[GENERAL] Another RAID controller recommendation question

2011-06-17 Thread David Boreham

We're looking to deploy a bunch of new machines.
Our DB is fairly small and write-intensive. Most of the disk
traffic is PG WAL. Historically we've avoided
RAID controllers for various reasons, but this new deployment will be
done with them (also for various reasons ;)

We like to use white-boxish machines and we run CentOS. This would be
a good example of the kind of machine we'd buy:
manufacturer page :
these boxes have a proprietary controller slot, with these cards:
specifically this LSI-based one which seems to be the newest/fastest, 
with BBWBC:


I'd be interested to hear any options good or bad on these controllers, 
or ideas for

alternatives. These machines are operated in a lights-out mode, and
will handle heavy constant load (hundreds of write txn/s) with 15K SAS 
in a RAID-1 setup (2 drives, or 2 + 2 with data and WAL split between 
spindle groups).


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Re: [GENERAL] 2 questions re RAID

2011-06-17 Thread Greg Smith

On 06/17/2011 01:02 PM, Scott Ribe wrote:

1) Is my impression correct that given a choice between Areca&  Highpoint, it's 
a no-brainer to go with Areca?

I guess you could call Highpoint a RAID manufacturer, but I wouldn't do 
so.  They've released so many terrible problems over the years that it's 
hard to take the fact that they may have something reasonable you can 
buy now (the 43XX cards I think?)  seriously.

 And, in further digging, I discover that gh is an option for me. Anyone got 
comments on these? (I notice that they use ultracapacitor/flash to protect 

Atto is so Mac focused that you're not going to find much experience 
here, for the same reason you didn't get any response to your original 
question.  Their cards are using the same Intel IO Processor (IOP) 
hardware as some known capable cards.  For example, the ExpressSAS R348 
is named that because it has an Intel 348 IOP.  That's the same basic 
processor as on the medium sized Areca boards:  
http://www.areca.us/products/pcietosas1680series.htm  So speed should be 
reasonable, presuming they didn't make any major errors in board design 
or firmware.

The real thing you need to investigate is whether the write cache setup 
is done right, and whether monitoring is available in a way you can talk 
to.  What you want is for the card to run in write-back mode normally, 
degrading to write-through when the battery stops working well.  If you 
don't see that sort of thing clearly documented as available, you really 
don't want to consider their cards.

2) I understand why RAID 5 is not generally recommended for good db 
performance. But if the database is not huge (10-20GB), and the server has 
enough RAM to keep most all of the db cached, and the RAID uses 
(battery-backed) write-back cache, is it sill really an issue?

You're basically asking "if I don't write to the database, does the fact 
that write performance on RAID5 is slow matter?"  When asked that way, 
sure, it's fine.  If after applying the write cache to help, your write 
throughput requirements don't ever exceed what a single disk can 
provide, than maybe RAID5 will be fine for you.  Make sure you keep 
shared_buffers low though, because you're not going to be able to absorb 
a heavy checkpoint sync on RAID5.

Greg Smith   2ndQuadrant USg...@2ndquadrant.com   Baltimore, MD
PostgreSQL Training, Services, and 24x7 Support  www.2ndQuadrant.us
"PostgreSQL 9.0 High Performance": http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/books

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Re: [GENERAL] how to find a tablespace for the table?

2011-06-17 Thread Greg Smith

On 06/17/2011 06:50 PM, hyelluas wrote:

I'm looking into pg_tables view and only one tablespace is displayed is
All my tables are created in my custom tablespace and that column is empty
for them.

I'm not sure what's wrong here, but the query you are trying to use to 
decode this information doesn't look quite right.  pg_tables is just a 
regular query; here is its source code:

CREATE VIEW pg_tables AS
N.nspname AS schemaname,
C.relname AS tablename,
pg_get_userbyid(C.relowner) AS tableowner,
T.spcname AS tablespace,
C.relhasindex AS hasindexes,
C.relhasrules AS hasrules,
C.relhastriggers AS hastriggers
FROM pg_class C LEFT JOIN pg_namespace N ON (N.oid = C.relnamespace)
 LEFT JOIN pg_tablespace T ON (T.oid = C.reltablespace)
WHERE C.relkind = 'r';

I think that if you start with this and try to experiment from there, 
you may be able to figure out what's going on here a little better.  
This connects up the main relevant tables in the right way.

Greg Smith   2ndQuadrant USg...@2ndquadrant.com   Baltimore, MD
PostgreSQL Training, Services, and 24x7 Support  www.2ndQuadrant.us
"PostgreSQL 9.0 High Performance": http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/books

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Re: [GENERAL] pg_upgrade only to 9.0 ?

