Re: [GENERAL] Forward referencing of table aliases in subqueries does not work in 9.1 beta2 ( works in 9.0 and 8.4.2 )

2011-06-20 Thread Tom Lane
BangarRaju Vadapalli writes:
 The select query for creating the view is executing fine in 8.4.2. But
 not in 9.1 beta2. The issue is forward referencing of table aliases in
 subqueries is not working fine in 9.1 beta2.

This complaint is unintelligible.  Please provide a self-contained
test case.

regards, tom lane

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[GENERAL] Postgres service refuses to start on windows

2011-06-20 Thread Roman Isitua
hello ! 

having an issue with my postgres database installed on a windows xp. For some 
reason, I can no longer start the postgres service through pgadmin or the 
services window. I get the following error:
Error 1053: The service did not 
respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.

Any ideas 


Re: [GENERAL] Location Data

2011-06-20 Thread Christian Ullrich

* Adarsh Sharma wrote:

Today I am facing a simple problem that I fail to solve after 2 day try.

I have a places table in database whose structure is as :

woe_id character varying(15) NOT NULL,
iso character varying(6),
name text,
language character varying(6),
place_type character varying,
parent_woe_id character varying(15),
lat numeric(12,8),
lon numeric(12,8)
CONSTRAINT places_pkey PRIMARY KEY (woe_id)

It's simple *name *column contains the name of places in a hierarchical

*woe_id iso name language places_type parent_woe_id lat lon

1 ZZ Earth ENG Supername 0 13.3445 234.666
10 IN INDIA ENG Country 1 12.44 234.667
11 IN JK ENG State 10 4535.56 3453.77
12 IN Udhanput ENG District 11 1222 3443.8
15 IN Parth ENG Town 12 111.6 1222.5

*I hope U understand what i am trying to explain.
Now I want this data in the same table in extra columns fore.g

*woe_id iso name language places_type parent_woe_id lat lon town
district state country

1 ZZ Earth ENG Supername 0 13.3445 234.666
10 IN INDIA ENG Country 1 12.44 234.667
11 IN JK ENG State 10 4535.56 3453.77 **INDIA*
*12 IN Udhanput ENG District 11 1222 3443.8 **JK **INDIA*
*15 IN Parth ENG Town 12 111.6 1222.5 **Udhanput **JK **INDIA*

Write a set of functions to get the higher-level structures (country for 
states, etc.) for any given record, and put a trigger on the table that 
populates the fields on insert and update. Sort of a materialized view. 
If you have little query activity on the table, create a view that calls 
the functions.


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Re: [GENERAL] Location Data

2011-06-20 Thread Christian Ullrich

* Adarsh Sharma wrote:

Christian Ullrich wrote:

Write a set of functions to get the higher-level structures (country
for states, etc.) for any given record, and put a trigger on the table
that populates the fields on insert and update.

   All the world data is populated in the places table. Now I don't think
insert occurs anymore now.

Then add the new fields to the table and update them from the function 

Sort of a materialized view. If you have little query activity on the
table, create a view that calls the functions.

yes a function is must needed for this problem, bt any idea about the
flow of the function.

Simple version:

create function get_ancestor(p_woe_id varchar, p_level varchar) returns 
text language plpgsql as $$

  v_woe_id varchar;
  v_name text;
  v_place_type varchar;
  v_parent varchar;
  select woe_id, place_type, parent_woe_id into v_woe_id, v_place_type, 
v_parent from places where woe_id = p_woe_id;

  if (not found or v_place_type = p_level) then
return null;
while (found and v_place_type != p_level) loop
  select name, place_type, parent_woe_id into v_name, 
v_place_type, v_parent from places where woe_id = v_parent;

end loop;
if found then
  return v_name;
  return null;
end if;
  end if;

select get_ancestor('15', 'State') as state, get_ancestor('15', 
'District') as district;

You could produce a more refined version using WITH RECURSIVE, but if 
your table is already complete and all you need is to put in the 
denormalized data, this will work just as well. Beware of cyclical 


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Re: [GENERAL] Postgres service refuses to start on windows

2011-06-20 Thread Craig Ringer
On 20/06/11 14:45, Roman Isitua wrote:
 hello !
 I having an issue with my postgres database installed on a windows xp.
 For some reason, I can no longer start the postgres service through
 pgadmin or the services window. I get the following error:
 Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request
 in a timely fashion.

Read this:

and try again.

Craig Ringer

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Re: [GENERAL] Forward referencing of table aliases in subqueries does not work in 9.1 beta2 ( works in 9.0 and 8.4.2 )

2011-06-20 Thread Craig Ringer
On 20/06/11 13:59, Tom Lane wrote:
 BangarRaju Vadapalli writes:
 The select query for creating the view is executing fine in 8.4.2. But
 not in 9.1 beta2. The issue is forward referencing of table aliases in
 subqueries is not working fine in 9.1 beta2.
 This complaint is unintelligible.  Please provide a self-contained
 test case.

