[GENERAL] How to delete all operators

2006-03-31 Thread Martin Pohl


I have a database with operators and functions in plpgsql.
To update the data to the latest version I would like to drop all operators.
There might be some, that I don't know. I don't have access to the database,
but have to write a script, that will update the data.

Is there any way to drop all operators (given they are all in the schema
"public) in a script?

Something like (pseudocode):
Drop all operators in schema "public"

Thanks in advance for answers

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Re: [GENERAL] Insert a default timestamp when nothing given

2006-01-19 Thread Martin Pohl

> > Not directly. I suppose you could create a view that converted the
> > value to the right date on insert.
> I think a trigger might make more sense.

That was a very good idea! I tought it would solve my problem. Unfortunately
it didn't: I still get the "invalid syntax" error (I ensured that the
trigger worked by using other values). Apparently the syntax check is done,
before the trigger is called:

create or replace function test() returns trigger as '

if NEW.datum =  THEN
NEW.datum := ''01.01.1900'';
end if;
return NEW;
' language plpgsql;

create trigger test before insert or update on foo
for each row execute procedure test();

Adding a default value will also not work, since the given date is not a
correct timestampz when inserting. So the default value doesn't help.

I know that inserting '' is wrong in the first place, and that Postgre works
correctly at this point. But I can't help it - the application I have to
port does it and I can't change it. Therefore I need a smart workaround for
a sloppy programming in the application and a sloppy MS SQL.
(This is not meant rude in any way, it's just the situation I was given in a

Does anyone have any other suggestions or ideas? 

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[GENERAL] Insert a default timestamp when nothing given

2006-01-19 Thread Martin Pohl


I have to port an application from MS SQL7 to Postgresql (7.4).

When I have a column with a datetime on MS SQL7 the following is possible:
INSERT INTO mytable (mydate) values ('');

In this case MSSQL will insert '01.01.1900' as the date.

When I do the same on Postgresql it says:
"invalid input syntax for type timestamp with time zone: ''".

Unfortunately the application I have to port often uses '' as a date.

My question:
Is there any way to have MSSQLs behavior in PostgreSQL?

Thanks for answers

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