Re: [GENERAL] Great Bridge benchmark results for Postgres, 4 others

2000-08-15 Thread Chris Bitmead

Ned Lilly wrote:
 Oh, Dan, I'm not that clever... ;-)
 But I *can* tell you that the market leading proprietary RDBMS products we
 tested were not IBM, Informix, or Sybase.

That's very helpful. Can you also tell us if Proprietry 1 or Proprietry
2 was definitely NOT MS-SQL Server?

 Dan Browning wrote:
   Can you tell us what version of the (ahem) unnamed
   proprietary products
   you used? :-). For example if you used version 8i of an unnamed
   proprietry product, that might be informative :-).
  Oh, but even if you can't tell us what version was used, I'm sure you could
  tell us that story about the monster you saw last week.  But which monster
  was it?  Was it the monster that ATE EYEs?  And I remember you once said
  there was a second monster, could you describe it as well?

Re: [GENERAL] Great Bridge benchmark results for Postgres, 4 others

2000-08-15 Thread Chris Bitmead

Ned Lilly wrote:
 Er... let me put it this way.  Proprietary 2 prefers to run on Windows NT.

The performance is so bad it must be MS-Access :-).

 Chris Bitmead wrote:
  That's very helpful. Can you also tell us if Proprietry 1 or Proprietry
  2 was definitely NOT MS-SQL Server?

Re: [GENERAL] hierarchy select question?

2000-07-31 Thread Chris Bitmead


Originally postgres had a "recursive select" to handle cases like this.
Some syntax like...
retrieve* (notice the "*") which meant keep executing until you can't
anymore, and using an
appropriate where clause it would decend tree-like structures.

This feature disappeared somewhere along the way. There is I think a
similar concept in SQL
or SQL-99 which needs to be (re)implemented sometime, but I don't think
there's an easy way
right now. There was some talk on the hackers list recently about how to
implement parent
child comments in discussion forums, but I'm not sure if a nice solution
came along. Some
people seemed confident that there was a way.

 Dear all,
 I would like to define threads in message system for replies to message but if
 I define too many level, I am afraid I have problem in the select...
 Say, I have define 3 levels:
/ \
   2   3
 4   5   6
 It means message 2 is a reply to 1.
  4 is a further follow-up of 2...etc
 In table format, I would present it with
 Table A
 ParentId  ChildId
 1 2
 1 3
 2 4
 2 5
 3 6
 I think I can issue the command to join table A 3 times to give the following
   1st2nd 3rd
 Row11  2   4
 Row21  2   5
 Row31  3   6
 But can I show
 a. which level each node belongs
 b. no. of child nodes it has
 altogether in one "select" sql
 and if the level exceeds 3, how can I do it?
 Many thanks.
 Best regards,

Re: [GENERAL] Replication options in Postgres

2000-07-31 Thread Chris Bitmead

I guess if you don't do deletes then something like selecting all the 
records with an oid greater than the last replication cycle would 
find the most recent additions.

Erich wrote:
 I am setting up a system that processes transactions, and it needs to
 be highly reliable.  Once a transaction happens, it can never be
 lost.  This means that there needs to be real-time off-site
 replication of data.  I'm wondering what's the best way to do this.
 One thing that might simplify this system is that I _never_ use UPDATE
 or DELETE.  The only thing I ever do with the database is INSERT.  So
 this might make replication a little easier.
 I think I have a few possibilities:
 1. In my PHP code, I have functions like
 inserttransaction(values...).  I could just modify inserttransaction()
 so that it runs the same query (the INSERT) on two or more DB
 servers.  This would probably work ok.
 2. I could write triggers for all my tables, so that when there is an
 INSERT, the trigger does the same INSERT on the other server.  Any
 ideas for an efficient way to do this?
 3. Any other tricks?
 I don't need mirroring.  There will be one master and one or more
 slaves, and the only thing the slaves will do is store backup data.
 The most important thing is that I can't lose a single transaction.

Re: [GENERAL] How to alter the size of a column

2000-07-31 Thread Chris Bitmead

Michael Talbot-Wilson wrote:
   I want to alter the size of a column, say from char(40) to char(80),
  but it seem that
  the  ALTER does not support such operation, nor does it support column
   How can I do for this ?
 I would also like to know how to do both of these things.

I'm not aware of an easy way of doing it. But you can dump your schema
and data separately. Manually edit your schema. Reload the schema then
reload the data.

Re: [GENERAL] 4 billion record limit?

2000-07-26 Thread Chris Bitmead

The Versant ODBMS uses 48 bit oids, and if you do the math I think
you'll find that should last you forever. (It uses an additional 16 bits
to identify the database, but that's another story.).

