Re: [GENERAL] Getting iPhone Simulator App to compile with libpq on Snow Leopard

2009-11-09 Thread Bob Henkel
Thanks Jan that was the issue. The SDK that my app was using for the
simulator build was  was 10.5 while the my compile of libpq was using
10.6. Once I forced libpq to compile with 10.5 all my problems went
away. Thanks for your help I appreciate it.

On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 8:40 AM, Jan Otto wrote:
 hi bob,

 Undefined symbols:
 _fopen$UNIX2003, referenced from:
    _parseServiceInfo in libpq.i386(fe-connect.o)
    _PasswordFromFile in libpq.i386(fe-connect.o)
 ld: symbol(s) not found
 collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

 Any help would be greatly appreciated.

 hm, fopen is a standard c (libSystem) function. make shure you
 have linked your library (libpq) against the same versions of
 standard libraries as you try with your iphone-app.

 check your linker options, specially -isysroot.

 you can check later to which libSystem your lib or app was built
 with: otool -L LibOrApp

 regards, jan otto

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[GENERAL] Getting iPhone Simulator App to compile with libpq on Snow Leopard

2009-11-08 Thread Bob Henkel
In my quest to create a simple PostgreSQL program that runs on the
iPhone I have ran into some problems.

The first issue I had with my build was libpq being compiled for
architecture of type x86_64 by default on Snow Leopard and the
Simulator being i386 so my build would fail telling me libpq was the
wrong architecture type. I was able to get around this issue as found
here -

Now I'm getting a new Undefined symbols issue.
Here is the code that is attempting to connect to PostgreSQL

//  iPhonePgAppDelegate.m
//  iPhonePg
//  Created by bob on 11/4/09.
//  Copyright __MyCompanyName__ 2009. All rights reserved.

#import iPhonePgAppDelegate.h
#import iPhonePgViewController.h
#include libpq-fe.h
@implementation iPhonePgAppDelegate

@synthesize window;
@synthesize viewController;

- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(UIApplication *)application {
const char *conninfo;
PGconn *conn;
PGresult   *res;

conninfo = host = dbname = dev user=postgres password=z;

/* Make a connection to the database */
conn = PQconnectdb(conninfo);
res = PQexec(conn, INSERT INTO public.junk(junk_data) VALUES('HELLO'););
if (PQstatus(conn) != CONNECTION_OK)
fprintf(stderr, Connection to database failed: %s,

[window addSubview:viewController.view];
[window makeKeyAndVisible];

- (void)dealloc {
[viewController release];
[window release];
[super dealloc];
Here is the output from my build attempt that is showing an error.
Keep in mind I have the equivalent Mac version of this app connecting
to PostgreSQL just fine. The only real difference is the project type
of the apps, Mac app vs iPhone app. So I feel pretty good about me not
doing something that is obviously wrong. I'm on Snow Leopard with
Xcode 3.2 using libpq compiled for i386 from PostgreSQL 8.4.1 source.

Ld build/Debug-iphonesimulator/ normal i386
cd /Users/bob/Documents/Programming/PragProgrammerIphoneSDK/iPhonePg
setenv PATH 
-arch i386 -isysroot
-mmacosx-version-min=10.5 -framework Foundation -framework UIKit
-framework CoreGraphics

Undefined symbols:
  _fopen$UNIX2003, referenced from:
  _parseServiceInfo in libpq.i386(fe-connect.o)
  _PasswordFromFile in libpq.i386(fe-connect.o)
ld: symbol(s) not found
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: [GENERAL] Transactions within a function body

2008-10-02 Thread Bob Henkel
Have you looked at creating a function in perl and creating a new
connection? Or using a dblink query which can create a new connection?
These two methods work. I have used them to insert to a log table regardless
of the parent transaction being commited or rolled back.

A old example I posted of using pl/perl can be found here -

The key is opening a new session which using dblink or pl/perl dbi
connection will do. This is not ideal as it would be nice if you could just
do autonomous transactions, but I find this method works for the cases where
you need it.


Hi all.

Is there a way to have (sub)transactions within a function body?
I'd like to execute some code (a transaction!) inside a function and later
decide whether that transaction is to be committed or not.


Re: [GENERAL] Transactions within a function body

2008-10-02 Thread Bob Henkel
Have you looked at creating a function in perl and creating a new
connection? Or using a dblink query which can create a new connection?
These two methods work. I have used them to insert to a log table regardless
of the parent transaction being commited or rolled back.