In other words: Please provide details, including at least the exact
text of the error message you get when you run the query on 9.1 beta 2.

I suspect from earlier discussion off-list (while we were trying to get
any kind of info on the crash) that he's  getting the error:

  Error: JOIN qualification cannot refer to other relations.

when executing that query, and did not get that error in earlier
versions of PostgreSQL.

Bangar Raju: If at all possible, please put together a small
self-contained .SQL file that:

- Defines a table
- Defines a view of that table
- Runs a query against that view that works on 8.4 and 9.0 but fails on
  9.1 beta 2.

As your post stands, it's very incomplete and hard to answer because the
view is complex and refers to lots of tables you haven't provided
definitions for. If you just post all your table definitions it'll
probably be too complex for anyone to be willing to investigate - for
free in their spare time, anyway. You will get the best help if you
write a better question and try to cut things out of your test view and
query until it is as simple and self-contained as possible.

When I suggested that you ask about this on-list, I didn't expect you to
re-post your question to me word-for-word. Remember, those on the list
don't have the context of our prior conversation, and even with that
(which would only tell the the missing error message) they wouldn't know
enough to be able to help you. Whenver asking for help on any mailing
list, try to read your post before clicking send as if you were
someone who didn't know anything about your tables, business, app,
environment, etc and only knew what you actually wrote in the email. See
if it would make sense to them. Imagine you were trying to answer the
question, as if it came from somebody else in another situation you knew
nothing about. You will quickly notice pieces of information that you
left out, like your operating system, exact database version, table
definitions, error messages, etc etc etc.

(All this is, of course, in the guide to reporting problems that I
linked to before).

Craig Ringer

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[GENERAL] connection time out

2011-06-20 Thread salah jubeh

 Hello Guys,

I have a database server and I have created another replica of it on another 
machine. The new replica is running fine locally, but I can not access it from 
another clients, the pg_hba.conf file is the same as the original database 

when I try to connect to the server I get 

psql: could not connect to server: Connection timed out
Is the server running on host xxx and accepting
TCP/IP connections on port 5432?

I can access the original server from the  client I am trying to access the 
replica, So, I think the problem is not related to postgresql conf. Certainly I 
can access the replica using ssh and I pinged it and every thing is fine. I am  
wondering what are the reasons that might cause this problem.


Re: [GENERAL] Port forwarding via iptables to postgres listening locally

2011-06-20 Thread David Resnick
I've turned on connection logging in postgres; there is no indication of

 any connection attempt. There don't seem to be any additional rules
 configured in iptables that would drop the packets.

 Are the tables set to drop by default, or allow by default?

They are set to drop by default. I'll see if removing those rules is what's
preventing this from working.

Thanks for your help!

- David

 Craig Ringer

Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL 8.4.8 bringing my website down every evening

2011-06-20 Thread Marko Kreen
On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 5:08 AM, Amitabh Kant wrote:
 On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 1:43 AM, Alexander Farber wrote:

 Hello Cedric and others,

 On Sun, Jun 19, 2011 at 9:56 PM, Cédric Villemain wrote:
  2011/6/19 Alexander Farber
  logfile = /var/log/pgbouncer.log
  pidfile = /var/run/pgbouncer/
  listen_port = 6432
  unix_socket_dir = /tmp
  auth_type = md5
  auth_file = /var/lib/pgsql/data/global/pg_auth
  pool_mode = transaction
  server_check_delay = 10
  max_client_conn = 200
  default_pool_size = 20

  My php script displaying player stats:
  will sometimes exit with the PDO error:
   SQLSTATE[26000]: Invalid sql statement name:
   7 ERROR: prepared statement
   pdo_stmt_0016 does not exist


 why add a begin/commit if I only
 have SELECT statements
 there (in the default mode) and
 the data isn't critical to me
 (just some player statistics and
 notes by other players - i.e.
 a statistic or note is ok to be lost

 Also I've changed my PHP-script
 to non-persistent connections:

       $options = array(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE = PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
        $db = new PDO(sprintf('pgsql:host=%s port=%u; dbname=%s',
                DBHOST, DBPORT, DBNAME), DBUSER, DBPASS, $options);

 and restarted Apache 2.2.3,
 but that error is still there:

 SQLSTATE[26000]: Invalid sql
 statement name: 7 ERROR: prepared
 statement pdo_stmt_000a does not exist


 Try setting set server_reset_query = DISCARD ALL; in your pgbouncer
 configuration file.

No, in transaction mode the reset_query should actually be empty.

Instead you need to disable use of db-side prepared statements
by adding option PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES = true


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Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL 8.4.8 bringing my website down every evening

2011-06-20 Thread Alexander Farber
I've added


around _all_ statements, but now get:

  SQLSTATE[25P02]: In failed sql transaction:
  7 ERROR: current   transaction is aborted,
  commands ignored until end of transaction block

quite often. I don't understand why
would transaction get aborted here...