2011-06-17 Thread Bruce Momjian
Iain Barnett wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm currently running 8.4.4. I downloaded the source for 9.0.4 and
> installed it, and then installed pg_upgrade and ran it, and got the
> following message:
> > This utility can only upgrade to PostgreSQL version 9.0.
> It seems strange to me that it can only upgrade to that and not 4 patch
> points above, but still, so I go to the source directory to download
> 9.0 and it isn't listed.
> Could anyone tell me how I'm supposed to get this to work please? I'd
> be really grateful.

Very late reply, but can I see the command you are running?  Odds are
you are pointing to 8.4 as the new database instead of 9.0.4.

  Bruce Momjian  http://momjian.us
  EnterpriseDB http://enterprisedb.com

  + It's impossible for everything to be true. +

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Re: [GENERAL] merge in postgres trigger function

2011-06-17 Thread Pavel Stehule

PostgreSQL doesn't support MERGE statement yet


Pavel Stehule

2011/6/17 Leon Match :
> Hello,
> I am trying to move few objects to postgres from oracle.
> I have an issue with a trigger, which has a merge inside?
> Here is my code:
>     MERGE INTO Requests r
>     using (select
> new.web_form_id web_form_id,
>   new.form_type form_type,
>   new.submit_date submit_date,
>   new.email email,
>   new.custom_fields custom_fields
>  from   DUAL) w
>       on
> (r.request_id = new.web_form_id)
>     when not matched
>     THEN
> insert      (
> r.request_id,
> r.form_type,
> r.submit_date,
> r.request_email,
> r.request_description
>   )
>      values  (
>   w.web_form_id,
>   w.form_type,
>   w.submit_date,
>   w.email,
>   w.custom_fields
>  )
>     when matched
>     then
>     update set
>     form_type =
> NVL (w.form_type, r.form_type),
>     submit_date
> = NVL (w.submit_date, r.submit_date),
> request_email = NVL (w.email, r.request_email),
> request_description = NVL (w.custom_fields, r.request_description);
>     end if;
> END;
> I receive an error – “Requests is not a known variable, Line 3: MERGE INTO
> Requests r”
> But “Requests” is a table is not a variable!
> What is wrong with my statement? May be Merge is not legal in postgres
> trigger functions?
> What would be the way around?
> Thank you,
> Leon
> leon.ma...@convergia.net

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Re: [GENERAL] Odd performance difference in check constraint : SQL(slow) vs plpgsql(fast)

2011-06-17 Thread Tom Lane
bubba postgres  writes:
> This is the reverse of what I thought I would find.
> In short my check constraint is extracting the epoch from a start timestamp,
> and an end timestamp to get the number of seconds difference.
> It then uses this number to check the array_upper() of an array to make sure
> it's the proper size

> The SQL version uses a case statement, and the plpgsql uses an IF/ELSE

> In a particular insert test
> The plpgsql version adds 1 second over the no constraints case.
> the sql version adds 10 seconds over the no constraints case.

> Why would this be?

It would not likely be faster unless it can be inlined, and maybe not
even then, because of plan caching effects (plpgsql is a lot better
about that).  In this particular case, I'm suspicious whether all the
operations are immutable; if they aren't, the marking of the function
as immutable will definitely prevent inlining.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [GENERAL] Constraint to ensure value does NOT exist in another table?

2011-06-17 Thread Mike Christensen
 I know I can setup a FK constraint to make sure Table1.ColA exists in
 Table2.Key, however what if I want to do the reverse?

 I want to ensure Table1.ColA does NOT exist in Table2.Key..  Can I do
 this with any sort of CHECK constraint, trigger, custom function, etc?
>>> Perhaps it's possible to use a unique constraint in a third table to 
>>> guarantee those foreign keys can never have the same value. That would 
>>> probably be more efficient than executing stored procedure code.
>> You'd still have to use a TRIGGER to insert any new or updated values
>> into the third table.  Otherwise, you'd have to modify a bunch of code
>> to insert/update the keys into the third table and that somewhat goes
>> against the whole idea of making the database responsible for its own
>> integrity in the first place.
> No you don't.
> If Table1.ColA is an FK to Table3.ColA and Table2.ColA is also an FK to 
> Table3.ColA, you can put a unique constraint on Table3.ColA to make sure the 
> values are unique:
>        Table1          Table3          Table2
>        --          --          --
>         ColA >---|- ColA -|---< ColA
> If you insert a value in either Table1 or Table2, it first HAS to exist in 
> Table3, due to the FK constraints. However, that still allows for values that 
> are in both tables 1 and 3, just pointing to the same value in Table3.
> To solve that you add an extra column to all tables, for example:
>        ALTER TABLE Table1 ADD src CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'A';
>        ALTER TABLE Table2 ADD src CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'B';
> And you change the FK constraints in A and B to include "src":
>        Table1          Table3          Table2
>        --          --          --
>         ColA >---|- ColA -|---< ColA
>         src  >-/   \-|- src  -|-/   \-< src
> You also add back a UNIQUE constraint over Table3.ColA (without the "src" 
> column).
> Now, if you add a value to Table1, it requires a value of (ColA, 'A') in 
> Table3. If you add one to Table2, it requires a value of (ColA, 'B'). If 
> either of those already exist though, you violate the UNIQUE constraint on 
> Table3.ColA.
> It's probably convenient to write some triggers to auto-generate the records 
> in Table3, but those triggers are NOT needed for relational integrity - they 
> just make the task easier.

