[GENERAL] pgsql2shp usage

2010-01-09 Thread Anisha Kaul
Hello to all,

I downloaded an OSM map file namely india.osm.bz2.
I transported it in PostgreSQL database gis with the command :

./osm2pgsql -m -d gis india.osm.bz2 

The above command resulted in the creation of the following tables filled with 
data in database gis

gis=# \d
 List of relations
 Schema |Name|   Type   |  Owner
 public | geometry_columns   | table| anisha
 public | planet_osm_line| table| anisha
 public | planet_osm_point   | table| anisha
 public | planet_osm_polygon | table| anisha
 public | planet_osm_roads   | table| anisha
 public | polygon_oid_seq| sequence | postgres
 public | spatial_ref_sys| table| anisha

Now to convert the map data of one of the above tables in a shape file, I 
issued the following command:

pgsql2shp -f myfile gis planet_osm_line

Initializing... Warning, field addr:housenumber renamed to ADDR:HOUSE
Warning, field addr:interpolation renamed to ADDR:INTER
Warning, field admin_level renamed to ADMIN_LEVE
Warning, field construction renamed to CONSTRUCTI
Warning, field power_source renamed to POWER_SOUR
Done (postgis major version: 1).
Output shape: PolyLine
[126149 rows].

Question :
How should I verify that the shape file resultant of the above command is a 
valid and uncorrupted one ?

I am worried because the projection file namely myfile.prj contains the 
following !

PROJCS[WGS84 / Simple Mercator,GEOGCS[WGS 
84,DATUM[WGS_1984,SPHEROID[WGS_1984, 6378137.0, 
298.257223563]],PRIMEM[Greenwich, 0.0],UNIT[degree, 
0.0],PARAMETER[central_meridian, 0.0],PARAMETER[scale_factor, 
0.0],PARAMETER[false_northing, 0.0],UNIT[m, 1.0],AXIS[x, EAST],AXIS[y, 

The latitude/longitude values don't seem to be of India 

Thanking you in anticipation,

Anisha Kaul

Hi-Tech Gears Limited, Gurgaon, India

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[GENERAL] PL/Python flattens composite types to string?

2010-01-09 Thread Steve White

I recently wrote PL/Python code that worked on fields of composite types.

The plpy.execute() command on a SELECT returns a list of nice dictionaries
keyed on field names, containing the fields.  For numeric types, the type
of the dictionary values are as expected.  To my chagrin however, if a
field contains a composite type, it is flattened to a string.

I would have expected a composite type field to be returned as a dictionary
of values of the proper types, keyed on the names of the elements of the
composite type.

I was able to work around this problem in an ugly way, but I can imaging
cases where this would render plpy unsuitable.

I see nothing in the documentation about this
It only talks about passing composite types into and out of functions.

Is this a bug?  This is psql v. 8.1.18 on one machine, and 8.4.1 on another.

Am I somehow doing it wrong?
-- See attached test


| -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
| Steve White +49(331)7499-202
| e-Science / AstroGrid-D   Zi. 35  Bg. 20
| -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
| Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam (AIP)
| An der Sternwarte 16, D-14482 Potsdam
| Vorstand: Prof. Dr. Matthias Steinmetz, Peter A. Stolz
| Stiftung privaten Rechts, Stiftungsverzeichnis Brandenburg: III/7-71-026
| -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
-- vim:set filetype=pgsql:
/** Illustrates PL/Py flattening of composite types

* Log in as user 'postgres' in directory containing this file, start psql,
   create language plpythonu;-- if haven't done already
   \i pycomptype.sql
   select pycomptypes.color_read( 1 );
* To get rid of the tables
   drop schema pycomptypes cascade;

SET search_path TO pycomptypes;

CREATE TYPE value_sigma AS (

red value_sigma,
green   value_sigma,

INSERT INTO colors VALUES ( 1, (1.21, 0.05), (1.45, 0.06), (1.83, 0.07) );
INSERT INTO colors VALUES ( 2, (0.94, 0.05), (0.38, 0.03), (1.81, 0.07) );
INSERT INTO colors VALUES ( 3, (0.56, 0.02), (0.74, 0.05), (1.90, 0.08) );

color_read( color_id INTEGER )
cmd = 'SELECT red,green,blue FROM colors WHERE colors_id=' + str( color_id )

for t in plpy.execute( cmd ):
plpy.notice( 'type of color item: %s' % ( type( t['red'] ) ) )



