Re: [GENERAL] ClassNotFoundException

2000-08-12 Thread Byron Nikolaidis

I think its "org.postgresql.Driver" 


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2000 12:51 
  Subject: [GENERAL] 
  Why do I get this above error in my jsp 
  here is the connection code
  %@page language="java" import="java.sql.*"% 
  %Driver DriverRecordset1 = 

[GENERAL] Re: [INTERFACES] Re: Link to postgesql components

2000-07-12 Thread Byron Nikolaidis

While you're at it...

How about links to all the other front-ends, like the odbc and jdbc drivers
for example?   I know there are plenty more front-ends and useful things
that should appear in some kind of "links" section or something.

I went looking for the jdbc driver on the site today and
spent several frustrating minutes looking for it but could not find it.  All
I wanted was the latest jar files.   I had to resort to going to yahoo and
searching for it, and then found Peter's site.

This seems not so good to me.   Is it that hard to have a section for
front-ends and other things?   A simple one line description and a link
would be all that's necessary.


- Original Message -
From: Vince Vielhaber [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Bruce Momjian [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PostgreSQL-general [EMAIL PROTECTED]; PostgreSQL-interfaces
Sent: Monday, July 10, 2000 9:47 PM
Subject: [INTERFACES] Re: Link to postgesql components

 I'm just waiting on a 2-3 line description for the web page from him.
 I already requested it.


 On Mon, 10 Jul 2000, Bruce Momjian wrote:

  I am CC'ing the webmaster to add this to our site, and the general list
  so they know it exists.  Thanks.
  [ Charset KOI8-R unsupported, converting... ]
   Some time ago we talk about link to Delphi components for
   We not so long ago made a new site
   and release a new 4.0 version for postgresql users.
   Tests of latest 4.1 version show that our components
   faster more than 85% that PostgreSqlODBC+BDE and have some
   extra capabilites. More over these components are OpenSource
   and Freeware that correspond to spirit PostgreSql.
   Regrettably postgresql users nearly do not know about our
   components. Can you make a links on your site and documentation
   for Zeos Database Objects (current version is 4.0)?
   Sergey Seroukhov, leader of Capella Development Group

 Vince Vielhaber -- KA8CSHemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  128K ISDN from $22.00/mo - 56K Dialup from $16.00/mo at Pop4 Networking
 Online Campground Directory
Online Giftshop Superstore

[GENERAL] Re: [INTERFACES] ODBC Driver -- Access Order By problem solved!!!

1998-07-24 Thread Byron Nikolaidis

Bruce Tong wrote:
 Another window appeared and said "Error while executing the query. ERROR:
 The field being ordered by must appear in the target list (#1)."
 Since I hadn't specified any sorting, the "order by" part of the message
 had me confused. I decided to have MS Access show me the SQL it had

I finally figured out what the heck is going on with this order by
problem in MS Access.  I tested your query on a computer that has older
versions of the Microsoft Jet db engine on it and guess what?  It does
the same thing you described!  The reason that I used to have the
problem and it miraculously went away was because I installed Visual
Basic 5.0 and it upgraded the MS Jet dll's.

Your right about the snapshot.  It still tries to throw the order by
clause in there.
But, here's a simple workaround that you can easily try.  When looking
at your query in Access, right click on the fields area and select
"Totals".  This will add a group by clause but it won't have any real
effect, other than it will let your query run!

So, there are two things you must do to fully fix the order by problem:
1. Upgrade the MS Jet DLL (this is the real problem here)
2. Get the patch for the order by/group by from our web site (it will be
in postgres 6.4 also)

Interestingly, even if you get the postgres patch like we have here, the
older MS Jet engine will still not let you sort the columns the way you
want, because it always throws that same old order by in there.  

The working version of \windows\system\MSJET35.DLL is 3.51.0623.4
The broken version I tested was 3.50.3602.4
I'm not sure at what release they fixed this problem.

I will dig around on MS web site.  

Does anyone know if its OK to redistribute the MS JET DB Engine DLL,
like with our ODBC driver for example???  (That thing is big too,

For that matter, is there a simple way to get it from Microsoft?


[GENERAL] Re: [INTERFACES] ODBC Driver -- Access Order By problem solved!!!

1998-07-24 Thread Byron Nikolaidis

Bruce Tong wrote:
  The working version of \windows\system\MSJET35.DLL is 3.51.0623.4
  The broken version I tested was 3.50.3602.4
  I'm not sure at what release they fixed this problem.
  I will dig around on MS web site.
  Does anyone know if its OK to redistribute the MS JET DB Engine DLL,
  like with our ODBC driver for example???  (That thing is big too,
  For that matter, is there a simple way to get it from Microsoft?

