Re: [GENERAL] [OT] "advanced" database design (long)

2008-02-03 Thread Alex Turner
I"m not a database expert, but wouldn't

create table attribute (
  attribute_id int
  attribute text

create table value (
  value_id int
  value text

create table attribute_value (
  entity_id int
  attribute_id int
  value_id int

give you a lot less  pages to load than building a table with say 90 columns
in it that are all null, which would result in better rather than worse


On Feb 2, 2008 9:15 AM, Lewis Cunningham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> --- vladimir konrad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I think that I understand basic relational theory but then I had an
> > idea.
> > Basically, instead of adding field to a table every time there is a
> > need for it, have a table split in two: one holds identity (id) and
> > one holds the attributes (linked to this id).
> > Basically, if in the future user decides that the subject should
> > have a new attribute, he can simply add "attribute definition" and
> > attribute_definition_set (if any) and the application would handle
> Basically, you would be creating your own data dictionary (i.e.
> system catalog) on top of the db data dictionary.  The database
> already comes with a way to easily add columns: ddl.  I have seen
> newbie database designers reinvent this method a hundred times.  The
> performance hits and complexity of querying data would far out weigh
> any perceived maintenance gain.
> My .02.
> LewisC
> Lewis R Cunningham
> An Expert's Guide to Oracle Technology
> LewisC's Random Thoughts
> ---(end of broadcast)---
> TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
>   choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not
>   match

Re: [GENERAL] [pgsql-advocacy] PostgreSQL Certification

2008-02-03 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On Sun, 03 Feb 2008 11:28:24 -0800
Ron Mayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Josh Berkus wrote:
> >> Id really prefer my company be certified by the community rather
> >> than by a company, despite the full respect I have in SRA's
> >> engagement in PostgreSQL and that we all know their contributions.
> > What would it mean for a company to be certified?
> I'd hope it'd mean that I can have some degree of confidence
> hiring that organization for Postgresql support.  No?  
> It seems to have very similar benefits as certifying individuals.
> Microsoft seems to have something like that for their
> partners in their "Database Management competency"

Guys, with respect this thread does nothing for us unless it is on the
certification list.


Joshua D. Drake

> ---(end of
> broadcast)--- TIP 9: In versions below 8.0,
> the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
> joining column's datatypes do not match

Description: PGP signature

Re: [GENERAL] [pgsql-advocacy] PostgreSQL professionals group at

2008-02-03 Thread Greg Sabino Mullane

Hash: RIPEMD160

Alvaro Herrera asked:
> Is there an existing Postgres group?

Yes, this one:

- --
Greg Sabino Mullane [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP Key: 0x14964AC8 200802032251


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL/PHP Application Server

2008-02-03 Thread Alex Turner
Frameworks are over-rated.  PHP makes most common tasks simple (not that I'm
really a big PHP fan, but it works pretty well most of the time).  Just
follow a few basic XSS protection rules, and you will have few problems.
Filter input elements for HTML,  don't put stupid things in cookies that can
be sniffed or forged, same for URL parameters, don't make database queries
by concatenating strings made up from $_GET or $_POST values, use prepared
statements instead, write a basic authentication framework that is mostly
just calling auth($expected_role), and going to a auth failed page if it
returns false (if thats appropriate, or just set a flag so the rest of the
page knows this is not a logged in user).  I've found that I seem to spend
as much time programming for the exceptions to the frameworks inbuilt
mechanisms as I would have if I just built it myself as a basic page in raw
PHP/SQL, not only that, but abstraction layers just add overhead which makes
you scale less, and cost more $$s.  I've seen a J2EE app that fell over with
just 32 users (and it wasn't anything to do with data mining) because the
entity bean layer was thrashing the crap out of the database server.  Do
yourself a favour - put sessions in the DB not on the file system, and let
the DB do what it's good at - being fast at data access (now if I could just
figure out how to make certain table stay in RAM...) (for goodness sake,
database professionals have spent 30 years making sure that databases are
fast, can any framework programmer claim the same thing?)

As for security - Monolithic security is obvious because you can't forge a
new database connection for every user that connects to your system - it
doesn't scale, you have to use connection pooling, which means one
master-user profile, and web users get authenticated at the application
level, not the DB level.  PHP supports LDAP just fine, you can auth against
LDAP no problem (even Windows AD though the schema is scary), but ultimately
roles for your application will be in the DB with all your other data.  You
can lazy initialize users in the DB when you auth them for the first time
from the LDAP server.

I really don't know what row-level security even means, but most security
has to function not just on what data a user has access to, but rather what
function a user has access to combined with the ownership of the data, which
is mostly application level.  Many functions access the same data, but in
different ways, trying to enforce authorization by data is wrong-headed in
my mind.

