.org/source/xref/on/ 

you'll see that shmat return EINVAL if only one pagesize is available.
Which is what happens on my  system, and possibly also on older (32  
bit pre Ultra ) Sparc systems.

My guess is that all UltraSparce and 'modern' x86/amd64 cpu's support  
large pages and therefor will n

ever hit this failure mode of shmat().
I'll see if I can get the x86 experts here to have a look at it...



---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [BUGS] BUG #2406: Not all systems support SHM_SHARE_MMU

2006-04-25 Thread Paul van der Zwan

On 25-apr-2006, at 7:48, Tom Lane wrote:

"Paul van der Zwan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Only systems with large pagesizes support ISM, so always defining
in src/backend/port/sysv_shmem.c  will cause all calls to shmat to  
fail with

EINVAL on systems that do not support large pages.

That code's been in there since PG 7.3, and no one before you has
complained.  Are you sure you've identified the problem correctly?

regards, tom lane

I am 99% sure that is the cause. If I put shmsys:ism_off=1 in /etc/ 

it ignores the SHM_SHARE_MMU flag and it works.
Maybe noone ever ran Postgres on Solaris on a VIA Epia system.
I haven't rebuilt postgres with my suggested patch (yet) so that's  
were the 1% doubt comes in.

I'll try to do that sometime this week.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
  choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

[BUGS] BUG #2406: Not all systems support SHM_SHARE_MMU

2006-04-24 Thread Paul van der Zwan

The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference:  2406
Logged by:  Paul van der Zwan
Email address:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PostgreSQL version: 8.1.3
Operating system:   Solaris
Description:Not all systems support SHM_SHARE_MMU

Only systems with large pagesizes support ISM, so always defining 
in src/backend/port/sysv_shmem.c  will cause all calls to shmat to fail with
EINVAL on systems that do not support large pages.
The following may be a better check:
#define PG_SHMAT_FLAGS ((getpagesizes(0,NULL)>1)?SHM_SHARE_MMU:0)
#define PG_SHMAT_FLAGS 0

This problem manifested itself on a VIA Mini ITX system and Solaris Nevada (
build 36) 

 Paul van der Zwan

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


[BUGS] BUG #1992: ODBC error with PostgreSQL Win32 Clients

2005-10-24 Thread Paul Anderson

The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference:  1992
Logged by:  Paul Anderson
Email address:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PostgreSQL version: 8.0.3
Operating system:   Microsoft Windows XP Professional version 5.1.2600
Service Pack 1 Build 2600
Description:ODBC error with PostgreSQL Win32 Clients

Error may not be with Postress per say but with the ODBC diriver.  Installed

Select Version(); PostgreSQL 8.0.3 on i686-pc-mingw32, compiled by GCC
gcc.exe (GCC) 3.4.2 (mingw-special)

I created an ODBC connection using the Postgres driver through the ODBC
admin tool

Am running Microsoft Word 2002 SP2.  I am trying to use the mail merge
functions to estalish a dynamic table link to Postgres.

This is done by choosing insert database from the mail merge menu

It brings up a dialog box to get data.  
choose new source
choose ODBC DSN
choose the pre-creared PostgreSQL DSN
It returns an error "unable to obtain a list of tables from the data

The same error can be reproduced through Excelif you choose Data|Import
External Data|Import Data

The ODBC connection DOES work if you choose
Data|Import External Data|New Database Query

My need is to dynamically embedd reports into a word documents so I can
distribute pre-formated reports so the excell option is not a viable option
for what I need.

The work around is to export the data from Postgres as tab delimeted text
files and then have word connect to the text files.  This is workable but

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

[BUGS] BUG #1987: UTF8 encoding differences hamper upgrades

2005-10-23 Thread Paul Lindner

The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference:  1987
Logged by:  Paul Lindner
Email address:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PostgreSQL version: 8.1beta3
Operating system:   Fedora Core 4 x86_64
Description:UTF8 encoding differences hamper upgrades

I've been doing some test imports of UNICODE databases into Postgres

8.1beta3.  The only problem I've seen is that some data from 8.0

databases will not import.  


I've generated dumps using pg_dump from 8.0 and 8.1.  Attempting to 

restore these results in


 Invalid UNICODE byte sequence detected near byte ...   




Does the 8.1 Unicode sanity code accept the full set of characters  

accepted by the 8.0 Unicode sanity code?


If not we'll see a lot of problems like the one above.  



I believe this patch is the one causing the problem I see:  




Is there any solution other than scrubbing the entire dataset to

conform to the new (8.1) encoding rules?

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

[BUGS] BUG #1879: ODBC Connection Dies

2005-09-14 Thread Paul O'Connor

The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference:  1879
Logged by:  Paul O'Connor
Email address:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PostgreSQL version: 7.4.2
Operating system:   Redhat: kernel 2.4
Description:ODBC Connection Dies

The ODBC Connection dies, displaying various frontend messages (frontend is
MSAccess 2000/2003). Have tried almost everything, but found nothing.

here are some of the things I've tried:

Compile frontend on local machine that has problems

Check Version is being changed on update (frontend specific)

Check MDAC Type and change in frontend

Check Application Error Log in Windows

Check timeout with individual connection (through odbc)

Check ODBC Settings

Check Driver version for ODBC-PostrgeSQL

Check Windows Version

Check Office Version

Check updates to Jet Engine

Update MDAC

Check for corruption in frontend

Check using MDB for more explicit error messages (no result)

Check for postgres DB Corruption (vacuum db)

Check ActiveX Versions and if present

Check connection time (run overnight on working machine)

Possible indication towards table - test it (no problems, and errors were
not all here anyway)

Check for fields with caps (possible act of PEBKAC)

Check User data (for unexpected or wrong data)

Logging ODBC trace

Compare data structure with last known working

Added indexes to tables that don't have them

Vacuum tables again

None of these have given my anything useful. The problem is happening on
20(ish) machines, and there is no defined pattern as to which machines are
not gtting the errors (although this could just be a matter of usage). The
errors appear after random intervals (5mins/10mins/30mins/etc.) and the
application frontend has a connection sustaining module (that definitely

if anyone could help, I'd be very much obliged.

Thank you.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
   choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

[BUGS] Help

2005-08-23 Thread Paul Bramble

I am working on a product that uses a database for some elementary
permanent storage.  Currently we are using Firebird.