Any complex scheme to solve this seems like a waste of time. In a couple
of years when you are likely to be running out, you'll probably be
upgrading your computer to a 64bit one with a newer version of postgres,
and then the problem will disappear.

brad wrote:
 THe implications of the OIDs not wrapping are immense. We have some extremely
 active databases that will easily reach this limit in two or three years. For
 some applications, such as ecommerce, dumping then reinserting the rows is
 not an option for large databases due to the 24 hours nature of their work.
 This is a much more complex problem than it would at first seem as the
 "tripping up" over old records with low OIDs still presents a problem, yet if
 the system is changed to try and manage a list of available OIDs, it will
 then hit performance problems.
 Simply waiting for 64bit numbers is rather inelegant and also presumes usage
 parameters for the database... remember Bill Gates saying that he couldn't
 foresee any usage for more than 64MB of RAM? Besides which, PostgreSQL is the
 best DB around... there's a high standard to maintain!
 Some initial ideas:
   a) The system remains working the way that it does until a configurable
 cutoff point (% of OIDs remaining), at which point the DBA can either switch
 on some sort of OID "garbage collection" and take the associated performance
 hit, or dump the data and reinsert it to pack the OIDs.
   b) The system could wrap around, keeping an internal pointer of where it is
 in the OID chain. It could scan the OIDs sequentially finding the first free
 OID. It coudl then store that position as the new start point for the next
 time an OID is needed.
   c) An OID compression utility could be writen that doesn't require bringing
 the DB down (but will obviously have a performance it). As running this
 utilty would be a known impact, provision could be made, or the knock
 budgeted for and accounted for while not bringing the entire DB to a halt.
   d) OIDs themselves could form a list. The OID system as it stands now could
 be the "default mode" but if the OIDs run out, then a new OID list is
 started. This means the OID usage would then change to work along the same
 lines that the Intel memory adressing works. Personally I hate it, but it
 does work.
e) OIDs could be scrapped in favour of some other system.
 Well, that's my two pence worth.
 Paul Caskey wrote:
  Tom Lane wrote:
   Chris Bitmead [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Paul Caskey wrote:
1. This implies a hard limit of 4 billion records on a server, right?
Basically, yes.
   It's only a hard limit if your application assumes OIDs are unique.
   If you don't assume that, then I think it's not a big problem.
   It's possible (though obviously not especially likely) that you might
   get OID collisions in the system tables after an OID-counter wraparound.
  This implies they do wrap around.  So they are reused?  Chris said no, but
  you're saying yes.
  (Maybe they wrap around "by accident", by adding one to MAXINT, which will
  give zero on an unsigned int, I believe.  Will the system choke on zero?
  Has anyone tested this wraparound?)
  I will not have 4 billion records in one table or even one database.  But
  on a large server with many databases, it is conceivable to have 4 billion
  records on one machine.  With a lot of insert/delete activity, over a few
  years, it is certainly conceivable to have 4 billion inserts.  If the oids
  don't wrap, I have a problem.  I can ignore it for a long time, but it
  will loom, like Y2K.  :-)
  Even if they do wrap, if I have some old records lying around with a low
  OIDs, they will trip me up.  Like you said, these are "the outer limits",
  but I'm thinking ahead.
  Someone suggested in private that I pg_dump/restore all my data to
  "repack" the oids which start around 1700 on a fresh database.  Thanks for
  that idea.  Also thanks, Tom, for the sanity check Re: terabytes of data
  with 4 billion records.  It's still possible, especially in coming years.
  It would be a big feather in PG's cap to "fully support" 64-bit platforms
  such as IRIX and Solaris (finally) and, coming soon to a theater near you,
  Linux on IA-64.
  Paul Caskey [EMAIL PROTECTED]   505-255-1999
  New Mexico Software 5041 Indian School NE   Albuquerque, NM 87110


2000-07-19 Thread Chris Bitmead

Stephan Szabo wrote:
 Of course I had to be half asleep when I wrote the second paragraph of my
 response, since I totally missed he was using a serial.  The rest still
 applies though...
 As an aside to Chris, what interactions do you expect between the OO stuff
 you've been working on and foreign key references?  I'm going to have to
 muck around with the trigger code to move to storing oids of tables and
 attributes rather than names, so I thought it might make sense to at least
 think about possible future interactions.

As a rule, anything that applies to a base class should also apply to
the sub-class automatically. For some things you may want to have the
option of excluding it, by something like the ONLY syntax of select, but
99% of the time everything should just apply to sub-classes.

Storing oids of attributes sounds like a problem in this context because
it may make it hard to relate these to sub-classes. I do really think
that the system catalogs should be re-arranged so that attributes have
two parts - the parts that are specific to that class, and the parts
that also apply to sub-classes. For example the type and the length
should probably apply to sub-classes. The attnum and the name should
probably be individual to each class in the hierarchy. (The name should
be individual to support subclass renaming to avoid naming conflicts,
like in the draft SQL3 and Eiffel). If it is in two parts then using the
oid of the common part would make it easy for your purposes.


2000-07-19 Thread Chris Bitmead

Tom Lane wrote:
 Chris Bitmead [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  ... The attnum and the name should
  probably be individual to each class in the hierarchy. (The name should
  be individual to support subclass renaming to avoid naming conflicts,
  like in the draft SQL3 and Eiffel). If it is in two parts then using the
  oid of the common part would make it easy for your purposes.
 This bothers me.  Seems like you are saying that a subclass's column
 might not match the parent's by *either* name or column position, but
 nonetheless the system will know that this subclass column is the same
 as that parent column.  No doubt we could implement that by relying on
 OIDs of pg_attribute rows, but just because it's implementable doesn't
 make it a good idea.  I submit that this is too confusing to be of
 any practical use.  There should be a *user-visible* connection between
 parent and child column, not some magic under-the-hood connection.
 IMHO it ought to be the column name.