PHP/Apache is your shared foundation, that IS the app server.  Your
'modules' are just directories with files (not that different from tomcat or
JBoss really).  Use version control (preferably one that has good branching
support like git), and a makefile to copy/FTP your files to your 'live'
directory from your source directory so that multiple people can do
deployments, and you can deploy to one of multiple environments easily
(think personal development server, nightly build environment, staging
environment and live environment) by simply changing an environment

The only thing I've seen that's worth adding to this mix is content
management, and I've yet to see someone do that well in the FOSS community.
Drupal is a mess (and is basically MySQL), Joomla isn't that great and is
also MySQL, and Plone is over complicated with lousy documentation, and is
sadly based on Zope, which uses ZopeDB, which is also really poorly
documented (as I write this, looking for an example I had in mind, is actually down right now).

If you want to do the world a favour, write a CMS that doesn't suck,
preferably in Java, but PHP would do in a pinch.

If you keep it simple, you will be amazed at how many requests a single
web-server can sustain if you just configure it with the right hardware (and
no I don't mean 128CPUs and 1TB of RAM and 40HDs) and sit back and watch it
fly.  If you need it, make a hot spare.  If your app can do 50
requests/second (which isn't that unreasonable with simple PHP/PostgreSQL),
that's 4.3 million requests per day, which is a shit ton of traffic.
Chances are your network will max out before you hit the server's CPU/IO
throughput ceiling.


P.S. Don't even think about working with PHP and not running into a serious
bug somewhere along the way that's been ignored by the devs, and lets not
even start about interface inconsistencies that make remembering the APIs a
nightmare.  At least the website has good docs, which is a big plus for PHP
against other 'frameworks'

P.P.S. Do the world another favour and run away from mod_perl screaming in
terror if you ever want to debug your application or hire someone else who
can understand it.

On Jan 24, 2008 12:15 PM, Brian A. Seklecki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> All:
> Are there any frameworks / toolkits available, possibly as established
> F/OSS projects, for web applications using PHP+PostgreSQL?

[GENERAL] Reverse key index

2008-02-03 Thread Gurjeet Singh
Hi All,

I have wanted to create a reverse key index for some time now, and it
seems that an evening of reading and half a day of efforts finally paid off.
This is just a proof of concept, and sure, the bit-reversing technique can
use a native language's power for better results.

I started with the following posts:

The operator class that is created at the end uses one function to
populate the index in almost a random manner (reverse binary
representation). And this op-class provides just one operator to compare the
values, as opposed to Tom's suggestion ("all the other members would be
byte-reversed-comparison operators"); this is because if we allow the index
to use any of these other operators (custom or the built-in ones) for range
scans, the range's starting value will be found for sure, but because the
btree index follows the leaf nodes from there on, the results will be
totally what we never asked for!

The result at the end, INDEX del_i, is an index that helps disperse
heavy sequential INSERTs from different sessions over to different index
blocks, reducing index block contention hence improving performance. Also,
this index can be used of equality operator (but no other operator).

Hackers, of course, comments please. Let me know if I have missed
something, and if this is not exactly what a user would want!

For fun: If you wish to see how a BTree index performs the comparisons
and populates the index, just uncomment the 'raise notice' statement in
rev_int_cmp(). And to compare the bit-reversed mode to the normal mode of
index population, just replace the contents of declare section with 'rev_a
int = a; rev_b int = b;' in the declare section. :) have fun.

I have uploaded my original, unedited file from the efforts here. It
goes to lengths to create functions and operators and what not; may be
helpful for other noobs chasing operators.

Best regards,

PS: I think my signature should be:
'Do I LOVE Postgres or what!!'
OR 'I am in LOVE with Postgres'
OR 'Postgres is _is_ *is* BEAutiful!'

--- CODE ---

--- Support

create or replace function public.reverse_string( str varchar )
returns varchar
language plpgsql
as $$
declare reversed varchar = '';
  for i in reverse char_length( str ) .. 1 loop
reversed = reversed || substring( str from i for 1 );
  end loop;
  return reversed;

create or replace function public.rev_int_cmp( a int, b int )
returns int
language plpgsql
as $$
  rev_a int = reverse_string( a::bit(32)::varchar )::bit(32)::int;
  rev_b int = reverse_string( b::bit(32)::varchar )::bit(32)::int;
  -- raise notice 'rev_int_cmp( %, % ) called', a, b;
  if( rev_a < rev_b ) then
return -1;
  elsif( rev_a > rev_b ) then
return +1;
return 0;
  end if;

--- Operator class

drop operator class if exists public.rev_int_ops using btree cascade;
create operator class public.rev_int_ops for type int using btree as
operator 3 pg_catalog.=,
function 1 public.rev_int_cmp( int, int );