I have been asked to evaluate the product against Postgres,
but I have limited time to do so.


Is there an easy way to get started so I can quickly install
Postgress and load my schema?


Loaded message here - One of the reasons that I choose
Firebird was that it was very, very, very easy to use.  I am not having the
same experience with Postgres.  Any pointers as to how to get it set up enough
to load imy schema would not only be appreciated, but would be a point in
Postgres’s favor.




Paul Bramble, 

Vidiom Inc. 

[BUGS] BUG #1608: integer negative limit in plpgsql function arguments

2005-04-20 Thread Paul

The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference:  1608
Logged by:  Paul
Email address:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PostgreSQL version: 8.0.2
Operating system:   Gentoo and Fedora Core 3
Description:integer negative limit in plpgsql function arguments

The script below best sums up the problem (and the work around).  The
question is: should I use that for all integers being put into a function?


create table test (
test_id integer

insert into test (test_id) values (-2147483648);

create function print_test_id (integer) returns integer
AS '
tmp ALIAS FOR $1;
val integer;
select into val test_id from test where test_id = tmp;
return val;
LANGUAGE plpgsql;

-- this doesn't work (and I think it should!)
SELECT print_test_id(-2147483648);

-- this is the workaround
SELECT print_test_id((-2147483648)::int);


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?


[BUGS] error in install to progress 8 windows2000

2005-02-23 Thread Paul Conroy

 I am trying to install the windows version of postgres. I have installed it at 
home fine but in work there is a problem. The install is getting to creating 
the intidb where by it can not access it or create the service. I have 
downloaded the following but when I re install it does not work. Can you 
advise. PostgreSQL 8.0.0 RC5-2  


Paul Conroy
an Chéim Computer Services
52 Broomhill Road
Dublin 24
Ph: 01 -4310708

This email, its content and any files transmitted with it are intended solely 
for the addressee(s) and may be legally privileged and/or confidential. Access 
by any other party is unauthorised without the express written permission of 
the sender. If you have received this email in error you may not copy or use 
the contents, attachments or information in any way. Please destroy it and 
contact the sender via e-mail return. Internet communications are not secure 
unless protected using strong cryptography. This email has been prepared using 
information believed by the author to be reliable and accurate, but the MIS 
Programme Office makes no warranty as to accuracy or completeness. In 
particular the author does not accept responsibility for changes made to this 
email after it was sent. 

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

[BUGS] Windows command line utilities problems

2004-12-02 Thread Paul Buder
I am using postgresql 8.0 beta 4 on win2000.

psql operates strangely within a cmd.exe window. It is somewhat like if
you backgrounded the command in unix.  with psql in interactive mode (no
-f switch) whatever line you type is alternately processed by cmd.exe and

So you get the following (more commentary below the second dotted line)
C:\Documents and Settings\satbuy.EUG-POS-02>psql -U postgres book

C:\Documents and Settings\satbuy.EUG-POS-02>Welcome to psql 8.0.0beta4,
the Post
greSQL interactive terminal.

Type:  \copyright for distribution terms
   \h for help with SQL commands
   \? for help with psql commands
   \g or terminate with semicolon to execute query
   \q to quit

Warning: Console codepage (437) differs from windows codepage (1252)
 8-bit characters will not work correctly. See PostgreSQL
 documentation "Installation on Windows" for details.

book=# dir
 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is 41AD-7C61

 Directory of C:\Documents and Settings\satbuy.EUG-POS-02

12/02/2004  12:29p.
12/02/2004  12:29p..
11/30/2004  12:06pDesktop
12/02/2004  12:29p   0 dir
11/22/2004  05:02pFavorites
11/22/2004  04:30pMy Documents
12/02/2004  12:29p   0 psql
12/02/2004  12:29p   0 select
07/10/2003  03:39aStart Menu
12/02/2004  12:29p   0 Welcome
   4 File(s)  0 bytes
   6 Dir(s)  33,284,308,992 bytes free

C:\Documents and Settings\satbuy.EUG-POS-02>select * from mbs limit 1;
 matkey  | matseq | mbsno | mmbsck | author |authori |
  |titlei| edition | binding | publisher | publisheri | imprint |
isbn| price | mbillf | mreflg | mrfbkx | mrelfl | mactx | mntxfl |
nt | mtguid | status | mtxtrd | mtlmt | unique_id
 ||| |  1 | 1 |  0 | CLEAN WITH ALL | clean with all | 
TACT! | pages intact | | |   ||   
 | 00
000 | 0 |||  0 || 0 ||
   |  0 ||  0 |   999 | 1
(1 row)

book=# select * from mbs limit 1;
'select' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

C:\Documents and Settings\satbuy.EUG-POS-02>dir;
ERROR:  syntax error at or near "dir" at character 1
LINE 1: dir;
C:\Documents and Settings\satbuy.EUG-POS-02>


If you run psql with the -f switch you get the windows command prompt back
immediately. The command continues running echo the usual stuff to screen
such as SELECT or CREATE INDEX. This is confusing because it is hard to
tell when postgres as finished processing the file.

SELECT, CREATE INDEX and the rest show on the screen.  However, COPY is
not displaying.

The -f switch doesn't seem to handle relative paths correctly. If my
current directory is the desktop, and I have a file mbs.dump on my desktop
and I type
psql -U postgres -f mbs.dump book
it says the system can't find the specified file.

Without relative paths but using < I get no error message and no results with
psql -U postgres book < c:\mbs.dump

Overall the server on windows seems to work pretty well but psql seems a
bit messy right now.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
  subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
  message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: [BUGS] Renaming a table leaves orphaned implicit sequences which

2004-04-05 Thread Paul Tillotson
I got bitten by this one also. Perhaps it would be possible to change
pg_dump so that it dumps the create table statement with the explicit
sequence, rather than the original SQL used to create the table? (This
would preserve old dumps and the syntactical sugar which I would not
want to forego.)
Paul Tillotson


I use PostgreSQL 7.4.2 on i386-portbld-freebsd5.2, compiled by GCC cc (GCC) 3.3.3 [FreeBSD] 20031106

It seems that renaming tables with columns of type "serial" leaves
"orphaned" implicit sequences which breaks pg_restore.
How to reproduce:

1. Create a table 

\c something1
CREATE TABLE test1 (id serial, name char(12));
2. Run dump/restore and get an error:

$ pg_dump -Fc something1 | pg_restore -d something2
pg_restore: NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create implicit sequence "test2_id_seq" for "serial" 
column "test2.id"
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] could not execute query: ERROR:  relation "test1_id_seq" 
does not exist
Do not use the "serial" data type, always create sequences explicitly.
pg_dump always generates a "CREATE SEQUENCE" clause for explicit

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
 joining column's datatypes do not match

[BUGS] plpgsql

2003-12-19 Thread Paul Punett

I want to concatenate a it counter to a string in a loop in plpgsql.
counter integer := 1;
IdSet char : = 'UniqueId'
IdForEachRun varchar;

IdForEachRun := IdSet || counter;(PROBLEM HERE)
--Or IdForEachRun := IdSet + counter;(PROBLEM HERE)
While condition LOOP

Insert into Table values(IdForEachRun, ..)

counter := counter + 1;
IdForEachRun := IdSet || counter;(PROBLEM HERE)
--Or IdForEachRun := IdSet + counter;(PROBLEM HERE)

Language 'plpgsql'

Thanks in advance.

Paul Puneet

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[BUGS] plpgsql Integer Concat To String

2003-12-18 Thread Puneet Paul

I want to concatenate a it counter to a string in a
loop in plpgsql.
counter integer := 1;
IdSet char : = 'UniqueId'
IdForEachRun varchar;

IdForEachRun := IdSet || counter;(PROBLEM HERE)
--Or IdForEachRun := IdSet + counter;(PROBLEM HERE)
While condition LOOP

Insert into Table values(IdForEachRun, ..)

counter := counter + 1;
IdForEachRun := IdSet || counter;(PROBLEM HERE)
--Or IdForEachRun := IdSet + counter;(PROBLEM HERE)

Language 'plpgsql'

Thanks in advance.


Do you Yahoo!?
Protect your identity with Yahoo! Mail AddressGuard

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?


[BUGS] plpgsql For SQLQuery Loop Flags Error

2003-12-18 Thread Puneet Paul
Hi All,

I am compiling a function that uses the For Query
loopEnd Loop.

I get error "missing ".." at end of SQL expression"

I have read following Note: The PL/pgSQL parser
presently distinguishes the two kinds of FOR loops
(integer or query result) by checking whether the
target variable mentioned just after FOR has been
declared as a record or row variable. If not, it's
presumed to be an integer FOR loop. This can cause
rather nonintuitive error messages when the true
problem is, say, that one has misspelled the variable
name after the FOR. Typically the complaint will be
something like missing ".." at end of SQL expression

Re checked the RECORD variable in function
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION slice(char(15),varchar,
integer) RETURNS integer AS '
curTrackList char(15) ALIAS for $1;
sliceFile varchar ALIAS for $2;
lmfpLimit integer ALIAS for $3
mTrackDet RECORD;

lpmfSum integer := 0;
Sliced CONSTANT integer := 2;
curId varchar;
counter integer :=1 ;

Build the curSliceId value
curId := curTrackList;
Insert into mysliceDetail

FOR mTrackDet IN SELECT myrequest.trackId,
lmfpsize from myrequest,track where trkfound <> Sliced
and myRequest.trackid = track.trackId and lmfpsize > 0
order by volatility LOOP
 -- Now "mTrackDet" has one record from slice
--WHILE lpmfSum < lpmfLimit LOOP

--Insert into mysliceDetail values(curId,
mTrackDet.trackId ,0);
--Insert into curSliceDetail values(curId,
mTrackDet.trackId ,0);

--lmfpSum := mTrackDet.lmfpsize + lmfpSum ;
--EXIT WHEN lpmfSum > lpmfLimit
insert into sliceToBuild values(curId, 0);
copy curSliceDetail to sliceFile;
counter := counter + 1;
Truncate Table curSliceDetail;
---Generate next curSliceId  
curSliceId := curTrackList + counter;
 ' LANGUAGE plpgsql;

Can someone help please


Do you Yahoo!?
Protect your identity with Yahoo! Mail AddressGuard

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

[BUGS] Migration 7.3 to 7.4 Numeric values using PQ_ interface

2003-12-04 Thread Paul Billington
I have been using the C libraries with version
7.33 to retrieve data with success. Now I have
migrated to 7.4., although using the psql client all
looks fine my integer values returned through the
programmatic interface are wild, e.g. should be 101
and is 7236487.

Char and varchar are fine. Has something changed
radically in this release that could cause a binary
Any suggestions?


Download Yahoo! Messenger now for a chance to win Live At Knebworth DVDs

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
(send "unregister YourEmailAddressHere" to [EMAIL PROTECTED])

[BUGS] pg_dumpall does not save CREATE permission on databases

2003-11-08 Thread Paul Tillotson


Your name   : Paul Tillotson
Your email address  : ptchristendom at yahoo dot com

System Configuration
  Architecture (example: Intel Pentium) : AMD athlon something

  Operating System (example: Linux 2.0.26 ELF)  : FreeBSD

  PostgreSQL version (example: PostgreSQL-7.3.4): PostgreSQL-7.3.4

  Compiler used (example:  gcc 2.95.2)  : gcc
template1=# select version();
 PostgreSQL 7.3.4 on i386-portbld-freebsd4.8, compiled by GCC 2.95.4

Please enter a FULL description of your problem:

pg_dumpall does not save all access control permissions on a database.
(This is true for at least the CREATE permission.)
This causes the restore script to fail when, for example, it tries to create a 
schema which is owned by a different user than the database which it resides

Please describe a way to repeat the problem.   Please try to provide a
concise reproducible example, if at all possible:

template1=# create database foobar;
template1=# create user mrfoobar;
template1=# grant create on database foobar to mrfoobar;
template1=# select datname, datacl from pg_database;
  datname  |  datacl
 foobar| {=T,pgsql=CT,mrfoobar=C}
 template1 | {=,pgsql=CT}
 template0 | {=,pgsql=CT}
(3 rows)


james% pg_dumpall
-- PostgreSQL database cluster dump

\connect "template1"

-- Users

DELETE FROM pg_shadow WHERE usesysid <> (SELECT datdba FROM pg_database WHERE
datname = 'template0');


-- Groups

DELETE FROM pg_group;

-- Database creation


\connect foobar
-- PostgreSQL database dump

\connect template1
-- PostgreSQL database dump

-- TOC entry 2 (OID 1)
-- Name: DATABASE template1; Type: COMMENT; Schema: -; Owner:

COMMENT ON DATABASE template1 IS 'Default template database';

If you know how this problem might be fixed, list the solution below:

pg_dumpall should read the from the datacl column from the pg_database table
write lines like this into the dump script when appropriate:

Do you Yahoo!?
Protect your identity with Yahoo! Mail AddressGuard

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
  joining column's datatypes do not match

[BUGS] fe-connect build failure (Solaris 9, PGSQL 7.3.3, OpenSSL 0.9.7b)

2003-06-16 Thread Paul Eggert
I ran into the following problem building PostgreSQL 7.3.3 on Solaris
9 (sparc) using GCC 3.3 and OpenSSL 0.9.7b.

   gcc -g -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -fPIC -I. 
-I../../../src/include -I/opt/reb/include -I/opt/sfw/include -DFRONTEND 
-DSYSCONFDIR='"/opt/reb/etc/postgresql"'  -c -o fe-connect.o fe-connect.c
   In file included from fe-connect.c:46:
   /usr/include/crypt.h:22: error: parse error before '(' token
   /usr/include/crypt.h:22: error: parse error before "const"
   gmake[4]: *** [fe-connect.o] Error 1
   gmake[4]: Leaving directory 

This is the OpenSSH-versus-crypt.h compatibility issue that is discussed
in doc/FAQ_Solaris thusly:

   2) Why do I get problems when building with OpenSSL support?

   When you build PostgreSQL with OpenSSL support you might get
   compilation errors in the following files:


   This is because of a namespace conflict between the standard
   /usr/include/crypt.h header and the header files provided by OpenSSL.

   Upgrading your OpenSSL installation to version 0.9.6a fixes this

Apparently the problem has come back (in limited form) in OpenSSL 0.9.7b,
the current version of OpenSSL.

I worked around the problem as follows.  However, I don't offhand see
why fe-connect.c has to include  at all, so perhaps a simpler
fix is to remove the #include on all platforms.

RCS file: src/interfaces/libpq/fe-connect.c,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -pu -r7.3.3.0 -r7.3.3.1
--- src/interfaces/libpq/fe-connect.c   2003/01/30 19:50:07
+++ src/interfaces/libpq/fe-connect.c   2003/06/12 21:06:06
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
 #ifndef HAVE_STRDUP
 #include "strdup.h"
-#ifdef HAVE_CRYPT_H
+#if defined(HAVE_CRYPT_H) && !defined(des_crypt)

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
  subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
  message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

[BUGS] Installtion error

2003-03-04 Thread dinu paul

Dear sir,
   Sir last one week i am try to install PostgreSQL in
Mac os x 10.2 .I dowm loaded PostgreSQL 7.3 from net
and i installed it in 'ampleuser', my login (in

  After that i set the paths in follwing manner.And it
successfully starting the postmaster also.But when i
try to create the database its giving the error.
   Sir what is the error and plez give me solution
for it.

Mahesh-Ss-Computer:/Library/PostgreSQL] root# chown
ampleuser /Library/PostgreSQL/data

Mahesh-Ss-Computer:/Library/PostgreSQL] root# su -l

Mahesh-Ss-Computer:~] ampleuser% 

[Mahesh-Ss-Computer:~] ampleuser% setenv PATH

[Mahesh-Ss-Computer:~] ampleuser% setenv PGDATA

[Mahesh-Ss-Computer:~] ampleuser%
/Library/PostgresqL/bin/pg_ctl -D
/users/ampleuser/data -l logfile start 

postmaster successfully started

[Mahesh-Ss-Computer:~] ampleuser% createdb test
psql: could not connect to server: No such file or
Is the server running locally and accepting
connections on Unix domain socket
createdb: database creation failed

Missed your favourite TV serial last night? Try the new, Yahoo! TV.
   visit http://in.tv.yahoo.com

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?


[BUGS] Installation Errors

2003-03-03 Thread dinu paul

Dear sir,
   i am encounting  the following problem while
initializing data cluster(i am using Mac os x 10.2).
   Plez tell me solution for this 

bash-2.05a$ initdb -D /usr/local/PostgreSQL/data
The files belonging to this database system will be
owned by user "ampleuser".
This user must also own the server process.

creating directory /usr/local/PostgreSQL/data... ok
creating directory /usr/local/PostgreSQL/data/base...
creating directory
/usr/local/PostgreSQL/data/global... ok
creating directory
/usr/local/PostgreSQL/data/pg_xlog... ok
creating directory
/usr/local/PostgreSQL/data/pg_clog... ok
creating template1 database in
/usr/local/PostgreSQL/data/base/1... dyld:
/usr/local/PostgreSQL/bin/postgres Undefined symbols:
/usr/local/PostgreSQL/bin/postgres undefined reference
to _crypt expected to be defined in
/usr/local/PostgreSQL/bin/initdb: line 473:   536
Broken pipe cat "$POSTGRES_BKI"
   537   | sed -e
   538 Trace/BPT trap  |
"$PGPATH"/postgres -boot -x1 $PGSQL_OPT

initdb failed.
Removing /usr/local/PostgreSQL/data.

Missed your favourite TV serial last night? Try the new, Yahoo! TV.
   visit http://in.tv.yahoo.com

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

[BUGS] copy works, \copy doesn't

2002-11-15 Thread Paul Buder
It seems the psql \copy command doesn't work properly when dealing
with certain non-ascii characters (which ones I don't know).  At any rate
I took some binary data and escaped it like so with perl.


In other words I escaped escape characters, newlines and tabs.

I made a table like this
CREATE TABLE "testtable" (
"somenumber" integer DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
"sometext" text DEFAULT '' NOT NULL

I made my input file by printing out a asciified number, a tab,
the text above and a newline.  This is the attached file.
In the event attached files get stripped by the mailing list it
is also at http://www.aracnet.com/~paulb/sample-data

When I do
copy testtable from '/home/paulb/sample-data';
it works fine.

When I do
\copy testtable from '/home/paulb/sample-data'
I get ERROR:  copy: line 2, pg_atoi: error in "(binary gobbledygook)

Description: Binary data

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

[BUGS] I was wrong about Re: copy works, \copy doesn't (fwd)

2002-11-09 Thread Paul Buder
I wrote:
> It seems the psql \copy command doesn't work properly when dealing
> with certain non-ascii characters (which ones I don't know).  At any rate
> I took some binary data and escaped it like so with perl.