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Re: [GENERAL] pgadmin save password

2010-01-09 Thread José María Terry Jiménez

glaucomag escribió:

Hi, I've a problem with pgadmin. If I access to database with user X
and I save password, when I access to database from shell (psql)
password is not required. Of course pg_hba.conf is:

local database X md5

If I don't save password in pgadmin, it's ok (psql required password).
The question is this: is it possible that pgadmin save password also
for psql? And where pgadmin save password?

Thank you


pgAdmin saves passwords in ~/.pgpass



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Re: [GENERAL] Table appears on listing but can't drop it

2010-01-09 Thread Rikard Bosnjakovic
On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 17:44, Sam Mason s...@samason.me.uk wrote:

 There's an extra space at the beginning of the skynet line, could it

Is there a particular reason space is allowed in name identifiers? I
see nothing but confusion if a space exists.

- Rikard - http://bos.hack.org/cv/

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Re: [GENERAL] set-level update fails with unique constraint violation

2010-01-09 Thread Daniel Verite
Tom Lane wrote:

 Daniel Verite dan...@manitou-mail.org writes:
  But still I wonder why there is that difference in behavior between NON
  doesn't get deferred by using SET CONSTRAINTS.
  In the first case, we get the after each row behavior with the pk=pk+1
  failure, as with the previous PG versions.
  In the second case, we get the after each statement behavior which I
  believe complies with the standard, contrary to the first case, and
  successfully achieves the pk=pk+1 update as expected.
  Personally, I would have imagined that behavior #1 would be removed once
  behavior #2 was implemented, not that the two would co-exist. Is there a
  reason to keep #1?
 1. Performance.  The cost of #2 is very large, and the number of cases
 where you actually need it is not.

Per Dean's explanation upthread, It looks like an additional cost for #2
would occur mostly when temporary conflicts occur, that is, when it's needed.

I've tried UPDATEs of a primary key in batches of 1M rows with 8.5, and in
the general case of no conflict, I get #2 being about 8-15% slower than #1.
I've seen no difference for INSERTs.
When there are temporary conflicts, #2 is slower but succeeds whereas #1
fails, so #2 is the winner.
When there are persistant conflicts, #2 fails slower than #1, but do we
really care?

 2. Backwards compatibility.  Some apps might be depending on the details
 of the behavior.

Apparently, the occurrence of conflicts during the execution is mostly
unpredictable anyway, from the point of view of the end user. For example I
was under the illusion that UPDATE...SET pk=pk-1 always worked, but I've
discovered while testing that it wasn't the case. Conversely depending on it
to fail, for this update or a similar update, thats seems insane for an app.

Best regards,
PostgreSQL-powered mail user agent and storage: http://www.manitou-mail.org

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Re: [GENERAL] Server name in psql prompt

2010-01-09 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
I thought earlier that I could use finger as a hack for querying the 
server, i.e. I could put e.g. a disc set name in /home/postgres/.plan. 
However I then realised that I'd need %M to be expanded before %`, so 
that I could do something like

\set PROMPT1 '`finger postg...@%m|filter`: %/%R%# '

where filter only returned the bit that was needed. I've not tried this 
due to the ordering issue.

I've just been playing with this. I can finger a fixed server for its 
true name using e.g.

postgres: markMLl=
\set PROMPT1 '%`finger postg...@postgres|head -1|cut -d \[ -f 2|cut -d . 
-f 1`: %/%R%# '

postgres1: markMLl=

but if I try to replace the fixed server name in that

\set PROMPT1 '%`finger postg...@%:HOST:|head...

the nested variable doesn't get expanded.

