Re: [GENERAL] Connection question

2010-09-03 Thread Bayless Kirtley

- Original Message - 
From: "Craig Ringer" 

To: "Bayless Kirtley" 
Cc: "List, Postgres" 
Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2010 10:15 PM
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Connection question

On 2/09/2010 11:59 PM, Bayless Kirtley wrote:

Thanks a lot Craig. The register is connecting through localhost so it's
not that. I
guess I'm not surprised about the Windows thing. I suppose we'll just
have to
live with it then.

I wouldn't be too sure yet.

Did you run the test where you reboot the POS system with the ethernet 
unplugged? Does it still connect to the database OK?

I didn't think XP broke TCP/IP connections to *localhost* when an ethernet 
interface went up or down, unless the connection was to a local IP 
associated with that interface. If you're connected to from it shouldn't, AFAIK, matter if you lose your wifi/ethernet.

Come to think of it, you might want to check to make sure the local 
Ethernet interface is set to use DHCP. If it's using a static IP, Windows 
might permit that IP to be used to talk to the local host even when 
there's no link on the interface. So - to be sure, you can disable the 
Ethernet interface in the network control panel before your reboot for 

Anyway, if you really can't make it work properly, there's a simple if 
mildly clumsy workaround. You can prevent XP from realizing it's lost its 
connection to the router by placing another device between the XP 
machine(s) and the router, like a plain old cheap switch. That way 
Ethernet link on the XP machines is never lost when you reboot the 
router - only between the router and the switch, where the XP machines 
can't tell. When the router goes down they lose their DHCP server, but 
that doesn't matter if it comes up again before they try to renew their 
DHCP leases, and for local-to-local traffic that's about all they'll be 
relying on the router for. You could even avoid that by setting static IP 

Craig Ringer

Tech-related writing at

Hmmm, more to consider then. I have not done the test you suggested.
Guess I pounced on the Windows losing TCP/IP prematurely. It has
been a while but I think I set them up for static IP addresses initially. I
did check to be certain it is using localhost though. I will catch a slow
day soon and try your ideas. I'll report the results back soon.

Thanks Craig,

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Re: [GENERAL] Connection question

2010-09-02 Thread Bayless Kirtley
Thanks a lot Craig. The register is connecting through localhost so it's not 
that. I
guess I'm not surprised about the Windows thing. I suppose we'll just have 
live with it then. Fortunately it doesn't happen too often. But as fate 
would have it,
most often seems when several customers are standing in line trying to pay. 
I tried
initially to get the customer to go Linux instead of Windows but without 
much luck.

Thanks again for the thorough explanation.

- Original Message - 
From: "Craig Ringer" 

To: "Bayless Kirtley" 
Cc: "List, Postgres" 
Sent: Wednesday, September 01, 2010 10:08 PM
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Connection question

On 09/01/2010 11:22 PM, Bayless Kirtley wrote:

About twice per month, it is necessary to reset the modem and router. 

of course, loses the manager's connection to the DB.

With modern OSes, and many much older ones, it's not "of course" at all. 
Windows XP Pro is quite odd in that it breaks TCP/IP connections when an 
interface goes down and comes back up with the same IP address.

Windows 7 even retains my SSH connections, made over wifi, when suspended 
and resumed! They only break if PuTTY tries to send a packet while the 
interface is still down after resume.

Really, resetting a switch, unplugging a network cable and plugging it 
back in, etc shouldn't break TCP/IP connections, unless it triggers the 
connected host to do a new DHCP request, and the DHCP server hands out a 
different  IP. No decent DHCP server will do that, but some cheap and 
nasty modem/router units don't store DHCP leases across a reboot so they 
"forget" their MAC address to IP address mappings.

Anyway, that's a bit of a tangent, since you're on XP Pro and stuck with 
its rather less than ideal handling of connection loss.

The problem is, it
seems to break the connection at the cash register. The next time it
tries to
record a transaction, it gets the error "Unable to write to the backend" 

something very close to that.