I was wrong.  I wasn't escaping things properly; in particular,
ascii 0 needed to be escaped to \\000 .  Also I was using 'text' type
instead of 'bytea' type.  I thought 'copy' was working but it was
actually cutting off my input at the first ascii zero, whereas \copy
gave me the error message.  Sorry to waste people's time.

In the event anyone else is out there who wants to use binary data
with 'copy from' and is using perl to do the escaping this seems to

# double up the escape character twice! Once for the 'copy from' command and
# once for postgres bytea type escaping.
$text=~s/\n/\\\n/g; # escape \n
$text=~s/\t/\\\t/g; # escape \t
$text=~s/'/\\'/g;   # escape '
$text=~s/\x00/000/g;# escape ascii 0

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
(send "unregister YourEmailAddressHere" to [EMAIL PROTECTED])

[BUGS] copy works, \copy doesn't

2002-11-09 Thread Paul Buder
Sorry for the duplicate post.  I forgot to mention this is with
Postgresql 7.2.2.

It seems the psql \copy command doesn't work properly when dealing
with certain non-ascii characters (which ones I don't know).  At any rate
I took some binary data and escaped it like so with perl.


In other words I escaped escape characters, newlines and tabs.

I made a table like this
CREATE TABLE "testtable" (
"somenumber" integer DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
"sometext" text DEFAULT '' NOT NULL

I made my input file by printing out a asciified number, a tab,
the text above and a newline.  This is the attached file.
In the event attached files get stripped by the mailing list it
is also at http://www.aracnet.com/~paulb/sample-data

When I do
copy testtable from '/home/paulb/sample-data';
it works fine.

When I do
\copy testtable from '/home/paulb/sample-data'
I get ERROR:  copy: line 2, pg_atoi: error in "(binary gobbledygook)

Description: Binary data

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [BUGS] Bug #726: PHP/PG ERROR: parser: parse error at or near ","

2002-08-02 Thread Paul Redd-LaFlamme

Thanks for the tip, as it helped me find the error. And it has been

Bugs List:
You might want to remove this report. It was a PEBCAK 100%. I feel
pretty stupid about the whole thing (and my head hurts from the banging
against the wall).

Thanks for the quick response, though, it's greatly appreciated.

Paul Redd-LaFlamme

-Original Message-
From: Stephan Szabo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2002 12:00 PM
Subject: Re: [BUGS] Bug #726: PHP/PG ERROR: parser: parse error at or
near "," 

On Wed, 31 Jul 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Paul Redd-LaFlamme ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) reports a bug with a
severity of 1
> The lower the number the more severe it is.
> Short Description
> PHP/PG ERROR: parser: parse error at or near ","
> Long Description
> The SQL statement
> INSERT INTO users (user_name, comp_id, password) VALUES
> works fine when typed directly into the postgres shell, but yields the
> ERROR: parser: parse error at or near ","
> when, and only when the '8' is inserted into the string in PHP by any

> In other words, the SQL statement provided works fine when hardcoded,
> but fails every single time (making my application useless) when the
> integer insert value is inserted into the PHP statement by any means.

Try turning on query logging to see what sql statement the backend
it's getting.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?


Re: [BUGS] cvs update, configure, make, error in bootstrap.* ?...

2002-04-23 Thread Jean-Paul ARGUDO

> You seem to have an out-of-date bootparse.c.  Perhaps a timestamp skew
> problem?  Try removing bootstrap_tokens.h and bootparse.c, then try
> again.

Yup. Works.

I had to do it many times to make it work... strange :)

I noticed many .cvsignore in many folders (there is one in
src/backend/bootstrap for example), is that ok?

Thanks for the right help :)

Consultant bases de données 15-17, av. de Ségur
http://www.idealx.com   F-75007 PARIS

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
(send "unregister YourEmailAddressHere" to [EMAIL PROTECTED])

[BUGS] cvs update, configure, make, error in bootstrap.* ?...

2002-04-23 Thread Jean-Paul ARGUDO


Tried to compile PG from CVS today, my platform is:

$ uname -a
Linux pastis 2.4.17-686 #2 Sat Dec 22 21:58:49 EST 2001 i686 unknown

$ gcc -v
Reading specs from /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-linux/2.95.4/specs
gcc version 2.95.4 20011002 (Debian prerelease)

I do a simple ./configure then a simple make

And the error is:

" [...]
make[3]: Entering directory
gcc -O2 -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -I.
-I../../../src/include   -c -o bootparse.o bootparse.c
bootparse.y: In function `Int_yyparse':
bootparse.y:276: structure has no member named `class'
make[3]: *** [bootparse.o] Erreur 1
make[3]: Leaving directory
make[2]: *** [bootstrap-recursive] Erreur 2
make[2]: Leaving directory
make[1]: *** [all] Erreur 2
make[1]: Leaving directory
make: *** [all] Erreur 2

I can't find anywhere such already notifyied bug :-(

What am I doing wrong?...

I'll watch the source and try to guess what's wrong in bootstrap.* ...


Consultant bases de données 15-17, av. de Ségur
http://www.idealx.com   F-75007 PARIS

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [BUGS] function tree_level(varchar) (from OpenACS) no longer work under 7.2

2002-02-27 Thread Jean-Paul ARGUDO

> > ERROR:  SearchSysCache: Bad cache id 27
> This is not a bug, it is a broken installation.  You are trying to
> invoke a 7.1 plpgsql in a 7.2 backend.

Right analysis Tom!

createlang with old plpgsql.so ...

had to drop functions / triggers using old plpgsql.so (thanks to a select on

drop the language

create the language

rebuild functions and triggers: all ok now..

Thanks Tom.

Jean-Paul ARGUDO

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
(send "unregister YourEmailAddressHere" to [EMAIL PROTECTED])

[BUGS] function tree_level(varchar) (from OpenACS) no longer work under 7.2

2002-02-26 Thread Jean-Paul ARGUDO

Hi all,

Testing a port from Oracle to PG 7.1.3. onto PG 7.2 has error trying to use the
following function (frop OpenACS, to port connect by Oracle statments under PG):

create function tree_level(varchar) returns integer as '
inkey alias for $1;
cnt   integer default 0;
for i in 1..length(inkey) LOOP
if substr(inkey,i,1) = ''/'' then
   cnt := cnt + 1;
end if;
end LOOP;

return cnt;

end;' language 'plpgsql';


dbks=# select tree_level(t01_tree_sortkey) from t01_20011231 limit 10;
ERROR:  SearchSysCache: Bad cache id 27

I found the SearchSysCache() function in tools/cache in the PG srcs. Readding
the code, I tought about corruption problems on the database. I made a 
vacuum --analyze dbks, hopping this would "repair" the DB. 

