[GENERAL] How do you rebind/reexecute a query without reparsing it?

2000-05-22 Thread Barry Lind

I come from an Oracle background and am used to being able to parse a
query once and then rebind and reexecute that same query multiple
times.  This can have huge performance benefits for frequently used
queries within an application.

I am new to PostgreSQL, and am trying to figure out how to do the same
here.  Specifically from the JDBC client interface.  The JDBC interface
allows for rebinding and reexecuting, but the implementation seems to
rebuild the query every time and sends the new query string to the
server to have it reparse.

In digging a little deeper, I don't think that the Front End/Back End
protocol can support this type of functionality.

Is there anyway I can avoid the overhead of reparsing the statements
when all I want to do is rebind/reexecute the same statements over and
over again?  (Again I need this from the JDBC interface)


Re: [PORTS] Logging (was Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL 7.0-2 RPMset released.)

2000-05-22 Thread Palle Girgensohn

Tom Lane wrote:
> Lamar Owen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > The real problem with redirecting the postmaster output is the issue
> > of log rolling, which is impossible to do in the 'classic'
> > stderr/stdout redirect UNLESS you throw down postmaster when rolling
> > the log (unless you know a trick I don't).

I think I do ;-) read on...

> Yes.  I think ultimately we will have to do some logging support code of
> our own to make this work the way we want.  My thought at the moment is
> there's nothing wrong with logging to stderr, as long as there's some
> code somewhere that periodically closes stderr and reopens it to a new
> log file.  There needn't be a lot of code involved, we just need a
> well-thought-out spec for how it should work.  Comments anyone?
> regards, tom lane

I really enjoy using apache's rotatelogs program. stderr is
redirected through a pipe to a very small and robust C program,
rotatelogs, that takes as arguments number of seconds between
log rotates and the log filename. Logs are rotated every
argv[2] seconds. The rotatelogs program takes care of closing
and reopening, and nothing has to done from the application,
just start postmaster with '2>&1 | rotatelogs ...' at the end,
and log to stderr.

Also, BSD license! :)

For reference, I enclose the program as an attachment; it's
less than 100 lines. Also, here's the man page:

   rotatelogs - rotate Apache logs without having to kill

   rotatelogs logfile rotationtime

   rotatelogs is a simple program for use in conjunction
   Apache's  piped  logfile  feature  which  can be used


   This creates the files /path/to/logs/access_log.
    is the system time at which the log nominally 
   (this time will always be a multiple of the rotation
   so you can synchronize cron scripts with it).  At the 
   of  each  rotation time (here after 24 hours) a new log

  The path plus basename of the logfile.  The 
  . is automatically added.

  The rotation time in seconds.

See Also

 * Simple program to rotate Apache logs without having to kill the server.
 * Contributed by Ben Laurie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 * 12 Mar 1996

#define BUFSIZE 65536
#define MAX_PATH1024

#include "ap_config.h"

int main (int argc, char **argv)
char buf[BUFSIZE], buf2[MAX_PATH];
time_t tLogEnd = 0;
time_t tRotation;
int nLogFD = -1;
int nRead;
char *szLogRoot;

if (argc != 3) {
"%s  \n\n",
#ifdef OS2
"Add this:\n\nTransferLog \"|%s.exe /some/where 86400\"\n\n",
"Add this:\n\nTransferLog \"|%s /some/where 86400\"\n\n",
"to httpd.conf. The generated name will be /some/where. "
"where  is the\nsystem time at which the log nominally "
"starts (N.B. this time will always be a\nmultiple of the "
"rotation time, so you can synchronize cron scripts with it).\n"
"At the end of each rotation time a new log is started.\n");

szLogRoot = argv[1];
tRotation = atoi(argv[2]);
if (tRotation <= 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Rotation time must be > 0\n");

for (;;) {
nRead = read(0, buf, sizeof buf);
if (nRead == 0)
if (nRead < 0)
if (errno != EINTR)
if (nLogFD >= 0 && (time(NULL) >= tLogEnd || nRead < 0)) {
nLogFD = -1;
if (nLogFD < 0) {
time_t tLogStart = (time(NULL) / tRotation) * tRotation;
sprintf(buf2, "%s.%010d", szLogRoot, (int) tLogStart);
tLogEnd = tLogStart + tRotation;
nLogFD = open(buf2, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_APPEND, 0666);
if (nLogFD < 0) {
if (write(nLogFD, buf, nRead) != nRead) {

[GENERAL] performance and number of selected columns

2000-05-22 Thread Dirk Lutzebaeck


say I have three tables a,b,c with lots of columns (say 10 for each
table). Using psql command line, why does

 SELECT a.*,b.*,c.* FROM a,b,c

takes much more longer (in my specifc case 3 times) than only
selecting one column like

 SELECT a.oid, b.oid, c.oid FROM a,b,c.

This is on 7.0. Can I play with buffer sizes? Indexes exist on most
of the columns. Columns in the second line can be arbitrary.


RE: [GENERAL] pgsql for win

2000-05-22 Thread HorĂ¡k Daniel

> > My friend Ingo (cc'd here) is hard at work on this right now.
> > Maybe a collaboration?  I'd really like to see this happen too.
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Tom
> Tom, are you referring to a Cygwin binary, or a native NT port?

I don't think it is possible to create a WinNT port without Cygwin.