--- example

drop table if exists del;
create table del( a int, b char(128) );
create index del_i on del( a rev_int_ops );
insert into del select s, s+1 from generate_series( 1, 1000 ) as s; -- rev
vacuum full analyze del;

select * from del;
select * from del order by a;
select * from del where a = 2; -- should use the reverse index
select * from del where a < 200; -- should NOT use the reverse index

truncate del;

[EMAIL PROTECTED] gmail | hotmail | indiatimes | yahoo }.com


17° 29' 34.37"N,   78° 30' 59.76"E - Hyderabad
18° 32' 57.25"N,   73° 56' 25.42"E - Pune
37° 47' 19.72"N, 122° 24' 1.69" W - San Francisco *

Mail sent from my BlackLaptop device

Re: [GENERAL] Function returning subset of columns from table (return type)

2008-02-03 Thread Myk
On Sun, 03 Feb 2008 18:23:47 -0500
brian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Myk wrote:
> > Hi
> > 
> > I'm pretty new to PostgreSQL, and have encountered a bit of trouble
> > with functions, namely the return type. Version is 8.0.15.
> > 
> > I have the following table:
> > 
> > note ( id int, added date, updated date, text varchar(1000) )
> > 
> > and want to define a function that just returns the dates and text by
> > id. I initially just did:
> > 
> > create function note_get (id int) returns setof note as 'select *
> > from note where id=$1' language sql;
> > 
> > which was fine. Then later I thought I'd try formatting the columns
> > (they're only intended for display):
> > 
> > create function note_get ( id int ) returns setof record as ' select 
> > to_char (added, ''Mon D ''), to_char (updated, ''Mon D ''), 
> > text from note where id=$1 ' language sql;
> > 
> > but this gives me ERROR:  a column definition list is required for
> > functions returning "record"
> > 
> You could create a rowtype for this:
> CREATE TYPE your_type
> AS (
>added CHAR(11) NOT NULL,
>updated CHAR(11) NOT NULL,
>text_col TEXT
> );

After my refreshing walk, I created a view that did the pretty printing, and 
then just used that: 

create function note_get(id int)
returns setof 
as '
select * from  where note_id=$1' language sql;

although I then get a redundant note_id, and it may affect performance as the 
view gets all the 'pretty print' results, which is then filtered afterwards, 
I'm not sure... (explain analyze is my friend!)

Defining a type as you suggest seems like the proper way - but it's a bit 
high-maintenance, especially for big queries with lots of joins...

Anyway, thanks for your help.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [GENERAL] Performance problems with Postgresql/ZFS/Non-global zones on Solaris?

2008-02-03 Thread Greg Smith

On Thu, 31 Jan 2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I haven't done any tuning as of yet. I'm running with the default 
settings produced by initdb.

The default settings are junk and the disk pattern will change once 
they're set correctly, so tuning ZFS first and then PostgreSQL is probably 
backwards.  You may return to tuning the database again after ZFS, but for 
the first shot I'd start with a somewhat tuned DB server and then play 
with the filesystem.

Put the major postgresql.conf parameters in the right 
ballpark--shared_buffers, effective_cache_size, and a large setting for 
checkpoint_segments since I think you mentioned a write-heavy benchmark. 
You should do your own experiments with wal_sync_method, I haven't seen 
any tests that are really definitive on the best setting there for S10+ZFS 
and it kind of depends on the underlying hardware--try both open_datasync 
and fdatasync.

* Greg Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] Baltimore, MD

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [GENERAL] Function returning subset of columns from table (return type)

2008-02-03 Thread brian

Gurjeet Singh wrote:

All's okay, except you should not have declared it IMMUTABLE, because the
results depend on a database query.

From the docs:
IMMUTABLE indicates that the function cannot modify the database and always
returns the same result when given the same argument values; that is, it does
not do database lookups or otherwise use information not directly present in
its argument list

Yes, my bad. Make that STABLE.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
  choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [GENERAL] postgresql book - practical or something newer?

2008-02-03 Thread Christopher Browne
On Jan 31, 2008 4:40 PM, Guy Rouillier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Robert Treat wrote:
> > Just so you know, I approached OReally about writing a PostgreSQL Cookbook,
> > and they turned it down. They did offer me some other titles, but those 
> > don't
> > seem to have gone anywhere.
> As someone else pointed out in this thread, very much of what you need
> to know has been previously discussed at one point; the hard part is
> finding it.
> What we need is for some of the people with the big brains ;) to come up
> with some new kind of "hyperbook".  That would be the documentation in
> some form similar to what it is today, but somehow connected to the
> discussions that happen in the mailing lists.  That way, when something
> really insightful or helpful gets said in the mailing lists, it can get
> connected to a particular place in the documentation.  Then over time,
> the doc maintainers can take the best of those and incorporate them
> directly into the docs at the appropriate place.