A old example I posted of using pl/perl can be found here -

The key is opening a new session which using dblink or pl/perl dbi
connection will do. This is not ideal or efficient.  It would be nice if you
could just do autonomous transactions natively in pl/pgsql, but I find this
method works for the cases where you need it(logging, huge batch processing
tasks where it's not ideal to process everything in one transaction).


Hi all.
Is there a way to have (sub)transactions within a function body?
I'd like to execute some code (a transaction!) inside a function and later
decide whether that transaction is to be committed or not.

On Thu, Oct 2, 2008 at 10:40 AM, Alvaro Herrera

 Gurjeet Singh escribió:

  I have seen this feature being asked for, and this work-around suggested
  many times. If plpgql does it internally, why not provide a clean
  for this? Is there some road-block, or that nobody has ever tried it?

 Initially we aimed at just exposing SAVEPOINT and ROLLBACK TO in
 functions, but ran into the problem that the SPI stack needs to be dealt
 with appropriately and you can't do it if the user is able to modify it
 arbitrarily by calling transaction-modifying commands.  That's when the
 EXCEPTION idea came up.  We never went back and studied whether we could
 have fixed the SPI limitation, but it's not trivial.

 Alvaro Herrera
 The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc.

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Re: [GENERAL] Transactions within a function body

2008-10-02 Thread Bob Henkel
Coming from an Oracle background my understanding is they're one in the

On Thu, Oct 2, 2008 at 10:37 AM, Alvaro Herrera

 Bob Henkel escribió:
  Have you looked at creating a function in perl and creating a new
  connection? Or using a dblink query which can create a new connection?
  These two methods work. I have used them to insert to a log table
  of the parent transaction being commited or rolled back.

 That's a different thing, autonomous transactions.

 Alvaro Herrera
 PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Development, 24x7 support

Re: [GENERAL] Please help to speed up UPDATE statement

2005-04-12 Thread Bob Henkel

On Apr 12, 2005 9:40 AM, Andrus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
The following statement runs VERY slowly on large tables.Any idea how to speed it up ?UPDATE rid SET dokumnr=NULL WHEREdokumnr NOT IN (SELECT dokumnr FROM dok);Tables:CREATE TABLE dok ( dokumnr INTEGER, CONSTRAINT dok_pkey PRIMARY KEY (dokumnr) );CREATE TABLE rid ( dokumnr INTEGER);CREATE INDEX rid_dokumnr_idx ON rid (dokumnr);Andrus---(end of broadcast)---TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ? send your explain plan everyone will want to see it to tell what is going on.

Re: [GENERAL] Table inheritance or LIKE table?

2005-04-09 Thread Bob Henkel
On Apr 9, 2005 10:55 PM, Steve - DND [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:What is the general consensus on using table inheritance? I know it's there,but is it good, bad, or just dependent on how it's used? I need to trackcreation/update information for a large number of tables in my current DB. Iwas just going to create a table with the template of fields I was lookingfor, and use LIKE in the table definition. It turns out that LIKE does notmaintain FK constraints, or indexes.Would this be a good situation to use inheritance? Since the data inquestion is identical for all of the tables it will be used on, it seemslike it might be the right path. Are there any performance issues with tableinheritance?Below is the DDL for the table in question.CREATE TABLE create_update_info ( created_by_user_id integer NOT NULL, created_on timestamp DEFAULT timezone('UTC', now()) NOT NULL, updated_by_user_id integer NOT NULL, updated_on timestamp DEFAULT timezone('UTC', now()) NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (created_by_user_id) REFERENCES users(user_id), FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_user_id) REFERENCES users(user_id))Thanks,Steve---(end of broadcast)---TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?
This doesn't answer your question, but why use inheritance?
What advantage will it give you? And what if in the future you do need
the FK constraints? By using inheritance as it's currently
implemented you will only be locking your self into a design. Just my 2

Re: [GENERAL] Postgresql system requirements to support large

2004-04-20 Thread Bob . Henkel

I just want a general idea of what Postgresql can handle. I know the guru's
will say it depends on many different things, but in general what can this
bad boy handle?