But this still not works. So I'm a bit confused. What's wrong?

Thanks in advance and best regards.

Jean-Paul ARGUDO 

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [BUGS] Trying Cygwin version of PostgreSQL

2002-02-21 Thread Paul Rowland

Great! But where is the documentation on doing this
stuff? I'd like to try.
--- Tom Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I resorted to trial and error. Initdb hangs when
> "Creating template1
> > database" so there must be a step missing.
> I think you forgot to run the cygipc daemon.
>   regards, tom lane
> ---(end of
> broadcast)---
> TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Sports - Coverage of the 2002 Olympic Games

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?


[BUGS] casting TEXT to CIDR (or to INET) has to be possible

2001-12-22 Thread Paul Vixie


Your name   :   Paul Vixie
Your email address  :   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

System Configuration
  Architecture (example: Intel Pentium) :   Intel Dual Pentium

  Operating System (example: Linux 2.0.26 ELF)  :   Freebsd 4.3

  PostgreSQL version (example: PostgreSQL-7.1.1):   PostgreSQL-7.2devel

  Compiler used (example:  gcc 2.95.2)  :   gcc version 2.95.3

Please enter a FULL description of your problem:

I know there's code in the server to convert presentation-format INET or CIDR
into internal format.  To get the effect of C's "inet_netof()" I need to be
able to do this conversion from TEXT rather than from interpreter literals.

Please describe a way to repeat the problem.   Please try to provide a
concise reproducible example, if at all possible: 

lartomatic=# select (host(relay)||'/18')::cidr from spam limit 5;
ERROR:  Cannot cast type 'text' to 'cidr'
lartomatic=# select (host(relay)||'/18')::inet from spam limit 5;
ERROR:  Cannot cast type 'text' to 'inet'

If you know how this problem might be fixed, list the solution below:

Nope, this is beyond my abilities.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: [BUGS] postmaster locks up in 7.1b3

2001-07-16 Thread Paul A Vixie

> As far as Postgres is concerned, there's no deadlock here, only a slow client

that could be true if we used explicit locks.  all our accesses are of the
form "learn everything you need to know to do the transaction, then open the
database, do it, and close".  there are some really long SELECT's (which make
dns zone files) but they can't block unless the file system is blocking the
write()'s in the client, which would only happen in NFS, which we don't use.

your scenario is not implausible, however, and i will watch for it if it
happens again after i upgrade.  i didn't mean to waste any of you guys' time
at this point, i just wanted to let you know about this in case it was another
data point in a problem you were tracking elsewhere, or in case i'm able to
track it more closely later.

thanks for your quick reply.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
(send "unregister YourEmailAddressHere" to [EMAIL PROTECTED])

[BUGS] OpenSSH, Windows Clients, and Incoming Tunnels

2001-07-13 Thread Paul A. Lender

Hi Folks

I've got the built-in OpenSSH (2.2.0) running on FreeBSD 4.2, and I
connect to it from Windows with SSH Security Corp.'s SSH Secure Shell
2.4.  As a terminal, it works fine.

I want to use this product to encrypt data between a PostgreSQL
backend and Windows clients.  The Windows clients use ODBC to talk to

When I define an OUTGOING tunnel, it works fine.   For example:
:freebsd.box:5432.  PostgreSQL listens and sends at port 5432 and
the Windows ODBC driver looks for PostgreSQL at, port .

When I define an INCOMING tunnel (same local_port:server:remote_port),
it appears to work fine, but the 'BSD box console displays an error
message 3 times:

sshd[436]: error: Hm, dispatch protocol error: type 80 plen 33

The log, though listing this same error (3 times), does not indicate
any other problems.  This error only appears if I define an incoming
tunnel in the Windows SSH client.

My application works (quite well), but I'm worried that the incoming
data stream, which will contain sensitive data, is not encrypted.

By the way, the Van Dyke product (SecureCRT) does the exact same

Can anyone advise?

Thankyou in advance...

-- Paul Lender

Paul A. Lender
Univ. of Minnesota Dept. Orthopaedic Surgery

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

[BUGS] Bug?

2001-06-04 Thread Paul

listen xxx;
create table xx (a int4);
create rule xx_xx2 as on delete to xx where old.a=1 do notify xxx;

something like "backend closed connection"

Output I expected:
at least some error message, but not closing of connection.
I know that my SQL sequence is wrong, but i just expected the error

PostgreSQL version:

Platform information:
Linux Slackware 7.1, kernel 2.4.1

Best regards,
 Paul  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?


[BUGS] SQL update statements are dying in the query planner

2001-05-28 Thread Panon, Paul-Andre
Title: SQL update statements are dying in the query planner


Your name   :
Your email address  :

System Configuration
  Architecture (example: Intel Pentium) : Intel Pentium Pro

  Operating System (example: Linux 2.0.26 ELF)  :Mandrake Linux 7.2 Kernel 2.2.17-21mdksmp

  PostgreSQL version (example: PostgreSQL-7.1.1):   PostgreSQL-7.1.1

  Compiler used (example:  gcc 2.95.2)  :gcc version 2.95.3 19991030 (prerelease)

Please enter a FULL description of your problem:

SQL update statements are dying in the query planner. A copy of the -d3 postgres log is attached. The error returned by psql when submitting this query is

ERROR:  Relation 2699531655 does not exist
however a very similar statement was successfully executed shortly before the failing statement.
I am using a custom GUID/UUID data type extension similar to the MS SQL Server uniqueidentifier data type. I used the varbits type in the contrib directory as a template, as well as the FreeDCE library to generate new UUIDs. I would be happy to contribute this code if anybody is interested. With the new ODBC driver working towards ODBC 3.0 level support, there may be more interest in having GUID support in PostgreSQL. Although I can't rule out that the UUID data type may be at fault, it does work correctly under 7.0.2 .

Unfortunately I cannot provide a copy of the data beyond what is in the actual SQL statement, though I could probably provide a copy of the schema for the relevant SQL tables if it would help. 


