Re: [GENERAL] To Postgres Devs : Wouldn't changing the select limit

2001-10-18 Thread Alexey Borzov

Greetings, Bruce!

At 18.10.2001, 02:34, you wrote:

 Isn't it much worse to not follow PostgreSQL behavior than to not follow
 MySQL behavior?

BM Another idea:  because our historical Limit #,# differs from MySQL, one
BM idea is to disable LIMIT #,# completely and instead print an error
BM stating they have to use LIMIT # OFFSET #.  Although that would break
BM both MySQl and old PostgreSQL queries, it would not generate incorrect
BM results.

It doesn't seem like a good idea. The best solution, IMHO, would
be to introduce optional MySQL-compatibility mode for LIMIT in 7.2
Later LIMIT #,# can be marked deprecated in favour of LIMIT #,
But please, don't *break* things; while this change may make life
easier for some people migrating from MySQL far more people would
be pissed off...

Yours, Alexey V. Borzov, Webmaster of

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re[2]: [GENERAL] RFC: PostgreSQL and MySQL comparison.

2001-08-30 Thread Alexey Borzov

Greetings, Peter!

At 29.08.2001, 23:32, you wrote:
  But I do think that
 the statements in
 should NOT go unanswered.

PE Okay, I answered them:


Looks good, but it's not exactly what I've had in mind. You see it
is too often considered that if someone has to justify oneself, he
is automatically guilty. I want to write an article that would
make MySQL's developers justify themselves...
Besides, one has to read the MySQL's article *before* this just to
understand what's this all about...

BTW, can I use parts of your answers in my work?

And, a question to SQL standard gurus: is it necessary for a DBMS
to implement subqueries and views to be considered entry-level
SQL92 compliant.
Besides, is there any document which has all PostgreSQL's
deviations from standard in one place?

PE I tried to be reasonable and biased at the same time. ;-)

PE This article does not go into the advantages of PostgreSQL, since that's
PE already done elsewhere, such as here:


Yours, Alexey V. Borzov, Webmaster of

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[GENERAL] pg7.1 release date

2001-08-30 Thread Alexey Borzov

Greetings, pgsql-general!

While researching material for a certain upcoming article, I found
out that online docs still claim 2001-??-?? as a release date
for PostgreSQL 7.1

Yours, Alexey V. Borzov, Webmaster of

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?

Re[2]: [GENERAL] Pgsql-7.1RC1: SET SEED = something

2001-03-30 Thread Alexey Borzov

Greetings, Tom!

At 29.03.2001, 12:52, you wrote:

TL Alexey Borzov [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 The development docs state that one can use SET SEED to seed the
 random number generator

TL Where?  I see no such claim.

Right here:

TL If there's something that leads you
TL to think that SET SEED and not setseed() is correct, then the docs
TL need to be fixed.

This something is my experience with Pgsql 7.0.3, which did accept SET
I believe the whole matter was clarified enough, so now you seem to
have two options: either change everything back, or update the docs
(add BIG BOLD letters that SET SEED is now obsolete) ;]

Yours, Alexey V. Borzov, Webmaster of RDW

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Re[2]: [GENERAL] Re: new type proposal

2001-02-07 Thread Alexey Borzov

Greetings, Joseph!

At 07.02.2001, 13:13, you wrote:
JS I noticed that people are ignoring the time created part of my
JS proposal.  How can a read only field be implemented?  A trigger that
JS causes and error if that field is updated?
Well, why not just do something like
new.time_created_field := old.time_created_field;
in a BEFORE UPDATE trigger?..

Yours, Alexey V. Borzov, Webmaster of RDW

Re[6]: [GENERAL] WTF is going on with PG_VERSION?

2000-09-21 Thread Alexey Borzov

Greetings, Tom!

At 20.09.2000, 10:41, you wrote:

TL "Alexey V. Borzov" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Nope, that's not the problem. I just checked and every DB has its own
 PG_VERSION. Besides, _all_ of the databases are accessed on regular
 basis (I'm speaking of a website), but the crashes occur only once in
 a while (like, once a week)...
TL I'm wondering if you could be running out of kernel filetable slots,
TL so that the open of PG_VERSION is failing with ENFILE.  (This would be
TL the trouble spot just because it's the first file a new backend tries
TL to open, and being a new backend it has no possible recovery tactic
TL like closing other files.  Once a backend is up and running it can
TL usually survive ENFILE open failures by closing off other files.)

  This MIGHT be problem. I'm not sure, as it wasn't me who compiled
  the kernel for the box, but I'll look into it...
  Well, last question then: I wasn't too specific, but the problem
  with this crash is that not ONE SINGLE backend fails, but ALL OF
  THEM AT ONCE: someone comes running to me and shouts 'our site is
  down!', when I login and type 'ps eax | grep postgres' there
  are no postgres processes in memory... Which is strange, as I
  connect to Postgres from PHP, and use `persistent` connections, so
  the backends which are in memory should have already read their
  Is it as it should be with ENFILE failure?

TL If that's it, the solution is either to alter your kernel parameters to
TL increase NFILE, or to reduce the allowed number of concurrent backends,
TL or both.
  Guess we should increase file slots, as reducing the number of
  backends is definitely NOT an option.

Yours, Alexey V. Borzov