50gb to 100gb is by no means small.  But how does Postgresql 7.4 handle
database of  900G, or 1 Terabyte or greater?
 How does Postgresql handle a table with100 columns of integers and
varchar2(400) data types with 1 million rows,10 million, 100 million 500
million,greater then 1 billion joined to a small lookup table of 5 rows
with both tables indexed properely?  Can this database handle enterprise
quanities of data or is it geared towards the small to medium data?

| |   (wilbur douma) |
| |   Sent by:   |
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| |  |
| |  |
| |   04/15/2004 03:14 PM|
| |  |
  |   To:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
  |   cc:  
  |   Subject:  [GENERAL] Postgresql system requirements to support large 
databases.   |

We are looking at implementing a large Postgresql database (50GB -
100GB) and are wondering if there are any limitations or problems for
a database of this size running on 32-bit architecture.  I have seen
some older posts where it appears that Postgresql seemed to have
performance problems when the database reached 5GB, and it was
recommended that 64-bit architecture be used.  Is this still true with
Postgresql version 7.4?  This will be out first experience with
Postgresql and we are needing to get some ideas of what system
requirements a database of this size will require.  Since the machines
that we have are all 32-bit, we would like to know if we will need to
go to 64-bit.  Any comments or suggestions??

Thanks in advance for any help.

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TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [GENERAL] Can we have time based triggers in Postgresql??

2004-04-08 Thread Bob . Henkel

My thoughts in a perfect world for having oracle style jobs in postgresql
would be a very loud yes.  In the world called reality I say why waste
precious time on something that can already be accomplished by other means.
This feature at this time would just be icing on an already tasty cake.
This is not putting down anyone's ideas on getting these this is just my
personal thought at this point in time.  If it would be easy for the c
guru's to do ,great put it in there.  But if it will pull away from more
critical areas why do it.

| |   Guy Rouillier|
| |   Sent by:   |
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| |  |
| |   04/07/2004 05:00 PM|
| |  |
  |   To:   PostgreSQL General [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
  |   cc:  
  |   Subject:  Re: [GENERAL] Can we have time based triggers in Postgresql??  

Andrew Sullivan wrote:
 On Tue, Mar 30, 2004 at 12:16:50PM -0500, Steve Manes wrote:
 I think he probably means like an Oracle job.  Although cron works,
 that would be handy so you wouldn't need to write wrapper scripts
 just to run a proc.

 I hate to sound like an oldbie crank (although I'll admit to being a
 crank), but what exactly is the advantage supposed to be here?  One
 invents a new special bit of database code which exists just so
 people don't have to write shell scripts?  I guess the idea gets
 under my skin just because I have enough time-based problems without
 inventing a new interface to make it more complicated.  Hmm.  Looks
 like the sigmonster has gacked up a piece of wisdom.


As one who was about to ask the same question, I can provide one reason:
ease of use/administration.  I can create everything I need to
manage/process my database *in* my database, rather than in numerous
shell scripts scattered about.  I had a weird issue with cron recently.
I needed to do some db maintenance and wanted to make sure no one was
going to change it, so I removed all cron jobs (crontab -r).  Halfway
through, suddenly the database started getting updated!!  I finally
figured out that my predecessors, for some reason, had stuck a couple
cron jobs in the root crontab, which I corrected.  And of course, if I
copy a database someplace, the jobs would go with it; not so cron jobs.

Now having said this, I realize that even if a scheduler was added to
PostgreSQL, there is nothing to stop someone from additionally using
cron jobs anyway.  But there would be less temptation to do so.

Guy Rouillier

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Re: [GENERAL] Can we have time based triggers in Postgresql??

2004-04-07 Thread Bob . Henkel

Just my experience, but we when I have used Oracle as my database.  My
processes that run in batch use shell scripts to kick of stored procedures
even though Oracle does provide jobs.  Shell scripts can be much more
flexible in many cases.  You can have dependancies on all kinds of things
(time, a file arriving, after system backups are done, etc).  Granted you
could in spend time doing this from yoru favorite stored procedure langauge
but why make things more complex then they need be.

Not that jobs built into the database are of no value, but shell scripts
seem to do everything you need and when there are other things to put into
posgtresql I wouldn't vote to waste time on jobs.

| |   Andrew Sullivan|
| |   Sent by:   |
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| |  |
| |  |
| |   04/06/2004 10:59 PM|
| |  |
  |   To:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
  |   cc:  
  |   Subject:  Re: [GENERAL] Can we have time based triggers in Postgresql??  

On Tue, Mar 30, 2004 at 12:16:50PM -0500, Steve Manes wrote:
 I think he probably means like an Oracle job.  Although cron works, that
 would be handy so you wouldn't need to write wrapper scripts just to run
 a proc.