When you multiple inherit from unrelated base classes you need a
resolution mechanism. That's why it can't be the name. The SQL3 draft
recognised this.

Many programming languages deal with this issue without undue confusion.
To provide mapping to these programming languages such a conflict
resolution mechanism becomes necessary.


2000-07-17 Thread Chris Bitmead

MOD is the remainder after division.

MOD(10, 3) = 1
MOD(11, 3) = 2
MOD(12, 3) = 0
MOD(13, 3) = 1


Tyler Wood wrote:
 I'm updating an existing postgres database, and using
 perl with dbi to
 access it.
 Everything works fine,
 I'm just not sure what this MOD command means.
 Not asking you to figure it out in this context,
 but just what does MOD do?
 $sqh = $dbh-prepare("select
 from company where MOD(nextscreen,2)=1 order
 by $sort_selection;");
 thank you,
 Tyler Wood
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!

Re: [GENERAL] Object oriented features - MISSING

2000-07-13 Thread Chris Bitmead


This has been broken in postgres for many years. But I have fixed it 
recently in current CVS. So you'll either have to wait for the next
release or else risk a development version. Another option is to go
to patches archive and manually apply the patch to 7.0.2 which wouldn't
be that hard.

Chris Bitmead.

Felipe Alvarez Harnecker wrote:
 Hi, Postgresistas
 I'm running 7.0.2 in a Debian system, and a have this problem:
 SELECT * FROM some_base_table*
 works fine, but
 UPDATE some_base_table* SET a = b WHERE some_condition
 DELETE FROM some_base_table* WHERE some_condition
 dosen't even parse: the parser says parser: error at or near "*"
 The question is Is this a bug in Postgres? or just my instalation?
 PS. I really like the Object oriented features ( at leas as describe
 in the docs ). It's a bad thing tha those dosen't work
 Felipe Alvarez Harnecker.  QlSoftware.
 Tel. 09.874.60.17  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Potenciado por Ql/Linux

[GENERAL] Re: [HACKERS] proposed improvements to PostgreSQL license

2000-07-04 Thread Chris Bitmead

 Good point. But the USA is the demon spawning ground for lawyers, and is
 at the leading edge of aggressive new legal territory. 

Actually that is the exact reason you _don't_ want to be based in the
USA. Do you really want Postgres to be breaking new ground in the
courts? The USA is at the leading edge of lame new legislation. If the
postgresql licence is locked into Virginia law forever, (because any
licence change will be forever), you are subject to that law forever no
matter how stupid it may get. 

For that reason I don't think you  should be naming a jurisdiction. You
don't know what that jurisdiction may do in the future. Now any normal
corporation in this event could just change their licence to
jurisdiction B which has more favourable laws. Open source can't change
the licence ever unless you assign the rights to every bit of submitted
code like RMS insists on for GNU code.

If you must pick a jurisdiction pick Australia. We are *much* less
litigious. :-) Actually, pick Sealand. They have no laws and no courts.

Re: [GENERAL] responses to licensing discussion

2000-07-04 Thread Chris Bitmead

Philip Warner wrote:
 At 14:38 5/07/00 +1000, Chris Bitmead wrote:
 Then what happens if I fork the project and remove all these printf's
 from the code?
 Then I'd guess that the organization that removed them becomes liable.
 That's why they're there.

Putting aside that I don't think anybody is liable anyway... I could
fork postgres, then sit on pgsql-patches applying them all as they come
along, and go around claiming that my postgres is the "one true".
Tenuous I know, but then the whole idea of getting sued by someone you
have no contract with is pretty tenuous.

Re: [HACKERS] Re: [GENERAL] Revised Copyright: is this morepalatable?

2000-07-04 Thread Chris Bitmead

Philip Warner wrote:

 My legal advice is that, assuming they knew it was a BSD project, they
 can't take it out of PostgreSQL. But you could, for example, stop Microsoft
 using your compression code in one of their products. The new license
 removes this right from you.

Why wouldn't MS be able to take the code and use it while abiding by its
terms and conditions?

Re: [GENERAL] Join with other database's table

2000-05-23 Thread Chris Bitmead

 I am developing WWW site that is serviced in 4 difference language,
 english, chinese, japanese, korean. 

 I allocated one database for one language. 


Re: [GENERAL] Join with other database's table

2000-05-23 Thread Chris Bitmead

Sungchul Park wrote:
 Because I want to use same table name. I mean... For example, I have a
 BBS code. That code store data into 'pubbbs' table. As you know I need
 4 tables for one service.
 Yes, I can use 4 different table name. As 'pubbbs_en', 'pubbbs_jp',
 'pubbbs_kr', 'pubbbs_cn'. But I will make much more services and there
 will be too many table in one database. 

Too many in what way?

Personally I think the whole idea of having 4 tables that store the same
kind of data will lead you to problems later on. I think I'd have a
language attribute in the one table.

 (Could you understand? I am not
 well english speaker.)
 I like simple and it looks simple way to allocate datebase for each
 language. I believed this schema is not special one. Many DBMSs are
 support this, even MySQL.