Is the register application connecting to localhost ( or to the 
public IP address assigned by DHCP to the register's ethernet interface? 
If the latter, you're being bitten by Windows XP tossing out all TCP/IP 
connections involving that IP.

If you're not sure, the easiest way I can think of to find out is to 
unplug the register from the network, restart the router and see if it can 
still connect. It should be able to.

Craig Ringer 

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[GENERAL] Connection question

2010-09-01 Thread Bayless Kirtley
I have a two-user point-of-sale application on Windows XP PRO. The DB runs 
on the cash register. The second user is a manager's computer. They are 
connected through a wired router which is also connected to an internet 
cable modem. The manager's computer just checks statistics on the DB and 
maintains a connection all the time. The cash register application does not 
do any network operations and is not even aware of the network.

About twice per month, it is necessary to reset the modem and router. This, 
of course, loses the manager's connection to the DB. The problem is, it also 
seems to break the connection at the cash register. The next time it tries to 
record a transaction, it gets the error "Unable to write to the backend" or 
something very close to that. The DB itself seems fine as we can restart the 
cash register and all is well.

Anyone have any idea why this happens? We are running PostgreSQL 8.3.1-1 
and the applications are Java 1.6.14.


Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL Performance issue

2010-04-27 Thread Bayless Kirtley

Thanks a lot for your help. However I am new to Postgres database
therefore it would be nice if you can let me know how to set autocommit
I know from psql client issuing “\set Autocommit Off” would set it off but
unfortunately it doesn’t set it off.

It's a client-side setting, not a server-side one. Hence you need to turn it
off in your java program, probably in the database connection settings.

P.S. Your message was so mangled that I couldn't find which part of the
original message you were referring to, so I deleted the remainder.
Top-posting is considered bad form in mailing-lists.

Alban Hertroys

Actually, top posting is considered bad form in THIS mailing list. All the
others I participate in top post regularly. That said though, it is
considered good form to post in the manner expected by the list that one is
posting to. ;-)


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Re: R: [GENERAL] Field's position in Table

2009-08-24 Thread Bayless Kirtley

  - Original Message - 
  From: Adam Rich 
  To: Sam Mason ; vinny 
  Sent: Monday, August 24, 2009 2:58 PM
  Subject: Re: R: [GENERAL] Field's position in Table

  From: vinny 
  Subject: Re: R: [GENERAL] Field's position in Table
  To: "Sam Mason" 
  Date: Monday, August 24, 2009, 2:38 PM

  On Thu, 2009-08-20 at 12:16 +0100, Sam Mason wrote:
  > On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 11:24:49AM +0200, vinny wrote:
  > > I can't really think of any real reason to put the field at a
  > > particular position, applications don't reallty care about the 
  > > of fields.
  > Because it's very convenient for ad-hoc queries!  PG currently 
  > that the column order is the same as when it was created but there 
  > (unimplemented) suggestions about how to "fix" this.  See for 
  > -- 
  >   Sam

  But how is it convenient exactly, is it just a timesaver so you can
  SELECT * instead of having to type SELECT firstname, lastname, email?

For me, saying all new fields must go at the end of the table is like 
saying all new functions must go at the end of your C source file.  Not that it 
makes *any* difference to the end user, or other applications using your 
libraries, but as developers we tend to be more organized than the general 
public.  Most programmers habitually organize their source code to keep related 
functions together.  It seems sloppy to have 10 memory-related functions 
together in the source, and then an 11th hidden 6 pages down in the middle of 
file-related functions.  And if you're writing OO code in C++ or Java, you even 
group private variables and methods separately from public ones.  Most of the 
people who advocate tacking new fields at the end of a table would never dream 
of following this convention for source code.  