Maybe I should try session mode of pgbouncer
again, now that I've got rid of the persistent
PHP connections?


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Re: [GENERAL] Forward referencing of table aliases in subqueries does not work in 9.1 beta2 ( works in 9.0 and 8.4.2 )

2011-06-20 Thread BangarRaju Vadapalli
Hi Tom,

Self contained test case attached... When executing the query below in 9.1 
beta 2 we are getting the error ERROR: JOIN qualification cannot refer to other 
relations. The same query is executing fine in 8.4.2 and 9.0.

SELECT dbai.dim_base_agg_instr_key AS instr_key, dba.dim_base_key AS basekey, 
dl.datamart_letter, dba.agg_number AS aggnum, dl.enabled, dba.dim_base_agg_key, 
dbai.dim_base_name, dbai.dim_base_agg_name, dl.dim_base_agg_letter_key, 

   FROM dim_base_agg_instr_view dbai, dim_base_agg dba, dim_base_agg_letter dl

  WHERE dba.dim_base_agg_key = dl.dim_base_agg_key AND dbai.dim_base_key = 
dba.dim_base_key AND NOT (EXISTS ( SELECT 1

   FROM dim_base_agg_instr_def dbaid

  WHERE dbai.dim_base_agg_instr_key = dbaid.dim_base_agg_instr_key AND 

   FROM dim_base_agg_col dbac

  WHERE  dba.dim_base_agg_key = dbac.dim_base_agg_key AND 
dbac.dim_col_key = dbaid.dim_col_key;

  I have tried to find the cause and found out that the dba table alias ( the 
condition dba.dim_base_agg_key = dbac.dim_base_agg_key  in bold and italic 
above which is nested 2 levels ) in the subquery is not visible from the outer 

 As already mentioned we are experiencing a backend crashes in 8.4.2, 9.0 and 
are trying to use crash dump handler to generate the trace in 9.1 beta2. We 
have so many views in our application which use select queries like above, so 
we are looking for any workarounds...

Given below the self contained test case...

create table a(x int);

create table b(x int, y int);

create table c(x int, y int, z int);

This query fails with ERROR: JOIN qualification cannot refer to other relations 
- select a.x from a, b where a.x = b.x and not exists ( select 1 from c where 
b.y = c.y and not exists ( select 1 from c where a.x = c.x))

  I suppose other environmental information is not needed here...


Bangar Raju

-Original Message-
From: Tom Lane []
Sent: Monday, June 20, 2011 11:30 AM
To: BangarRaju Vadapalli
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Forward referencing of table aliases in subqueries does 
not work in 9.1 beta2 ( works in 9.0 and 8.4.2 )

BangarRaju Vadapalli writes:

 The select query for creating the view is executing fine in 8.4.2. But

 not in 9.1 beta2. The issue is forward referencing of table aliases in

 subqueries is not working fine in 9.1 beta2.

This complaint is unintelligible.  Please provide a self-contained

test case.

  regards, tom lane

Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL 8.4.8 bringing my website down every evening

2011-06-20 Thread Marko Kreen
On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 9:36 AM, Alexander Farber wrote:
 I've added


 around _all_ statements, but now get:

I don't think that was a good idea.

  SQLSTATE[25P02]: In failed sql transaction:
  7 ERROR: current   transaction is aborted,
  commands ignored until end of transaction block

 quite often. I don't understand why
 would transaction get aborted here...

Probably some commands were meant to be run
in same transaction, or were transaction control

Don't do it without synchronizing with business logic...

 Maybe I should try session mode of pgbouncer
 again, now that I've got rid of the persistent
 PHP connections?

You could, but try to turn off prepared
statements in PDO first.


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[GENERAL] unique across two tables

2011-06-20 Thread Tarlika Elisabeth Schmitz
I have two tables, town and townalias, the latter containing alternative
town names.
I would like to ensure that a town name is unique per
country-region across the two tables.

Can I do this with a constraint ot do I need to implement the logic via

PostgreSQl 8.4

  country_fk character varying(3) NOT NULL,
  region_fk character varying(3) NOT NULL,
  id serial NOT NULL,
  name character varying(50) NOT NULL

CREATE TABLE townalias
  country_fk character varying(3) NOT NULL,
  region_fk character varying(3) NOT NULL,
  town_fk integer NOT NULL,
  id serial NOT NULL,
  name character varying(50) NOT NULL,
  CONSTRAINT town_townalias_fk FOREIGN KEY (country_fk, region_fk,
town_fk) REFERENCES town (country_fk, region_fk, id)


Best Regards,
Tarlika Elisabeth Schmitz

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Re: [GENERAL] unique across two tables

2011-06-20 Thread tv
 I have two tables, town and townalias, the latter containing alternative
 town names.
 I would like to ensure that a town name is unique per
 country-region across the two tables.