I hate to sound like an oldbie crank (although I'll admit to being a
crank), but what exactly is the advantage supposed to be here?  One
invents a new special bit of database code which exists just so people
don't have to write shell scripts?  I guess the idea gets under my
skin just because I have enough time-based problems without inventing
a new interface to make it more complicated.  Hmm.  Looks like the
sigmonster has gacked up a piece of wisdom.


Andrew Sullivan  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
This work was visionary and imaginative, and goes to show that visionary
and imaginative work need not end up well.
 --Dennis Ritchie

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communication and destroy all copies.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [GENERAL] Storing jpgs

2004-04-05 Thread Bob . Henkel

I won't say what is right or wrong to do.  But some will say to store the
file location in a field such as /mydocs/mypictures/myimage.jpg and then
have your php or what ever open that file. by using a select statement.
Not sure how you would store them in the database and pull it righ out. I
would prefer your method for many reasons.  For one backing up the database
also backups up all your image files. Good luck.

| |   C G  |
| |   Sent by:   |
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| |  |
| |  |
| |   04/05/2004 11:20 AM|
| |  |
  |   To:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
  |   cc:  
  |   Subject:  [GENERAL] Storing jpgs 

Dear All,

What's the best way to store jpgs in postgresql to use in a web page?

I tried to use large objects, but how would you extract them from a table
be viewed in a web-page without having to write them to a scratch file
somewhere first?



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---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [GENERAL] select distinct w/order by

2004-03-31 Thread Bob . Henkel

Not that this is the issue, but what kind of tool where you using to get
your results back with this other database?  Sometimes these fancy GUI
tools like to be smart on you and order things based on something it feels
is correct giving you the impression that the database choose the order
when infact the GUI tool choose the order.  Just a thought

Bob Henkel  651-738-5085
Mutual Funds I/T Woodbury
Hartford Life
500 Bielenberg Drive
Woodbury, MN 55125

| |   Richard Huxton |
| |   Sent by:   |
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| |  |
| |  |
| |   03/31/2004 02:37 PM|
| |  |
  |   cc:  
  |   Subject:  Re: [GENERAL] select distinct w/order by   

On Wednesday 31 March 2004 18:50, John Liu wrote:
 I know this is an old topic, but it's not easy to find a way around it,
 when we migrate SQL from other database to PostgreSQL, it causes a huge
 headache. Here's an extremely simple example -

 The original simple SQL -
 select distinct atcode from TMP order by torder;

Can you explain what this means? If I have

atcode | torder
AAA| 20
BBB|  5
CCC| 10
BBB| 45
CCC| 27

What order should we get?
You could argue for:
1. BBB,CCC,AAA since that is the order of the min(torder)
2. AAA,CCC,BBB since that is the order of the max(torder)
3. AAA,BBB,CCC if you take the first(torder) you find reading down the page
4. AAA,CCC,BBB if you take the first(torder) but read up the page

Which one should PG pick, and how should it know?

Which one did the other database pick, and why was it right to do so?

  Richard Huxton
  Archonet Ltd

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TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [GENERAL] what we need to use postgresql in the enterprise

2004-01-18 Thread Bob . Henkel

First I would be happy to help get these things in postgresql.  I'm not a
c/c++ programming guru and would have to learn a bit before I could do the
coding.  I would be happy to test or talk about what's needed or anything
like that.  Or just keep the fire burning on these issues that I think are
keeping postgresql from being the database to use for almost everything.  I
mean it's great when other things get optimized and fixed, but to me the
issues I talk about are show stoppers(atleast in my eyes).  I releize that
Oracle software costs easily 500K for a large shop. And Postgresql is 0$.
But if we don't look at what is missing how will things ever improve.  I
have the view point of using Oracle for over 7 years and Postgresql for
about a year off and on for learning puproses.  I love Postgresql and hope
my viewpoint coming from Oracle can help improve things.

My point of this thread is to say why we can't use Postgresql in place of
Oracle at this time because of xy and z. Maybe in years to come we can.  I
would rather use Postgresql if I can.

If some of these things are coming that's great.  From my point of view
they aren't there, therefore I can't use them.

I also think pl/pgsql is a better choice for stored procedures in general
depending on the goal of the procedure.  If the procedure is working with
the database pl/pgsql seems to be the choice.  I would rather use pl/pgsql
and not have some perl and some python or some other language in my stored
procedures. This may be more my opinion then the best way of doing things.
But I like to keep things simple for any future person going to maintain
the system.