Perhaps this may be related to another bug that Tom Lane describes as:
The direct cause of the problem is that EvalPlanQual isn't completely initializing the estate that it sets up for re-evaluating the plan. In particular it's not filling in es_result_relations and es_num_result_relations, which need to be set up if the top plan node is an Append. 

since psql refers to a vary large relation oid in its error message? It looks like the query is crashing after the query parsing is completed. -d4 doesn't seem to provide additional useful information regarding the Query Processing and where it is breaking. If there are any additional flags at compile or run time that I can set to provide more useful information, please let me know.



Paul-Andre Panon
Sierra Systems
1177 West Hastings Street, Suite 2500
Vancouver, BC  V6E 2K3
Main: 604.688.1371
Fax:  604.688.6482


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?


RE: [BUGS] Segfault in pgsql, Sparc Solaris 2.7, Postgresql 7.1.1

2001-05-14 Thread Paul McGarry

Hi Justin,

> I'm not sure if it'll be of assistance with this, but there's 
> a Solaris
> specific installation guide for PostgreSQL at :
> http://techdocs.postgresql.org/installguides.php#solaris

I've compiled postgres 6.5 and 7.0 so many times I just
jumped in and went with it :)

Upgrading to gcc 2.95.3 has fixed the problem I was having,
it's compiled and the regression tests are now whirring 
away happily.

Those build instrucions look good, as does the init script.

Thanks again.

Paul McGarrymailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Systems Integrator  http://www.opentec.com.au 
Opentec Pty Ltd http://www.iebusiness.com.au
6 Lyon Park RoadPhone: (02) 9870 4718 
North Ryde NSW 2113 Fax:   (02) 9878 1755

This document and any attachments are intended solely for
the named addressee(s), are confidential, and may be subject to
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as soon as possible if you have received this document in error.
Any confidentiality or privilege is not waived or lost because this
email has been sent to you by mistake. This document and any
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reproduced or distributed by any means whatsoever without the
prior consent of the copyright owner.  Opentec does not warrant
that this email and any attachments are error or virus free.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

[BUGS] Segfault in pgsql, Sparc Solaris 2.7, Postgresql 7.1.1

2001-05-14 Thread Paul McGarry


I'm getting a segfault from psql when a createdb is attempted.
Postgresql is configured with:
./configure --prefix=/opt/pgsql --enable-syslog
and seems to compile without trouble (gcc 2.95.2), but fails 
during the createdb stage of the regressions tests. 

Installing and attempting to do the relevant bit of createdb 
from the command line:
$ gdb /opt/pgsql/bin/psql
GNU gdb 4.18

(gdb) set args  -d template1 -c "CREATE DATABASE \"paulmtest\""
(gdb) run
Starting program: /opt/pgsql/bin/psql -d template1 -c "CREATE DATABASE

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0xff363b60 in __do_global_dtors_aux () from /opt/pgsql/lib/libpq.so.2
(gdb) bt
#0  0xff363b60 in __do_global_dtors_aux () from /opt/pgsql/lib/libpq.so.2
#1  0xff3728d4 in _fini () from /opt/pgsql/lib/libpq.so.2
#2  0xff3ba060 in ?? ()
#3  0xff0a0130 in _exithandle () from /usr/lib/libc.so.1
#4  0xff116964 in exit () from /usr/lib/libc.so.1

Any ideas?

Paul McGarrymailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Systems Integrator  http://www.opentec.com.au 
Opentec Pty Ltd http://www.iebusiness.com.au
6 Lyon Park RoadPhone: (02) 9870 4718 
North Ryde NSW 2113 Fax:   (02) 9878 1755

This document and any attachments are intended solely for
the named addressee(s), are confidential, and may be subject to
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Any confidentiality or privilege is not waived or lost because this
email has been sent to you by mistake. This document and any
attachments are subject to copyright.  No part of them should be
reproduced or distributed by any means whatsoever without the
prior consent of the copyright owner.  Opentec does not warrant
that this email and any attachments are error or virus free.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?


Re: [JDBC] Re: [BUGS] no way in LargeObject API to detect short read?

2001-01-26 Thread Paul M. Aoki

Peter T Mount <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hmmm, what's the performance issues with this? Is there going to be a problem 
> with very large LargeObject's?

you could probably be smarter about caching previous tell() state, if 
that's what you mean.

jun's hack doesn't actually add any extra buffers or copies.
 Paul M. Aoki / Xerox Palo Alto Research Center /  Coyote Hill Road
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] / Computer Science Laboratory / Palo Alto, CA 94304-1314

Re: [BUGS] no way in LargeObject API to detect short read?

2001-01-25 Thread Paul M. Aoki

Bruce Momjian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Anyone able to fix this?

here's a hack we've been using in-house (written by Jun Gabayan,

you may not like the style but it's a stab at a solution.
 Paul M. Aoki / Xerox Palo Alto Research Center /  Coyote Hill Road
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] / Computer Science Laboratory / Palo Alto, CA 94304-1314

Index: LargeObject.java
RCS file: 
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -r1.1 -r1.3
>   private int pos = 0; //current position
>   private int size = 0;
> pos = tell();
> size = size();
> if(fd == 0) return;
> fd = 0;
> // calculate available data to read to avoid reading pass the end
> // to avoid an exception
> pos = tell();
> int avail = size - pos;
> if(avail == 0) return null;
> if(avail < len) len = avail;
> try {
> }catch(SQLException se) {
>   System.out.println("***LargeObject.read: Caught SQLException: " + 
>   return null;
> }
<   public void read(byte buf[],int off,int len) throws SQLException
>   public int read(byte buf[],int off,int len) throws SQLException
< System.arraycopy(read(len),0,buf,off,len);
> byte mybuf[] = read(len);
> int sz = (mybuf != null) ? mybuf.length : -1; //must return -1 for end of data
> if(sz > 0) System.arraycopy(mybuf,0,buf,off,sz);
> return sz;

Re: [BUGS] no meaningful way to determine fe or be version?