Yup yup, I see where you're going..  It's like the third table is a
"name broker" that grants the unique priveledge of using a name in the
database.  The other tables will have a FK on it so you'd have to add
that name to the table before it can be inserted elsewhere.  The third
table will be unique which ensures a name is only used once.

This would work great, however I'd have to modify a bunch of code to
insert a name into the third table before it could be used..  Since an
admin tool is the only thing that would be doing this (this data
hardly ever changes), this isn't out of the question.  I actually
don't need any TRIGGERS if I do this, I just need to modify some code.
 This design will ensure my data is always in a valid state.

A fine approach.  Thanks!


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[GENERAL] how to find a tablespace for the table?

2011-06-17 Thread hyelluas

I'm looking into pg_tables view and only one tablespace is displayed is
All my tables are created in my custom tablespace and that column is empty
for them.

select * from pg_tablespace  show my tablespace, pgAdmin shows that
tablespace for each table. I need to query the data dictionary to find the
tablespace for the table in my proc.

select t.spcname, c.relname AS tablename from pg_class c , pg_tablespace
where t.oid = c.reltablespace 

does not show my tables, only the dd tables.

SELECT COALESCE(tbs.spcname, '*') AS tbsname
FROM pg_catalog.pg_class AS t
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace AS s
ON (s.oid = t.relnamespace)
LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_tablespace AS tbs
ON (tbs.oid = t.reltablespace)
WHERE t.relname like 'summ%' AND s.nspname = 'public';

returns * 

please help.

thank you.


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[GENERAL] Odd performance difference in check constraint : SQL(slow) vs plpgsql(fast)

2011-06-17 Thread bubba postgres
This is the reverse of what I thought I would find.

In short my check constraint is extracting the epoch from a start timestamp,
and an end timestamp to get the number of seconds difference.
It then uses this number to check the array_upper() of an array to make sure
it's the proper size

The SQL version uses a case statement, and the plpgsql uses an IF/ELSE

In a particular insert test
The plpgsql version adds 1 second over the no constraints case.
the sql version adds 10 seconds over the no constraints case.

Why would this be?


CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION check_end_time_foo( _start_time TIMESTAMP,
_end_time TIMESTAMP, _granularity SMALLINT, _values DOUBLE PRECISION[] )
RETURNS boolean AS $$
if( _granularity = 5 )
return( EXTRACT( EPOCH FROM _end_time at time zone 'utc' )::BIGINT -
EXTRACT( EPOCH FROM _start_time at time zone 'utc' )::BIGINT = 60 *
array_upper( _values,1 ) );
ELSEIF( _granularity = 7 )
return( EXTRACT( EPOCH FROM _end_time at time zone 'utc' )::BIGINT -
EXTRACT( EPOCH FROM _start_time at time zone 'utc' )::BIGINT = 900 *
array_upper( _values,1 ) );
ELSEIF( _granularity = 9 )
return( EXTRACT( EPOCH FROM _end_time at time zone 'utc' )::BIGINT -
EXTRACT( EPOCH FROM _start_time at time zone 'utc' )::BIGINT = 3600 *
array_upper( _values,1 ) );
ELSEIF( _granularity = 12 )
return( ( (EXTRACT( YEAR FROM (_end_time at time zone 'utc') at time
zone 'utc' )::INT * 12) + EXTRACT( MONTH FROM (_end_time at time zone 'utc'
) at time zone 'utc' )::INT )  -  ( (EXTRACT( YEAR FROM (_start_time at time
zone 'utc') at time zone 'utc' )::INT * 12) + EXTRACT( MONTH FROM
(_start_time at time zone 'utc') at time zone 'utc' )::INT ) = array_upper(
_values,1 ) );
$$ language plpgsql IMMUTABLE;

alter table timeseries add CONSTRAINT timeseries_valid_end_time CHECK(
check_end_time_foo( series_start_time, series_end_time, granularity,
data_value ) );


alter table timeseries add CONSTRAINT timeseries_valid_end_time CHECK( CASE
WHEN granularity = 5


EXTRACT( EPOCH FROM series_end_time at time zone 'utc' )::BIGINT - EXTRACT(
EPOCH FROM series_start_time at time zone 'utc' )::BIGINT = 60 *
array_upper( data_value,1 )

WHEN granularity = 7


EXTRACT( EPOCH FROM series_end_time at time zone 'utc' )::BIGINT - EXTRACT(
EPOCH FROM series_start_time at time zone 'utc' )::BIGINT = 900 *
array_upper( data_value,1 )