So when I'm working in PgAdmin, I like to see my primary & foreign keys 
listed first, then data fields in logical groupings, and finally the standard 
"footer" fields we add to all tables like create & update by/date.  Whenever 
I'm developing and need to reference a table definition, (or do a select * in 
pgAdmin for sample data) I lose productivity having to scan through all the 
fields repeatedly instead of seeing at a glance the fields I want because I 
know where they *should* be in the listing.  Sometimes I have to scan through 
the fields several times before I finally see the one I want, because it was in 
the middle of unrelated items.   I *never* code my applications to depend on 
field order; I'm referring to development convenience only.

(Just my two cents, YMMV, etc)

Just another two cents agreeing here. I think programmers tend to be a bit anal 
about this sort of thing. True, it makes no material difference but one just 
tends to be more comfortable with everything nicely organized.


Re: [GENERAL] Does derby have an embedded Mode like Derby ?

2009-08-04 Thread Bayless Kirtley
- Original Message - 
From: "Paul Taylor" 

Sent: Tuesday, August 04, 2009 9:56 AM
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Does derby have an embedded Mode like Derby ?

Of course you can always use Derby for testing the Postgres later. I have
found HSQLDB to be closer to Postgres than Derby is. I do seem to recall
the Netbeans group recommends using sever mode during development then
switch to imbedded for distribution. I have done it both ways with equal
success and similar efforts.


Thanks  I am trying to use Derby but fallen foul of Postgres array
datatype which Derby doesn't support, Ive just had a quick look at HSQLDB
and it doesn't appear to support it either.


Yes, I'm afraid you're gonna be out of luck on finding the array type in any
the smaller embedded databases. Honestly, the beg project I've been on for a
year or so has used Postgres right through full development and testing.
not hard to start and stop the database whenever I need to although I
just leave it running.


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Re: [GENERAL] Does derby have an embedded Mode like Derby ?

2009-08-04 Thread Bayless Kirtley

Paul Taylor, 04.08.2009 15:48:
Thats a shame, I wanted to write junit test for a java program that 
queried a database, requiring a full database to be available for unit 
tests is not really an environment I want to have.

Well if you want to test the database, you will need a full database.

But you can easily setup and start a Postgres server through a batch 
file/shell script. I have a small batch file that simply uses the binary 
ZIP distribution to run initdb and create the initial databases. We are 
using this to bundle Postgres e.g. with a Tomcat web application.
You don't really need to run an installer and/or create registry entries 
(for windows). This would then resemble more the Derby network server 


Of course you can always use Derby for testing the Postgres later. I have 
found HSQLDB to be closer to Postgres than Derby is. I do seem to recall the 
Netbeans group recommends using sever mode during development then switch to 
imbedded for distribution. I have done it both ways with equal success and 
similar efforts.


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[GENERAL] Serious JDBC problem

2009-06-24 Thread Bayless Kirtley
For some reason, the PostgreSQL JDBC driver fails to properly recognize 
daylight saving time. When retrieving the current time as a java.sql.Time, 
if returns an hour behind when DST is in effect.

Here is a tested sample Java code that demonstrates the error..

private void getTime(Connection conn) {
try {
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
ResultSet result = stmt.executeQuery("Select CURRENT_TIME");;
String timeStr = result.getString(1);
System.out.println("String: " + timeStr);
java.sql.Time time = result.getTime(1);
System.out.println("Time: " + time);
java.sql.Time sysTime = new java.sql.Time(new 
System.out.println("Run at:" + sysTime);
catch (SQLException e) {

The output from running this code is:

String: 09:23:37.302-05
Time: 08:23:37
Run at: 09:23:37

As you can see it was run at 09:23:37 local daylight saving time today.
Retrieving PostgreSQL time as a String also gives that same value.
Retrieving it as a Time gives a value of one hour earlier. Presumably
it is not recognizing daylight saving time. Since it produces two quite
different values for the same query, this seems to be a serious flaw
in the JDBC driver. The driver in use is "org.postgresql.Driver" with
PostgreSQL 8.3.1-1, installed about a year ago. I have tried this with 
postgresql-8.3-603.jdbc3.jar and postgresql-8.3-603.jdbc4.jar with
the same result. I am using Java 1.6 but it did the same thing last year 
with 1.5.


