Re: Odd Row Estimates in Query Plan (rows=75)

2018-08-16 Thread Laurenz Albe
Don Seiler wrote:
> We have a report query that has gone from maybe a few seconds to run to a few 
> minutes to run since mid-July.
> Looking at the output of EXPLAIN ANALYZE, the row count estimates are way 
> off, even though this table was
> just analyzed a day or so ago. What's more bizarre to me is that the row 
> count esimate is *always* 75 for
> every node of the plan, where the actual rows is in the hundreds or 
> thousands. This table is one of the
> busiest tables in our production database (many inserts and updates). It is 
> autovacuumed and autoanalyzed
> a few times per week, although I'm looking to change it to a nightly manual 
> schedule to avoid daytime autovacuums.
>  Hash Join  (cost=1869142.34..1869146.15 rows=75 width=88) (actual 
> time=179877.869..179878.011 rows=759 loops=1)
>Hash Cond: (stores.pkey = lt.store_pkey)
>Buffers: shared hit=1654593 read=331897 dirtied=249
>->  Seq Scan on stores  (cost=0.00..2.77 rows=77 width=22) (actual 
> time=0.007..0.023 rows=78 loops=1)
>  Buffers: shared hit=2
>->  Hash  (cost=1869141.40..1869141.40 rows=75 width=50) (actual 
> time=179877.847..179877.847 rows=759 loops=1)
>  Buckets: 1024  Batches: 1  Memory Usage: 73kB
>  Buffers: shared hit=1654591 read=331897 dirtied=249
>  ->  Subquery Scan on lt  (cost=1869138.59..1869141.40 rows=75 
> width=50) (actual time=179875.976..179877.697 rows=759 loops=1)
>Buffers: shared hit=1654591 read=331897 dirtied=249
>->  GroupAggregate  (cost=1869138.59..1869140.65 rows=75 
> width=50) (actual time=179875.976..179877.606 rows=759 loops=1)
>  Group Key: lts.store_pkey, lts.owner, 
> (date_trunc('minute'::text, lts.date_gifted))
>  Filter: (count(*) IS NOT NULL)
>  Buffers: shared hit=1654591 read=331897 dirtied=249
>  ->  Sort  (cost=1869138.59..1869138.78 rows=75 width=42) 
> (actual time=179875.961..179876.470 rows=6731 loops=1)
>Sort Key: lts.store_pkey, lts.entry_source_owner, 
> (date_trunc('minute'::text, lts.date_gifted))
>Sort Method: quicksort  Memory: 757kB
>Buffers: shared hit=1654591 read=331897 dirtied=249
>->  Index Scan using gifts_date_added on gifts lts 
>  (cost=0.56..1869136.25 rows=75 width=42) (actual time=190.657..179870.165 
> rows=6731 loops=1)
>  Index Cond: ((date_added > '2018-07-14 
> 11:13:05'::timestamp without time zone) AND (date_added < '2018-08-13 
> 14:14:21'::timestamp without time zone))
>  Filter: ((date_gifted >= '2018-08-13 
> 11:13:05'::timestamp without time zone) AND (date_gifted < '2018-08-13 
> 14:14:21'::timestamp without time zone))
>  Rows Removed by Filter: 938197
>  Buffers: shared hit=1654591 read=331897 
> dirtied=249
>  Planning time: 0.426 ms
>  Execution time: 179893.894 ms
> I don't have a version of this query from prior to this summer, but getting 
> explain plan for older data from
> older sandboxes show a similar plan.
> Sidenote: I am suggesting that an index be added on the date_gifted field as 
> that is far more selective and avoids
> throwing rows away. However I'm very interested in why every node dealing 
> with the gifts table thinks rows=75
> when the actual is much, much higher. And 75 seems like too round of a number 
> to be random?

Yes, I would say that adding an index on "date_gifted" would help.  You may end
up with two bitmap index scans that get combined.
Make sure "work_mem" is big enough to avoid lossy bitmaps (indicated in the 

About the misestimate:

You could try running ANALYZE with an increased "default_statistics_target" and 
if that changes the estimate.
If yes, then maybe you should increase statistics for that table or (seing that 
you are
querying current values) you should collect statistics more often.

Laurenz Albe
Cybertec |

Re: Odd Row Estimates in Query Plan (rows=75)

2018-08-15 Thread Don Seiler
On Wed, Aug 15, 2018 at 3:31 PM, Adrian Klaver 

> lts.date_added  > '2017-07-14 11:13:05'
> and
> lts.date_gifted >= '2017-08-13 11:13:05'
> ?
> In other words one '>' and the other '>=' ?

The date_added filters were added just to use that index and with a broad
range, since there isn't a filter on date_gifted. You'll notice the
date_added range is 30 days but the date_gifted range is 3 hours. We really
only care about date_gifted but at this time there isn't an index on that

Even as I experiment with some query rewrites, the EXPLAIN ANALYZE always
says rows=75. I'm *very* curious to see why it is using that value.