 Can I do this with a constraint ot do I need to implement the logic via

You can't have a constraint spreading multiple tables. And fixing this
using a trigger is harder than it looks, because a trigger does not see
uncommited changes made by other sessions.

So for example this will be hard to catch:

Session A: INSERT INTO town(name) VALUES ('Chicago');
Session B: INSERT INTO town(name) VALUES ('Chicago');
Session A: COMMIT;
Session B: COMMIT;

What I'd do is I'd keep the primary name in the 'townalias' table too,
maybe with a 'primary=true' flag. That way you can use traditional UNIQUE


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Re: [GENERAL] connection time out

2011-06-20 Thread salah jubeh
Hello Guys,

It was about some firewall rules setup by the system administrator. 




From: salah jubeh
To: pgsql
Sent: Mon, June 20, 2011 12:39:51 PM
Subject: [GENERAL] connection time out

 Hello Guys,

I have a database server and I have created another replica of it on another 
machine. The new replica is running fine locally, but I can not access it from 
another clients, the pg_hba.conf file is the same as the original database 

when I try to connect to the server I get 

psql: could not connect to server: Connection timed out
Is the server running on host xxx and accepting
TCP/IP connections on port 5432?

I can access the original server from the  client I am trying to access the 
replica, So, I think the problem is not related to postgresql conf. Certainly I 
can access the replica using ssh and I pinged it and every thing is fine. I am  
wondering what are the reasons that  might cause this problem.


Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL 8.4.8 bringing my website down every evening

2011-06-20 Thread Alexander Farber
Hell Marko and others,

On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 4:08 PM, Marko Kreen wrote:
 Maybe I should try session mode of pgbouncer
 again, now that I've got rid of the persistent
 PHP connections?

 You could, but try to turn off prepared
 statements in PDO first.

isn't having prepared statements good for overall performance?

I've decided to try another way first -

I've set pgsql.allow_persistent = Off in /etc/php.ini
and have changed pgbouncer back to session mode
(sorry, here's my config again - it unfortunately
was eaten by Gmail in the previous mail):

pref = host=/tmp user=pref password=XXX dbname=pref

logfile = /var/log/pgbouncer.log
pidfile = /var/run/pgbouncer/
listen_port = 6432
unix_socket_dir = /tmp
auth_type = md5
auth_file = /var/lib/pgsql/data/global/pg_auth

pool_mode = session

server_check_delay = 10
max_client_conn = 200
default_pool_size = 20
log_connections = 0
log_disconnections = 0
log_pooler_errors = 1

I'll see, if my server survives the next few evenings.

I must add, that PostgreSQL doesn't make it easy
to use it - at least for me as an amateur user :-(

Wonder, if MySQL would put less hassle on me
(just want to run Drupal 7.2 + my custom PHP/Perl
scripts on what I think is a good enough hardware...)

Still I will try to stick with PostgreSQL,
I somehow have a good feeling using it :-)


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Re: [GENERAL] unique across two tables

2011-06-20 Thread Alban Hertroys
On 20 Jun 2011, at 17:03, Tarlika Elisabeth Schmitz wrote:

 I have two tables, town and townalias, the latter containing alternative
 town names.
 I would like to ensure that a town name is unique per
 country-region across the two tables.
 Can I do this with a constraint ot do I need to implement the logic via

This is very similar to what was recently discussed in the topic Constraint to 
ensure value does NOT exist in another table? in this list.

Alban Hertroys

If you can't see the forest for the trees,
cut the trees and you'll see there is no forest.


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Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL 8.4.8 bringing my website down every evening

2011-06-20 Thread Alexander Farber
Nope, pool_mode = session kills my site...

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Re: [GENERAL] how to find a tablespace for the table?

2011-06-20 Thread hyelluas
thank you Greg,

here is what I get, I createed view as you suggested.
I'm not sure why tablespace column is empty 

profiler1=# select * from pg_tables where schemaname ='public' limit 10;
 schemaname |tablename| tableowner | tablespace | hasindexes
| hasrules | hastri

 public  | ttt  | postgres   |
| f  | f| f
 public  | summ_hrly_1514609   | postgres   | | t   
| f| f
 public  | summ_5min_1514610  | postgres   | | t
| f| f
 public  | exp_cnt   | postgres   |
| f  | f| f
 public  | auth_type| postgres   | |
t  | f| f
 public  | druid_mapping   | postgres   | |
t  | f| f
 public  | application_category  | postgres   | | t 

| f| f
 public  | application_risk  | postgres   |
| t  | f| f
 public  | policy_history| postgres   |
| t  | f| f
 public  | datasource   | postgres   | |
t  | f| f
(10 rows)

thank you.