WHEN granularity = 9


EXTRACT( EPOCH FROM series_end_time at time zone 'utc' )::BIGINT - EXTRACT(
EPOCH FROM series_start_time at time zone 'utc' )::BIGINT = 3600 *
array_upper( data_value,1 )

WHEN granularity = 12


((EXTRACT( YEAR FROM ( series_end_time at time zone 'utc') at time zone
'utc' )::INT * 12) + EXTRACT( MONTH FROM ( series_end_time at time zone
'utc' ) at time zone 'utc' )::INT )  -  ( (EXTRACT( YEAR FROM (
series_start_time at time zone 'utc') at time zone 'utc' )::INT * 12) +
EXTRACT( MONTH FROM ( series_start_time at time zone 'utc') at time zone
'utc' )::INT ) = array_upper( data_value,1 )



[GENERAL] merge in postgres trigger function

2011-06-17 Thread Leon Match


I am trying to move few objects to postgres from oracle.


I have an issue with a trigger, which has a merge inside?


Here is my code:


MERGE INTO Requests r

using (select
new.web_form_id web_form_id,

new.form_type form_type,

new.submit_date submit_date,

new.email email,

new.custom_fields custom_fields

from   DUAL) w

(r.request_id = new.web_form_id)

when not matched









 values  (







when matched


update set

form_type =
NVL (w.form_type, r.form_type),

= NVL (w.submit_date, r.submit_date),

request_email = NVL (w.email, r.request_email),

request_description = NVL (w.custom_fields, r.request_description);

end if;



I receive an error - "Requests is not a known variable, Line 3: MERGE INTO
Requests r"


But "Requests" is a table is not a variable!

What is wrong with my statement? May be Merge is not legal in postgres
trigger functions?

What would be the way around?


Thank you,





Re: [GENERAL] Are check constraints always evaluated on UPDATE?

2011-06-17 Thread Tom Lane
bubba postgres  writes:
> Are there any optimizations around check constraints such that they will not
> be evaluated if constituent columns are not updated?


regards, tom lane

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[GENERAL] Are check constraints always evaluated on UPDATE?

2011-06-17 Thread bubba postgres
Are there any optimizations around check constraints such that they will not
be evaluated if constituent columns are not updated?


Re: [GENERAL] 2 questions re RAID

2011-06-17 Thread Scott Marlowe
On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 11:35 AM, Scott Ribe
> It's small enough that there's some other things going on at the same small 
> server with 4 disk bays ;-) My thinking was that write-back cache might 
> mitigate the poor write performance enough to not be noticed. This db doesn't 
> generally get big batch updates anyway, it's mostly a constant stream of 
> small updates coming in and I have a hard time imagining 256MB of cache 
> filling up very often. (I have at least a fuzzy understanding of how WAL 
> segments affect the write load.)

We run our internal dev server on RAID-6 and it works well enough.
Again, like your usage case, it doesn't get beat up too hard, so
RAID-6 works fine.  I prefer RAID-6 because it doesn't degrade as bad
as RAID-5 when a single drive fails, and of course it's still fully
redundant with a single drive failure.

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Re: [GENERAL] 2 questions re RAID

2011-06-17 Thread Scott Ribe
On Jun 17, 2011, at 11:20 AM, Scott Marlowe wrote:

> Generally, yes, but the model of the card is more important than the
> maker.  I.e. an Areca 1880 or 1680 is a fantastic performer.  But the
> older 1120 series aren't gonna set the world on fire or anything.

And, in further digging, I discover that ATTO ExpressSAS is an option for me. 
Anyone got comments on these? (I notice that they use ultracapacitor/flash to 
protect cache...)

Scott Ribe
(303) 722-0567 voice

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Re: [HACKERS] [GENERAL] Issues with generate_series using integer boundaries

2011-06-17 Thread Thom Brown
On 17 June 2011 04:44, Robert Haas  wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 9, 2011 at 4:50 AM, Thom Brown  wrote:
>> On 9 February 2011 02:11, Robert Haas  wrote:
>>> On Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 8:30 PM, Andrew Dunstan  wrote:
 Quite right, but the commitfest manager isn't meant to be a substitute for
 one. Bug fixes aren't subject to the same restrictions of feature changes.
>>> Another option would be to add this here:
>>> http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/PostgreSQL_9.1_Open_Items
>> I've removed it from the commitfest because it really doesn't belong
>> there, and I've added it to the open items list.
> So, I finally got around to look at this, and I think there is a
> simpler solution.  When an overflow occurs while calculating the next
> value, that just means that the value we're about to return is the
> last one that should be generated.  So we just need to frob the
> context state so that the next call will decide we're done.  There are
> any of number of ways to do that; I just picked what looked like the
> easiest one.

I knew there'd be a much simpler way of solving this.  Works for me.