Re: [GENERAL] Switching databases over JDBC/ODBC

2009-05-29 Thread Bayless Kirtley
You can establish a new connection without dropping the old one. Thus you 
can be connected to 2 databases at the same time. Just use the appropriate 
connection for the database you want.


- Original Message - 
From: "Scott Bailey" 

To: "pgsql-general" 
Sent: Friday, May 29, 2009 6:34 PM
Subject: [GENERAL] Switching databases over JDBC/ODBC

Is there an equivalent to psql's \connect database or MySQL/MS SQL's use
database command that will work with JDBC? It doesn't seem like I should
need to drop the connection and establish a new one just to switch


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Re: [GENERAL] Daylight saving time question

2009-05-29 Thread Bayless Kirtley
Apparently this did not go through the first time. I'll try again.

> Bayless Kirtley wrote:
>> Thanks Tom and Scott. You got me looking in the right direction. In this 
>> case
>> the client and server are on the same machine (testing/development) and 
>> psql
>> does return the right result. I tried all the possibilities from the java 
>> program,
>> "show timezone", "select current_time" and "select current_timestamp". 
>> These
>> were all JDBC queries. When I used result.getString(), the values looked
>> right. When I used result.getTime(), they were off by one hour as if 
>> daylight saving were not in effect.
> If 'result' is a Java 'java.util.Date' type (or one of its java.sql 
> subtypes), then it only holds milliseconds since epoch as if in GMT; 
> 'Date' holds no timezone information as such.  In that situation, 
> 'result.getTime()' returns a 'long' value.
> How exactly are you displaying 'result.getTime()'?  How exactly are you 
> determining that its value is "off" by one hour?  Can you show us Java 
> code?
>> Is this a flaw in the JDBC driver or is that the expected behavior? In 
>> either case I do now have a workaround but would like to know.
> It is not a flaw in the JDBC driver.
> -- 
> Lew
> -- 

Here is a simplified and tested version of the exact Java code.

private void run() {
try {
Statement stmt = connection.createStatement();
ResultSet result = stmt.executeQuery("Select CURRENT_TIME");;
String timeStr = result.getString(1);
System.out.println("String: " + timeStr);
java.sql.Time time = result.getTime(1);
System.out.println("Time: " + time);
java.sql.Time sysTime = new java.sql.Time(new 
System.out.println("Run at:" + sysTime);
catch (SQLException e) {

The output from running this code is:

String: 09:17:46.427-05
Time: 08:17:46
Run at: 09:17:46

As you can see it was run at 09:17:46 local daylight saving time today.
Retrieving Postgres time as a String also gives that same value.
Retrieving it as a Time gives a value of one hour earlier. Presumably
it is not recognizing daylight saving time. Since it produces two quite
different values for the same query, I would suggest that this is in fact
a flaw in the JDBC driver, unless, of course, it is actually intended to
behave in that manner for some reason I am not aware of.

As stated earlier, the driver in use is "org.postgresql.Driver" and I
am using PostgreSQL 8.3.1-1, installed about a year ago.


Re: [GENERAL] Daylight saving time question

2009-05-25 Thread Bayless Kirtley

- Original Message - 
From: "Lew" 

Sent: Saturday, May 23, 2009 2:18 PM
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Daylight saving time question

Bayless Kirtley wrote:
Thanks Tom and Scott. You got me looking in the right direction. In this 
the client and server are on the same machine (testing/development) and 
does return the right result. I tried all the possibilities from the java 
"show timezone", "select current_time" and "select current_timestamp". 

were all JDBC queries. When I used result.getString(), the values looked
right. When I used result.getTime(), they were off by one hour as if 
daylight saving were not in effect.