That's obviously useful if there's only one server or the servers are 
pooled since it means that the current disk set or whatever can be 
identified, but less so if there are multiple servers.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. telemetry.co .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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Re: [GENERAL] pgsql2shp usage

2010-01-09 Thread Randall Thompson
Attribute Tables for a shape file is stored in .DBF format which has a
restriction that field names are only ten characters long, so the
warnings are simply informing you that those field names that are
longer than 10 characters are being truncated.  The projection
definition indicates that the output spatial reference system (900913)
is a variation of the Mercator projection which is used by Google Maps,
Bing Maps, and other web map services.  So, these are not lat/long

Randall Thompson
Castle Rock GIS 

Hello to all,

I downloaded an OSM map file namely india.osm.bz2.
I transported it in PostgreSQL database gis with the command :

./osm2pgsql -m -d gis india.osm.bz2 

The above command resulted in the creation of the following tables filled 
with data in database gis

gis=# \d
 List of relations
 Schema |Name|   Type   |  Owner
 public | geometry_columns   | table| anisha
 public | planet_osm_line| table| anisha
 public | planet_osm_point   | table| anisha
 public | planet_osm_polygon | table| anisha
 public | planet_osm_roads   | table| anisha
 public | polygon_oid_seq| sequence | postgres
 public | spatial_ref_sys| table| anisha

Now to convert the map data of one of the above tables in a shape file, I 
issued the following command:

pgsql2shp -f myfile gis planet_osm_line

Initializing... Warning, field addr:housenumber renamed to ADDR:HOUSE
Warning, field addr:interpolation renamed to ADDR:INTER
Warning, field admin_level renamed to ADMIN_LEVE
Warning, field construction renamed to CONSTRUCTI
Warning, field power_source renamed to POWER_SOUR
Done (postgis major version: 1).
Output shape: PolyLine


[126149 rows].

Question :

How should I verify that the shape file resultant of the above command is a 
valid and uncorrupted one ?


I am worried because the projection file namely myfile.prj contains the 
following !

PROJCS[WGS84 / Simple Mercator,GEOGCS[WGS 
84,DATUM[WGS_1984,SPHEROID[WGS_1984, 6378137.0, 
298.257223563]],PRIMEM[Greenwich, 0.0],UNIT[degree, 
0.0],PARAMETER[central_meridian, 0.0],PARAMETER[scale_factor, 
0.0],PARAMETER[false_northing, 0.0],UNIT[m, 1.0],AXIS[x, 

The latitude/longitude values don't seem to be of India 

Thanking you in anticipation,

Anisha Kaul

Hi-Tech Gears Limited, Gurgaon, India

Re: [GENERAL] WAL Log Shipping - Warm Standby not working under 8.3.7

2010-01-09 Thread Keaton Adams
We are still on PG 8.3.7 and I don't see pg_standby.  It looks like it was 
added with 8.3.8.  I will put in a request to update to 8.3.9 as a part of our 
next software upgrade (internal product we write) but for now  I need to try to 
figure out why this isn't working under 8.3.7.  I did manage to bring up 
replication under 8.3.7 in the test environment just fine, so the question is 
now why the standby PG instance won't come up in recovery mode and why it is 
looking so far back for the next WAL log file.


On 1/8/10 5:55 PM, Erik Jones ejo...@engineyard.com wrote:

On Jan 8, 2010, at 4:50 PM, Erik Jones wrote:

 On Jan 8, 2010, at 9:50 AM, Keaton Adams wrote:


 So what am I doing wrong here?

 Installed PG 8.3.7 on Slave machine

 Restored from last evening's backup from the master DB to make the rsync 
 across the network finish sooner.

 Shut down the PG instance on the slave machine

 Ran a script that does the following:

 select pg_start_backup('Master_Backup');
 rsync -rvlpogtz ${masterdb}/* ${slave_dbus...@${slave_host}:${slavedb}
 select pg_stop_backup();
 ssh ${slave_dbus...@${slave_host} rm ${slavedb}/postmaster.pid 2/dev/null
 ssh ${slave_dbus...@${slave_host} rm ${slave_backup_path}/0* 2/dev/null
 ssh ${slave_dbus...@${slave_host} ${PSQL_BIN}/pg_ctl -D ${slavedb} -l 
 logfile start

 Is ${slave_backup_path} your archive directory?  Why are you deleting all of 
 you archives there?