2000-05-23 Thread Chris Bitmead

Emmanuel Motchane wrote:
 I am trying to figure out how to restrict user access to a database to
 a few defined functions, so that users could use the database (and update
 it) but only through a set of procedures, written for exemple in C and
 using the Server Programming

If this is some kind of security measure, it won't work because in the
extreme case anybody can just open a socket and send the appropriate
protocol down it (like you can with any client server database).

Otherwise I suggest you ask your user's politely or see if the postgres
grant permissions can do what you want.

[GENERAL] Re: [HACKERS] Postgresql OO Patch

2000-05-22 Thread Chris Bitmead

While SQL3 talks about trees and leaf rows, it's not implemented like
that, so all this worrying about digging down trees and leafs is all a
bit mute.

"Robert B. Easter" wrote:

  If it were allowed, you might have to
 specify the level to dig to in the tree.  The rows are shared among supertable
 and subtables.  One row in a leaf table has subrows in all its supertables up
 the tree.  If you do a "SELECT * FROM supertable*" (for example, if you were to
 redefine table* to mean select heterogeneous rows), what row will you get for a
 row that exists in a leaf?  The same row is in all tables between supertable
 and the leaf.  I suppose it would be necessary to have the query check each row
 and see how far down the tree it goes, or the system keeps track of that and
 returns the row-type from the table that inserted it.  OR, there could be some
 extra specifier like "SELECT * FROM supertable DIGGING TO LEVEL 3".  In this
 case, it would only look down into the tree to 3 levels below supertable and
 you'd never get row-types that are down lower than level 3.  Anyhow, I still
 don't think returning multple row-types is going to happen, not that I have any
 authority one way or the other!  :-)
 Robert B. Easter

Chris Bitmead
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] - Photography News, Stuff that Matters

Re: [GENERAL] Re: [HACKERS] Postgresql OO Patch

2000-05-22 Thread Chris Bitmead

Mike Mascari wrote:

 At a minimum, it seems to me, the backend must support the
 concept of multiple tuples with different attributes at the
 relation level since concurrency and rollback-ability of ALTER
 TABLE ADD COLUMN will cause two concurrent transactions to see a
 single relation with different attributes. It doesn't seem a
 large leap to support this concept for OO purposes from "leaf" to
 "base". For "base" to "leaf" type queries, wouldn't it be
 acceptable to return the base attributes only, as long as the
 equivalent of run-time type information could be had from the

How are you going to be able to go shape.display() and have it work for
a triangle, if the triangle's apex's weren't retrieved?

[GENERAL] Re: [HACKERS] Proposed Changes to PostgreSQL

2000-02-03 Thread Chris Bitmead

Peter Eisentraut wrote:

 A lot of people use inheritance to create "consistent schemas", that is,
 they empty create base tables, such as "address" which are inherited by
 tables such as customer, vendor, office, etc. 

This is a really bad idea. You could never have both a postal address
a home address for example. I thought the original postgres supported
by having

Anyway, this is what Oracle and others can do these days, and this is
the right

 Anyway, an idea I had would be to reimplement inheritance based on joins,
 since this is what the "pure relational" solution would be anyway. When I
 create a table B that is based on A, all the system does is create the
 table B as usual and store a note "I inherit from A". Any row you insert
 into B also creates a row in A, and the row in B contains an oid pointer
 to it. 

This is a really stu^H^H^H bad idea. I have hierarchies 5 levels deep
multiple inheritance, and I
don't want to do a 10 way join just to retrieve an object.

This is why RDBMS's performance sucks so incredibly badly on some
an ODBMS can perform 100x as fast in these cases just because of what
are proposing.

 Thus a select on B performs a join on A.oid and B.row_in_A_pointer.
 A select on A just returns all the rows in A, no extras needed. A delete
 on B deletes the row in B and in A. A delete in A would cascade to B. Both
 of this can be gotten for free with foreign keys. Adding a column to A
 just adds the column to A, all other tables get the new column magically
 and in the right order. Same with dropping columns, etc.
 In short, this approach solves all inheritance problems at once and does
 so without adding any extra kludges besides the "I inherited from" field,
 which is static, plus the necessary transformations necessary in the
 parser. The drawback is of course that a select from an inherited table
 would always incur a join, perhaps some optimizing could be done in this
 direction. But the bottom line is that the compatibility issue looms big.
 On Thu, 3 Feb 2000, Chris Bitmead wrote:
  I've been spending a lot of time lately with gdb and tracing the
  back-end seeing if I can understand it enough to make some changes.
  I'm starting to actually understand a lot of stuff, so in order
  to have some possibility of having my changes accepted, I want to
  them here first. Based on that, I'm going to hopefully make an attempt
  at implementation. I have a patch for one of these changes already
  if I get the go ahead.
  Speak now about these changes or please, forever hold your peace. Of
  course you can comment later if I screw up implementation.
  The proposed changes are
  1) An imaginary field in every tuple that tells you the class it came
  This is useful when you select from table* and want to know which
  relation the object actually came from. It wouldn't be stored on disk,
  and like oid it wouldn't be displayed when you do SELECT *. The field
  would be called classname. So you could have...
  SELECT p.classname, FROM person p;
  person   | Fred
  student  | Bill
  employee | Jim
  person   | Chris
  If you want to know the exact behaviour it is as if every table in the
  database had done to it...
  UPDATE foo SET classname='foo';
  Of course this is not how it would be implemented. It is just
  reference for how it will appear to work. BTW, this idea was also
  in the original berkeley design notes.
  2) Changing the sense of the default for getting inherited tuples.
  Currently you only get inherited tuples if you specify "tablename*".
  This would be changed so that you get all sub-class tuples too by
  default unless you specify "ONLY tablename". There are several
  rationale for this. Firstly this is what Illustra/Informix have
  implemented. Secondly, I believe it is more logical from an OO
  perspective as well as giving a more useful default. If a politician
  IS a person and I say SELECT * from person, then logically I should
  see all the politicians because they are people too (so they claim
  :). Thirdly, there are a whole range of SQL statements that should
  probably be disallowed without including sub-classes. e.g. an ALTER
  TABLE ADD COLUMN that does not include sub-classes is almost certainly
  undesirable. It seems ashame to have to resort to non-standard SQL
  with the "*" syntax in this case when it is really your only
  choice. Basicly, wanting ONLY a classname is a far more unusual
  choice, and leaving off the "*" is a common error. Fourthly, it seems
  out of character for the SQL language to have this single character
  operator. The SQL style is to use wordy descripti