If 'result' is a Java 'java.util.Date' type (or one of its java.sql 
subtypes), then it only holds milliseconds since epoch as if in GMT; 
'Date' holds no timezone information as such.  In that situation, 
'result.getTime()' returns a 'long' value.

How exactly are you displaying 'result.getTime()'?  How exactly are you 
determining that its value is "off" by one hour?  Can you show us Java 

Is this a flaw in the JDBC driver or is that the expected behavior? In 
either case I do now have a workaround but would like to know.

It is not a flaw in the JDBC driver.



Here is a simplified and tested version of the exact Java code.

   private void run() {
   try {
   Statement stmt = connection.createStatement();
   ResultSet result = stmt.executeQuery("Select CURRENT_TIME");;
   String timeStr = result.getString(1);
   System.out.println("String: " + timeStr);
   java.sql.Time time = result.getTime(1);
   System.out.println("Time: " + time);
   java.sql.Time sysTime = new java.sql.Time(new 

   System.out.println("Run at:" + sysTime);
   catch (SQLException e) {

The output from running this code is:

String: 09:17:46.427-05
Time: 08:17:46
Run at: 09:17:46

As you can see it was run at 09:17:46 local daylight saving time today.
Retrieving Postgres time as a String also gives that same value.
Retrieving it as a Time gives a value of one hour earlier. Presumably
it is not recognizing daylight saving time. Since it produces two quite
different values for the same query, I would suggest that this is in fact
a flaw in the JDBC driver, unless, of course, it is actually intended to
behave in that manner for some reason I am not aware of.

As stated earlier, the driver in use is "org.postgresql.Driver" and I
am using PostgreSQL 8.3.1-1, installed about a year ago.


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Re: [GENERAL] Daylight saving time question

2009-05-19 Thread Bayless Kirtley

- Original Message - 
From: "Tom Lane" 

To: "Bayless Kirtley" 
Cc: "John R Pierce" ; "PostgreSQL" 

Sent: Monday, May 18, 2009 3:22 PM
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Daylight saving time question

"Bayless Kirtley"  writes:

Is this a flaw in the JDBC driver or is that the expected behavior?

You'd be more likely to get the correct answer on pgsql-jdbc.

regards, tom lane

Tom, I'm using org.postgresql.Driver from the jar file 

that came with my distribution. Is that not the correct one?


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Re: [GENERAL] Daylight saving time question

2009-05-18 Thread Bayless Kirtley
Thanks Tom and Scott. You got me looking in the right direction. In this 

the client and server are on the same machine (testing/development) and psql
does return the right result. I tried all the possibilities from the java 

"show timezone", "select current_time" and "select current_timestamp". These
were all JDBC queries. When I used result.getString(), the values looked
right. When I used result.getTime(), they were off by one hour as if 

saving were not in effect.

Is this a flaw in the JDBC driver or is that the expected behavior? In 

case I do now have a workaround but would like to know.

Thanks again.

- Original Message - 
From: "Tom Lane" 

To: "Bayless Kirtley" 
Cc: "John R Pierce" ; "PostgreSQL" 

Sent: Monday, May 18, 2009 12:26 PM
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Daylight saving time question

"Bayless Kirtley"  writes:

For some reason I can't seem to make it work. I have tried setting the
in postgresql.conf as "timezone = 'America/Chicago'" and "timezone =
both of which still returned one hour behind. I also tried both of your
as SQL statements right after establishing a database connection and 

get the
same wrong time.

I have a Java application on Windows XP PRO and the way I am getting the
time is "Select CURRENT_TIME". Is there something I am missing or is 

another way I should be getting the time?

Are you sure the system's time is actually set correctly on the server
machine?  Seems like confusion between standard and daylight time in
setting the server's clock might be the underlying issue here.