Also, what are the contents of your recovery.conf file?  Are you using 
pg_standby?  The typical setup is to clear datadir/pg_xlog on your standby 
and use pg_standby to recovery files directly from your archive directory?

Erik Jones, Database Administrator
Engine Yard
Support, Scalability, Reliability
866.518.9273 x 260
Location: US/Pacific
IRC: mage2k

Re: [GENERAL] set-level update fails with unique constraint violation

2010-01-09 Thread Tom Lane
Daniel Verite dan...@manitou-mail.org writes:
   Tom Lane wrote:
 1. Performance.  The cost of #2 is very large, and the number of cases
 where you actually need it is not.

 Per Dean's explanation upthread, It looks like an additional cost for #2
 would occur mostly when temporary conflicts occur, that is, when it's needed.

I'm not sure where you got that from his explanation, but it's not the
case.  The problem with any type of delayed verification is that it
requires a second index search, on top of the one you already did while
making your index entry.  This occurs whether or not there is any conflict.
The problem is especially acute when you have an update or insert
affecting a large fraction of the table.

regards, tom lane

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[GENERAL] An issue with max() and order by ... limit 1 in postgresql8.3-beta3

2010-01-09 Thread zxo102 ouyang
Hi everyone,
   I am using postgresql 8.3-beta3. I have a table 'test' with three fields:
 sid data date
  11.1  2009-09-01 1:00:00
  12.1  2010-01-01 1:00:20
  23.1  2009-09-01 1:00:10
  20.1  2010-01-01 1:00:30

I create index for data field.
Each sid may have millions of rows.
I want to get maximum data value and corresponding time for each group of
sid. Here is my query:

select  t1.sid ,  max(t1.data)
  (select t2.date
from test t2,
where t2.sid = t1.sid and
   t2.date between '2009-08-01' and '2010-01-02' and
  order by t2.data DESC limit 1
 from test t1
 where  t1.date between '2009-08-01' and '2010-01-08' and
 group by t1.sid
But when max() in postgresql may slow down the search when there are
millions of rows for each sid.
So I use  order by t2.data DESC limit 1 to find max:

select  t1.sid ,
   (select t2.data
from test t2,
where t2.sid = t1.sid and
   t2.date between '2009-08-01' and '2010-01-02' and
  order by t2.data DESC limit 1
  (select t2.date
from test t2,
where t2.sid = t1.sid and
   t2.date between '2009-08-01' and '2010-01-02' and
  order by t2.data DESC limit 1
 from test t1
 where  t1.date between '2009-08-01' and '2010-01-08' and
 group by t1.sid
The second query looks strange since similar search is done twice.
Because of two fields, the following can not be used directly in the above

  (select t2.date, t2.data
from test t2,
where t2.sid = t1.sid and
   t2.date between '2009-08-01' and '2010-01-02' and
  order by t2.data DESC limit 1

Any suggestions for the best way to get maximum data value and corresponding
time for each group of sid in my case?

Thanks a lot.


Re: [GENERAL] An issue with max() and order by ... limit 1 in postgresql8.3-beta3

2010-01-09 Thread Raymond O'Donnell
On 09/01/2010 16:43, zxo102 ouyang wrote:
 Hi everyone, 
I am using postgresql 8.3-beta3. I have a table 'test' with three fields:

Without meaning to sound unhelpful, why on earth are you using a beta
version when 8.3 was released *ages* ago and has had several bug-fix
updates since?

I'd look first in the release notes for the updates to see if there's
anything that addresses your problem, and then upgrade to the latest
release version at the first opportunity.


Raymond O'Donnell :: Galway :: Ireland

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Re: [GENERAL] Table appears on listing but can't drop it

2010-01-09 Thread Tom Lane
Rikard Bosnjakovic rikard.bosnjako...@gmail.com writes:
 Is there a particular reason space is allowed in name identifiers? I
 see nothing but confusion if a space exists.

The SQL standard requires that double-quoted identifiers be allowed to
contain anything.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [GENERAL] An issue with max() and order by ... limit 1 in postgresql8.3-beta3

2010-01-09 Thread Andreas Kretschmer
zxo102 ouyang zxo...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi everyone, 
I am using postgresql 8.3-beta3. I have a table 'test' with three fields:

I'm guessing you mean 8.4-beta3, right?