Re: [GENERAL] Proposed Changes to PostgreSQL

2000-02-02 Thread Chris Bitmead

Bruce Momjian wrote:

 So the field is created on the fly to show what table it came from.
 Seems like a good idea, though implementing another usually-invisible
 column will be tough.

What problems do you forsee?

  However, because it is not really a column like
 the oid is a column, it should be ok.   Of course, internally it is
  2) Changing the sense of the default for getting inherited tuples.
  Currently you only get inherited tuples if you specify "tablename*".

 Sounds fine to me.  Just realize you are taking on a long-overdue but
 big job here.

I already have a patch for this one. The change is a few pretty simple
to gram.y.

  3) The ability to return different types of rows from a SELECT. This
  is to allow implementation of ODBMS functionality where a query could
  be required to instantiate objects of differing types with differing
 This bothers me.  We return relational data, showing the same number of
 columns and types for every query.  I don't think we want to change
 that, even for OO. 

What aspects bother you? This is the fundamental important thing about
object databases.

It's also something that I'm always wanting to do when generating web
I have web links like I want to retrieve
the webpage object (which is an inheritance hierarchy) of id=123 which
represent a web page of different types. Then process appropriately for
different objects. i.e. typical OO polymorphism.

 How are you going to return that info the the client side?

Well the backend - frontend protocol that used to be able to return
tuples of different types would be put back in.

Also the berkerly postgres docs had other scenarios where different
could be returned. One is you could have a field of type postquel called
EMP.hobbies which had a value of "retrieve HOBBIES.all where...", and
then "retrieve
EMP.hobbies would return tuples of different types of hobbies.

Re: [GENERAL] Proposed Changes to PostgreSQL

2000-02-02 Thread Chris Bitmead

Bruce Momjian wrote:

  I already have a patch for this one. The change is a few pretty simple
  to gram.y.
 OK, you will have to canvas the general list to make sure this does not
 break things for people, though our inheritance system needs an overhaul

This is already CCed to the general list.

 I fear it is totally against the way our API works.  How does someone
 see how many columns in the returned row?

A new API PQnfieldsv(PQresult, tupnum) or some such.

 Yikes.  Strange. 

Strange for C code perhaps. Very useful for constructing real objects in 
OO application code framework.

 Can we just return nulls for the empty fields?

Well, I think we should probably distinguish between a field that is
and a field that simply doesn't exist.

 How many new API calls are required?

Perhaps just the one. (above).

Re: [SQL] Re: [GENERAL] Proposed Changes to PostgreSQL

2000-02-02 Thread Chris Bitmead

Mathijs Brands wrote:
 On Wed, Feb 02, 2000 at 09:57:48PM -0500, Bruce Momjian allegedly wrote:
 3) The ability to return different types of rows from a SELECT. This
 is to allow implementation of ODBMS functionality where a query could
 be required to instantiate objects of differing types with differing
This bothers me.  We return relational data, showing the same number of
columns and types for every query.  I don't think we want to change
that, even for OO.
   What aspects bother you? This is the fundamental important thing about
   object databases.
  I fear it is totally against the way our API works.  How does someone
  see how many columns in the returned row?
 This would probably break applications written in PHP and Perl (and
 possibly others) that have their queryresults returned to them in a
 numerically indexed array (index by offset). If this behaviour could
 be turned off, than it shouldn't be a problem.

It wouldn't affect them because the current APIs would continue to
the same base-level columns. You would only get access to the extra
with a new API.

Re: [GENERAL] Prog to generate table structure ...

1999-08-31 Thread Chris Bitmead

You need to look at the system tables. Like pg_class and the other pg_*

pg_dump will output CREATE statements to re-create the database. I'm not
that's what you want though.