Thanks Robert.

Thom Brown
Twitter: @darkixion
IRC (freenode): dark_ixion
Registered Linux user: #516935

EnterpriseDB UK: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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Re: [HACKERS] [GENERAL] Issues with generate_series using integer boundaries

2011-06-17 Thread Tom Lane
Robert Haas  writes:
> So, I finally got around to look at this, and I think there is a
> simpler solution.  When an overflow occurs while calculating the next
> value, that just means that the value we're about to return is the
> last one that should be generated.  So we just need to frob the
> context state so that the next call will decide we're done.  There are
> any of number of ways to do that; I just picked what looked like the
> easiest one.

+1 for this solution.

BTW, there was some mention of changing the timestamp versions of
generate_series as well, but right offhand I'm not convinced that
those need any change.  I think you'll get overflow detection there
automatically from the functions being used --- and if not, it's a
bug in those functions, not in generate_series.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [HACKERS] [GENERAL] Issues with generate_series using integer boundaries

2011-06-17 Thread David Johnston
> On Wed, Feb 9, 2011 at 4:50 AM, Thom Brown  wrote:
> > On 9 February 2011 02:11, Robert Haas  wrote:
> >> On Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 8:30 PM, Andrew Dunstan
>  wrote:
> >>> Quite right, but the commitfest manager isn't meant to be a
> >>> substitute for one. Bug fixes aren't subject to the same restrictions
> feature changes.
> >>
> >> Another option would be to add this here:
> >>
> >> http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/PostgreSQL_9.1_Open_Items
> >
> > I've removed it from the commitfest because it really doesn't belong
> > there, and I've added it to the open items list.
> So, I finally got around to look at this, and I think there is a simpler
> When an overflow occurs while calculating the next value, that just means
> that the value we're about to return is the last one that should be
> So we just need to frob the context state so that the next call will
> we're done.  There are any of number of ways to do that; I just picked
> looked like the easiest one.

Tangential comment but have you considered emitting a warning (and/or log
entry) when you are 10,000-50,000 away from issuing the last available
number in the sequence so that some recognition exists that any code
depending on the sequence is going to fail soon?

Also, during sequence creation you know the integer type being used so that
maximum value is known and an overflow should not need to come into play (I
guess the trade-off is the implicit "try-catch" [or whatever mechanism C
uses] performance hit versus the need to store another full integer in the
data structure).

You could also give access to the "warning threshold" value so that the
developer can change it to whatever value is desired (with a meaningful
default of course).

David J.

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Re: [HACKERS] [GENERAL] Issues with generate_series using integer boundaries

2011-06-17 Thread Robert Haas
On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 10:39 AM, David Johnston  wrote:
> Tangential comment but have you considered emitting a warning (and/or log
> entry) when you are 10,000-50,000 away from issuing the last available
> number in the sequence so that some recognition exists that any code
> depending on the sequence is going to fail soon?
> Also, during sequence creation you know the integer type being used so that
> maximum value is known and an overflow should not need to come into play (I
> guess the trade-off is the implicit "try-catch" [or whatever mechanism C
> uses] performance hit versus the need to store another full integer in the
> data structure).
> You could also give access to the "warning threshold" value so that the
> developer can change it to whatever value is desired (with a meaningful
> default of course).

There are already tools out there that can monitor this stuff - for
example, check_postgres.pl.


We tend to avoid emitting warnings for this kind of thing because they
can consume vast amounts of disk space, and a lot of times no one's
looking at them anyway.

Robert Haas
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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Re: [HACKERS] [GENERAL] Issues with generate_series using integer boundaries

2011-06-17 Thread Tom Lane
Robert Haas  writes:
> On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 2:15 PM, Tom Lane  wrote:
>> BTW, there was some mention of changing the timestamp versions of
>> generate_series as well, but right offhand I'm not convinced that
>> those need any change.  I think you'll get overflow detection there
>> automatically from the functions being used --- and if not, it's a
>> bug in those functions, not in generate_series.

> Maybe not, because those functions probably throw an error if an
> overflow is detected, and that's not really correct.

Oh, good point.

> I'm not sure how much energy it's worth expending on that case.  Using
> really large dates may be less common that using values that strain
> the range of a 4-byte integer.  But it might at least be worth a TODO.

Yeah, I can't get excited about it either; restructuring that code
enough to avoid an error seems like a lot more work than the case is
worth.  Maybe someday somebody will hit the case in practice and then
be motivated to work on it, but in the meantime ...

regards, tom lane

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Re: [HACKERS] [GENERAL] Issues with generate_series using integer boundaries

2011-06-17 Thread Robert Haas
On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 2:15 PM, Tom Lane  wrote:
> Robert Haas  writes:
>> So, I finally got around to look at this, and I think there is a
>> simpler solution.  When an overflow occurs while calculating the next
>> value, that just means that the value we're about to return is the
>> last one that should be generated.  So we just need to frob the
>> context state so that the next call will decide we're done.  There are
>> any of number of ways to do that; I just picked what looked like the
>> easiest one.
> +1 for this solution.
> BTW, there was some mention of changing the timestamp versions of
> generate_series as well, but right offhand I'm not convinced that
> those need any change.  I think you'll get overflow detection there
> automatically from the functions being used --- and if not, it's a
> bug in those functions, not in generate_series.