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Re: [GENERAL] unique across two tables

2011-06-20 Thread Tarlika Elisabeth Schmitz
On Mon, 20 Jun 2011 19:42:20 +0200
Alban Hertroys wrote:

On 20 Jun 2011, at 17:03, Tarlika Elisabeth Schmitz wrote:

 I have two tables, town and townalias, the latter containing
 alternative town names.
 I would like to ensure that a town name is unique per
 country-region across the two tables.
 Can I do this with a constraint ot do I need to implement the logic
 via trigger?

This is very similar to what was recently discussed in the topic
Constraint to ensure value does NOT exist in another table? in this

Thanks - found it:


Best Regards,
Tarlika Elisabeth Schmitz

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Re: [GENERAL] how to find a tablespace for the table?

2011-06-20 Thread Raghavendra
That's right, if the tables are in default tablespace, those columns will be
blank, if any of the table created under any of the
tablespace then it will show up.

postgres=# show default_tablespace ; (this would be blank becz am in

(1 row)

postgres=# create table foo(id int);
postgres=# select * from pg_tables where tablename='foo';
-[ RECORD 1 ]-
schemaname  | public
tablename   | foo
tableowner  | postgres
tablespace  |
hasindexes  | f
hasrules| f
hastriggers | f

Now I have the table in one of my tablespace.

postgres=#create table tab_test(id int) tablespace t1;
Expanded display is on.
postgres=# select * from pg_tables where tablename='tab_test';
-[ RECORD 1 ]-
schemaname  | public
tablename   | tab_test
tableowner  | postgres
*tablespace  | t1*
hasindexes  | f
hasrules| f
hastriggers | f

If you want to know the tablespace default information, you can try with
this query.

select spcname, case spcname when 'pg_default' then (select setting from
pg_settings where name = 'data_directory')||'/base' when 'pg_global' then
(select setting from pg_settings where name = 'data_directory')||'/global'
else spclocation end from pg_tablespace;

To get the exact table's and its tablespace's below query will work.

 select relname,reltablespace from pg_class where reltablespace in(select
oid from pg_tablespace where spcname not in ('pg_default','pg_global'));

Best Regards,
EnterpriseDB Corporation

On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 11:40 PM, hyelluas wrote:

 thank you Greg,

 here is what I get, I createed view as you suggested.
 I'm not sure why tablespace column is empty

 profiler1=# select * from pg_tables where schemaname ='public' limit 10;
  schemaname |tablename| tableowner | tablespace |
 | hasrules | hastri

  public  | ttt  | postgres   |
 | f  | f| f
  public  | summ_hrly_1514609   | postgres   | | t
 | f| f
  public  | summ_5min_1514610  | postgres   | | t
 | f| f
  public  | exp_cnt   | postgres   |
 | f  | f| f
  public  | auth_type| postgres   |
 t  | f| f
  public  | druid_mapping   | postgres   | |
 t  | f| f
  public  | application_category  | postgres   | | t
 | f| f
  public  | application_risk  | postgres   |
 | t  | f| f
  public  | policy_history| postgres   |
 | t  | f| f
  public  | datasource   | postgres   |
 t  | f| f
 (10 rows)

 thank you.

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Re: [GENERAL] Forward referencing of table aliases in subqueries does not work in 9.1 beta2 ( works in 9.0 and 8.4.2 )

2011-06-20 Thread Tom Lane
BangarRaju Vadapalli writes:
 create table a(x int);
 create table b(x int, y int);
 create table c(x int, y int, z int);
 This query fails with ERROR: JOIN qualification cannot refer to other 
 relations - select a.x from a, b where a.x = b.x and not exists ( select 1 
 from c where b.y = c.y and not exists ( select 1 from c where a.x = c.x))

Thanks, I've applied a patch for this.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [GENERAL] how to find a tablespace for the table?

2011-06-20 Thread hyelluas

here is the query :

profiler1=# select relname,reltablespace from pg_class where reltablespace
in(select oid from pg_tablespace where spcname not in
 relname | reltablespace

why it shows no records?

 profiler1=#  select * from pg_catalog.pg_tables where
 schemaname |  tablename   | tableowner | tablespace | hasindexes |
hasrules | hastrigge
 public | application_category | postgres   || t  |
f| f
(1 row)

and that query show empty for the tablespace...

thank you 

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Re: [GENERAL] how to find a tablespace for the table?