Marzullo Laurent wrote:
 is there a prog to generate  C file describing table structure
 of a database.
 (Something like dclgen under Ingres...)
 If not, I would like to know how to get information about
 type of each row of a table to write this kind of prog.
 (i.e. Where is this explain ?)
 | Marzullo Laurent |
 | Analyste-programmeur |
 | SEMA-GROUP Belgium S.A.  |
 | Tél: (32) 2 333 52 43|
 | e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |

Re: [GENERAL] pg-dump -- primary Key

1999-07-24 Thread Chris Bitmead

Dan Wilson wrote:

 Yes, I am aware that the primary key does not really mean anything except
 implicitly making it a unique key, but it's supposed to be there for
 compatibility and it's not even in the dump.

Someone mentioned recently that primary key enforces nulls as unique
whereas unique index doesn't.

 It's not a huge deal, but I was wondering if there was reasoning behind it
 of which I am unaware.

Chris Bitmead
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] - Photography News, Stuff that Matters

[GENERAL] inheritance

1999-07-21 Thread Chris Bitmead

I've been reading up on what Informix and Oracle provide in the way of
object support.

In particular I noticed that in Informix when you SELECT on a table it
by default includes all the objects of sub-classes. In other words the
"*" is postgres terms is always there by default. If you just want that
class only you have to say ONLY(tablename).

To me this is a much better idea. In any proper OO application you would
be using the "*" in postgres 99% of the time - that being the whole
point of OO. Does any consideration want to be given to making the same
change while there's not too many people using the inheritance feature?
I realise breaking compatibility is bad, but I think this is the Right
Thing. When you say "SELECT * FROM animal" it's reasonable that you be
returned all elephants. To not return them is pretty strange for the

The other thing Informix does is automatically propagate all attributes
including indexes, constraints, pretty much everything to sub-classes.
Again.. I think this is the right thing. Any thoughts?

As for Oracle 8i, as far as I can tell it provides no support for
inheritance whatsoever. The docs themselves say "Oracle doesn't support
inheritance". It's a bit rich really to call it Oracle "object" in any
shape or form.

Chris Bitmead

Re: [GENERAL] Multi-threading on PostgreSQL?

1999-07-15 Thread Chris Bitmead

I think you are missing something. Threads and processes, to a great
extent are 6 of one and half a dozen of the other. Postgres uses
multiple processes accessing a shared memory area. A multithreaded
database would use multiple threads accessing a shared memory area. In
most OSes, threads and processes are treated very much the same way.
Threads and processes don't necessarily have to "wait". Both threads and
processes use locks. A good multi-process implementation will beat a bad
threaded one every time.

A threaded implementation can be more efficient, specifically when
you've got hundreds of simultaneous connections, but we're not talking
about some giant leap here.

That's not to say Sybase isn't faster than PostgreSQL (or slower for
that matter. I wouldn't know). But I'd advise against putting any stock
into whether it's threaded or not. As always, do your own testing.

Tiago Hermans wrote:
 I am really impressed with the features of PostgreSQL but am wondering if we
 should use this product for our project. We have tried several databases
 (MySQL, Sybase ASE, Sybase ASA) and we are now looking at PostgreSQL before
 releasing our service on the Internet.
 My concern comes from the fact that there's no multi-threading support in
 PostgreSQL and since we expect many customers to be connected at the same
 time on multiple connections, I am afraid the time to perform the SQL
 statements will be much longer, since they'll all be queued one after the
 other. Therefore, if one query takes a long time, all the other queries have
 to wait behind before being executed.
 Am I missing something or are my assumptions correct?
 Also, does PostgreSQL supports international characters?
 Thank you for any info this.
 Tiago Hermans

Re: [GENERAL] Parallelizing PostgreSQL for Cluster

1999-06-03 Thread Chris Bitmead

Dustin Sallings wrote:
 On Thu, 3 Jun 1999, The Hermit Hacker wrote:
 # One of the long-term projects that PostgreSQL, Inc is planning on
 # working on is exactly this, unless someone jumps at it before we get a
 # chance to...
 It should be a trivial change, right?  :)

Will it make it into 6.5? 

 # On Thu, 3 Jun 1999, Laurence Liew wrote:
 #  Hi!
 #  Is anyone looking at making postgreSQL scalable across a cluster of PCs?
 #  That is, we have postgreSQL exuting queries which can be parallelised across
 #  a cluster, either something along Informix's method of fragmenting the
 #  tables across multiple disks, or Oracle's method of using a shared disk
 #  (global file)architecture.
 #  It would be interesting to have PostrgreSQL sitting on a Beowulf cluster
 #  giving Informix XPS or Oracle OPS a run for their money :-)
 #  Thanks for any info.
 #  Laurence
 # Marc G. Fournier   ICQ#7615664   IRC Nick: Scrappy
 # Systems Administrator @
 # primary: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   secondary: scrappy@{freebsd|postgresql}.org
 SA,   My girlfriend asked me which one I like better.
 pub  1024/3CAE01D5 1994/11/03 Dustin Sallings [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 |Key fingerprint =  87 02 57 08 02 D0 DA D6  C8 0F 3E 65 51 98 D8 BE
 L___ I hope the answer won't upset her. 

Re: [GENERAL] Upgrading from 6.3-6.4.2/6.5b1 possible

1999-05-30 Thread Chris Bitmead

I've seen this problem too in 6.5 beta. I don't have a solution, but I'd
just like to add my voice to say that this problem is real.