 Any suggestions for the best way to get maximum data value and corresponding
 time for each group of sid in my case?

Based on your data:

test=*# select * from test;
 sid | data |date
   1 |  1.1 | 2009-09-01 01:00:00
   1 |  2.1 | 2010-01-01 01:00:20
   2 |  3.1 | 2009-09-01 01:00:10
   2 |  0.1 | 2010-01-01 01:00:30
(4 Zeilen)


Zeit: 0,227 ms
test=*# select distinct on (sid) sid, data, date from test order by sid, data 
desc, date;
 sid | data |date
   1 |  2.1 | 2010-01-01 01:00:20
   2 |  3.1 | 2009-09-01 01:00:10
(2 Zeilen)

Really, I'm not out to destroy Microsoft. That will just be a completely
unintentional side effect.  (Linus Torvalds)
If I was god, I would recompile penguin with --enable-fly.   (unknown)
Kaufbach, Saxony, Germany, Europe.  N 51.05082°, E 13.56889°

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Re: [GENERAL] An issue with max() and order by ... limit 1 in postgresql8.3-beta3

2010-01-09 Thread Stefan Kaltenbrunner

Andreas Kretschmer wrote:

zxo102 ouyang zxo...@gmail.com wrote:

Hi everyone, 
   I am using postgresql 8.3-beta3. I have a table 'test' with three fields:

I'm guessing you mean 8.4-beta3, right?

either of those are unsuitable for any kind of production use...


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[GENERAL] Gentoo, 8,2 --- 8.4, and /var/run/postgresql in mode 770

2010-01-09 Thread felix
I just upgraded my home gentoo system's postgresql from 8.2.14 to
8.4.2.  I use it mostly for fooling around and keeping smatterings of
personal data, so it was simple laziness which kept me from upgrading
sooner, triggered by the gentoo switch back in 8.2.mumble in how they
manage postgresql.

Everything went smoothly except the permissions of the directory
/var/run/postgresql with the domain socket .s.PGSQL.5432.  This dir
had permissions of 770, owned by postgres.postgres, so no mere mortals
could access it.  I have changed this to 775 and can now access it.

Didn't 8.2 put these in /tmp?  Maybe this was a gentoo thing.  What
should the permissions be for this?  Or does gentoo do their own thing
and there is a different standard way of handling this?

... _._. ._ ._. . _._. ._. ___ .__ ._. . .__. ._ .. ._.
 Felix Finch: scarecrow repairman  rocket surgeon / fe...@crowfix.com
  GPG = E987 4493 C860 246C 3B1E  6477 7838 76E9 182E 8151 ITAR license #4933
I've found a solution to Fermat's Last Theorem but I see I've run out of room o

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Re: [GENERAL] Table appears on listing but can't drop it

2010-01-09 Thread hubert depesz lubaczewski
On Fri, Jan 08, 2010 at 02:39:03PM -0200, Fernando Morgenstern wrote:
 postgres=# drop database skynet;
 ERROR:  database skynet does not exist


psql -l | hexump -C
and examine output.

Best regards,


Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/in/depesz  /  blog: http://www.depesz.com/
jid/gtalk: dep...@depesz.com / aim:depeszhdl / skype:depesz_hdl / gg:6749007

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Re: [GENERAL] An issue with max() and order by ... limit 1 in postgresql8.3-beta3

2010-01-09 Thread Andreas Kretschmer
Stefan Kaltenbrunner ste...@kaltenbrunner.cc wrote:

 Andreas Kretschmer wrote:
 zxo102 ouyang zxo...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi everyone,I am using postgresql 8.3-beta3. I have a table 
 'test' with three fields:

 I'm guessing you mean 8.4-beta3, right?

 either of those are unsuitable for any kind of production use...

Hey, we needs beta-testers, right? And yes, read again, the table is
called 'test' ...