Another theory is that the database is perfectly fine but there's
something wacko happening on the Java side.  Have you tried running
"select current_time" from some other application, like psql?  (In
that connection I note that "select current_time" only gives time of
day not a full timestamp, so I'd not exactly be surprised if it does
confuse Java.  "select current_timestamp" produces a much less ambiguous

regards, tom lane

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Re: [GENERAL] Daylight saving time question

2009-05-18 Thread Bayless Kirtley

- Original Message - 
From: "John R Pierce" 
To: "Bayless Kirtley" ; "PostgreSQL" 

Sent: Sunday, May 17, 2009 10:19 PM
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Daylight saving time question

Bayless Kirtley wrote:

How can I tell PostgreSQL to use daylight saving time when applicable?
Times returned by the database are one hour behind.

it uses your client's specified local time zone to determine whether or 
not DST is in effect.

   SET TIME ZONE 'America/New York';



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For some reason I can't seem to make it work. I have tried setting the 
in postgresql.conf as "timezone = 'America/Chicago'" and "timezone = 
both of which still returned one hour behind. I also tried both of your 
as SQL statements right after establishing a database connection and still 
get the

same wrong time.

I have a Java application on Windows XP PRO and the way I am getting the
time is "Select CURRENT_TIME". Is there something I am missing or is there
another way I should be getting the time?

Thanks again

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[GENERAL] Daylight saving time question

2009-05-17 Thread Bayless Kirtley
How can I tell PostgreSQL to use daylight saving time when applicable? 
Times returned by the database are one hour behind.


Re: [GENERAL] open transaction?

2008-12-29 Thread Bayless Kirtley

- Original Message - 
From: "Terry Lee Tucker" 

Sent: Monday, December 29, 2008 5:57 AM
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] open transaction?

On Monday 29 December 2008 06:48, blackwater dev wrote:

I just logged into postgres from the command line and did:


select blah;
select blah;


Without thinking I closed by connection before committing or rolling back
my transaction.  Did postgres handle this for me?  How do I see if the
transaction is still open?


If you don't commit, it is rolled back when you exit.

Terry Lee Tucker
Turbo's IT Manager
Turbo, division of OHL
2251 Jesse Jewell Pkwy
Gainesville, GA 30501
tel: (336) 372-6821 cell: (336) 404-6987

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But if all you did was SELECT, as you indicated, then no transaction
should have been started and it makes no difference.


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Re: [GENERAL] Database access over the Internet...

2008-11-22 Thread Bayless Kirtley
Michelle, I don't think the list is going to change its operations for 
one disgruntled user. Since you seem unwilling or unable to employ 
the advice already given, maybe your only acceptable option is to 
unsubscribe from the list. At least that would eliminate much of the 
noise that currently is cluttering everyone's inboxes.

- Original Message - 
From: "Michelle Konzack" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2008 4:41 AM
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Database access over the Internet...

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Re: [GENERAL] MS Access and PostgreSQL - a warning to people thinking about it

2008-11-18 Thread Bayless Kirtley

Right, passthrough queries is the answer. I once had to build an Access
front end to a very large Oracle database for a client. As you discovered,
directAccess queries can be extermely slow and large. With a passthrough,
all the real work is done on the host database and just the result you want
is returned.


- Original Message - 
From: "Richard Huxton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Craig Ringer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "PostgreSQL" 
Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2008 3:46 AM
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] MS Access and PostgreSQL - a warning to people 
thinking about it

Craig Ringer wrote:

Hi all

I've been forced into a project that uses MS Access with PostgreSQL.


The big issue is with Access's linked table support via ODBC (at least
as of Access 2007). Unlike tools like Hibernate, which are capable of
executing filters, queries across multiple tables, etc server-side,
Access will ALWAYS fetch the full contents of the linked table then do
its filters and joins client-side.

Yep - you want "pass through" queries if you want to execute them
server-side. You can "save" the query definition and use it as a view
within Access then though.

What I've had to do where I need proper parameterised query support is
build it myself from regular expressions and string-replacements. Ick.