Maybe not, because those functions probably throw an error if an
overflow is detected, and that's not really correct.  By definition,
the second generate_series() is the point at which we should stop
generating, and that point has to be within the range of the
underlying data type, by definition.  So if an overflow occurs, that's
just another way of saying that we've certainly gone past the stop
point and needn't generate anything further.  The error is an artifact
of the method we've used to generate the next point.

I'm not sure how much energy it's worth expending on that case.  Using
really large dates may be less common that using values that strain
the range of a 4-byte integer.  But it might at least be worth a TODO.

Robert Haas
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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[GENERAL] Stumped on windowing

2011-06-17 Thread artacus
I'm working with a product that uses effective date based data structures. We 
then create views using analytic functions that have begin and end dates for 
when that record was valid. This works fine when there is just one record per 
item that is valid at any given time (for instance job assignment details). 

But now I have a table where multiple rows can be valid for a given date and it 
is giving me grief. This particular table is about job funding and at any given 
time a job may be funded out of several accounts. Here is a simplified example 
of the data: 

56332 001071 2010-07-01 22086 182030 4.00 1 
56332 001071 2010-07-01 24095 184001 10.00 1 
56332 001071 2010-07-01 22065 182024 20.00 1 
56332 001071 2010-07-01 14001 000121 26.00 1 
56332 001071 2010-07-01 22088 182031 40.00 1 
56332 001071 2010-12-01 24095 184001 14.00 2 
56332 001071 2010-12-01 14001 000121 21.00 2 
56332 001071 2010-12-01 22065 182024 25.00 2 
56332 001071 2010-12-01 22088 182031 40.00 2 
56332 001071 2011-04-01 22086 182030 4.00 3 
56332 001071 2011-04-01 24095 184001 10.00 3 
56332 001071 2011-04-01 22088 182031 40.00 3 
56332 001071 2011-04-01 22065 182024 46.00 3 

So my initial attempt was to do something like : 

LEAD(eff_date - 1) OVER (PARTITION BY emp_id, posn, fund, org ORDER BY 

But that wont work in the above example because the fund 22086 drops off 
completely on 12/01 and returns 4/01. So if I used that approach the result 
would be wrong between 12/01 and 4/01. What I really need is the value from the 
next window but nothing seems to work that way. What I need is something like: 

MIN ( CASE WHEN eff_date > CURRENT_ROW.eff_date THEN eff_date END ) OVER ( 
PARTITION BY emp_id, posn ORDER BY eff_date) <- a way not to include the 
current value 

MIN(eff_date) OVER (PARTITION BY emp_id, posn ORDER BY eff_date RANGE UNBOUNDED 
FOLLOWING) <- not include current row 

MIN(eff_date) OVER(PARTITION BY emp_id, posn ORDER BY eff_date RANGE BETWEEN 

BTW, here is the correctly working dense rank part: 
DENSE_RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY emp_id, posn ORDER BY eff_date) 

Is there any way to do this with analytic functions or am I going to have to 
resort to a subquery? 

Scott Bailey 

Re: [GENERAL] 2 questions re RAID

2011-06-17 Thread Scott Ribe
Thanks much for the specific info on Areca RAID cards. Very helpful.

On Jun 17, 2011, at 11:20 AM, Scott Marlowe wrote:

> The problem with RAID-5 is crappy write performance.  Being big or
> small won't change that.  Plus if the db is small why use RAID-5?

It's small enough that there's some other things going on at the same small 
server with 4 disk bays ;-) My thinking was that write-back cache might 
mitigate the poor write performance enough to not be noticed. This db doesn't 
generally get big batch updates anyway, it's mostly a constant stream of small 
updates coming in and I have a hard time imagining 256MB of cache filling up 
very often. (I have at least a fuzzy understanding of how WAL segments affect 
the write load.)

RAID-1 & RAID-10 are not ruled out, I'm just exploring options. And I'm not 
actually wanting to use RAID 5; it's RAID 6 that I'm considering...

Scott Ribe
(303) 722-0567 voice

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Re: [GENERAL] 2 questions re RAID

2011-06-17 Thread Scott Marlowe
On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 11:02 AM, Scott Ribe
> No responses to my earlier post, I'm assuming because OS X experience is 
> rather thin in this group ;-) So a couple of more specific questions:
> 1) Is my impression correct that given a choice between Areca & Highpoint, 
> it's a no-brainer to go with Areca?