The trouble is that this is nearly as much trouble as actually writing
a book, and doesn't provide a clear incentive for people to put in the
effort of making it happen.

There's the problem (and it is, to a degree, truly a problem) that the
"postgreSQL book" market hasn't been lucrative enough to draw people
into writing books.  And honestly, it *needs* to be more lucrative.
If I'm thinking about alternative uses for my spare time, writing does
not appear to be a particularly profitable use.

Finding a "poor man's way" to generate a "hyperbook" actually needs
much the same sorts of skills and efforts, even though it probably
provides those that provide the effort with *less* benefits.
"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and
expecting different results."  -- assortedly attributed to Albert
Einstein, Benjamin Franklin, Rita Mae Brown, and Rudyard Kipling

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [GENERAL] Function returning subset of columns from table (return type)

2008-02-03 Thread Gurjeet Singh
On Feb 3, 2008 3:23 PM, brian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> CREATE TYPE your_type
> AS (
>   added CHAR(11) NOT NULL,
>   updated CHAR(11) NOT NULL,
>   text_col TEXT
> );
> CREATE FUNCTION get_note(id INT)
> AS $$
> your_row your_type%rowtype;
> SELECT INTO your_row
>   to_char(added, 'Mon D '),
>   to_char(updated, 'Mon D '),
>   text_col
> FROM note
> WHERE id = $1;
> RETURN your_row;
>   END;
> $$ LANGUAGE sql;
All's okay, except you should not have declared it IMMUTABLE, because the
results depend on a database query.

>From the docs:
IMMUTABLE indicates that the function cannot modify the database and always
returns the same result when given the same argument values; that is, it does
not do database lookups or otherwise use information not directly present in
its argument list

Best regards,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] gmail | hotmail | indiatimes | yahoo }.com


17° 29' 34.37"N,   78° 30' 59.76"E - Hyderabad
18° 32' 57.25"N,   73° 56' 25.42"E - Pune
37° 47' 19.72"N, 122° 24' 1.69" W - San Francisco *

Mail sent from my BlackLaptop device

Re: [GENERAL] Function returning subset of columns from table (return type)

2008-02-03 Thread brian

Myk wrote:


I'm pretty new to PostgreSQL, and have encountered a bit of trouble
with functions, namely the return type. Version is 8.0.15.

I have the following table:

note ( id int, added date, updated date, text varchar(1000) )

and want to define a function that just returns the dates and text by
id. I initially just did:

create function note_get (id int) returns setof note as 'select *
from note where id=$1' language sql;

which was fine. Then later I thought I'd try formatting the columns
(they're only intended for display):

create function note_get ( id int ) returns setof record as ' select 
to_char (added, ''Mon D ''), to_char (updated, ''Mon D ''), 
text from note where id=$1 ' language sql;

but this gives me ERROR:  a column definition list is required for
functions returning "record"

You could create a rowtype for this:

CREATE TYPE your_type
AS (
  added CHAR(11) NOT NULL,
  updated CHAR(11) NOT NULL,
  text_col TEXT

AS $$

your_row your_type%rowtype;

SELECT INTO your_row
  to_char(added, 'Mon D '),
  to_char(updated, 'Mon D '),
FROM note
WHERE id = $1;

RETURN your_row;
$$ LANGUAGE sql;


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
  choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: R: [GENERAL] how to add array of objects to a record

2008-02-03 Thread David Fetter
On Sun, Feb 03, 2008 at 10:00:04PM +0100, dfx wrote:
> Yes, this is the "normal" way, but I was tempted to investigate the
> possibility to use array (of string) or composite types to avoid to
> increase the number of tables

That is an extremely bad thing to "optimize" for.  Add tables as
needed for your data.

> and to simplify stored procedures reducing the number of join.

That's a bad thing to "optimize" for, too.  Just do your JOINs, and
*if* you discover a performance problem, come back here and get help
on it.

> Thi idea was born following the discussion concerning EAV.

EAV is just a mistake.

David Fetter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Phone: +1 415 235 3778  AIM: dfetter666  Yahoo!: dfetter
Skype: davidfetter  XMPP: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Remember to vote!
Consider donating to Postgres:

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [GENERAL] [OT] "advanced" database design (long)

2008-02-03 Thread Shane Ambler

vladimir konrad wrote:

Worst case would be another column flagging the test type.

Why do you think this is the worst case?

Bad choice of words - just referring to using the where clause to 
extract one particular test - if that is insufficient you can use a test 
column to track what test it refers to.


Shane Ambler
pgSQL (at) Sheeky (dot) Biz

Get Sheeky @ http://Sheeky.Biz

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
  subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
  message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

R: [GENERAL] how to add array of objects to a record

2008-02-03 Thread dfx
Yes, this is the "normal" way, but I was tempted to investigate the
to use array (of string) or composite types to avoid to increase the number
of tables
and to simplify stored procedures reducing the number of join.