Now I have 7.0beta3 compiled with Cygwin B20 - it runs on the newest Cygwin
too. The 7.0 final and the newest Cygwin compiles well (with small updates
to the sources) but I cannot get it run. It has problems with allocating
shared memory segments. It seems like "user permissions" problem.


Re: [GENERAL] Re: [HACKERS] Postgresql OO Patch

2000-05-22 Thread Chris Bitmead

Mike Mascari wrote:

> At a minimum, it seems to me, the backend must support the
> concept of multiple tuples with different attributes at the
> relation level since concurrency and rollback-ability of ALTER
> TABLE ADD COLUMN will cause two concurrent transactions to see a
> single relation with different attributes. It doesn't seem a
> large leap to support this concept for OO purposes from "leaf" to
> "base". For "base" to "leaf" type queries, wouldn't it be
> acceptable to return the base attributes only, as long as the
> equivalent of run-time type information could be had from the
> OID?

How are you going to be able to go shape.display() and have it work for
a triangle, if the triangle's apex's weren't retrieved?

Re: [GENERAL] Re: [HACKERS] Postgresql OO Patch

2000-05-22 Thread Mike Mascari

Chris Bitmead wrote:
> While SQL3 talks about trees and leaf rows, it's not implemented like
> that, so all this worrying about digging down trees and leafs is all a
> bit mute.

Moot. ;-)

At a minimum, it seems to me, the backend must support the
concept of multiple tuples with different attributes at the
relation level since concurrency and rollback-ability of ALTER
TABLE ADD COLUMN will cause two concurrent transactions to see a
single relation with different attributes. It doesn't seem a
large leap to support this concept for OO purposes from "leaf" to
"base". For "base" to "leaf" type queries, wouldn't it be
acceptable to return the base attributes only, as long as the
equivalent of run-time type information could be had from the

Just curious, 

Mike Mascari

[GENERAL] Re: [HACKERS] Postgresql OO Patch

2000-05-22 Thread Hannu Krosing

Chris Bitmead wrote:
> > In this
> > case, it would only look down into the tree to 3 levels below supertable and
> > you'd never get row-types that are down lower than level 3.  Anyhow, I still
> > don't think returning multple row-types is going to happen,

OTOH, I'm pretty sure that original Postgres did allow for it.

> > not that I have any authority one way or the other!  :-)
> >

[GENERAL] Re: [HACKERS] Postgresql OO Patch

2000-05-22 Thread Chris Bitmead

While SQL3 talks about trees and leaf rows, it's not implemented like
that, so all this worrying about digging down trees and leafs is all a
bit mute.

"Robert B. Easter" wrote:

>  If it were allowed, you might have to
> specify the level to dig to in the tree.  The rows are shared among supertable
> and subtables.  One row in a leaf table has subrows in all its supertables up
> the tree.  If you do a "SELECT * FROM supertable*" (for example, if you were to
> redefine table* to mean select heterogeneous rows), what row will you get for a
> row that exists in a leaf?  The same row is in all tables between supertable
> and the leaf.  I suppose it would be necessary to have the query check each row
> and see how far down the tree it goes, or the system keeps track of that and
> returns the row-type from the table that inserted it.  OR, there could be some
> extra specifier like "SELECT * FROM supertable DIGGING TO LEVEL 3".  In this
> case, it would only look down into the tree to 3 levels below supertable and
> you'd never get row-types that are down lower than level 3.  Anyhow, I still
> don't think returning multple row-types is going to happen, not that I have any
> authority one way or the other!  :-)
> --
> Robert B. Easter

Chris Bitmead
http://www.techphoto.org - Photography News, Stuff that Matters

[GENERAL] Re: [HACKERS] Postgresql OO Patch

2000-05-22 Thread Robert B. Easter

On Sun, 21 May 2000, Chris Bitmead wrote:
> Peter Eisentraut wrote:
> > 
> > Chris writes:
> > 
> > > I.e. "SELECT * FROM foobar*" becomes "SELECT * FROM foobar", and
> > > "SELECT * from foobar" becomes "SELECT * FROM ONLY foobar".
> > 
> > This aspect of the patch I wholeheartedly agree on. The rest I'm not sure
> > about -- yet. :)
> > 
> > > Benefits:
> > > *) SQL3 says it.
> > 

I also agree about the usage of ONLY, as long as it follows the
official standardized SQL3 spec.

About returning multiple types of rows again:  I don't see that in SQL3 so far
(difficult and time consuming to read).  If it were allowed, you might have to
specify the level to dig to in the tree.  The rows are shared among supertable
and subtables.  One row in a leaf table has subrows in all its supertables up
the tree.  If you do a "SELECT * FROM supertable*" (for example, if you were to
redefine table* to mean select heterogeneous rows), what row will you get for a
row that exists in a leaf?  The same row is in all tables between supertable
and the leaf.  I suppose it would be necessary to have the query check each row
and see how far down the tree it goes, or the system keeps track of that and
returns the row-type from the table that inserted it.  OR, there could be some
extra specifier like "SELECT * FROM supertable DIGGING TO LEVEL 3".  In this
case, it would only look down into the tree to 3 levels below supertable and
you'd never get row-types that are down lower than level 3.  Anyhow, I still
don't think returning multple row-types is going to happen, not that I have any
authority one way or the other!  :-)

Robert B. Easter