Yes, I found the updated jet database engine on Microsoft site.

 I don't know the answers to these questions, but if you're just doing this
 to save me time there's no reason to put yourself out as that's something
 I should do for myself. If you're planning on distributing the DLLs along
 with the driver, that sounds like a great idea, assuming they'll let you.

Well, this Access order by problem has bothered us and many others that
use the odbc front end with postgres for quite some time.  Its a great
relief to finally have a clear understanding of the problem!

I think we will probably just include a link to the above site off of
our site and mention this problem.

 I take it I don't have to gather the log information you requested?

No, thanks anyway.


Re: [GENERAL] Re: [INTERFACES] ODBC Driver -- Access Order By problem solved!!!

1998-07-24 Thread Byron Nikolaidis

Richard Lynch wrote:
 I seldom do much more than add the tables in MS Access's OPINION stupid
 /OPINION query design thingy.  I immediately use the menu to view SQL and
 just type the SQL I want.  Obviously, different folks think different ways,
 and maybe you actually understand and like that MS Access point and click
 interface that I hate, but I want to be sure you're at least aware that if
 it sticks an ORDER BY in there that you never asked for, you can just rip
 the damn thing out in the SQL view and then run the query...  At least,
 that's how I make it give me the SQL I really want, instead of the SQL it
 thinks I want, which it never gets right anyway.
 Hope that helps.

Thanks, I would probably agree with you, but it makes no difference if I
like it or not, its our customers who want the graphical interface and
FINALLY, we have a fix for it!  They are most likely not the types who
are gonna drop down to the pound sign and type some SQL into the

And BTW, if you look at the SQL, you wouldn't even see the ORDER BY
thing because this clause is placed on the "keyset" query, which is the
collection of keys it uses to dynamically access rows in the query
result (i.e. the Dynaset).

Actually, I understand your hate of the Microsoft thing, but I only
recently realized the benefit and power of this Jet database engine
thing that Access uses.  For example, it can update the results of a
query that has several tables joined, right while your looking at the
row on the screen, automatically translating the SQL2 syntax (i.e.,
INNER JOIN ... ON ...) into standard SQL that Postgres can use.


Re: [GENERAL] Re: [HACKERS] [Fwd: SGVLLUG Oracle and Informix on Linux]

1998-07-22 Thread Byron Nikolaidis

The Hermit Hacker wrote:
 On Wed, 22 Jul 1998, Bruce Tong wrote:
  My comments are driven by perceptions. I admit they're uninformed. The
  topic is advertising PostgreSQL, so my perceptions are relevant. Educate
  me and the masses about your product. I'm hear because I think PostgreSQL
  is a useful tool.
 Perceptions from the 'admittedly uninformed' helps...:)
I say this with these (mostly uninformed) assumptions in mind. Oracle's
ODBC driver is probably more complete. Oracle is better documented. Oracle
has a lot of related tools. Oracle offers training.
   What does Oracle's ODBC driver offer that ours currently doesn't?
  I just tried it for the first time last week. It failed to perform a
  simple query. I need to double check my work yet. The Oracle ODBC driver
  has _probably_ been around for a while and has _probably_ been better
  tested perhaps simply by raw numbers of users.

I bet he has the old PostODBC driver -OR- there is a configuration
If the version of the driver he has begins with dot (like .21 or .30),
its ancient.
The latest version of the odbc driver at is 6.30.0247.

As long as we are mentioning the PostODBC, there is still a link under
PostgreSQL"--ODBC Drivers for PostgreSQL.

This link takes you to "" which has outdated information
on it.
The ancient ODBC Drivers listed on this site are :

Is there anyway to correct this information and put the insight link on

For that matter, is there anyway to point people who go to MageNet to
the right address, like a forward page?  This is important because Web
search engines (yahoo, alta-vista) will still send you to MageNet if you
search on odbc and postgres.

I wonder how many people go try the MageNet odbc driver and just give up
and try another dbms without even sending any mail to the lists?

Please, I would really appreciate a response.



1998-07-22 Thread Byron Nikolaidis


A new odbc driver is available at our web site



version.txt   date:  7/22/98 version:  06.30.0248
This file describes changes and or fixes since the last update.


1. Added Translation DLL capability.

2. Finally fixed driver to work with Cold Fusion!!!  OK, so maybe this
   should be under bug fixes but with all the effort that went into this
   it seems more like a new feature!


1. Problem where only the first command was being run in the connect
   settings.  Solution was to Encode/Decode "connect settings" to
   preserve integrity in odbc connect string and registry.

