To respecting PIC

The version I used : postgresql-jdbc-9.1-901.jdbc4
When one of a Postgresql db table has array column which contains Strings.
And some of these Array slices contain ideographic space(U+3000 in
In such a case returned result lacks this ideographic space.

My use case is this.
An array column has strings of names of image files.
And one of these name contains an ideographic space.
When a server program got data without this ideographic space and
created a hyperlink
using this data, our user found the link in a html page dose not work.
Because the real file's name contains that ideographic space and the
hyperlink dose not.

I think an abstract class named AbstractJdbc2Array in the package
dose this mal-effect at line 451-455 as below,

// white space
else if (!insideString && Character.isWhitespace(chars[i]))

I know there are some other Whitespace characters like (CR, LF, HT
etc.), I tihink
at least ideographic space shoud not be ommited.

Sincerely Shuhei Aoyama from Tokyo.

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