Re: [BUGS] BUG #8355: PL/Python 3 can't convert infinity to PostgreSQL's value

2013-08-05 Thread Basil Peace
I based on the documentation of PostgreSQL  
 which says about 'Infinity' and '-Infinity' and doesn't mention other possible 
spellings, including 'inf'.
And on my installation of 9.2.4 'inf' doesn't work too (as I supposed according 
to documentation):

SELECT 'inf'::float8

ERROR:  invalid input syntax for type double precision: inf
LINE 2: SELECT 'inf'::float8

According to Python's documentation 
(, handle of 
infinities and NaNs was added in 2.6. At least this works in 2.7.1:

Python 2.7.1 (r271:86832, Apr  1 2013, 01:27:27) [MSC v.1600 64 bit 
(AMD64)] on win32
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So, Python is honest in this way. And, C99 says that style of representation 
('inf' or 'infinity') is implementation-defined, so it is all OK with modern 

  We already backstop strtod() for these cases:


  but the wording of the spec clearly requires +Infinity as well as the
  forms with just inf.  (It also appears to require +/- NaN to be
  accepted, but I have no idea what that would mean and suspect it to
  be a thinko.)

As I can judge, signed NaNs are from the same world as signed zeros and signed 
infinities. Strictly speaking: (-0)/(+0) is -NaN, (-inf)/(+inf) is -NaN, and so 
I think that PostgreSQL's ability to handle signed zeros (and all other rare 
stuff) depends on compiler used. Google says me that '-NaN' exists in modern 
glibc. I don't know about MSVC. My Python accepts '-nan' as input, but doesn't 
give me '-NaN' as output.
So, I think it would be good if '-NaN' and other forms were workable.

Best regards,
Basil Peace

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Re: [BUGS] BUG #8355: PL/Python 3 can't convert infinity to PostgreSQL's value

2013-08-03 Thread Tom Lane
I wrote:
 ... But it seems like maybe we had better cover the
 following cases that we do not cover today:


I've committed a patch that makes sure float4in and float8in accept
these spellings even when the underlying strtod(3) function does not.
However, it turns out that this doesn't fix your test case on my HPUX
box, and I'm betting that it won't help on Windows either, because
it's actually Python that's failing.  You can reproduce the failure
without any Postgres code involved at all:

$ python
Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Jul 12 2007, 23:25:33) 
[GCC 2.95.3 20010315 (release)] on hp-ux10
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 a = float('inf')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
ValueError: invalid literal for float(): inf

Now, I seriously doubt that the Python guys will give a darn about
a 15-year-old version of HPUX, but if you can reproduce the above
on your Windows machine, I'd suggest filing a bug about it with them.

regards, tom lane

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[BUGS] BUG #8355: PL/Python 3 can't convert infinity to PostgreSQL's value

2013-08-02 Thread grv87
The following bug has been logged on the website:

Bug reference:  8355
Logged by:  Basil Peace
Email address:
PostgreSQL version: 9.2.4
Operating system:   Windows 7 x64 (PostgreSQL is x86), Python 3.2.5

PL/Python can't convert Python's float with infinity value to PostgreSQL's
The reason is that Python's standard representation of infinity is 'inf'
('Infinity' is accepted as well), but PostgreSQL's representation is
'Infinity' only.
I'm speaking of Python 3 version since I have no Python 2 to test.

Consider the following code:

-- CREATE LANGUAGE plpython3u;

a double precision

DO LANGUAGE plpython3u $$
plan = plpy.prepare('INSERT INTO test10 (a) VALUES ($1)', ['double
a = float('inf')
plpy.execute(plan, [a])

ERROR:  spiexceptions.InvalidTextRepresentation: invalid input syntax for
type double precision: inf
CONTEXT:  Traceback (most recent call last):
  PL/Python anonymous code block, line 4, in module
plpy.execute(plan, [a])
PL/Python anonymous code block

I suppose this should work without any workarounds.

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Re: [BUGS] BUG #8355: PL/Python 3 can't convert infinity to PostgreSQL's value

2013-08-02 Thread Tom Lane writes:
 PL/Python can't convert Python's float with infinity value to PostgreSQL's
 The reason is that Python's standard representation of infinity is 'inf'
 ('Infinity' is accepted as well), but PostgreSQL's representation is
 'Infinity' only.

Hmm, I was about to contradict you, because it works fine on my Linux
and OS X machines:

regression=# select 'inf'::float8;
(1 row)

but further experimentation says that this doesn't work on my ancient
HPUX box; and you're complaining about Windows.  So what we've got here
is a platform dependency in the behavior of strtod().  I don't think
we can promise to hide all such dependencies, but maybe it'd be a good
idea to take care of this particular one.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [BUGS] BUG #8355: PL/Python 3 can't convert infinity to PostgreSQL's value

2013-08-02 Thread Tom Lane
I wrote:
 ... further experimentation says that this doesn't work on my ancient
 HPUX box; and you're complaining about Windows.  So what we've got here
 is a platform dependency in the behavior of strtod().  I don't think
 we can promise to hide all such dependencies, but maybe it'd be a good
 idea to take care of this particular one.

I took a look in the C99 standard, and what it has to say about it is
actually this:

   [#3] The  expected  form  of  the  subject  sequence  is  an
   optional plus or minus sign, then one of the following:

 -- a   nonempty  sequence  of  decimal  digits  optionally
containing a decimal-point character, then an  optional
exponent part as defined in;

 -- a  0x  or  0X,  then a nonempty sequence of hexadecimal
digits optionally containing a decimal-point character,
then  an  optional  binary-exponent  part as defined in, where either the  decimal-point  character  or
the binary-exponent part is present;

 -- one of INF or INFINITY, ignoring case

 -- one  of  NAN or NAN(n-char-sequence-opt), ignoring case
in the NAN part, where:
n-char-sequence digit
n-char-sequence nondigit

Current versions of the POSIX standard say the same, though SUS v2
didn't mention any of the non-numeric variants.

So what we've got is that Windows and some other (obsolete?) platforms
don't accept everything the standard says they should, and that results in
a visible cross-platform behavioral difference for us.

I'm not at all excited about supporting 0x... constants, nor about the
expanded form of NaN.  But it seems like maybe we had better cover the
following cases that we do not cover today:


We already backstop strtod() for these cases:


but the wording of the spec clearly requires +Infinity as well as the
forms with just inf.  (It also appears to require +/- NaN to be
accepted, but I have no idea what that would mean and suspect it to
be a thinko.)

Barring objections I'll go make this change.

regards, tom lane

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