Generally, yes, but the model of the card is more important than the
maker.  I.e. an Areca 1880 or 1680 is a fantastic performer.  But the
older 1120 series aren't gonna set the world on fire or anything.

Pluses for the Arecas I've used:
Out Of Band monitoring.  Heck, I've updated the firmware on them from
1000 miles away.
fast in RAID-10.  Lots of HW controllers (I'm looking at you, LSI)
perform poorly with layered RAID.
They all use the same simple standard battery backed unit, unlike some
manufacturers that glue them onto the DIMM so you have to buy a new
memory module to replace your BBU (again, I'm looking at you LSI)
Great UI via the web and / or the BIOS.  Again, some other RAID setup
utils are not so nice (and again, I'm looking at you, LSI)

> 2) I understand why RAID 5 is not generally recommended for good db 
> performance. But if the database is not huge (10-20GB), and the server has 
> enough RAM to keep most all of the db cached, and the RAID uses 
> (battery-backed) write-back cache, is it sill really an issue?

The problem with RAID-5 is crappy write performance.  Being big or
small won't change that.  Plus if the db is small why use RAID-5?

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[GENERAL] 2 questions re RAID

2011-06-17 Thread Scott Ribe
No responses to my earlier post, I'm assuming because OS X experience is rather 
thin in this group ;-) So a couple of more specific questions:

1) Is my impression correct that given a choice between Areca & Highpoint, it's 
a no-brainer to go with Areca?

2) I understand why RAID 5 is not generally recommended for good db 
performance. But if the database is not huge (10-20GB), and the server has 
enough RAM to keep most all of the db cached, and the RAID uses 
(battery-backed) write-back cache, is it sill really an issue?

Scott Ribe
(303) 722-0567 voice

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Re: [GENERAL] psql reports back wrong number of affected rows.

2011-06-17 Thread Erwin Moller

On 6/14/2011 8:08 PM, David Johnston wrote:

alter table tblissue add constraint
"tblissue_parentissueid_fkey_casc_del" FOREIGN KEY (parentissueid)

delete from tblissue where issueid=1;

Postgresql now deletes all rows that had a 1 for parentissueid. (5 in my
That was correct, and as I intended, but why does Postgres answer "DELETE
1" instead of DELETE 6?

Can somebody explain that to me please?
Thanks for your time.

You only explicitly deleted a single row; all the rest were done via the
CASCADE and thus are not counted in the delete count.

Make sense; If I delete a record and see "DELETE 1000" because 999 FK
records were deleted I would have no way of know if I foo-barred the DELETE
query itself and actually killed 1000 records using the DELETE itself or got
it right and hit the 1 intended record and simply got 999 more deletions

I can see where a more helpful response would be: "DELETE 1 \n NOTICE: 999
FK references were deleted due to Cascade" but the "DELETE 1" MUST show me
explicitly how many records were deleted solely due to my DELETE statement's
FROM and WHERE clauses.

Agree 100%.
I am not a big fan of CASCADING effects (I rather do it 'by hand'), but 
in this case it was a really easy solution.

Thanks you for your response.

Erwin Moller

David J.

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Re: [GENERAL] [ADMIN] Postgres 8.3.10 Alter Table Waiting issue

2011-06-17 Thread Kevin Grittner
[please don't send a post to multiple lists]
Pratheeban Jebasingh Tharmaraj  wrote:
> I am trying to add column to the table that's hanging.
> alter table hr_firms add column_name biginit;
> This is the lock I see in the db
>  relation  |   564709 | 586888   |  |   ||
> | |   |  | 1/8| 1871 |
> AccessExclusiveLock | f
So it's temporarily blocking, waiting for conflicting access to
> Is it known issue or any fix available?
Don't modify the structure of the table at the same time as
conflicting access against the table, or wait for the transactions
performing the conflicting access to commit?
You haven't described the other activity on the table or shown the
other lock(s) involved in the blocking.  Without more information,
it's hard to be more specific.

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Re: [HACKERS] [GENERAL] Issues with generate_series using integer boundaries

2011-06-17 Thread Robert Haas
On Wed, Feb 9, 2011 at 4:50 AM, Thom Brown  wrote:
> On 9 February 2011 02:11, Robert Haas  wrote:
>> On Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 8:30 PM, Andrew Dunstan  wrote:
>>> Quite right, but the commitfest manager isn't meant to be a substitute for
>>> one. Bug fixes aren't subject to the same restrictions of feature changes.
>> Another option would be to add this here:
>> http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/PostgreSQL_9.1_Open_Items
> I've removed it from the commitfest because it really doesn't belong
> there, and I've added it to the open items list.

So, I finally got around to look at this, and I think there is a
simpler solution.  When an overflow occurs while calculating the next
value, that just means that the value we're about to return is the
last one that should be generated.  So we just need to frob the
context state so that the next call will decide we're done.  There are
any of number of ways to do that; I just picked what looked like the
easiest one.