2000-11-16 Thread Paul M. Aoki

Bruce Momjian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Yes, should we return the client or server version from the interface? 
> If we return the server version, how does someone query the client version?

sorry, yes.  the client-side interfaces (DatabaseMetaData.getDriver*) 
are actually fine - they return a major/minor version that have been
getting manually updated (they're much more visible, being in 
org/postgresql/Driver.java).  the server-side interfaces 
(DatabaseMetaData.getDatabase{Name,Version}) are the ones that aren't
tied to the server, return hardcoded strings and haven't been getting
updated regularly.
 Paul M. Aoki / Xerox Palo Alto Research Center /  Coyote Hill Road
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] / Computer Science Laboratory / Palo Alto, CA 94304-1314

Re: [BUGS] no meaningful way to determine fe or be version?

2000-11-16 Thread Paul M. Aoki

Bruce Momjian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > it would be nice if the metadata routines were actually tied to something retu
rned from the backend.
> You can do a 'SELECT version()' to get a version string from the
> backend.

thanks for the workaround.

the original point still stands, of course ;-)
 Paul M. Aoki / Xerox Palo Alto Research Center /  Coyote Hill Road
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] / Computer Science Laboratory / Palo Alto, CA 94304-1314

[BUGS] Re: [SQL] MAX() of 0 records.

2000-07-07 Thread Paul McGarry

Tom Lane wrote:

> This seems like a backend bug to me, but being an overworked hacker
> I'm too lazy to try to reconstruct the scenario from your sketch.
> Could I trouble you to submit a formal bug report with a specific,
> hopefully compact script that triggers the problem?

I've attached it here, along with the output I see. I am running 7.0.2
and the problem occurs on both my x86 Linux and Sparc Solaris 

In addition to the output attached the postmaster console adds:

DEBUG: Last error occured while executing PL/pgSQL function
DEBUG: line 4 at SQL statement


Paul McGarrymailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Systems Integrator  http://www.opentec.com.au 
Opentec Pty Ltd http://www.iebusiness.com.au
6 Lyon Park RoadPhone: (02) 9878 1744 
North Ryde NSW 2113 Fax:   (02) 9878 1755

[BUGS] Re: [SQL] MAX() of 0 records.

2000-07-07 Thread Paul McGarry

Here's the attachment I said I was going to attach to the last message.


Paul McGarrymailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Systems Integrator  http://www.opentec.com.au 
Opentec Pty Ltd http://www.iebusiness.com.au
6 Lyon Park RoadPhone: (02) 9878 1744 
North Ryde NSW 2113 Fax:   (02) 9878 1755

[BUGS] Re: [SQL] MAX() of 0 records.

2000-07-07 Thread Paul McGarry

Hi Tom,

> Hmm.  There are several things going on here, but one thing that needs
> clarification is whether this UPDATE is written correctly.  Since it

My goofup (you said you wanted a compact script!). 
You are correct there should have been an extra where condition in
the triggered function.

 UPDATE entry_stats 
SET entry_minprice=min(item_price)
   FROM item where item_entry_id=NEW.item_entry_id AND item_live='f';

Should really have been:

 UPDATE entry_stats 
SET entry_minprice=min(item_price)
   FROM item where item_entry_id=NEW.item_entry_id
AND entry_stats.entry_id=item_entry_id
AND item_live='f';

which still generates the same error message (as the 'problem' is
caused by the where clause, not what is being updated).

FWIW I've attached the real function that I've implemented to get 
around the error message. In all probability the way I'm handling
it is the right way:

1. Check I'm going to get a valid response from my aggregate
2a. If so perform the update with the aggregate
2b. If not perform the update with zeros(default value)

Originally I was just wondering if I could do it all in one go,
Try to perform the update and automatically get the aggregate
result if it were 'available' and default to zeros if not.

If I forget about aggregate functions for a moment and just
consider an update where nothing matches the where criterion
then I'd still use the same logic above to reset the values
to their default. The only differences between using the
aggregate function and not is that one throws an error and
the other just updates 0 rows.

> The thing that jumps out at me is that if you actually try the SELECT
> illustrated above, you do not get any row, null or otherwise; you get
> ERROR:  Attribute entry_stats.ctid must be GROUPed or used in an
> aggregate function
> which is a mighty valid complaint.  If you are aggregating rows to get
> the MIN() then you don't have a unique ctid to deliver, so which row
> ought to be updated?  This is the system's way of expressing the same
> concern I started with: this query doesn't seem to be well-posed.
> You don't see this complaint when you try the UPDATE, because ctid
> is added to the implicit select result in a back-door way that doesn't
> get checked for GROUP-BY validity.  I wonder whether that is the bug.
> If so, we'd basically be saying that no query like this is valid
> (since UPDATE doesn't have a GROUP BY option, there'd be no way to
> pass the grouping check).

Would that mean that any update that used an aggregate function
would be invalid? That would be a bit scary seeing as I am doing
this in part to get around using aggregate functions in a view.

> Another way to look at it is that perhaps an UPDATE involving aggregate
> functions ought to be implicitly treated as GROUP BY targetTable.ctid.

What exactly is a ctid?

Thanks for your response Tom, it has been enlightening. I feel I'm
getting a better understanding of what's going inside pgsql by the
day from yourself and other peoples posts on the various lists.

Paul McGarrymailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Systems Integrator  http://www.opentec.com.au 
Opentec Pty Ltd http://www.iebusiness.com.au
6 Lyon Park RoadPhone: (02) 9878 1744 
North Ryde NSW 2113 Fax:   (02) 9878 1755

[BUGS] Bug: Contrib\fulltextindex\fti.c?

2000-07-03 Thread Paul McGarry


Is it me, or does the declaration of difference as an unsigned int
prevent the if statements just below from working correctly?
Should it not be a normal int?

>From postgresql-7.0.2/contrib/fulltextindex/fti.c
is_stopword(char *text)
char  **StopLow;/* for list of stop-words */
char  **StopHigh;
char  **StopMiddle;
unsigned int difference;

StopLow = &StopWords[0];/* initialize stuff for binary search */
StopHigh = endof(StopWords);

if (lengthof(StopWords) == 0)
return false;

while (StopLow <= StopHigh)
StopMiddle = StopLow + (StopHigh - StopLow) / 2;
difference = strcmp(*StopMiddle, text);
if (difference == 0)
return (true);
else if (difference < 0)
StopLow = StopMiddle + 1;
StopHigh = StopMiddle - 1;

return (false);

Paul McGarrymailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Systems Integrator  http://www.opentec.com.au 
Opentec Pty Ltd http://www.iebusiness.com.au
6 Lyon Park RoadPhone: (02) 9878 1744 
North Ryde NSW 2113 Fax:   (02) 9878 1755