Thi idea was born following the discussion concerning EAV.

Thank you for contribute.


-Messaggio originale-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] conto di Joris
Inviato: domenica 3 febbraio 2008 12:16
Oggetto: Re: [GENERAL] how to add array of objects to a record

>-Original Message-
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of dfx
>Sent: Sunday, 3 February 2008 10:38
>Subject: [GENERAL] how to add array of objects to a record
>Hi list,
>Can I add an array of object to a record?
>For example if I have a class (or type) phone_number:
>create type phone_number as(
>name char(20),
>caption char(50),
>ph_num char(25));
>and I would like associate several (unknown number, a priori)
>phone numbers to a record "persons"
>can I create a table like this:
>create table persons(
>id integer,
>first_name char(50),
>family_name char(50),
>phone_numbers phone_number[])
>and how I have to write the insert and the select queries to
>put and get the array of phone numbers?

Its an SQL database, do not fall back to paradigms from imperative
programming languages (like C, Java, PHP, Perl, ...). Postgres is an
implementation of the relational model, which works very nice on sets.
It does not have a good concept of pointers and alike (they can be
represented, but inefficiently).

Transform you type into a table and add an "id" attribute that
references the persons table (using a foreign key). At this point you
can use regular SQL statements.

- Joris

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

[GENERAL] Function returning subset of columns from table (return type)

2008-02-03 Thread Myk

I'm pretty new to PostgreSQL, and have encountered a bit of trouble with 
functions, namely the return type. Version is 8.0.15.

I have the following table:

note (
id int,
added date,
updated date,
text varchar(1000)

and want to define a function that just returns the dates and text by id. I 
initially just did:

create function note_get (id int)
returns setof note
as 'select * from note where id=$1' language sql;

which was fine. Then later I thought I'd try formatting the columns (they're 
only intended for display):

create function note_get (
id int
returns setof record
as '
to_char (added, ''Mon D ''),
to_char (updated, ''Mon D ''),
' language sql;

but this gives me
ERROR:  a column definition list is required for functions returning "record"

Further reading led me to:

create function note_get (
id int,
out added varchar(12),
out updated varchar(12),
out text varchar(1000)
returns setof record 

which got me
ERROR:  CREATE FUNCTION / OUT parameters are not implemented

at which point I thought it best to go out for a walk :)

How do I create a function that returns a number of columns like this? 


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
   subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
   message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: [GENERAL] [pgsql-advocacy] PostgreSQL Certification

2008-02-03 Thread Ron Mayer

Josh Berkus wrote:

Id really prefer my company be certified by the community rather than by
a company, despite the full respect I have in SRA's engagement in
PostgreSQL and that we all know their contributions.

What would it mean for a company to be certified?

I'd hope it'd mean that I can have some degree of confidence
hiring that organization for Postgresql support.  No?  

It seems to have very similar benefits as certifying individuals.

Microsoft seems to have something like that for their
partners in their "Database Management competency"

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [GENERAL] [pgsql-advocacy] PostgreSQL Certification

2008-02-03 Thread Josh Berkus


Id really prefer my company be certified by the community rather than by
a company, despite the full respect I have in SRA's engagement in
PostgreSQL and that we all know their contributions.

What would it mean for a company to be certified?


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [GENERAL] temp sequence

2008-02-03 Thread Raymond O'Donnell

On 03/02/2008 06:39, Sim Zacks wrote:

I call the function once it works, when I call it a second time, it 
gives me an error that the sequence already exists. When I restart the 
application, I can call the function again.

Are you by any chance connecting via ODBC with connection pooling? If 
so, then the pooled connections remain open, which - as someone else has 
explained - causes sessions to be maintained.


Raymond O'Donnell, Director of Music, Galway Cathedral, Ireland

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [GENERAL] [OT] "advanced" database design (long)

2008-02-03 Thread vladimir konrad

Hello, and thanks

> Are the tests that different that you need to segregate the data?
> I see them both as being the time taken to travel a distance. The
> only difference is whether the time or distance is used to end the
> measurement.

Good point (I have realised this after posting, when I dug deeper into
the design). What I got now looks like this (linking fields omitted):

[ergo: distance(float), time(interval), taken_on(date)]
  n   n
  |   |
  1   1
[ergo_rate] [ergo_set]

The same test can be taken at different rates (e.g. 20 strokes per
minute), therefore the [ergo_rate] (there are only few rates they
always use).

The [ergo_set] determines what value was "set" before the test (bad
name but maybe i think of something better). So, it the distance is
set, it points to (1, 'distance') in [ergo_set]; if time, then to (2,
'time'). User chooses what is "set" before recording the test.
Also it is possible to ask "give me all 2000m ergo test results done
at this rate".