Actually, I did have a kind of solution. If you dump proper insert
statements into the dump and then run every insert in a separate
process. Ugly but workable if the number isn't too great.

while read A
echo "$A" | psql databasename 
done dumpfilename

Gregory Maxwell wrote:
 AHH! The pgsql v6.3 backend has begun crashing horribly on me since I've
 added a few more database backed webpages (with messages like 'backend
 cache invalidation...').. I figured that upgrading to 6.4.2 would solve my
 problems.. But I can't upgrade! Things I've tried:
 * Using old pg_dumpall -z  file and psql -e template1  file (after
   install and initdb)
 * Using the pg_dumpall from the new version.
 * Using pg_upgrade
 * Rereading the docs dozens of times
 * having a friend try it.
 * all of the above with both 6.4.2 and 6.5beta
 Every time I start loading, it chokes up on the dump output and falls into
 a constant stream of parse errors and messages like "PQsendQuery() --
 query is too long.  Maximum length is 8191"
 Argh!!! I've got websites constantly crashing and coustomers ready to
 revolt, what can I do???

Re: [GENERAL] PL/pgSQL - mailng list

1999-05-24 Thread Chris Bitmead

It's extremely straight-forward..
$q = $dbh-prepare("SELECT x,y,z from b where c = ?");
while (($x, $y, $z) = $q-fetchrow())) {

$q = $dbh-prepare("INSERT INTO a(x,y,z) values(?,?,?);

Mike Haberman wrote:
 I too need more info on PL/pgSQL than the docs supply.
 Is it possible for people to mail me any examples of PL/pgSQL.  I
 just need to see examples of the syntax of the various control
 sturctures, variable assignment, and the like.
 From simple to very complex, send anything that might be helpful.
 thanks a ton
 mike haberman
  On Sat, 22 May 1999, Andy Lewis wrote:
How can we tell you more if we don't know what you know?  It's
  usually pretty safe to just go ahead and ask the question.  You'll be
  redirected if you've posted to the wrong place.
  // I'd just plain would like to know more about PL/pgSQL.
  // Andy
  // On Sat, 22 May 1999, Piotr Stelmaszyk wrote:
  //  I'd like to get to know where should I post messages concerning
  //  PL/pgSQL.
  //  //
  //  /- Piotr Stelmaszyk | Student of Computer Science ---/
  //  /-- | at Poznan University of Technology /
  //  /- mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] -/
  //  /- mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ---/
  //  //
  Principal Member Technical Staff, beyond.comThe world is watching America,
  pub  1024/3CAE01D5 1994/11/03 Dustin Sallings [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  |Key fingerprint =  87 02 57 08 02 D0 DA D6  C8 0F 3E 65 51 98 D8 BE
  L__ and America is watching TV. __

Chris Bitmead

Re: [GENERAL] RH 6.0 and PostgreSQL

1999-05-16 Thread Chris Bitmead

Did you perhaps previously build postgres yourself, and now maybe Redhat
has overwritten the configuration?

Ricardo Peres wrote:
 After upgrading to RedHat 6.0, PostgreSQL no longer works...
 Whenever I try to start the postmaster daemon, using
 /erc/rc.d/init.d/postmaster script, I receive a message about postgresql
 not finding the data directory. I checked /var/lib/pgsql, and in fact it
 does not contain anything!
 Am I missing something?
 Thanks in advance!
 PS-BTW, please e-mail-me directly, as I am not subscribed to this list!
 Ricardo Peres
 ICQ UIN: 708926
 TM: 0931 9459192
 Departamento de Engenharia Informática
 Universidade de Coimbra

Chris Bitmead

Re: [GENERAL] Weird datetime problem

1999-05-11 Thread Chris Bitmead

It's not a timezone problem is it? Did the dates get re-loaded

Andy Lewis wrote:
 I have 2 tables both of which have a datetime field and both have an
 identifier of date_submitted.
 I've been using(via PHP) a query of the following for a month or so with
 no problem:
 select count(*) from mytable1 where date_submitted  'today'::datetime
 select count(*) from mytable2 where date_submitted  'today'::datetime
 Both queries were working fine until I dumped the data in mytable2 to
 file and reloaded it. Now I can enter a date and not get the rows that I
 put in today(or any other day).
 The date_submitted has a btree index on it. I've even dropped and created
 a new index and that still hasn't helped. I still come up with 0 rows
 All I'm trying to do is get the number of rows submitted since midnight.
 Oh, yeah, Postgres 6.4.2, PHP 3.0.7, Linux Slackware 2.0.35, Dual Pent
 Anyone have any ideas?
 Thanks in advance.

Re: [GENERAL] virtual fields ( proxy execution ?? )

1999-05-10 Thread Chris Bitmead

You can set up a trigger to be activated on any event such as UPDATE.
The trigger calls a function which may be a C function. The trigger can
take arguments. So I would say if you wrote a C function which
execve()'s its arguments that would be what you want.