Really, I'm not out to destroy Microsoft. That will just be a completely
unintentional side effect.  (Linus Torvalds)
If I was god, I would recompile penguin with --enable-fly.   (unknown)
Kaufbach, Saxony, Germany, Europe.  N 51.05082°, E 13.56889°

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Re: [GENERAL] dynamic insert in plpgsql

2010-01-09 Thread Dimitri Fontaine
Grzegorz Jaśkiewicz gryz...@gmail.com writes:

 Is there any nice way to do something like that in plpgsql:

   EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO '||partition_table_name||' VALUES'||(NEW.*)||'';

See http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/PL/pgSQL_Dynamic_Triggers

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Re: [GENERAL] Gentoo, 8,2 --- 8.4, and /var/run/postgresql in mode 770

2010-01-09 Thread Scott Marlowe
On Sat, Jan 9, 2010 at 2:20 PM,  fe...@crowfix.com wrote:
 I just upgraded my home gentoo system's postgresql from 8.2.14 to
 8.4.2.  I use it mostly for fooling around and keeping smatterings of
 personal data, so it was simple laziness which kept me from upgrading
 sooner, triggered by the gentoo switch back in 8.2.mumble in how they
 manage postgresql.

 Everything went smoothly except the permissions of the directory
 /var/run/postgresql with the domain socket .s.PGSQL.5432.  This dir
 had permissions of 770, owned by postgres.postgres, so no mere mortals
 could access it.  I have changed this to 775 and can now access it.

 Didn't 8.2 put these in /tmp?  Maybe this was a gentoo thing.  What
 should the permissions be for this?  Or does gentoo do their own thing
 and there is a different standard way of handling this?

This sounds like a Gentoo thing.  The location of all the various pg
files is a compile time option and lots of packagers make different
decisions based on their distro layouts.  Ubuntu / Debian for instance
puts all the postgresql.conf type files in
/etc/postgresql/8.x/clustername/  and allows you to have multiple
instances of different versions by moving things around from the
default of a single pg install from source.

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Re: [GENERAL] An issue with max() and order by ... limit 1 in postgresql8.3-beta3

2010-01-09 Thread Scott Marlowe
On Sat, Jan 9, 2010 at 2:46 PM, Andreas Kretschmer
akretsch...@spamfence.net wrote:
 Stefan Kaltenbrunner ste...@kaltenbrunner.cc wrote:

 Andreas Kretschmer wrote:
 zxo102 ouyang zxo...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi everyone,    I am using postgresql 8.3-beta3. I have a table
 'test' with three fields:

 I'm guessing you mean 8.4-beta3, right?

 either of those are unsuitable for any kind of production use...

 Hey, we needs beta-testers, right? And yes, read again, the table is
 called 'test' ...

True, but if you're gonna test betas / alphas, I'd think 8.5 alpha
would be the choice for testing.  8.4's beta ended quite some time

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Re: [GENERAL] Gentoo, 8,2 --- 8.4, and /var/run/postgresql in mode 770

2010-01-09 Thread Leif Biberg Kristensen
On Saturday 9. January 2010 22.20.36 fe...@crowfix.com wrote:
 I just upgraded my home gentoo system's postgresql from 8.2.14 to
 8.4.2.  I use it mostly for fooling around and keeping smatterings of
 personal data, so it was simple laziness which kept me from upgrading
 sooner, triggered by the gentoo switch back in 8.2.mumble in how they
 manage postgresql.
 Everything went smoothly except the permissions of the directory
 /var/run/postgresql with the domain socket .s.PGSQL.5432.  This dir
 had permissions of 770, owned by postgres.postgres, so no mere mortals
 could access it.  I have changed this to 775 and can now access it.
 Didn't 8.2 put these in /tmp?  Maybe this was a gentoo thing.  What
 should the permissions be for this?  Or does gentoo do their own thing
 and there is a different standard way of handling this?