> Worst case would be another column flagging the test type.

Why do you think this is the worst case?

> I also see multiple samples for a single run. Time at 1km, 2km, 3km, 
> 4km, 5km (or at 2min, 4 min, 6min...) - you could see whether they
> can maintain the speed over the distance or at what distance/time
> they wear out and slow down. (maybe they give too much in the first
> 2km so that they just crawl in the last 2)
> Maybe sub-times can be a second table.

They call it splits (have to check if it is done for ergos but it is
definitely done for racing on the water).

In ergo case, I would have extra table [ergo_split]:

[ergo] <-- [ergo_split: distance(float), clock(time)]

(they record the time a watch shows them, therefore time and not


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: [GENERAL] [OT] "advanced" database design (long)

2008-02-03 Thread Shane Ambler

vladimir konrad wrote:

The system I am developing has to handle "tests" (for rowing athletes):
1. how many meters athlete did in 10 minutes (result is float)
2. how long it took the athlete to do 5 kilo-meters (the result is time)

So it looks that I need table for each of 1 and 2 (because of different
data types describing the test).

Are the tests that different that you need to segregate the data?
I see them both as being the time taken to travel a distance. The only 
difference is whether the time or distance is used to end the measurement.

Personally I would think that one table that has the athlete's id and a 
date (or timestamp to allow more than one a day) of the event as well as 
a time interval and distance would suffice.

For 1. the time interval would always be 10mins, for 2. the distance 
would always be 5km. To get individual test stats you can use WHERE 
time=10mins or WHERE distance=5.0

You could even create test_views with the where clause pre-determined.

Worst case would be another column flagging the test type.

From there you can also add in a 5, 15, 20, 30, 40 minutes or even 2, 
2.5, 7.5, 10 km tests as well without changing your structure.

I also see multiple samples for a single run. Time at 1km, 2km, 3km, 
4km, 5km (or at 2min, 4 min, 6min...) - you could see whether they can 
maintain the speed over the distance or at what distance/time they wear 
out and slow down. (maybe they give too much in the first 2km so that 
they just crawl in the last 2)

Maybe sub-times can be a second table.


Shane Ambler
pgSQL (at) Sheeky (dot) Biz

Get Sheeky @ http://Sheeky.Biz

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
  choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [GENERAL] arrays of floating point numbers / linear algebra operations into the DB

2008-02-03 Thread Enrico Sirola

I respond myself:

Enrico Sirola ha scritto:


seems to work). The problem for the code above is that it doesn't work 
for vectors longer than 1000 elements or so (try it with 2000 and it 
doesn't work). I guess I should manage the "toasting" machinery in some 
ways - any suggestion is appreciated

wrong. it was just that I forgot to add ARR_OVERHEAD_NONULLS(ndims1) to
the mem allocation for rv:

rv = (ArrayType *) palloc(nbytes);


rv = (ArrayType *) palloc(nbytes) +  ARR_OVERHEAD_NONULLS(ndims1);

and now it seems to work :)

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [GENERAL] temp sequence

2008-02-03 Thread Adrian Klaver
On Saturday 02 February 2008 10:39 pm, Sim Zacks wrote:
> "PostgreSQL 8.2.4 on i386-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC
> i386-pc-linux-gnu-gcc (GCC) 4.1.1 (Gentoo 4.1.1)"
> I am creating a temporary sequence in a function and it seems like it is
> not going away after the function finishes.
> The front end is in MS Access 2000 and I have a single connection. When I
> call the function once it works, when I call it a second time, it gives me
> an error that the sequence already exists. When I restart the application,
> I can call the function again.
> I solved the problem by using: alter sequence seq_linenum restart with 1;
> The manual states:
> If specified, the sequence object is created only for this session, and is
> automatically dropped on session exit. Existing permanent sequences with
> the same name are not visible (in this session) while the temporary
> sequence exists, unless they are referenced with schema-qualified names.
> I thought that a function would be considered its own session, is that
> incorrect?

The connection is the session. The function is the transaction. If  you are 
going to maintain the connection you will need to drop the sequence inside 
the function after using it.