I agree that it sounds useful enough that such a function should perhaps
be a standard part of postgres. Perhaps if you implement it you could
donate it to the core code. (unless there's already one there I don't
know about).

paulmoody wrote:
 Err maybe that was a bad example. How about this ... I have ( not really )
 a large number of programmable power supplies connected to my remote Linux box
 where the details about each supply are stored in a database.( eg 100 supplies
 = 100 records ). One of the fields in each record might be called voltage. If
 I query a particular field then the current voltage of the supply is returned.
 If I write to that same field then that particular supply would have its
 voltage adjusted to the written value. This would allow me to manipulate the
 power supply parameters using SQL and would be a powerful ( no pun  ) tool for
 doing all sorts of things in response to alarms etc ( including sending email
 Thanks again.
 Chris Bitmead wrote:
  I'm a bit vague on what you mean. Are you saying you want to be able to
  say to postgres...
  INSERT INTO message(to,subject,body) VALUES ('[EMAIL PROTECTED]', 'Hello',
  'How\'s it going');
  and instead of storing a message into postgres, it will send a mail
  message to fred?
  Then you want to say...
  SELECT to, subject, body FROM messages;
  And have a list of mail messages be returned, not from postgres tables,
  but from your UNIX mailbox?
  Just want to be clear on what you are asking.

Chris Bitmead

Re: [GENERAL] postgreSQL for storing a database of documents

1999-05-05 Thread Chris Bitmead

darold wrote:

 I'm using Large Object to store images and displayed them on the fly. I never found
 any problems and it
 is very quiet. "When Postgre starts using large objects it is going to make a lot
 of noise." ???

How many images are you storing?

Chris Bitmead

Re: [GENERAL] postgreSQL for storing a database of documents

1999-05-04 Thread Chris Bitmead

Dustin Sallings wrote:
 On Tue, 4 May 1999, Raphael Finkel wrote:
 # Is PostgreSQL appropriate for a database of documents?  I see several
 # potential problems.
 # 1.  Tuples are limited to 8KB.  I assume even the "text" type is limited
 # that way.  But my documents may be longer than that.
 This isn't a problem, I store all of my photographs 
 in postgres.



1999-04-28 Thread Chris Bitmead

Only PostgreSQL 6.5 Beta supports LIMIT.

 I've an elementary question. What's wrong with the following :
 dbtest= select * from testusers limit 10;
 ERROR:  parser: parse error at or near "10"
 dbtest= select version();
 PostgreSQL 6.4.2 on i586-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc 2.7.2.
 (1 row)
 the testuser table has about 1000 rows.
 Please comment.

Re: [GENERAL] advice on buying sun hardware to run postgres

1999-04-27 Thread Chris Bitmead

Dustin Sallings wrote:

 Works != works as well as SCSI.  I've yet to find an example where
 IDE works as well as SCSI in real life (vs. benchmarks).  My real life
 scenarios rarely involve telling a machine to be still so we can do a disk
 read, then again for a disk write.

Modern operating systems don't ask the disk to do something and then
just wait for the answer. That's what interrupts are for. Anyway, modern
disks have caches.

Slow, however more robust than the same in Linux.  
Linux achieves
 a lot of speed by throwing away safety nets.  Sometimes, these 
 safety nets are important.

Never lost a file to Linux in 5 years.

Chris Bitmead

Re: [GENERAL] advice on buying sun hardware to run postgres

1999-04-27 Thread Chris Bitmead

Maarten Boekhold wrote:
  Never lost a file to Linux in 5 years.
 Haha, just lost my home directory this weekend. But then again, I was in
 win98 when my rabbit chewed through a 220V cable and the whole room went
 black. Might just have something to do with it (but on the other hand,
 win98 shouldn't even be touching that disk, there's only linux
 partitions on it).

You think you're hard done by. Think about the rabbit!

Chris Bitmead

Re: [GENERAL] Object-oriented stuff and postgres

1999-04-21 Thread Chris Bitmead

Umm. I need to know the type of the _object_, not the types of the
attributes contained therein.

José Soares wrote:
 --retrieve column information...
 SELECT a.attnum, a.attname, t.typname, a.attlen,
 a.atttypmod, a.attnotnull, a.atthasdef
 FROM pg_class c, pg_attribute a, pg_type t
 WHERE c.relname = 'comuni'
 and a.attnum  0
 and a.attrelid = c.oid
 and a.atttypid = t.oid
   ORDER BY attnum ;
 attnum|attname   |typname|attlen|atttypmod|attnotnull|atthasdef
  1|istat |bpchar |-1|   10|t |f
  2|nome  |bpchar |-1|   54|t |f
  3|provincia |bpchar |-1|6|f |f
  4|codice_fiscale|bpchar |-1|8|f |f
  5|cap   |bpchar |-1|9|f |f
  6|regione   |bpchar |-1|7|f |f
  7|distretto |bpchar |-1|8|f |f
 (7 rows)
 Chris Bitmead ha scritto:
  What's the best way to do this in postgres? (basicly finding the
  type of
  I want to run a web site with different types of content - question
  answers, stories etc. I propose an object hierarchy...
  webobject (title, body)
 question inherits webobject
 story (image) inherits (webobject).
  The idea being you could have a search screen that searches
  AND stories with the one SELECT query.
  But then each result would have a link to examine the body of the
  result. But different types of objects would have different URLs to
  display that content.
  So basicly I need to know the type of objects returned.
  I am loath to store the object type inside the object because it is
  wasteful. PG obviously already knows the type of objects, the
  is how to get at that info.

Chris Bitmead