Hi Dave,

On Tue, Sep 04, 2012 at 11:45:47PM -0400, Dave Vitek wrote:
> LOG:  could not reserve shared memory region (addr=0000000001410000) for child
> 0000000000000F8C: 487
> LOG:  could not fork new process for connection: A blocking operation was
> interrupted by a call to WSACancelBlockingCall.

> So why hasn't this ever happened before?  I'm guessing that ASLR got  
> better in the latest windows 8 patch, or maybe there's just more stuff  
> in the virtual address space of a newborn process.

> One straightforward "fix" is to specify a hardcoded address to  
> MapViewOfFileEx instead of NULL.  This address should be carefully  
> selected such that it is in an area disjoint from the portions of the  
> address space that are potentially reserved in a newborn process, and  
> also unlikely to be in use inside the postmaster when it first maps the  
> shared memory.  This is pretty trivial to do for a particular  
> version/configuration of Windows.  However, I see no future-proof  
> solution (besides making the shared segment position independent).  If  
> the hardcoded address is not available, you can always fall back on the  
> current behavior.

Given the strong dedication to backward-compatibility in Windows, I would
expect a way to bypass the new ASLR measures.  Some web searching suggests
linking postgres.exe with "/highentropyva:no" and/or "/dynamicbase:no" might
help, but nothing conclusive.  Thoughts?  That would be preferable to relying
on experimentally-derived safe addresses, which could cease to be safe after a
mere Windows update or similar.

> There is a security problem with the fix I outline above.  It bypasses  
> ASLR to a limited degree, since the shared memory would likely end up  
> always living at the same address.  I am not certain that MapViewOfFile  
> even tries to be unpredictable, but let's assume it does or will be 
> someday.

I wouldn't worry about it too much.  ASLR is a defense-in-depth measure; it
comes into play when your software already has a flaw and potentially reduces
the impact of that flaw.

> I've attached a patch that implements the stuff above.  I can share the  
> code for the program that tests whether an address is reliably available  
> in a newborn postgres process, if anyone is interested.

Great detective work.  Seeing that program could be helpful.


Noah Misch
EnterpriseDB                                 http://www.enterprisedb.com

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