Re: [GENERAL] Using UnixODBC and postgresql

2000-10-07 Thread Michael Meskes

On Sat, Oct 07, 2000 at 12:51:54AM +1100, Danny wrote:
 1)Does Postgresql with with UNIXODBC ?

Yes, it does without a problem.

Michael Meskes
Go SF 49ers! Go Rhein Fire!
Use Debian GNU/Linux! Use PostgreSQL!

Re: [GENERAL] Need help : Weird referencial Integrity triggers

2000-10-07 Thread Jan Wieck

Vilson farias wrote:
 I've been changing some tables and I saw a strange behavior in pg_trigger.
 Check out the commented code below :


 Now, if I select the corresponding triggers from pg_trigger, I'll find
 three. Why 3? One for update, one for insert and one for delete ?

One  for  INSERT/UPDATE  of  the  foreign  key table, one for
DELETE and one for UPDATE of the primary key table.

You haven't specified a referential  action  for  the  UPDATE
case  of  the primary key (ON UPDATE ...). The default action
is NO ACTION, what means that changing the primary keys value
isn't  allowed as long as there are references to it from any
foreign key. Thus, updating a PK can  never  be  ignored  and
there must be a trigger.



# It's easier to get forgiveness for being wrong than for being right. #
# Let's break this rule - forgive me.  #

Re: [GENERAL] How does TOAST compare to other databases' mechanisms?

2000-10-07 Thread Jan Wieck

Tom Lane wrote:
 Frank Joerdens [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Can I go around bragging to my SQL-minded friends about using this
  really cool thing that no other database has, or should I keep my mouth
  shut because it's actually not so cool?

 IMHO it's pretty cool.  You get the benefits of BLOB storage without
 having to deal with weird declarations or access methods.  I have no
 idea whether any other databases do it the same way, but simply removing
 the limit on physical tuple length wouldn't have been as nice.  See,
 with a toasted column, you don't pay to suck the contents of the column
 into memory when you read the row for a query that doesn't actually touch
 that column.  So, for example, you might have a table declared like

 (key1 text,
  moddate timestamp,
  big_horking_data text);


And   it   also   helps  to  avoid  tables,  containing  such
big_horking_data items, to grow as fast as they would  before
7.1. In the case

CREATE TABLE customer_call (
cc_callid   serial primary key,
cc_custid   integer foreign key ...,
cc_priority integer,
cc_calltime timestamp,
cc_callclosed   timestamp,
cc_huge_description text

UPDATE customer_call
SET cc_callclosed = now()
WHERE cc_callid = 5432;

the  cc_huge_description  isn't  touched. Now think about the
way the non-overwriting storage manager in PostgreSQL  works.
Normally  it  would  store a completely new tuple, containing
the description again and VACUUM needs to move alot  of  data
to  condense  the  table again. TOAST will reuse the previous
toasted value and NOT outdate it, but put  another  reference
to  it  into  the  new  tuple.  This will avoid alot of write
access to the disks and speedup VACUUM. Also, the UPDATE will
never  even  read  these items, so the update itself is (like
Tom's SELECT sample) working on a small table.

All in all it is a very good solution for  the  very  special
problems  we  have in PostgreSQL. It might not compare in any
way to what  other  databases  do,  but  the  non-overwriting
technology  bought  us  MVCC  to  be  relatively easy. Now it
lowers the cost of having it.



# It's easier to get forgiveness for being wrong than for being right. #
# Let's break this rule - forgive me.  #

Re: [GENERAL] How does TOAST compare to other databases' mechanisms?

2000-10-07 Thread Frank Joerdens

  idea whether any other databases do it the same way, but simply removing
  the limit on physical tuple length wouldn't have been as nice.

Yes, that makes it a lot clearer. This is more or less what I'd been wondering, without
really noticing: Why not just remove the limit on physical tuple length? Because the
description of TOAST's inner workings seemed so convoluted (what with compression
etcetera) that it appeared as either a great, strained effort to remove a "deep, 
limitation" (someone's statement regarding the 8K barrier) or something that someone 
thought long and hard about to make particularly cool.
 All in all it is a very good solution for  the  very  special
 problems  we  have in PostgreSQL. It might not compare in any
 way to what  other  databases  do,  but  the  non-overwriting
 technology  bought  us  MVCC  to  be  relatively easy. Now it
 lowers the cost of having it.

I am more than satisfied with both your explanations, thanks. I was afraid I might 
have to
switch to MySQL (the horror! the horror!), also because of a piece of information from
another recent thread:

  For more than 10,000 BLOBs, the database was a clear winner.
  That is, it took less time to locate and read an 8k-16k BLOB
  from the MySQL database than from the local disk.  For smaller
  numbers of BLOBs, the filesystem was faster.

 This is undoubtedly right for existing Postgres releases, because
 currently PG stores each BLOB as an independent table --- and just to
 add insult to injury, creates an index for it :-(.  So you actually have
 *two* added files in the DB directory per BLOB.  Needless to say, this
 does not scale real well to large numbers of BLOBs.