2. Problem where initial settings (CC_send_settings and CC_lookup_lo)
   couldn't be sent when using iodbc.   Solution was to use wrapper
   functions for odbc api calls that are used prior to odbc connected
   state transition.

3. Only add carriage-return in LF-CR conversion if actually needed.


1998-07-22 Thread Byron Nikolaidis

Bruce Tong wrote:
 I knew I needed to check my work before bringing the ODBC driver problems
 out in the open. Here's what I've found.
 I was designing a simple query using MS-Access having already defined
 an external data source to a PostgreSQL database just to make sure
 things work as I expected. The database is bigger than this, but here's
 the relevant parts of the tables...
 Table: School
   school_id  integer unique not null,
   school_namevarchar( 50 )
 Table: Contact
   contact_id integer unique not null,
   contact_lname  varchar( 50 ),
   contact_fname  varchar( 50 ),
   contact_school integer not null
 I wanted to see contact_lname, contact_fname, and school_name. Using MS
 Access's query view I dragged a link from contact_school to school_id,
 then I dragged the three fields I wanted to my query. (Maybe you can see
 where this is going.) I attempted to view the results.
 A window appeared and said "ODBC-call failed".
 Another window appeared and said "Error while executing the query. ERROR:
 The field being ordered by must appear in the target list (#1)."
 Since I hadn't specified any sorting, the "order by" part of the message
 had me confused. I decided to have MS Access show me the SQL it had

Actually, there are two issues here.  First, the message about the field
being ordered by must appear in the target list is appearing because
Access is throwing that order by clause in there for some reason which
we have been unable to discover (perhaps for optimization?).  BTW, are
you using Access 97 or 95?  Second, Dave has a patch for Postgres on our
website which allows the order by and group by clauses to not be in the
target list, which would probably get you past this.

I created your tables in my database and was not able to re-create the
error in Access.  You might try upgrading to the latest driver (.0248)
which is what I was using to test with.  I used to get the same message
you got here but I haven't been able to reproduce it lately.  You might
want to relink your tables in Access and/or re-create the query before
you try your test again.

 SELECT contact.contact_lname, contact.contact_fname, school.school_name
 FROM contact INNER JOIN school ON contact.contact_school =
 If I remember correctly, INNER JOIN is not yet supported in PostgreSQL,
 which would explain the failure. Sorry to have accused the failure on the
 ODBC driver. While some people's ignorance is bliss, mine thrashes. At
 least now I know what a $#@!% INNER JOIN is. ;)

Sort of true.  The INNER JOIN clause is not yet implemented in postgres,
but the Microsoft Jet Database engine will translate this query into a
standard join (i.e., select ... from contact, school WHERE
contact.contact_school = school.school_id).  If you look in the commlog
file (psqlodbc.log) on your pc, you will see the translated query.

Hope this helps.


Re: [GENERAL] odbc-drv wouldn't install under win nt

1998-06-18 Thread Byron Nikolaidis

Christian Steindl wrote:

 is there anyone who can tell me how to install the odbc-drv under win nt 4.0
 i downloaded the last version 6-30-0245 but the setup-program does
 is there a way to adapt the registry by hand?
 PS: as i read before the 32-bit version of the odbc-drv should work under nt
 although the documentation says it's for win 95 only. is that right?

Download it again.  The postdrv.exe file was corrupted a while back.  The
current version is at 6-30-0246 anyway.


Re: [GENERAL] Problem with apostrophe

1998-06-17 Thread Byron Nikolaidis

Just escape the apostrophe with a backslash.



 Is there any way of having an apostrophe in a data field?
 It is a problem because the apostrophe is the same character as the single
 quote, so the database gets a parser error when a name such as "O'Brian"
 is entered.

 There must be a work-around, but I can not find any solution.

 thank you for your help

Re: [GENERAL] Trouble with ODBC connection

1998-06-04 Thread Byron Nikolaidis

Daniel £a¶ wrote:

 I have postgresql-6.3.2 on Slackware (kernel 2.0.30). When I try to connect
 to database with C++ Builder BDE (Database Desktop) I achieve error
 Could not connect to the serwer.
 Could not connect to remote socket.

 Why It doesn't work.

Here is the ODBC Connection Checklist:

 ODBC Driver Data Source Checks
1.Valid and resolvable hostname.
2.Valid port number.  (default is 5432)
3.Valid and existing database name.
4.Valid user name.
5.Valid password for the specified user.  (Required if
pg_hba.config is set to password authenticate your client.)

 PostgreSQL Server Checks
1.Postmaster must be running.
2.Postmaster must run with the -i option to allow remote
3.The pg_hba.conf file in $PGPATH/data directory must be configured
to allow your remote host to connect.