Don Seiler

Re: Odd Row Estimates in Query Plan (rows=75)

2018-08-15 Thread Adrian Klaver

On 08/15/2018 01:03 PM, Don Seiler wrote:

Here's the query, obfuscated manually by me:

         'Foo' as system_function,  as store,
                 date_trunc('minute', lts.date_gifted) as minute_of_day,
                 count(*) as records
             FROM lts
                 lts.date_added  > '2017-07-14 11:13:05'
             AND lts.date_added  < '2017-08-13 14:14:21'
             AND lts.date_gifted >= '2017-08-13 11:13:05'
             AND lts.date_gifted <  '2017-08-13 14:14:21'
             GROUP BY 1,2,3
             ORDER BY 1
             ) lt ON lt.store_pkey = stores.pkey
         WHERE lt.records IS NOT NULL;

The table is pretty much the core table of our database. It's 
big and very active. There is an index on date_added but not yet on 

I'm working to re-write the query while the dev sees if we even need 
this query anymore.

I agree the issue seems to be in the index/filter of the dates. That 
leads me to another question:

Why in:

lts.date_added  > '2017-07-14 11:13:05'
lts.date_added  < '2017-08-13 14:14:21'
lts.date_gifted >= '2017-08-13 11:13:05'
lts.date_gifted <  '2017-08-13 14:14:21'


lts.date_added  > '2017-07-14 11:13:05'


lts.date_gifted >= '2017-08-13 11:13:05'

In other words one '>' and the other '>=' ?

Adrian Klaver

Re: Odd Row Estimates in Query Plan (rows=75)

2018-08-15 Thread Don Seiler
Here's the query, obfuscated manually by me:

'Foo' as system_function, as store,
date_trunc('minute', lts.date_gifted) as minute_of_day,
count(*) as records
FROM lts
lts.date_added  > '2017-07-14 11:13:05'
AND lts.date_added  < '2017-08-13 14:14:21'
AND lts.date_gifted >= '2017-08-13 11:13:05'
AND lts.date_gifted <  '2017-08-13 14:14:21'
GROUP BY 1,2,3
) lt ON lt.store_pkey = stores.pkey
WHERE lt.records IS NOT NULL;

The table is pretty much the core table of our database. It's big
and very active. There is an index on date_added but not yet on

I'm working to re-write the query while the dev sees if we even need this
query anymore.

On Wed, Aug 15, 2018 at 2:39 PM, Adrian Klaver 

> On 08/15/2018 12:31 PM, Don Seiler wrote:
>> PostgreSQL 9.6.6 on CentOS.
>> We have a report query that has gone from maybe a few seconds to run to a
>> few minutes to run since mid-July. Looking at the output of EXPLAIN
>> ANALYZE, the row count estimates are way off, even though this table was
>> just analyzed a day or so ago. What's more bizarre to me is that the row
>> count esimate is *always* 75 for every node of the plan, where the actual
>> rows is in the hundreds or thousands. This table is one of the busiest
>> tables in our production database (many inserts and updates). It is
>> autovacuumed and autoanalyzed a few times per week, although I'm looking to
>> change it to a nightly manual schedule to avoid daytime autovacuums.
>> Hash Join  (cost=1869142.34..1869146.15 rows=75 width=88) (actual
>> time=179877.869..179878.011 rows=759 loops=1)
>> Hash Cond: (stores.pkey = lt.store_pkey)
>> Buffers: shared hit=1654593 read=331897 dirtied=249
>> ->  Seq Scan on stores  (cost=0.00..2.77 rows=77 width=22) (actual
>> time=0.007..0.023 rows=78 loops=1)
>>   Buffers: shared hit=2
>> ->  Hash  (cost=1869141.40..1869141.40 rows=75 width=50) (actual
>> time=179877.847..179877.847 rows=759 loops=1)
>>   Buckets: 1024  Batches: 1  Memory Usage: 73kB
>>   Buffers: shared hit=1654591 read=331897 dirtied=249
>>   ->  Subquery Scan on lt  (cost=1869138.59..1869141.40 rows=75
>> width=50) (actual time=179875.976..179877.697 rows=759 loops=1)
>> Buffers: shared hit=1654591 read=331897 dirtied=249
>> ->  GroupAggregate  (cost=1869138.59..1869140.65 rows=75
>> width=50) (actual time=179875.976..179877.606 rows=759 loops=1)
>>   Group Key: lts.store_pkey, lts.owner,
>> (date_trunc('minute'::text, lts.date_gifted))
>>   Filter: (count(*) IS NOT NULL)
>>   Buffers: shared hit=1654591 read=331897 dirtied=249
>>   ->  Sort  (cost=1869138.59..1869138.78 rows=75
>> width=42) (actual time=179875.961..179876.470 rows=6731 loops=1)
>> Sort Key: lts.store_pkey,
>> lts.entry_source_owner, (date_trunc('minute'::text, lts.date_gifted))
>> Sort Method: quicksort  Memory: 757kB
>> Buffers: shared hit=1654591 read=331897
>> dirtied=249
>> ->  Index Scan using gifts_date_added on
>> gifts lts  (cost=0.56..1869136.25 rows=75 width=42) (actual
>> time=190.657..179870.165 rows=6731 loops=1)
>>   Index Cond: ((date_added > '2018-07-14
>> 11:13:05'::timestamp without time zone) AND (date_added < '2018-08-13
>> 14:14:21'::timestamp without time zone))
>>   Filter: ((date_gifted >= '2018-08-13
>> 11:13:05'::timestamp without time zone) AND (date_gifted < '2018-08-13
>> 14:14:21'::timestamp without time zone))
>>   Rows Removed by Filter: 938197
>>   Buffers: shared hit=1654591 read=331897
>> dirtied=249
>>   Planning time: 0.426 ms
>>   Execution time: 179893.894 ms
>> I don't have a version of this query from prior to this summer, but
>> getting explain plan for older data from older sandboxes show a similar
>> plan.
> I don't have an answer, just a question:
> Can you provide the actual query and the table schema?
>> Sidenote: I am suggesting that an index be added on the date_gifted field
>> as that is far more selective and avoids throwing rows away. However I'm
>> very interested in why every node dealing with the gifts table thinks
>> rows=75 when the actual is much, much higher. And 75 seems like too round
>> of a number to be random?
>> --
>> Don Seiler
> -