. . . Tom goes on to say that TOAST is a solution to most of these issues whilst a 
BLOB implementation is waiting in the wings (scheduled for 7.1 also) which will 
provide a
more natural solution to some problems - an issue which is also touched upon by Jan in

  TOAST  is  finished  and will be shipped with 7.1. It's not a
  solution for huge items, but medium sized  text  up  to  some
  hundred K works fine.

 What do you mean by "..not a solution for huge items"? Does TOAST have a size limit?

. . . Jan goes on to explain that TOAST does not have an explicit size limit and why 
it is
still less than optimal for really big items.

Which leads to another question in the context of my little content management app: 
of it is composed of smaller and larger texts, for which TOAST will be great, because I
can still search them, they're not opaque for a, for instance, LIKE query parameter in 
SELECT statement (right?), like BLOBs, if I want to search for texts that contain
particular words or statements (this will probably be slow if the texts are big and a 
of them are included in the query). But I also have images, most of which will 
not exceed a few hundred K. At which point do I cross the line where TOAST becomes 
and BLOBs are The Way?

Regards, Frank

[GENERAL] Using BLOBs with PostgreSQL

2000-10-07 Thread Tim Kientzle

I'm evaluating a couple of different databases for use as
the back-end to a web-based publishing system that's currently
being developed in Java and Perl.

I want to keep _all_ of the data in the database, to
simplify future replication and data management.  That
includes such data as GIF images, large HTML files,
even multi-megabyte downloadable software archives.

I've been using MySQL for initial development; it has pretty
clean and easy-to-use BLOB support.  You just declare a BLOB
column type, then read and write arbitrarily large chunks of data.
In Perl, BLOB columns work just like varchar columns; in JDBC,
the getBinaryStream()/setBinaryStream() functions provide support
for streaming large data objects.

How well-supported is this functionality in PostgreSQL?
I did some early experimenting with PG, but couldn't
find any column type that would accept binary data
(apparently PG's parser chokes on null characters?).

I've heard about TOAST, but have no idea what it really
is, how to use it, or how well it performs.  I'm leery
of database-specific APIs.

- Tim Kientzle

[GENERAL] Postmaster startup problems

2000-10-07 Thread Collin Peters

I'm having problems starting postgres.  What happens is that I start it
but then it says it isn't running.

In one terminal window:
postgres@the-kernel:~$ postmaster -D /usr/local/pgsql/data/ 
DEBUG:  Data Base System is starting up at Sat Oct  7 13:13:29 2000
DEBUG:  Data Base System was shut down at Sat Oct  7 13:13:25 2000
DEBUG:  Data Base System is in production state at Sat Oct  7 13:13:29

In another terminal window while still looking at postmaster 'running' in
the other:
postgres@the-kernel:~$ psql
psql: connectDBStart() -- connect() failed: Connection refused
Is the postmaster running at 'localhost'
and accepting connections on Unix socket '5432'?

If I try to start postmaster again:
postgres@the-kernel:~$ postmaster -D /usr/local/pgsql/data/ 
FATAL: StreamServerPort: bind() failed: Address already in use
Is another postmaster already running on that port?
If not, remove socket node (/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432) and retry.
/usr/local/pgsql/bin//postmaster: cannot create UNIX stream port

Which leads me to think that it is in fact running.  But I can't
connect!!  Is it maybe running on a different port or something?  Another
strange thing is that TOP reports the running process to be
/usr/local/pgsql/bin instead of /usr/local/pgsql/bin/postmaster which is
the way I remember it running before.

Collin Peters

Re: [GENERAL] Using BLOBs with PostgreSQL

2000-10-07 Thread Martin A. Marques

On Sat, 07 Oct 2000, Tim Kientzle wrote:

 I've been using MySQL for initial development; it has pretty
 clean and easy-to-use BLOB support.  You just declare a BLOB
 column type, then read and write arbitrarily large chunks of data.
 In Perl, BLOB columns work just like varchar columns; in JDBC,
 the getBinaryStream()/setBinaryStream() functions provide support
 for streaming large data objects.

If you're talking about BLOB texts, just declare the column as text and thats 
all. In the case of binary data, I don't have an idea. I only work we text 

 How well-supported is this functionality in PostgreSQL?
 I did some early experimenting with PG, but couldn't
 find any column type that would accept binary data
 (apparently PG's parser chokes on null characters?).

 I've heard about TOAST, but have no idea what it really
 is, how to use it, or how well it performs.  I'm leery
 of database-specific APIs.

As far as I have listen, it looks like a nice way to optimize searches in 
blobs. Don't know anything else.

Saludos... :-)

"And I'm happy, because you make me feel good, about me." - Melvin Udall
Martín Marqués  email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Santa Fe - Argentina
Administrador de sistemas en

Re: [GENERAL] Newbie, Howto access Array-Slots in user defined functions?