This might not matter too much if your tables are small, your database
load is light, and you're on a fast link. If your tables are large and
your users want to work over a GSM/HSDPA mobile phone link, on the other

Access can, of course, transparently execute queries server-side if used
with MS SQL server, as it doesn't use its ODBC linked table support for
this but rather different and more capable features targeted
specifically at MS SQL Server.

I'm guessing they both share some library code for query parsing etc.

 Richard Huxton
 Archonet Ltd

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[GENERAL] pgdump problem or question?

2008-09-10 Thread Bayless Kirtley
Early Friday morning a bad record caused me to reload the Thursday night pgdump 
backup. I performed a pgdump first to study later. In the backup I found 
several incomplete transactions all done at the end of the day. Investigating 
later I found the original bad record from the Friday dump and fixed it then 
found that those incomplete transactions were complete in that version.

The client shuts the system down nightly by first closing the application then 
performing a pgdump on the database before shutting it down then shuts down the 
computer (Windows XP PRO, PostgreSQL 8.3.3). The pgdump would have taken place 
at least a couple of minutes after the application shutdown.

I thought pgdump was suitable for a live backup of the database. This would 
seem to be wrong if it dumps partial transactions. Do I understand correctly? 
If so, is there something else I need to do before the dump? Any help will be 
greatly appreciated. This does shake my confidence in my backup procedures.


[GENERAL] Moved database question

2008-08-05 Thread Bayless Kirtley
I had to move my database to a new disk. I dropped the original after a pg_dump 
and then removed the old directory. I then ran initdb on the new location, 
created the database and restored from the pg_dump. 

My problem now is that I have to supply the full pathnames to start or stop the 
server. Otherwise it still wants to access the old location which no longer 
exists. What am I missing to make the new (and only existing) location be the 
Postgres default?


[GENERAL] Cause of error message?

2008-07-14 Thread Bayless Kirtley
An old app is giving a new error message. I query a table and make one update. 
Later I come back to query the table again and get this error:

ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of 
transaction block

The error only occurs after I have made an update. As long as no updates, I can 
query multiple times. Can anyone give me an idea of what sort of actions or 
errors usually cause this error?


[GENERAL] Closed ResultSet error

2008-04-30 Thread Bayless Kirtley
I am migrating from another database to PostgreSQL and have run into a serious 
problem. The Java program runs fine on the other DB but under PostgreSQL it 
gives the error, "ResultSet is closed." 

This result set is created in a method that processes each row sequentially. 
Within the processing, it passes the result set to another method that 
retrieves columns from it and creates additional result sets to retrieve 
related information. This second method can also call itself recursively. This 
works fine with HSQLDB but fails when returning back to the original method and 
attempting another loop on the original result set, claiming it is closed.

I have removed all occurrences of closing any result sets and there are no 
instances of closing underlying statements within those methods. Finally, I 
have stepped through the entire operation with a debugger and found no 
unexpected events. Each time a new result set was created, the debugger 
indicated it to be a new entity. When finally returning to the original, it 
appeared to be the correct instance.

Is there a known problem along these lines? Any help or suggestions will be 
most appreciated.


[GENERAL] No server after starting

2008-04-18 Thread Bayless Kirtley
First, I am new to Postgres. I am hoping to migrate an existing Java 
application from a couple of tried but unreliable open source Java databases. I 
have a fair amount of experience with Oracle, Informix and DB2 but it has been 
a few years. No on to my problem.

I finally got PostgreSQL installed on Windows XP as a service. After restarting 
the computer, the Task Manager shows 5 postgres.exe processes running. From a 
CMD window, I issue a pg_ctl status command and get the response: "No server 
running." What am I doing wrong. I took all the defaults on installation except 
for assigning a password rather than a random generated one.

Earlier today, I had it installed as a program and all worked fine after 
creating and initializing the database cluster. I was able to start the 
database from a non-admin user. Then I could check status and even shutdown as 
an admin user. I have added the ...\bin directory to the PATH and added the 
PGDATA environment variable. After this, I decided to remove Postgres and 
reinstall it as a service.

Thanks for any help,