Re: Odd Row Estimates in Query Plan (rows=75)

2018-08-15 Thread Adrian Klaver

On 08/15/2018 12:31 PM, Don Seiler wrote:

PostgreSQL 9.6.6 on CentOS.

We have a report query that has gone from maybe a few seconds to run to 
a few minutes to run since mid-July. Looking at the output of EXPLAIN 
ANALYZE, the row count estimates are way off, even though this table was 
just analyzed a day or so ago. What's more bizarre to me is that the row 
count esimate is *always* 75 for every node of the plan, where the 
actual rows is in the hundreds or thousands. This table is one of the 
busiest tables in our production database (many inserts and updates). It 
is autovacuumed and autoanalyzed a few times per week, although I'm 
looking to change it to a nightly manual schedule to avoid daytime 

Hash Join  (cost=1869142.34..1869146.15 rows=75 width=88) (actual 
time=179877.869..179878.011 rows=759 loops=1)

    Hash Cond: (stores.pkey = lt.store_pkey)
    Buffers: shared hit=1654593 read=331897 dirtied=249
    ->  Seq Scan on stores  (cost=0.00..2.77 rows=77 width=22) (actual 
time=0.007..0.023 rows=78 loops=1)

          Buffers: shared hit=2
    ->  Hash  (cost=1869141.40..1869141.40 rows=75 width=50) (actual 
time=179877.847..179877.847 rows=759 loops=1)

          Buckets: 1024  Batches: 1  Memory Usage: 73kB
          Buffers: shared hit=1654591 read=331897 dirtied=249
          ->  Subquery Scan on lt  (cost=1869138.59..1869141.40 rows=75 
width=50) (actual time=179875.976..179877.697 rows=759 loops=1)

                Buffers: shared hit=1654591 read=331897 dirtied=249
                ->  GroupAggregate  (cost=1869138.59..1869140.65 rows=75 
width=50) (actual time=179875.976..179877.606 rows=759 loops=1)
                      Group Key: lts.store_pkey, lts.owner, 
(date_trunc('minute'::text, lts.date_gifted))

                      Filter: (count(*) IS NOT NULL)
                      Buffers: shared hit=1654591 read=331897 dirtied=249
                      ->  Sort  (cost=1869138.59..1869138.78 rows=75 
width=42) (actual time=179875.961..179876.470 rows=6731 loops=1)
                            Sort Key: lts.store_pkey, 
lts.entry_source_owner, (date_trunc('minute'::text, lts.date_gifted))

                            Sort Method: quicksort  Memory: 757kB
                            Buffers: shared hit=1654591 read=331897 
                            ->  Index Scan using gifts_date_added on 
gifts lts  (cost=0.56..1869136.25 rows=75 width=42) (actual 
time=190.657..179870.165 rows=6731 loops=1)
                                  Index Cond: ((date_added > '2018-07-14 
11:13:05'::timestamp without time zone) AND (date_added < '2018-08-13 
14:14:21'::timestamp without time zone))
                                  Filter: ((date_gifted >= '2018-08-13 
11:13:05'::timestamp without time zone) AND (date_gifted < '2018-08-13 
14:14:21'::timestamp without time zone))

                                  Rows Removed by Filter: 938197
                                  Buffers: shared hit=1654591 
read=331897 dirtied=249

  Planning time: 0.426 ms
  Execution time: 179893.894 ms

I don't have a version of this query from prior to this summer, but 
getting explain plan for older data from older sandboxes show a similar 

I don't have an answer, just a question:

Can you provide the actual query and the table schema?

Sidenote: I am suggesting that an index be added on the date_gifted 
field as that is far more selective and avoids throwing rows away. 
However I'm very interested in why every node dealing with the gifts 
table thinks rows=75 when the actual is much, much higher. And 75 seems 
like too round of a number to be random?

Don Seiler 

Adrian Klaver