> Thank you
> Sim
> ---(end of broadcast)---
> TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
>subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
>message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Adrian Klaver

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [GENERAL] [pgsql-advocacy] PostgreSQL Certification

2008-02-03 Thread Guido Barosio
Argentina presente ;-)


On Feb 3, 2008 6:49 AM, Jean-Paul Argudo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> First of all, thanks to Josuah to start this usefull and long time
> waited project :-)
> Oleg Bartunov wrote :
> > Can you show us the goals of the PostgreSQL Certification ?
> To me, there are two things Id like to be "PostgreSQL Certified":
>  - individuals
>  - companies
> Id really prefer my company be certified by the community rather than by
> a company, despite the full respect I have in SRA's engagement in
> PostgreSQL and that we all know their contributions.
> > I always voted for the united PostgreSQL Certification program (amin,
> > developer) we could promote with the help of commercial companies.
> Count on us (Dalibo) and us (PostgreSQLFr non-profit).
> > In my opinion, common certificate, valid in all countries will be much more
> > useful than buttons.
> Definitely. We discussed the topic at Prato. We were talking there about
> it could be a project inside PostgreSQL-Europe.
> I'd be more than happy if this could be a Worldwide project instead.
> > We have several good authors who can be sponsored
> > to write certification courses with the help of developers.
> Yes, I think so. Dalibo could contribute too, on its own. I know some of
> the non-profit that can contribute too.
> > On Wed, 30 Jan 2008, Joshua D. Drake wrote:
> > Hey guys,
> >
> > Myself and a small team of PostgreSQL contributors have started a new
> > community project for PostgreSQL Certification. It is just launching
> > but we wanted to get it out there so that people can join in on the
> > discussion now :).
> >
> > For more information please visit:
> >
> > Joshua D. Drake
> Thanks for such a good initiative, Josuah:
> «Your subscription request has been received..»: let's talk about this
> in the mailing-list :)
> Cheers,
> --
> Jean-Paul Argudo
> ---(end of broadcast)---
> TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
>subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
>message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Guido Barosio

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [GENERAL] arrays of floating point numbers / linear algebra operations into the DB

2008-02-03 Thread Enrico Sirola

Hi Webb,

Webb Sprague ha scritto:

I'm quite proud, this is my first C extension function ;-)
I'd gladly post the code if it's ok for the list users. It's more or
less 100 lines of code. This approach seems promising...

I would definitely like to see it.

here it goes:


#ifndef linalg_h
#define linalg_h

#include "postgres.h"
#include "utils/array.h"

Datum scale(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);

#endif /* linalg_h */


#include "linalg.h"
#include "fmgr.h"



  float8x = PG_GETARG_FLOAT8(0);
  ArrayType *v1 = PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P(1);
  int  *dims1,
  int *arrlbound1, *arrlbound2;
  char *arrdatap1, *arrdatap2;

  ArrayType *rv;

  /* get argument array details */
  lbs1 = ARR_LBOUND(v1);
  dims1 = ARR_DIMS(v1);
  ndims1 = v1->ndim;
  nitems1 = ArrayGetNItems(ndims1, dims1);
  ndatabytes1 = ARR_SIZE(v1) - ARR_DATA_OFFSET(v1);

  if ( ndims1 != 1 )
 errmsg("Multi dimensional array given"),
 errdetail("Array have %d dimensions", ndims1)));

  if (ARR_HASNULL(v1))
 errmsg("Null in array"),
 errdetail("array should not contain null elements")));

  /* allcate new vector */

  rv = (ArrayType *) palloc(ndatabytes1);

  SET_VARSIZE(rv, ndatabytes1);
  rv->ndim = v1->ndim;
  rv->dataoffset = v1->dataoffset; // no nulls (0)
  rv->elemtype = v1->elemtype;
  memcpy(ARR_DIMS(rv), ARR_DIMS(v1), sizeof(int));

  arrlbound2 = ARR_LBOUND(rv);
  arrlbound1 = ARR_LBOUND(v1);

  memcpy(arrlbound2, arrlbound1, sizeof(int));

  arrdatap1 = ARR_DATA_PTR(v1);
  arrdatap2 = ARR_DATA_PTR(rv);

  memcpy(arrdatap2, arrdatap1, nitems1 * sizeof(float8));

  /* scale vector a la blas */
  cblas_dscal(nitems1, x, (float8*) arrdatap2, 1);



/* -*-sql-*- */
create or replace function scale(float8, float8[])
returns float8[]
as '$libdir/linalg', 'scale'
language 'C' immutable strict;

create aggregate array_accum (
sfunc = array_append,
basetype = anyelement,
stype = anyarray,
initcond = '{}'

create operator * (leftarg=float8, rightarg=float8[], procedure=scale);


GSL licensing is GNU ish, so may be that is a deal breaker, too.

well, I don't know. This is just a proof of concept. Anyway, yes, there 
could be problems with GPL.

On the above code: coupling cblas functions with PG float8[] seems easy, 
you just have to know which black-magic-macros to use in order to access 
the data structure. It took me a while to figure out how it works (I'm 
not actually sure I understood everything, but at least the above code 
seems to work). The problem for the code above is that it doesn't work 
for vectors longer than 1000 elements or so (try it with 2000 and it 
doesn't work). I guess I should manage the "toasting" machinery in some 
ways - any suggestion is appreciated


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
  choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [GENERAL] [OT] "advanced" database design (long)

2008-02-03 Thread vladimir konrad


>> vladimir konrad wrote:  
>>> I think that I understand basic relational theory but  

> Clearly, you'll have to revisit that thought.