In Gentoo, you must add the database owner (probably your own username) to the 
group Postgres. This was changed with 8.3, and if you had read the message 
from emerge, you should have noticed. And, yes, I fumbled a lot with this 

Leif Biberg Kristensen

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Re: [GENERAL] dynamic insert in plpgsql

2010-01-09 Thread Merlin Moncure
2010/1/9 Dimitri Fontaine dfonta...@hi-media.com:
 Grzegorz Jaśkiewicz gryz...@gmail.com writes:

 Is there any nice way to do something like that in plpgsql:

   EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO '||partition_table_name||' VALUES'||(NEW.*)||'';

 See http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/PL/pgSQL_Dynamic_Triggers

that approach is awful.  Sam's method (or the one I posted in the same
thread using dollar quoting) is much faster/better.


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Re: [GENERAL] Gentoo, 8,2 --- 8.4, and /var/run/postgresql in mode 770

2010-01-09 Thread felix
On Sat, Jan 09, 2010 at 11:18:19PM +0100, Leif Biberg Kristensen wrote:

 In Gentoo, you must add the database owner (probably your own username) to 
 group Postgres. This was changed with 8.3, and if you had read the message 
 from emerge, you should have noticed. And, yes, I fumbled a lot with this 

Ahh ... I skipped 8.3 and didn't see that message.

... _._. ._ ._. . _._. ._. ___ .__ ._. . .__. ._ .. ._.
 Felix Finch: scarecrow repairman  rocket surgeon / fe...@crowfix.com
  GPG = E987 4493 C860 246C 3B1E  6477 7838 76E9 182E 8151 ITAR license #4933
I've found a solution to Fermat's Last Theorem but I see I've run out of room o

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Re: [GENERAL] Gentoo, 8,2 --- 8.4, and /var/run/postgresql in mode 770

2010-01-09 Thread Greg Smith

fe...@crowfix.com wrote:

Everything went smoothly except the permissions of the directory
/var/run/postgresql with the domain socket .s.PGSQL.5432.  This dir
had permissions of 770, owned by postgres.postgres, so no mere mortals
could access it.  I have changed this to 775 and can now access it.

Didn't 8.2 put these in /tmp?  Maybe this was a gentoo thing.

http://bugs.gentoo.org/236546 talks about what changed and shows the 
associated warning, which I'm guessing you didn't see.  You can move it 
back to /tmp if you want.

Greg Smith2ndQuadrant   Baltimore, MD
PostgreSQL Training, Services and Support
g...@2ndquadrant.com  www.2ndQuadrant.com

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Re: [GENERAL] dynamic insert in plpgsql

2010-01-09 Thread Grzegorz Jaśkiewicz
This is what I hacked quickly last night, what you guys think?

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION something.ziew_partition_insert() RETURNS TRIGGER AS
  partition_table_name varchar;
  old_partition_table_name varchar;

  SELECT 'something_partitions.ziew_'||to_char(NEW.logtime, 'IYYY_MM')
INTO partition_table_name;


   EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO '||partition_table_name||'  (SELECT
(something.ziew '||quote_literal(NEW)||').*)';

  WHEN undefined_table THEN
  SET client_min_messages = error;

  EXECUTE 'CREATE TABLE '||partition_table_name||'() INHERITS
  EXECUTE 'ALTER TABLE  '||partition_table_name||' ADD PRIMARY
KEY (id)';
  EXECUTE 'CREATE INDEX something_time'|| to_char(NEW.logtime,
'IYYY_MM')||' ON '||partition_table_name||'(logtime)';

  SELECT 'something_partitions.ziew_'||to_char(NEW.logtime-'2
months'::interval, 'IYYY_MM') INTO old_partition_table_name;
  -- don't care if it fails
EXECUTE 'DROP TABLE '||old_partition_table_name;
  WHEN others THEN
--- in place for NOP
old_partition_table_name := '';

  EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO '||partition_table_name||'  (SELECT
(something.ziew '||quote_literal(NEW)||').*)';
  WHEN others THEN
RAISE EXCEPTION 'somethings wrong %',SQLERRM;

$_$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';

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[GENERAL] aggregate over tables in different schema

2010-01-09 Thread Ivan Sergio Borgonovo
I've tables in different schemas all with the same name and
I'd like to compute an aggregate on the union of those tables.
I don't know the schemas in advance.
The list of the schema will be built selecting all the schemas that
contain a table with that name.

Other than building dynamically the statement as a list of union or
building up a view is there any other way?

Ivan Sergio Borgonovo

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