2011-06-20 Thread Raghavendra
let me correct on this query, it shows only those tables which wont belong
to default_tablespace...

 select relname,reltablespace from pg_class where reltablespace
in(select oid from pg_tablespace where spcname not in

Best Regards,
EnterpriseDB Corporation

On Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 12:55 AM, Raghavendra wrote:


 What is the output of

 select oid,* from pg_tablespace;


 select relname,reltablespace from pg_class where relname='

 Best Regards,
 EnterpriseDB Corporation

 On Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 12:48 AM, hyelluas helen_yell...@mcafee.comwrote:


 here is the query :

 profiler1=# select relname,reltablespace from pg_class where reltablespace
 in(select oid from pg_tablespace where spcname not in
  relname | reltablespace

 why it shows no records?

  profiler1=#  select * from pg_catalog.pg_tables where
  schemaname |  tablename   | tableowner | tablespace | hasindexes
 hasrules | hastrigge

  public | application_category | postgres   || t
 f| f
 (1 row)

 and that query show empty for the tablespace...

 thank you

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[GENERAL] insert a SYSTIMESTAMP value in postgres

2011-06-20 Thread Leon Match


I am trying to re-create few objects  from oracle into postgres.


I have a problem inserting a timestamp value into the table:


insert into request_queue (request_id, received_time


values   (new.request_id, SYSTIMESTAMP



How can I insert a dynamic timestamp value in postgress, please?


Thank you,




Re: [GENERAL] how to find a tablespace for the table?

2011-06-20 Thread Raghavendra

What is the output of

select oid,* from pg_tablespace;


select relname,reltablespace from pg_class where relname='

Best Regards,
EnterpriseDB Corporation

On Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 12:48 AM, hyelluas wrote:


 here is the query :

 profiler1=# select relname,reltablespace from pg_class where reltablespace
 in(select oid from pg_tablespace where spcname not in
  relname | reltablespace

 why it shows no records?

  profiler1=#  select * from pg_catalog.pg_tables where
  schemaname |  tablename   | tableowner | tablespace | hasindexes |
 hasrules | hastrigge

  public | application_category | postgres   || t  |
 f| f
 (1 row)

 and that query show empty for the tablespace...

 thank you

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Re: [GENERAL] insert a SYSTIMESTAMP value in postgres

2011-06-20 Thread Scott Ribe

On Jun 20, 2011, at 1:32 PM, Leon Match wrote:

 How can I insert a dynamic timestamp value in postgress, please?

Scott Ribe
(303) 722-0567 voice

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Re: [GENERAL] insert a SYSTIMESTAMP value in postgres

2011-06-20 Thread David Johnston
Please look at the section on Date/Time Functions in the PostgreSQL
documentation (Section 9.9 in Version 9.0 documentation) for a full listing
of the date and time functions available in PostgreSQL and how they work.
There is a sub-section (9.9.4) that specifically details functions that
return the current time.  Feel free to post with whichever function you feel
is the correct one if you are still unsure after looking at the available


Your conversion from Oracle to PostgreSQL is going to go VERY slowly if you
are going to ask a question for every syntax or feature that exists in
Oracle that is different in PostgreSQL.  You need to understand WHAT the
original code is doing and then at least look for what feature/syntax in
PostgreSQL will accomplish the same result.


Personally I can see where the missing MERGE feature maybe warrants a list
posting but, really, getting the Current Time from a function call is
basic functionality that you can be expected to be readily found in the
PostgreSQL documentation if you had attempted to look.


There are some articles in the WIKI about database migrations that may be
worth a read as well - though I have not perused them myself.


No disrespect intended, and the community appreciates newcomers, but please
at least look through the extensive documentation before posting any more
how do I do this in PostgreSQL questions.  Then, if you still need to
post, try describe what you are trying to accomplish WITHOUT resorting to
posting Oracle code (code is OK but odds are many/most people on this list
have never used Oracle).  In this instance, SYSTIMESTMP looks like a
function but we do not know for sure.  And does it return a clock-time or a


David J.



[] On Behalf Of Leon Match
Sent: Monday, June 20, 2011 3:33 PM
Subject: [GENERAL] insert a SYSTIMESTAMP value in postgres




I am trying to re-create few objects  from oracle into postgres.


I have a problem inserting a timestamp value into the table:


insert into request_queue (request_id, received_time


values   (new.request_id, SYSTIMESTAMP



How can I insert a dynamic timestamp value in postgress, please?


Thank you,




Re: [GENERAL] how to find a tablespace for the table?

2011-06-20 Thread hyelluas
here it is :

profiler1=# select oid,* from pg_tablespace;
  oid  |  spcname   | spcowner | spclocation  | spcacl
  1663 | pg_default |   10 |  |
  1664 | pg_global  |   10 |  |
 19955 | profiler1  |   10 | /data/psql/profiler1 |
(3 rows)

profiler1=# select relname,reltablespace from pg_class where
 relname | reltablespace
(0 rows)


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Re: [GENERAL] how to find a tablespace for the table?

2011-06-20 Thread Raghavendra

 profiler1=#  select * from pg_catalog.pg_tables where
  schemaname |  tablename   | tableowner | tablespace | hasindexes |
 hasrules | hastrigge

  public | application_category | postgres   || t  |
 f| f
 (1 row)

Whats the output of this..

select relname,reltablespace from pg_class where relname='

Best Regards,
EnterpriseDB Corporation

On Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 2:16 AM, hyelluas wrote:

 here it is :

 profiler1=# select oid,* from pg_tablespace;
  oid  |  spcname   | spcowner | spclocation  | spcacl
  1663 | pg_default |   10 |  |
  1664 | pg_global  |   10 |  |
  19955 | profiler1  |   10 | /data/psql/profiler1 |
 (3 rows)

 profiler1=# select relname,reltablespace from pg_class where
  relname | reltablespace
 (0 rows)


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Re: [GENERAL] how to find a tablespace for the table?

2011-06-20 Thread hyelluas
profiler1=# select relname,reltablespace from pg_class where
   relname| reltablespace
 application_category | 0
(1 row)

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Re: [GENERAL] insert a SYSTIMESTAMP value in postgres

2011-06-20 Thread Condor

On Mon, 20 Jun 2011 15:32:31 -0400, Leon Match wrote: 


 I am trying to re-create few objects from oracle into postgres. 

I have a problem inserting a timestamp value into the table: 

insert into request_queue (request_id, received_time 

values (new.request_id, SYSTIMESTAMP 
 How can I insert a
dynamic timestamp value in postgress, please? 
 Thank you, 


May be: insert into request_queue
(request_id, received_time) values (new.request_id,
(abstime(('now'::text)::timestamp(6) with time zone))::integer); 



Re: [GENERAL] how to find a tablespace for the table?

2011-06-20 Thread Raghavendra
Can you give a try updating the catalogs with ANALYZE command and re-check ?

Best Regards,
EnterpriseDB Corporation

On Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 2:22 AM, hyelluas wrote:

 profiler1=# select relname,reltablespace from pg_class where
   relname| reltablespace
  application_category | 0
 (1 row)

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Re: [GENERAL] how to find a tablespace for the table?

2011-06-20 Thread Raghavendra
Actually to say, everything looks ok to me, until unless you say the table *
'**application_category'*  on other tablespace ... :)

profiler1=# select relname,reltablespace from pg_class where
   relname| reltablespace
  application_category | 0
 (1 row)

Above result, indicates that its in default tablespace.


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Re: [GENERAL] insert a SYSTIMESTAMP value in postgres

2011-06-20 Thread Jaime Casanova
El 20/06/2011 14:33, Leon Match escribió:


 I am trying to re-create few objects  from oracle into postgres.

 I have a problem inserting a timestamp value into the table:

 insert into request_queue (request_id, received_time


 values   (new.request_id, SYSTIMESTAMP


 How can I insert a dynamic timestamp value in postgress, please?

Maybe this document can help you


Re: [GENERAL] how to find a tablespace for the table?

2011-06-20 Thread hyelluas
that is exactly the case - application_category table is in profiler1
tablespace as well as all tables in my profilre1 database.

I'm not sure how to update catalog... vacuum ?


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Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL 8.4.8 bringing my website down every evening

2011-06-20 Thread Alexander Farber
kills my server too...

On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 7:34 PM, Alexander Farber wrote:
 Nope, pool_mode = session kills my site...

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Re: [GENERAL] how to find a tablespace for the table?

2011-06-20 Thread hyelluas

I've got it now - it will be 0/empty for a table in default tablespace, if
the table has been created in a different tablespace - it will show the

thank you!.


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[GENERAL] Help needed with PostgreSQL clustering/switching from MySQL

2011-06-20 Thread Vikram Vaswani


I'm new to PostgreSQL, coming at it from a MySQL background. I'm currently 
looking at switching one of our applications (which currently uses MySQL) over 
to PostgreSQL and had some questions.

We're considering the switch because of issues we have faced when using MySQL 
in a clustered scenario and we're hoping that switching to PostgreSQL will help 
us resolve these issues. Our three biggest pain points with MySQL are:

1. MySQL's NDB engine (used for clustering) cannot index textual data stored in 
a BLOB field
2. When configuring a MySQL cluster, there is a memory limit on the number of 
objects (tables and fields). We often have problems when importing new tables, 
wherein we need to increase the memory limit for the server's NDB engine before 
it allows us to import. This can be a problem for dynamically-generated tables, 
as we cannot accurately forecast the number of database objects in advance in 
these cases.
3. MySQL's NDB engine doesn't support or enforce foreign keys.

So my first question is, I'd like to know if PostgreSQL has similar issues when 
running in a clustered scenario.

Second, on reviewing the manual and some sites, it seems that there are a 
number of different OSS solutions for implementing failover and clustering with 
PostgreSQL, but no official version. Is this understanding correct? If yes, 
which solution is best suited for running PostgreSQL in a private cloud, with 
clustering/failover support?

Thank you,

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dissemination or use of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have 
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then delete this email. Email transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or 
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arrive late or incomplete, or contain viruses. The sender therefore does not 
accept liability for any errors or omissions in the contents of this message 
which arise as a result of email transmission. If verification is required 
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Re: [GENERAL] Help needed with PostgreSQL clustering/switching from MySQL

2011-06-20 Thread David Fetter
On Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 05:07:10AM +, Vikram Vaswani wrote:
 I'm new to PostgreSQL, coming at it from a MySQL background. I'm
 currently looking at switching one of our applications (which
 currently uses MySQL) over to PostgreSQL and had some questions.
 We're considering the switch because of issues we have faced when
 using MySQL in a clustered scenario and we're hoping that switching
 to PostgreSQL will help us resolve these issues. Our three biggest
 pain points with MySQL are:
 1. MySQL's NDB engine (used for clustering) cannot index textual
 data stored in a BLOB field

PostgreSQL's full text capability is quite good.  There are better
specialty (non-relational) engines out there, and some proprietary
engines that do more (or at least different) things, so you'll need to
assess carefully what type of text searching you want to do, and what
you'll trade that capability for.

 2. When configuring a MySQL cluster, there is a memory limit on the
 number of objects (tables and fields). We often have problems when
 importing new tables, wherein we need to increase the memory limit
 for the server's NDB engine before it allows us to import. This can
 be a problem for dynamically-generated tables, as we cannot
 accurately forecast the number of database objects in advance in
 these cases.

Dynamically generated tables are generally a problem at the design
level.  Neither PostgreSQL nor any other engine will solve that.

 3. MySQL's NDB engine doesn't support or enforce foreign keys.

This, PostgreSQL does extremely well.

 So my first question is, I'd like to know if PostgreSQL has similar
 issues when running in a clustered scenario.

I'm not entirely sure what you mean by a clustered scenario, but I'd
like to digress into the matter of multi-master replication.  It can
be fast, so long as it doesn't have to be correct, or it can be
correct, so long as your users are willing to wait, but it can't be
both fast and correct at once.

In 90%+ of cases, it's neither fast nor correct.

I guess what I'm saying here is that you should not design systems
that depend on unicorn steak, skyhooks, magic pixie dust, or fast,
accurate multi-master replication.

 Second, on reviewing the manual and some sites, it seems that there
 are a number of different OSS solutions for implementing failover
 and clustering with PostgreSQL, but no official version.

As of 9.0, there is built-in asynchronous replication, which can be
streamed (lower lag times) if you like.  You might also want to
consider some of the other solutions.,_Clustering,_and_Connection_Pooling

 Is this understanding correct? If yes, which solution is best suited
 for running PostgreSQL in a private cloud, with clustering/failover

Please to understand that you need to set priorities for these things
and decide which you might sacrifice in order to get the others.

 Thank you,
 addressee, any disclosure, reproduction, copying, distribution, or any other 
 dissemination or use of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you 
 have received this transmission in error please notify the sender immediately 
 and then delete this email. Email transmission cannot be guaranteed to be 
 secure or error free as information could be intercepted, corrupted, lost, 
 destroyed, arrive late or incomplete, or contain viruses. The sender 
 therefore does not accept liability for any errors or omissions in the 
 contents of this message which arise as a result of email transmission. If 
 verification is required please request a hard copy version.

In future, please to elide these disclaimers.  The serve no legal or
practical purpose, but they do give people they annoy a convenient
excuse not to reply.

David Fetter
Phone: +1 415 235 3778  AIM: dfetter666  Yahoo!: dfetter
Skype: davidfetter  XMPP:
iCal: webcal://

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[GENERAL] Tuning for a tiny database

2011-06-20 Thread CSS

I couldn't find much information in the archives on this -- perhaps this
is a bit of a specialized need, but I was hoping for some input from
some experienced postgres admins.

I'm moving some DNS servers from djbdns/tinydns to PowerDNS.  While it
supports many backends, postgresql seems like the best choice for us
since it's what is used elsewhere (in larger configurations).  As a bit
of background, PowerDNS does not query the db for every incoming DNS
query, it caches at various levels (both a packet cache and a db
cache), so it's database needs are quite modest.

Some raw numbers: We're only looking at a total of about six tables in
one db.  In total there are going to be well under 10,000 records in ALL
tables.  That might increase to at most 100,000 in the next few years.
Our raw DNS queries/second tops out around 50 qps over three distinct
servers.  Keeping in mind that PowerDNS is doing heavy caching, we
should never really see more than a few db queries per second.  There
will be one master pgsql db and three slaves using streaming replication.

Now given the number of records and the frequency of queries, how should
I be tuning for such a small setup?  Ideally PowerDNS with it's huge
amount of caching should get as much RAM and CPU as I can give it, but I
do want to ensure the tiny bit of data postgres has is stuck in physical
memory as well.

What would you suggest for this scenario?



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