2000-10-07 Thread Martin Jacobs

Tom Lane wrote:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Martin Jacobs) writes:
CREATE FUNCTION lessbyte (_bytea, _bytea) RETURNS bool
'SELECT $1[1]  $2[1];' LANGUAGE 'sql';
  ERROR:  Unable to identify an operator '' for types 'bytea'
  and 'bytea'
  You will have to retype this query using an explicit
 There is nothing wrong with your syntax --- you've declared a function
 that takes two arrays of bytea, selects the first element of each, and
 compares 'em.  But bytea doesn't support comparison operators ... or
 much of anything, actually.  There is a get_byte function, so you could
 conceivably build what you want starting with
 create function lessbyte(bytea, bytea) returns bool as
 'select get_byte($1,0)  get_byte($2,0)' language 'sql';

Thank your for this hint, but my 6.3.2 installation does not know
a function get_byte(). Instead it knows functions byteaGetByte,
byteaSetByte, ...

Sorry, but that don't work either. New problems come up, see

 However, I don't see any reasonable way to deal with variable-length
 inputs without a loop, and SQL functions don't have looping
 Given the lack of operators, type bytea isn't currently useful for
 much except plain storage and retrieval of raw byte sequences.
 Have you got a strong reason for using bytea, rather than some
 better-supported type like text?  Heck, even array of char
 would work better:
 regression=# CREATE FUNCTION lessbyte(_char, _char) returns  bool as
 regression-# 'SELECT $1[1]  $2[1];' LANGUAGE 'sql';

Playing with some homebrown databases I tried to collect ip
adresses in a table. One possibility would be to store them in a
character array, but then I would have to enter them in escaped
notation and would see characters instead of numbers when doing a
plain select in pgsql or pgaccess.

(I know, that postgreSQL supports a native data type supporting
internet and mac adresses.)

Try the following:

internetaccess= create table iptest (ip bytea[4]);
internetaccess= insert into iptest (ip) values ('{192,147,68,5}');
INSERT 44085 1
internetaccess= insert into iptest (ip) values ('{191,146,67,1}');
INSERT 44086 1
internetaccess= select * from iptest;
(2 rows)

So far it's what I expected. Now let's extract the class A part
of the address:

internetaccess= select ip[1] from iptest;
ERROR:  type name lookup of ip failed 

Uhh, what's this? What's going wrong now? Another approach:

internetaccess= select "byteaGetByte"(ip,1) from iptest;
ERROR:  function byteaGetByte(_bytea, int4) does not

Ok, \df command shows that there is a function byteaGetByte which
expects as first argument a bytea and as second an int4 value.
But how can I use this function if the parser generates
references to bytea (_bytea) instead of the object itself?


Back to your question: Ip addresses are not of variable length.
Therefor it should be possible to implement the missing compare
operators for , =, , = ... by unrolling the loop by hand. I
know this is not optimal but I thought of this being an exercise
for myself to lern about PostgreSQL extensions with functions and
operators without having to implement external moduls using C/C++
and gcc.  

Martin Jacobs

[GENERAL] Book now in book-sized format

2000-10-07 Thread Bruce Momjian

I have updated the PDF of my book so it is in the final book-sized
format. A final PDF should go to the publisher within weeks.  It is
expected to be on sale in mid-November.  It already appears on Amazon
and Barnes  Noble web sites.

I have finished the index.  If anyone has suggestions for additional
entries, please let me know.  It is hard to guess what people will want
to look up in an index.

The book is at:

  Bruce Momjian|
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  (610) 853-3000
  +  If your life is a hard drive, |  830 Blythe Avenue
  +  Christ can be your backup.|  Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania 19026

Re: [GENERAL] Newbie, Howto access Array-Slots in user defined functions?

2000-10-07 Thread Tom Lane

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Martin Jacobs) writes:
 Thank your for this hint, but my 6.3.2 installation does not know
 a function get_byte().

6.3.2?  You didn't mention that before.  There are a ton of
array-related bugs in 6.3.2.  Try a more recent release.

regards, tom lane

[GENERAL] RE: pgaccess on Win95

2000-10-07 Thread Bill Barnes

 Has anyone been able to execute the subject on PostgreSQL7.0.2
 Error message reports unable to find libraries.

You need to have Tcl/Tk installed.

Peter Eisentraut  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I should have been more specific.  Sorry!

TclPro 1.4 (evaluation copy) is installed.  Uses Tcl vs 8.3.
It is in directory \Program Files\TclPRO 1.4

pgaccess version 0.98.6 is installed in ~\TclPro 1.4.  
It lists the following files in ~\pgaccess\win32\dll

pgaccess in Linux supports pg vs 7.x.

What has to be done to bring the windows version up to speed.?

Thanks for your help,

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[GENERAL] Trying to use PGSql with PHP

2000-10-07 Thread John Tsombakos

I'm trying to setup PostgreSQL on Redhat Linux 6.2 and access it with PHP. I
have Apache installed and working, PHP installed and working, and PostgreSQL
installed and working. However, I'm trying to get PHP to talk to the
PostgreSQL system. I believe I need to install php-pgsql-3.0.15-2.rpm, but
when I try, I get an error saying the that package depends on
''. I have PostgreSQL v7.0.2 (all of the RPMS's) and PHP 3.0.15

What am I missing? I'm a bit of a newbie with Linux, so any help will be


John Tsombakos