[GENERAL] How to synchronize tables in remote (production) and local databases in case if the structure of local database's table has been modified

2014-10-08 Thread Vitaly Isaev
Hello, I have faced with a complicated case of table synchronisation. The full description of the problem (with some figures) is posted here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/26237661/postgresql-update-table-with-new-records-from-the-same-table-on-remote-server Here it the partial repost of my stackowerflow's topic: We have a PostgreSQL server running in production and a plenty of workstations with an isolated development environments. Each one has its own local PostgreSQL server (with no replication with the production server). Developers need to receive updates stored in production server periodically. I am trying to figure out how to dump the contents of several selected tables from server in order to update the tables on development workstations. The biggest challenge is that the tables I'm trying to synchronize may be diverged (developers may add - but not delete - new fields to the tables through the Django ORM, while schema of the production database remains unchanged for a long time).Therefore the updated records and new fields of the tables stored on workstations must be preserved against the overwriting.I guess that direct dumps (e.g. pg_dump -U remote_user -h remote_server -t table_to_copy source_db | psql target_db) are not suitable here.UPD: If possible I would also like to avoid the use of third (intermediate) database while transferring the data from production database to the workstations. Have no idea how to work it out. Any help will be appreciated.Sincerely,-- Vitaly Isaevsoftware engeneerTeam112.ru 

Re: [GENERAL] Converting char to varchar automatically

2014-10-08 Thread Andrus

also, it generates statement which tries to change all columns to one character 
length columns.


From: Andrus 
Sent: Monday, October 06, 2014 8:11 PM
To: Melvin Davidson 
Cc: pgsql-general@postgresql.org 
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Converting char to varchar automatically

SELECT 'ALTER TABLE ' || quote_ident(n.nspname) || '.' ||  
   || ' ALTER COLUMN ' || quote_ident(a.attname) || ' TYPE varchar;'
  FROM pg_class c 
  JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace
  JOIN pg_attribute a ON a.attrelid = c.oid
  JOIN pg_type t ON t.oid = a.atttypid 
 WHERE t.typname = 'char' 
   AND n.nspname  'pg_catalog';

It does not return any data.

[GENERAL] Convert raw fields into Datum

2014-10-08 Thread sri harsha

  I have the raw fields of a particular row in char * . Now my requirement
is to convert these value into datum * . How should i go about this ? Does
converting into datum depends on the type of the field too ?

-- Harsha

Re: [GENERAL] psql connection issue

2014-10-08 Thread Adrian Klaver

On 10/07/2014 09:10 PM, Stephen Davies wrote:

The permissions on the socket are 777 owner/group postgres.

I installed the 9.3 onto the Centos 7 server using the repo at


There is no /var/run/postgresql and find cannot find another socket
anywhere else.

Sounds similar to this:

Long version:


Short version:

Disable SELinux

Cheers and thanks,

On 08/10/14 14:32, Tom Lane wrote:

Stephen Davies sdav...@sdc.com.au writes:

I am in the process of migrating a bunch of databases and associated CGI
scripts from 9.1.4 to 9.3 (and from 32-bit to 64-bit).

The database migration has been successful but I have an issue with psql
connections from CGI scripts.

I can connect to the 9.3 server locally with psql from the command
line, with
psql from other boxes on the LAN via TCP, via JDBC from programs and
but cannot connect locally via CGI.

If I run any of the CGI scripts from the command line they work but when
invoked by Apache, they fail with the usual question as to whether
anything is
listening on socket /tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432.

Some Linux variants think it improves security to run daemons like apache
in a context where what the daemon sees as /tmp has been mapped somewhere

If you're running one of these platforms, the Postgres server and libpq
distributed by the vendor will have been hacked to cope, typically by
agreeing that the socket location is something like /var/run/postgresql/
rather than /tmp.  I'm guessing your 9.3 installation was self-built
and hasn't been configured that way.

regards, tom lane

Adrian Klaver

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Re: [GENERAL] Convert raw fields into Datum

2014-10-08 Thread Tom Lane
sri harsha sriharsha9...@gmail.com writes:
   I have the raw fields of a particular row in char * . Now my requirement
 is to convert these value into datum * . How should i go about this ? Does
 converting into datum depends on the type of the field too ?

Yes.  You are probably looking for BuildTupleFromCStrings().

regards, tom lane

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[GENERAL] Sync production DB with development?

2014-10-08 Thread Israel Brewster
I am currently doing periodic syncs of one of my production databases to my development database using the command pg_dump -ch production host database name | psql database name, run on my development server. This works well enough, but as the size of the production database grows, this command is, for obvious reasons, getting progressively slower (a full sync like this currently takes about 35 seconds). Is there a better way? Something that will only transfer records that are different on the production server, like rsync does for files perhaps?My main concern here is the time it takes to sync, given that the database size will only continue growing as time passes (unless I start implementing an archive at some point). The current database has two years worth of records. I would assume that the time the sync takes would grow roughly linearly with the number of records, so I could easily be over a minute of sync time in another two years. I would really rather not have to wait several minutes every time I want to update my development data.
---Israel BrewsterSystems Analyst IIRavn Alaska5245 Airport Industrial RdFairbanks, AK 99709(907) 450-7293---BEGIN:VCARD
FN:Israel Brewster
ORG:Frontier Flying Service;MIS
TITLE:PC Support Tech II
item1.ADR;type=WORK;type=pref:;;5245 Airport Industrial Wy;Fairbanks;AK;99701;

Re: [GENERAL] Sync production DB with development?

2014-10-08 Thread Emanuel Calvo
Hash: SHA512

El 08/10/14 a las 14:01, Israel Brewster escibió:
 I am currently doing periodic syncs of one of my production
 databases to my development database using the command pg_dump -ch
 production host database name | psql database name, run on my
 development server. This works well enough, but as the size of the
 production database grows, this command is, for obvious reasons,
 getting progressively slower (a full sync like this currently takes
 about 35 seconds). Is there a better way? Something that will only
  transfer records that are different on the production server, like
 rsync does for files perhaps?

You can setup a streaming server, however I wont' recommend to sync
from a production server.

Usually there is no need to have *all* the data from prod to
development. Both environments should be isolated for security reasons.

Other thing is to implement a QA server, streaming from the master or
taking a nightly snapshot with pg_basebackup. I think it could be more
than enough.

Actually, doing pg_dump | psql could take more time than pg_basebackup.

 My main concern here is the time it takes to sync, given that the
 database size will only continue growing as time passes (unless I
 start implementing an archive at some point). The current database
 has two years worth of records. I would assume that the time the
 sync takes would grow roughly linearly with the number of records,
 so I could easily be over a minute of sync time in another two
 years. I would really rather not have to wait several minutes every
 time I want to update my development data.

Which is the entire size of your production cluster?

- -- 
- --
Emanuel Calvo  http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training  Services
Bs. As., Argentina (GMT-3)
Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.18 (Darwin)
Comment: GPGTools - http://gpgtools.org


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Re: [GENERAL] Processor usage/tuning question

2014-10-08 Thread Jeff Janes
On Tue, Oct 7, 2014 at 12:06 PM, israel isr...@eraalaska.net wrote:

 Thank you all for the advice. It looks like the load is due to a query
 that is taking around 1300ms to complete - a query that is run by every
 client connected (probably half a dozen or so, although I don't have
 specific numbers), every fifteen seconds or so. As you can imagine, that
 keeps the server rather busy :-) Specifically, it looks like the time is
 due to a sort (PARTITION BY tail ORDER BY pointtime DESC) that operates on
 around 100,000 rows.

 The lovely details:

 The query in question is the following:

 FROM (SELECT tail, to_char(pointtime,'MM/DD/ HH24:MI:SS'),
   ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY tail ORDER BY pointtime DESC) as row
 FROM data
 WHERE tail in (list of about 55 values or so) and pointtime='timestamp
 of 24 hours prior to current UTC time'::timestamp) s1
 WHERE s1.row=5
 ORDER BY tail, pointtime DESC

 In english, it boils down to get the five most recent data points for each
 listed tail number. I look at the last 24 hours of data because it is quite
 possible that a tail number may have no recent data points.

How many different tail numbers do you have in the last 24 hours?  Based on
the numbers you provide, it sounds like the list of 55 tail numbers is
pretty much all of them that it could expect to find anyway.

 One obvious optimization is to look at a smaller time range. This will
 definitely speed up the query, but at the risk of not getting any data
 points for one or more of the requested tail numbers (there is already this
 risk, but looking back 24 hours keeps it fairly small for us).

But then, do you care?  If you haven't heard from an airplane in 24 hours,
it seems like either you don't care, or you care very very much and don't
need the database to remind you.

 The table description:
 tracking=# \d data
  Table public.data
   Column   |Type | Modifiers
  id| bigint  | not null default
  tail  | character varying(16)   | not null
  timerecp  | timestamp without time zone | not null default now()
  altitude  | integer |
  pointtime | timestamp without time zone |
  lat   | numeric(7,5)| not null
  lng   | numeric(8,5)| not null
  speed | integer |
  heading   | integer |
  source| character varying(64)   |
  syncd | boolean | default false
 data_pkey PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
 pointtime_idx btree (pointtime)
 syncd_idx btree (syncd)
 tail_idx btree (tail)
 tailtime_idx btree (tail, pointtime DESC)
 timerecp_idx btree (timerecp)


 Adding the two-column sorted index didn't seem to affect the query time

I don't think PostgreSQL is going to be able to reason very effectively
about a ROW_NUMBER() in a inner table and then a row=5 in the outer one
being equivalent to a LIMIT query for which it could walk an index and then
stopping once it finds 5 of them.

Does this need to issued as a single query?  Why not issue 55 different
queries?  It seems like the client is likely going to need to pick the
returned list back out by tail number anyway, so both the client and the
server might be happier with separate queries.

 The table current contains 1303951 rows, and any given 24 hour period has
 around 110,000 rows.

 The results of the explain analyze command can be seen here:
 http://explain.depesz.com/s/H5w (nice site, btw. I'll have to be sure to
 bookmark it), where it clearly shows the the sort on
 data.tail,data.pointtime is the largest timesink (if I am reading it right).

The sort does seem pretty slow.  What is your encoding and collation?
Could you use the C collation if you are not already?



Re: [GENERAL] Converting char to varchar automatically

2014-10-08 Thread Andrus


Using Toms recommendation I added  not attisdropped and now got the query

SELECT 'ALTER TABLE ' || quote_ident(n.nspname) || '.'
|| quote_ident(c.relname)
|| ' ALTER COLUMN ' || quote_ident(a.attname) || ' TYPE
  FROM pg_class c
JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace
JOIN pg_attribute a ON a.attrelid = c.oid
JOIN pg_type t ON t.oid = a.atttypid
WHERE t.typname = 'bpchar'
   AND c.relkind = 'r'
   AND n.nspname  'pg_catalog' and not attisdropped;

Will this create commands which replace all user-defined char  things in
database  to varchar ?

TYPE varchar creates single character column so most alter table command
will fail.
How to change this so that original char column width is kept ?
I looked into tables used in this query but havent found column which holds
char column defined width.
How get it or is it better to re-write this query using informational_schema

How to change this query so that it creates single alter table command for
every table
(with multiple alter column clauses) to increase conversion speed ?


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Re: [GENERAL] Processor usage/tuning question

2014-10-08 Thread Israel Brewster

---Israel BrewsterSystems Analyst IIRavn Alaska5245 Airport Industrial RdFairbanks, AK 99709(907) 450-7293---BEGIN:VCARD
FN:Israel Brewster
ORG:Frontier Flying Service;MIS
TITLE:PC Support Tech II
item1.ADR;type=WORK;type=pref:;;5245 Airport Industrial Wy;Fairbanks;AK;99701;

On Oct 8, 2014, at 11:34 AM, Jeff Janes jeff.ja...@gmail.com wrote:On Tue, Oct 7, 2014 at 12:06 PM, israel isr...@eraalaska.net wrote:
Thank you all for the advice. It looks like the load is due to a query that is taking around 1300ms to complete - a query that is run by every client connected (probably half a dozen or so, although I don't have specific numbers), every fifteen seconds or so. As you can imagine, that keeps the server rather busy :-) Specifically, it looks like the time is due to a sort (PARTITION BY tail ORDER BY pointtime DESC) that operates on around 100,000 rows.

The lovely details:

The query in question is the following:

FROM (SELECT tail, to_char(pointtime,'MM/DD/ HH24:MI:SS'), lat,lng,altitude,heading,speed,source,pointtime,
   ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY tail ORDER BY pointtime DESC) as row
FROM data
WHERE tail in (list of about 55 values or so) and pointtime='timestamp of 24 hours prior to current UTC time'::timestamp) s1
WHERE s1.row=5
ORDER BY tail, pointtime DESC

In english, it boils down to get the five most recent data points for each listed tail number. I look at the last 24 hours of data because it is quite possible that a tail number may have no recent data points.How many different tail numbers do you have in the last 24 hours? Based on the numbers you provide, it sounds like the list of 55 tail numbers is pretty much all of them that it could expect to find anyway.In this case yes - that 55 or so is everything (worst case, but fairly common scenario). The system is set up such that the user can select which tail number(s) they want to see, thus the tail in list construct. It's just that they often select all tail numbers.
One obvious optimization is to look at a smaller time range. This will definitely speed up the query, but at the risk of not getting any data points for one or more of the requested tail numbers (there is already this risk, but looking back 24 hours keeps it fairly small for us).But then, do you care? If you haven't heard from an airplane in 24 hours, it seems like either you don't care, or you care very very much and don't need the database to remind you.Except that the last data point received is still valid as the aircraft's current location, even if it came in several hours ago - which we may well care about. That is, some users may need to see where a given aircraft (or the entire fleet) is, even if an aircraft hasn't updated in a while. That said, I did discuss this with my higher-ups, and got the ok to take it down to four hours.

The table description:
tracking=# \d data
  Table "public.data"
 Column |  Type  |  Modifiers
id| bigint   | not null default nextval('data_id_seq'::regclass)
tail   | character varying(16)   | not null
timerecp | timestamp without time zone | not null default now()
altitude | integer  |
pointtime | timestamp without time zone |
lat   | numeric(7,5)| not null
lng   | numeric(8,5)| not null
speed  | integer  |
heading | integer  |
source  | character varying(64)   |
syncd  | boolean  | default false
  "data_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
  "pointtime_idx" btree (pointtime)
  "syncd_idx" btree (syncd)
  "tail_idx" btree (tail)
  "tailtime_idx" btree (tail, pointtime DESC)
  "timerecp_idx" btree (timerecp)


Adding the two-column sorted index didn't seem to affect the query time much.I don't think PostgreSQL is going to be able to reason very effectively about a ROW_NUMBER() in a inner table and then a row=5 in the outer one being equivalent to a LIMIT query for which it could walk an index and then stopping once it finds 5 of them.Does this need to issued as a single query? Why not issue 55 different queries? It seems like the client is likely going to need to pick the returned list back out by tail number anyway, so both the client and the server might be happier with separate queries.Good point. Doing that brought the entire execution time down to around 60ms. Just ever so slightly better than the ~1200ms I was getting before. :-) I just have an unreasonable aversion to making multiple queries. I guess this is a prime example of why I need to overcome that :-)

The table current contains 1303951 rows, and 

Re: [GENERAL] Sync production DB with development?

2014-10-08 Thread Israel Brewster
On Oct 8, 2014, at 9:30 AM, Emanuel Calvo emanuel.ca...@2ndquadrant.com wrote:

 Hash: SHA512
 El 08/10/14 a las 14:01, Israel Brewster escibió:
 I am currently doing periodic syncs of one of my production
 databases to my development database using the command pg_dump -ch
 production host database name | psql database name, run on my
 development server. This works well enough, but as the size of the
 production database grows, this command is, for obvious reasons,
 getting progressively slower (a full sync like this currently takes
 about 35 seconds). Is there a better way? Something that will only
 transfer records that are different on the production server, like
 rsync does for files perhaps?
 You can setup a streaming server, however I wont' recommend to sync
 from a production server.

No, that wouldn't work well, because I need full access to my development 
server, and I need to be able to NOT have it in sync while I am working on it.

 Usually there is no need to have *all* the data from prod to
 development. Both environments should be isolated for security reasons.

Agreed. and no, I don't need all the data. But pg_dump doesn't give me an 
option to, say, only grab the last week of data.

 Other thing is to implement a QA server, streaming from the master or
 taking a nightly snapshot with pg_basebackup. I think it could be more
 than enough.

A QA server is great, and nightly snapshots are probably fine for that, however 
it doesn't help with my development server, I don't think.

 Actually, doing pg_dump | psql could take more time than pg_basebackup.
 My main concern here is the time it takes to sync, given that the
 database size will only continue growing as time passes (unless I
 start implementing an archive at some point). The current database
 has two years worth of records. I would assume that the time the
 sync takes would grow roughly linearly with the number of records,
 so I could easily be over a minute of sync time in another two
 years. I would really rather not have to wait several minutes every
 time I want to update my development data.
 Which is the entire size of your production cluster?

At the moment, only about 538MB. Which I realize isn't all that large in the 
grand scheme of databases. 

 - -- 
 - --
 Emanuel Calvo  http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training  Services
 Bs. As., Argentina (GMT-3)
 Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.18 (Darwin)
 Comment: GPGTools - http://gpgtools.org
 Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
 To make changes to your subscription:

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Re: [GENERAL] Sync production DB with development?

2014-10-08 Thread Greg Sabino Mullane

Hash: RIPEMD160

 so I could easily be over a minute of sync time in another two years. 
 I would really rather not have to wait several minutes every time I 
 want to update my development data.

A minute is really not that long of a wait, especially given the tradeoff 
in complexity. Still, if the majority of the time is spent moving old 
data from one or more tables, you could exclude those from the pg_dump 
with -T, then copy over some small subset of the table with a pair of 
COPY commands from prod to dev.

- -- 
Greg Sabino Mullane g...@turnstep.com
End Point Corporation http://www.endpoint.com/
PGP Key: 0x14964AC8 201410081635


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Re: [GENERAL] Sync production DB with development?

2014-10-08 Thread Emanuel Calvo
Hash: SHA512

El 08/10/14 a las 17:24, Israel Brewster escibió:
 On Oct 8, 2014, at 9:30 AM, Emanuel Calvo
 emanuel.ca...@2ndquadrant.com wrote:
 El 08/10/14 a las 14:01, Israel Brewster escibió:
 I am currently doing periodic syncs of one of my production 
 databases to my development database using the command
 pg_dump -ch production host database name | psql
 database name, run on my development server. This works
 well enough, but as the size of the production database
 grows, this command is, for obvious reasons, getting
 progressively slower (a full sync like this currently takes 
 about 35 seconds). Is there a better way? Something that will
 only transfer records that are different on the production
 server, like rsync does for files perhaps?
 You can setup a streaming server, however I wont' recommend to
 sync from a production server.
 No, that wouldn't work well, because I need full access to my
 development server, and I need to be able to NOT have it in sync
 while I am working on it.

That's the issue: streaming will left your development server as
read-only and I guess you don't want to do that.

 Usually there is no need to have *all* the data from prod to 
 development. Both environments should be isolated for security
 Agreed. and no, I don't need all the data. But pg_dump doesn't
 give me an option to, say, only grab the last week of data.

Yeah, at this point you will need to build your own sample data using
production values.

 Other thing is to implement a QA server, streaming from the master
 or taking a nightly snapshot with pg_basebackup. I think it could
 be more than enough.
 A QA server is great, and nightly snapshots are probably fine for
 that, however it doesn't help with my development server, I don't

Well, the nightly snapshots will allow you to sync every night your
development server and write over it during the day (you can sync
many times as you want).

 Actually, doing pg_dump | psql could take more time than
 My main concern here is the time it takes to sync, given that
 the database size will only continue growing as time passes
 (unless I start implementing an archive at some point). The
 current database has two years worth of records. I would
 assume that the time the sync takes would grow roughly
 linearly with the number of records, so I could easily be
 over a minute of sync time in another two years. I would
 really rather not have to wait several minutes every time I
 want to update my development data.
 Which is the entire size of your production cluster?
 At the moment, only about 538MB. Which I realize isn't all that
 large in the grand scheme of databases.

I think that at this point you shouldn't be worried at all.

Usually, you can build sample data DB and using it as a template.
So, any time you want to drp and recreate your database, you just do
a *create database* with the template option.

- -- 
- --
Emanuel Calvo  http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training  Services
Bs. As., Argentina (GMT-3)
Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.18 (Darwin)
Comment: GPGTools - http://gpgtools.org


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Re: [GENERAL] Sync production DB with development?

2014-10-08 Thread Jeff Ross

On 10/8/14, 2:24 PM, Israel Brewster wrote:

Agreed. and no, I don't need all the data. But pg_dump doesn't give me an 
option to, say, only grab the last week of data.

You might want to check out pg_sample.  It lets you get a referentially 
consistent sample of a database.  You specify the number of rows you 
want and it will get do the rest, retrieving enough rows from other 
tables to satisfy any foreign key constraints.



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Re: [GENERAL] Converting char to varchar automatically

2014-10-08 Thread Melvin Davidson
This revised query should give you what you need:

SELECT 'ALTER TABLE ' || quote_ident(n.nspname) || '.'
|| quote_ident(c.relname)
|| ' ALTER COLUMN ' || quote_ident(a.attname) || ' TYPE
varchar(' || i.character_maximum_length || ');'
  FROM pg_class c
JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace
JOIN pg_attribute a ON a.attrelid = c.oid
JOIN pg_type t ON t.oid = a.atttypid
JOIN information_schema.columns i ON (i.table_name = c.relname AND
i.column_name = a.attname)
WHERE t.typname = 'bpchar'
   AND c.relkind = 'r'
   AND n.nspname  'pg_catalog' and not attisdropped;

On Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 3:34 PM, Andrus kobrule...@hot.ee wrote:


 Using Toms recommendation I added  not attisdropped and now got the query

 SELECT 'ALTER TABLE ' || quote_ident(n.nspname) || '.'
 || quote_ident(c.relname)
 || ' ALTER COLUMN ' || quote_ident(a.attname) || ' TYPE
   FROM pg_class c
 JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace
 JOIN pg_attribute a ON a.attrelid = c.oid
 JOIN pg_type t ON t.oid = a.atttypid
 WHERE t.typname = 'bpchar'
AND c.relkind = 'r'
AND n.nspname  'pg_catalog' and not attisdropped;

 Will this create commands which replace all user-defined char  things in
 database  to varchar ?

 TYPE varchar creates single character column so most alter table command
 will fail.
 How to change this so that original char column width is kept ?
 I looked into tables used in this query but havent found column which holds
 char column defined width.
 How get it or is it better to re-write this query using

 How to change this query so that it creates single alter table command for
 every table
 (with multiple alter column clauses) to increase conversion speed ?


*Melvin Davidson*
I reserve the right to fantasize.  Whether or not you
wish to share my fantasy is entirely up to you.

Re: [GENERAL] How to synchronize tables in remote (production) and local databases in case if the structure of local database's table has been modified

2014-10-08 Thread Sergey Konoplev
On Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 12:49 AM, Vitaly Isaev vis...@team112.ru wrote:
 I am trying to figure out how to dump the contents of several selected
 tables from server in order to update the tables on development
 workstations. The biggest challenge is that the tables I'm trying to
 synchronize may be diverged (developers may add - but not delete - new
 fields to the tables through the Django ORM, while schema of the production
 database remains unchanged for a long time).

The COPY trick will probably help you. Note that I specify a column
list in the last COPY statement.

skonoplev@[local]:5432 ~=#
create table t (i integer);

skonoplev@[local]:5432 ~=#
insert into t select * from generate_series(1, 5);

skonoplev@[local]:5432 ~=#
copy t to '/tmp/t.dump';

skonoplev@[local]:5432 ~=#
truncate t;

skonoplev@[local]:5432 ~=#
alter table t add s text;

skonoplev@[local]:5432 ~=#
copy t(i) from '/tmp/t.dump';

skonoplev@[local]:5432 ~=#
select * from t;
 i | s
 1 |
 2 |
 3 |
 4 |
 5 |
(5 rows)

Kind regards,
Sergey Konoplev
PostgreSQL Consultant and DBA

+1 (415) 867-9984, +7 (499) 346-7196, +7 (988) 888-1979

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Re: [GENERAL] Converting char to varchar automatically

2014-10-08 Thread Andrus

Thank you.

This revised query should give you what you need:
SELECT 'ALTER TABLE ' || quote_ident(n.nspname) || '.'
|| quote_ident(c.relname)
|| ' ALTER COLUMN ' || quote_ident(a.attname) || ' TYPE varchar(' 
 || i.character_maximum_length || ');'
  FROM pg_class c
JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace
JOIN pg_attribute a ON a.attrelid = c.oid
JOIN pg_type t ON t.oid = a.atttypid
JOIN information_schema.columns i ON (i.table_name = c.relname AND 
 i.column_name = a.attname)
WHERE t.typname = 'bpchar'
   AND c.relkind = 'r'
   AND n.nspname  'pg_catalog' and not attisdropped;

How to create single alter table command for every table ?
Can we use string concat aggregate function or window functions or plpgsql or 
something other ?


Re: [GENERAL] Converting char to varchar automatically

2014-10-08 Thread Melvin Davidson
There really is no easy way to make a single ALTER for each table unless
you use a programming language. However, adding a
GROUP BY c.relname,

would certainly simplify editing. Then you can combine all the
ALTER COLUMN's for each table.

On Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 6:21 PM, Andrus kobrule...@hot.ee wrote:


 Thank you.

  This revised query should give you what you need:
 SELECT 'ALTER TABLE ' || quote_ident(n.nspname) || '.'
 || quote_ident(c.relname)
 || ' ALTER COLUMN ' || quote_ident(a.attname) || ' TYPE
 varchar(' || i.character_maximum_length || ');'
   FROM pg_class c
 JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace
 JOIN pg_attribute a ON a.attrelid = c.oid
 JOIN pg_type t ON t.oid = a.atttypid
 JOIN information_schema.columns i ON (i.table_name = c.relname AND
 i.column_name = a.attname)
 WHERE t.typname = 'bpchar'
AND c.relkind = 'r'
AND n.nspname  'pg_catalog' and not attisdropped;

 How to create single alter table command for every table ?
 Can we use string concat aggregate function or window functions or plpgsql
 or something other ?


*Melvin Davidson*
I reserve the right to fantasize.  Whether or not you
wish to share my fantasy is entirely up to you.

[GENERAL] Importing large object (with lo_import) to table in separate tablespaces takes up lots of space in $PGDATA

2014-10-08 Thread Andreas Joseph Krogh
Hi all.   I'm having a database, called apeland, which at first (when 
created) was in the default-tablespace (in $PGDATA), then I moved it with the 
commands:   # create tablespace apeland location 
'/home/andreak/programs/postgresql/9.3.5/tablespaces/apeland'; CREATE TABLESPACE
  Check space-usage before moving: $ du -hs data/ tablespaces/
 59M data/
 27M tablespaces/   Move the database to new tablespace  # alter database 
apeland set tablespace apeland; ALTER DATABASE   Check space-usage after moving:
$ du -hs data/ tablespaces/
 52M data/
 34M tablespaces/     Then I created this table: # create table files(data 
 CREATE TABLE   Insert this file: $ du -hs origo-war-01-14-01.20.war
 130M    origo-war-01-14-01.20.war   # insert into files(data) 
 INSERT 0 1   Check space-usage: $ du -hs data/ tablespaces/
 164M    data/
 208M    tablespaces/   Now - why is so much extra space used in $PGDATA? Is 
there a way to reclame it? Was the apeland-db moved completely or is there 
lots dangeling left in PGDATA?   Thanks.   -- Andreas Joseph Krogh CTO / Partner
 - Visena AS Mobile: +47 909 56 963 andr...@visena.com 
mailto:andr...@visena.com www.visena.com https://www.visena.com  

Re: [GENERAL] psql connection issue

2014-10-08 Thread Stephen Davies

This is not the same issue.
However, I had already disabled SELinux for other reasons.

The actual cause of my issue was the new private tmp facility in systemd 
startup of httpd. This makes the PostgreSQL socket invisible to CGI scripts.

We have survived for many years without this before migrating to CentOS 7 so I 
simply disabled this too and all came good.

Cheers and thanks,

On 08/10/14 23:49, Adrian Klaver wrote:

On 10/07/2014 09:10 PM, Stephen Davies wrote:

The permissions on the socket are 777 owner/group postgres.

I installed the 9.3 onto the Centos 7 server using the repo at


There is no /var/run/postgresql and find cannot find another socket
anywhere else.

Sounds similar to this:

Long version:


Short version:

Disable SELinux

Cheers and thanks,

On 08/10/14 14:32, Tom Lane wrote:

Stephen Davies sdav...@sdc.com.au writes:

I am in the process of migrating a bunch of databases and associated CGI
scripts from 9.1.4 to 9.3 (and from 32-bit to 64-bit).

The database migration has been successful but I have an issue with psql
connections from CGI scripts.

I can connect to the 9.3 server locally with psql from the command
line, with
psql from other boxes on the LAN via TCP, via JDBC from programs and
but cannot connect locally via CGI.

If I run any of the CGI scripts from the command line they work but when
invoked by Apache, they fail with the usual question as to whether
anything is
listening on socket /tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432.

Some Linux variants think it improves security to run daemons like apache
in a context where what the daemon sees as /tmp has been mapped somewhere

If you're running one of these platforms, the Postgres server and libpq
distributed by the vendor will have been hacked to cope, typically by
agreeing that the socket location is something like /var/run/postgresql/
rather than /tmp.  I'm guessing your 9.3 installation was self-built
and hasn't been configured that way.

regards, tom lane

Stephen Davies Consulting P/L Phone: 08-8177 1595
Adelaide, South Australia.Mobile:040 304 0583
Records  Collections Management.

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Re: [GENERAL] Importing large object (with lo_import) to table in separate tablespaces takes up lots of space in $PGDATA

2014-10-08 Thread Guillaume Lelarge

Le 9 oct. 2014 01:31, Andreas Joseph Krogh andr...@visena.com a écrit :

 Hi all.

 I'm having a database, called apeland, which at first (when created)
was in the default-tablespace (in $PGDATA), then I moved it with the

 # create tablespace apeland location

 Check space-usage before moving:
 $ du -hs data/ tablespaces/
 59M data/
 27M tablespaces/

 Move the database to new tablespace
 # alter database apeland set tablespace apeland;

 Check space-usage after moving:
 $ du -hs data/ tablespaces/
 52M data/
 34M tablespaces/

 Then I created this table:
 # create table files(data oid);

 Insert this file:
 $ du -hs origo-war-01-14-01.20.war

 # insert into files(data)

 Check space-usage:
 $ du -hs data/ tablespaces/

 Now - why is so much extra space used in $PGDATA? Is there a way to
reclame it? Was the apeland-db moved completely or is there lots
dangeling left in PGDATA?

Everything is moved if you used ALTER DATABASE.

I'd guess what you have in the data folder are mostly WAL files. You should
use du on data/base to get size from relations' files, and not everything
else including configuration files.

Re: [GENERAL] Converting char to varchar automatically

2014-10-08 Thread Andrus

There really is no easy way to make a single ALTER for each table unless you 
use a programming language. 

I’snt SQL a programming language ?

However, adding a  GROUP BY c.relname,  a.attname
would certainly simplify editing. Then you can combine all the
ALTER COLUMN's for each table.

I wrote

with stem as (
SELECT 'ALTER TABLE ' || quote_ident(n.nspname) || '.'
|| quote_ident(c.relname) as prefix ,
  ' ALTER COLUMN ' || quote_ident(a.attname) || ' TYPE varchar(' || 
i.character_maximum_length ||')',
  ',' ) as body
  FROM pg_class c
JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace
JOIN pg_attribute a ON a.attrelid = c.oid
JOIN pg_type t ON t.oid = a.atttypid
JOIN information_schema.columns i ON (i.table_name = c.relname AND 
i.column_name = a.attname)
WHERE t.typname = 'bpchar'
   AND c.relkind = 'r'
   AND n.nspname  'pg_catalog' and not attisdropped
group by 1

select prefix || ' '|| body || ';' as statement
from stem

Is this prefect ?