Robert Haas
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

Description: Binary data

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[GENERAL] Auto Start second postgresql instance MAC OS X

2011-06-17 Thread Diogo Santos
Hi, I'm used to work with PostgreSQL on Windows but now I've moved to OS X
and I'm having problems to create a service to auto start a new server
(instance) of PostgreSQL.
Firstly I used the PostgreSQL installer to create the first server and the
postgres user, then I used initdb to create another server and until this
step, everything turned fine.
After that, I created a folder on StartupItems with StartupParameters and
the other script.
Here are the contents of the two files:



. /etc/rc.common

# Postgres Plus Service script for OS/X

StartService ()
ConsoleMessage "Starting Walkinsense PostgreSQL"
su - postgres -c "/Library/PostgreSQL/8.3/bin/pg_ctl -D
/Users/iMac1/Library/Teste/data -l
/Library/Walkinsense/data/pg_log/startup.log -o \"-p 5440\" start"
 if [ -e "/Library/Walkinsense/data/postmaster.pid" ]
ConsoleMessage "PostgreSQL 8.3 started successfully"
ConsoleMessage "PostgreSQL 8.3 did not start in a timely fashion, please see
/Library/Walkinsense/data/pg_log/startup.log for details"

ConsoleMessage "Stopping PostgreSQL 8.3"
su - postgres -c "/Library/PostgreSQL/8.3/bin/pg_ctl stop -m fast -w -D

RestartService ()
sleep 2

RunService "$1"


  Description   = "Walkinsense-pgsql";
  Provides  = ("walkinsense-pgsql");
  Requires  = ("Resolver");
  Preference= "Late";
  Messages =
start = "Starting Walkinsense PostgreSQL";
stop  = "Stopping Walkinsense PostgreSQL";

I appreciate your help because I'm wasting a lot of time with this and I
think you could help me easily.


Re: [GENERAL] ncoding "Table Name" and "Filed Name"

2011-06-17 Thread David Johnston

We are expecting following advantages through this, 

Unauthorized use either by the 

1. DB administrator

2. ex-developer Or

3. Any body  


This why PostgreSQL has the concept of "ROLE"s.


The data, not the schema, is what needs to be secured.you are not preventing
unauthorized use only making both it and authorized use more difficult.  It
isn't that hard to get the database to tell you all the table and field
names then it is just a matter of issuing a "SELECT * FROM .." to
see/retrieve the data.


A rose is a rose by any other name.


For the people you do trust you are making them jump through lots of hoops
in order to work with the schema.


David J.

Re: [GENERAL] Postgres performance and the Linux scheduler

2011-06-17 Thread Albe Laurenz
Simon Windsor wrote:
> Can the performance of Postgres be boosted, especially on busy
systems,  using the none default
> DEADLINE Scheduler?

I think that mostly depends on your storage.

I personally have made one experience where (after weeks of trying
else) I changed the scheduler from CFQ to deadline and immediately got
four times better performance. The storage in this case was a SAN.

I don't have enough experience, but my guess is that the smarter your
is, the less the kernel should try to optimize I/O. I assume that in my
the kernel's optimizations (which try to optimize things for a physical
hard drive)
and the SAN's optimizations got in each other's way.

As I think is the case for all performance questions, there cannot be a
answer -- the best thing is for you to try it out and see if it does
something for you.

Laurenz Albe

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Re: [GENERAL] Invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xedbebf

2011-06-17 Thread Albe Laurenz
BRUSSER Michael wrote:
>>> Is there a way to find the records with the text field containing
Unicode bytes "0xedbebf"?
>>> Unfortunately this is a very old version 7.3.10
>> This should work on 7.3 (according to the documentation):
>> SELECT id FROM nlsdata WHERE position('\360\235\204\236'::bytea IN
val::bytea) = 1;

> Albe, thanks for pointing this out!

> I made a minor change, added decode since text cannot be cast to bytea
and tried something like this:
>  SELECT id FROM myTable WHERE position('\360\235\204\236'::bytea IN
decode(myTextField, 'escape')) !=0
>  ERROR:  decode: Bad input string for type bytea

Hrm. I didn't know that there was no cast from text to bytea in 7.3.

> Maybe this explains why?
> testdb=# select decode('\360\235\204\236'::text, 'escape');
> ERROR:  Unicode >= 0x1 is not supported

No, that is an error on my side. I gave you the wrong byte sequence.

For "0xedbebf" you should actually write '\355\276\277'. But that's no
valid UTF-8 sequence.

> but I'm not ready to give up yet...

If you know the byte sequence that causes trouble, you could also use
something like "sed"
to search and replace it in the dump file.

Or (if there are not too many) you could search for the pattern and
identify the rows
in the database. Then you know which database rows to update.

Laurenz Albe

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