I can see where you are coming from if you haven't used Oracle's exception
handling.   Here is a snippet of an exception handling block in one of my
stored procedures.  As you can see I don't need to check for errors after
each piece of code.  The exception block handles all exception handling.  I
would say it's very clean and handles errors very well.  this is a simple
example but you can get the point.


code logic here
code logic here
code logic here
code logic here
code logic here

/*  Not all of the non nullable fields passed had values  */
   WHEN e_mandatory_fields_null THEN
  r_return_cd   := pkg_0100.g_return_missing_fields;
/*  Default error code called for all other errors  */
   WHEN others THEN
  pkg_0099.g_sql_code := SQLCODE;
  pkg_0099.g_sql_error_msg := SQLERRM;
  r_return_cd   := pkg_0001.g_return_failure;


I can see how you might get use to something like my example below, but to
be honest once you have used Oracle style exception handling it's very hard
to look at anything with a grain of salt.  Just look how ugly this is
compared to my Oracle exception block.  Now imagine a stored procedure with
2500+ lines of code.  For short very simple 50 lines or less I could live
with postgresql exception handling on some levels. But once the lines start
adding up it's not a good way of doing things.

postgresql error checking if I understand correctly.
code logic here
check for error
code logic here
check for error
code logic here
check for error
code logic here
check for error

Bob Henkel  651-738-5085
Mutual Funds I/T Woodbury
Hartford Life
500 Bielenberg Drive
Woodbury, MN 55125

  Chris Travers  
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]To:   Robert Treat [EMAIL 
  icas.comcc:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
   Subject:  Re: [GENERAL] what we need to 
use postgresql in the enterprise  
  01/13/2004 02:30 

I am a little confused here.  I agree that there are points mentioned here
that need work, but correct me if I am wrong
 On Friday 09 January 2004 14:48, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  1.  Need commit roll back in pl/pgsql much like Oracle does
  2.  Need

Re: [GENERAL] what we need to use postgresql in the enterprise

2004-01-12 Thread Bob . Henkel

I couldn't agree with you more.  I'm just a developer in a very large
company and getting anyone to listen and then understand that logic would
be a nightmare to say the least.  If it was my company I would put money
toward those issues.


  Robert Treat 


 Subject:  Re: [GENERAL] what we need 
to use postgresql in the enterprise  
  01/12/2004 12:45 AM  



I think your pretty much on target with the below. It is possible to work
around these issues on some level, but I can see how that might get
in a hurry.  While I won't tell you to go code it if you need it, I might

ask that you consider what your paying in Oracle licenses and think about
spending that money to hire someone to develop those features in
I'm thinking you'd save money in the long run.

Robert Treat

On Friday 09 January 2004 14:48, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I write this to tell you why we won't use postgresql even though we wish
 could at a large company.  Don't get me wrong I love postgresql in many
 ways and for many reasons , but fact is fact.  If you need more detail I
 can be glad to prove all my points.  Our goal is to make logical systems.
 We don't want php,perl, or c++ making all the procedure calls and having
 the host language to be checking for errors and handleing all the
 transactions commits and rollbacks.  That is not very logical in a large
 batch system.  Also please don't tell me to code the changes myself.  I'm
 not at that part of the food chain.  That is to low level for me and I
 don't have the time to put that hat on.  I build the applications that
 the database systems.  Also please feel free to correct me in any area I
 don't know everything I'm just stating my opinion here

 1.  Need commit roll back in pl/pgsql much like Oracle does
 2.  Need exception handling in pl/pgsql must like Oracle does
 3.  ANeed sub transactions .  BAnd if an inner transactions fails it
 should not cause all others to fail.  If #2 was robust enough than #3 B
 might not be an issue.

 With those two things I could accomplish pretty much everything with
 postgresql that we're currently doing in Oracle.

 1. It's a must if you have long running complicated and time consuming
 batch processing.  There is no reason why one should say do all of commit
 and rollbacks from the client. Our current batch system gets fired off by
 running some sql scripts that start an entry point into the batch system.
 Once the first stored procedure is called it will call all the rest.
 encapsulates all logic and processing in the database where it belongs.
 There is no client traffic because once that first script kicks off there
 is no outside process running , just our pl/sql.  Now I'm not a
 expert at all but when I read up on it looks like this is something you
 can't accomplish and I see no word of this being worked on.

 2. Without this you can't trust complicated code as far as I'm concerned.
 need to log some errors and continue processing and for others log and
 which I think you can do now in pl/pgsql.  Point being pl/pgsql exception
 handling is almost nonexistent at best.

 3. We use this all the time in pl/sql and we need to. To write this off
 not need is wrong and will not get postgresql to where it can be(AT THE

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