Usually I have one table per "entity" modelled (and the table holds
fields describing that entity).

E.g. subject would have name fields and date of birth field (fields
related directly to subject), postal_address would be separate table and
subject_postal_address would be linking table between postal_address
and subject:

subject <-- subject_postal_address --> postal_address

This way, the postal_address can be made unique (with constrains) and
linked to other entities where the postal_address is needed.

The system I am developing has to handle "tests" (for rowing athletes):
1. how many meters athlete did in 10 minutes (result is float)
2. how long it took the athlete to do 5 kilo-meters (the result is time)

So it looks that I need table for each of 1 and 2 (because of different
data types describing the test).

> The math beneath this is that query complexity goes up like O(E!A!V!)
> for Entity, Attribute and Value.

Well, when I thought about it, the gut feeling was that I am opening a
can of worms - it would push the complexity into code (the bad place to
have it in).

> The first price, though, and by far the biggest, is that it's
> impossible to maintain any kind of data integrity in such a system, as
> such constraints, by their nature, are application-dependent.  Two
> applications means you're violating the SPOT (Single Point of Truth)
> Rule, and that in turn means your data turns quickly into
> incomprehensible gibberish.
It could be implemented inside of the database server (stored
procedures, views and such), but it would still be complex, hard, long
and as you said badly performing (your point about complexity made
that clear).


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [GENERAL] how to add array of objects to a record

2008-02-03 Thread Joris Dobbelsteen
>-Original Message-
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of dfx
>Sent: Sunday, 3 February 2008 10:38
>Subject: [GENERAL] how to add array of objects to a record
>Hi list,
>Can I add an array of object to a record?
>For example if I have a class (or type) phone_number:
>create type phone_number as(
>name char(20),
>caption char(50),
>ph_num char(25));
>and I would like associate several (unknown number, a priori) 
>phone numbers to a record "persons"
>can I create a table like this:
>create table persons(
>id integer,
>first_name char(50),
>family_name char(50),
>phone_numbers phone_number[])
>and how I have to write the insert and the select queries to 
>put and get the array of phone numbers?

Its an SQL database, do not fall back to paradigms from imperative
programming languages (like C, Java, PHP, Perl, ...). Postgres is an
implementation of the relational model, which works very nice on sets.
It does not have a good concept of pointers and alike (they can be
represented, but inefficiently).

Transform you type into a table and add an "id" attribute that
references the persons table (using a foreign key). At this point you
can use regular SQL statements.

- Joris

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

[GENERAL] how to add array of objects to a record

2008-02-03 Thread dfx
Hi list,

Can I add an array of object to a record?

For example if I have a class (or type) phone_number:

create type phone_number as(
name char(20),
caption char(50),
ph_num char(25));

and I would like associate several (unknown number, a priori) phone numbers
to a record "persons"
can I create a table like this:

create table persons(
id integer,
first_name char(50),
family_name char(50),
phone_numbers phone_number[])

and how I have to write the insert and the select queries to put and get
the array of phone numbers?

thank you


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
   choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [GENERAL] [pgsql-advocacy] PostgreSQL Certification

2008-02-03 Thread Jean-Paul Argudo
Hi all,

First of all, thanks to Josuah to start this usefull and long time
waited project :-)

Oleg Bartunov wrote :
> Can you show us the goals of the PostgreSQL Certification ?

To me, there are two things Id like to be "PostgreSQL Certified":

 - individuals
 - companies

Id really prefer my company be certified by the community rather than by
a company, despite the full respect I have in SRA's engagement in
PostgreSQL and that we all know their contributions.

> I always voted for the united PostgreSQL Certification program (amin,
> developer) we could promote with the help of commercial companies.

Count on us (Dalibo) and us (PostgreSQLFr non-profit).

> In my opinion, common certificate, valid in all countries will be much more
> useful than buttons.

Definitely. We discussed the topic at Prato. We were talking there about
it could be a project inside PostgreSQL-Europe.

I'd be more than happy if this could be a Worldwide project instead.

> We have several good authors who can be sponsored
> to write certification courses with the help of developers.

Yes, I think so. Dalibo could contribute too, on its own. I know some of
the non-profit that can contribute too.

> On Wed, 30 Jan 2008, Joshua D. Drake wrote:
> Hey guys,
> Myself and a small team of PostgreSQL contributors have started a new
> community project for PostgreSQL Certification. It is just launching
> but we wanted to get it out there so that people can join in on the
> discussion now :).
> For more information please visit:
> Joshua D. Drake

Thanks for such a good initiative, Josuah:

«Your subscription request has been received..»: let's talk about this
in the mailing-list :)


Jean-Paul Argudo

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend