[GENERAL] Re: [HACKERS] Why restore_command is called for existing files in pg_xlog?

2017-06-13 Thread Alex Kliukin
Hi Jeff,

On Mon, Jun 12, 2017, at 06:42 PM, Jeff Janes wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 12, 2017 at 5:25 AM, Alex Kliukin
> <al...@hintbits.com> wrote:>> __
>> On Fri, Jun 2, 2017, at 11:51 AM, Alexander Kukushkin wrote:
>>> Hello hackers,
>>> There is one strange and awful thing I don't understand about
>>> restore_command: it is always being called for every single WAL
>>> segment postgres wants to apply (even if such segment already exists
>>> in pg_xlog) until replica start streaming from the master.>> 
>> The real problem this question is related to is being unable to bring
>> a former master, demoted after a crash, online, since the WAL
>> segments required to get it to the consistent state were not archived
>> while it was still a master, and local segments in pg_xlog are
>> ignored when a restore_command is defined. The other replicas
>> wouldn't be good candidates for promotion as well, as they were way
>> behind the master (because the last N WAL segments were not archived
>> and streaming replication had a few seconds delay).> 
> I don't really understand the problem.  If the other replicas are not
> candidates for promotion, than why was the master ever "demoted" in
> the first place?  It should just go through normal crash recovery,
> not PITR recovery, and therefore will read the files from pg_xlog
> just fine.
We run an automatic failover daemon, called "Patroni", that uses a
consistency layer (RAFT, implemented by Etcd) in order to decide on
which node should be the leader. In Patroni, only the node that has the
leader key  in Etcd is allowed to become a master.  When Patroni detects
that the PostgreSQL on the  node that holds the leader lock is not
running, it starts the instance in a "read-only" mode by writing a
recovery.conf without the "primary_conninfo". Once the former master
running as a read-only  recovers to a consistent state and is not behind
the last known master's position, it is promoted back unless a replica
takes over the master lock.
The reason we cannot just start the crashed master normally is a
possible split-brain scenario. If during the former master's crash
recovery another replica takes over the lock because it is close enough
to the last known master position and is deemed "healthy" to promote,
the former master starts as a master nevertheless (we have no control
over the PostgreSQL crash recovery process), despite the fact that it
has no lock, violating the rule of "first get the lock, then promote".

> If you already promoted one of the replicas and accepted data changes
> into it, and now are thinking that was not a good idea, then there is
> no off the shelf automatic way to merge together the two systems.  You
> have do a manual inspection of the differences.  To do that, you would
> start by starting up (a copy of) the crashed master, using normal
> crash recovery, not PITR.
In our scenario, no replica is promoted. The master starts in a read-
only mode, and is stuck there forever, since it cannot restore WAL
segments stored in its own WAL directory, and those segments were never
archived. The replicas cannot be promoted, because they are to far
behind from the master.
I don't really see any reasons not to try to restore WAL segments from
the WAL directory first. It would speed up the recovery in many cases,
since the segments are already there, there is no need to fetch them
> Probably more appropriate for pgsql-general or pgsql-admin.



Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL and Kubernetes

2017-04-03 Thread Alex Kliukin

> On 30. Mar 2017, at 12:10, Moreno Andreo <moreno.and...@evolu-s.it> wrote:

> as databases aren't built for type of dynamic scheduling that something like 
> kubernetes (or any other container management solution), due to how they 
> interact with the filesystem, network stack, and more.
> Further more, he suggests that because of this lack of integration, that if 
> you do run your database in kubernetes/docker, you are very likely to 
> encounter data corruption and data loss"
> What's your advice?

I think dynamic scheduling just increases the chances of your database instance 
being killed. Your K8S cluster, if not configured properly, may decide to kill 
your master database pod when scaling down nodes in order to utilise resources 

If you run your PostgreSQL on K8S make sure you have a good and battle-tested 
HA setup, know your way around configuring both PostgreSQL streaming 
replication and Kubernetes cluster, and have a number of databases to manage, 
as it makes little sense to build an aircraft carrier to carry a single Cessna. 

Kind regards,
Oleksii “Alex" Kliukin