Re: [GENERAL] custom session variables?

2013-04-24 Thread Christian Hammers

You could just use temporary tables like:

-- somehow write the ID you want into that table
-- and then...
 INSERT INTO other_table (changeset_ids, msg) VALUES
   ((SELECT i FROM csid), 'Some log message');

When inserting a new changeset, you fill the temporary table
afterwards with curval('changeset_id_seq'). If you just want
to add more referring lines, you seem to know the ID already
can can just insert it. In any case, the following INSERTs into
the other tables will look exactly the same, which seem to
be your goal.



Am Wed, 24 Apr 2013 16:17:58 -0700
schrieb Darren Duncan

 I would like to have one or more session-scoped global variables that
 are useable in a similar way to sequence generators, via analogies to 
 Here's a (simplified) scenario ...
 Say that for auditing purposes all regular database tables have a
 changeset_id column, which is a foreign key into a changesets table
 that has extra columns like when_occurred and who_did_it and
 purpose_of_changes etc.  There is a sequence generator
 changeset_id_gen that is typically used to generate the changeset_id
 During typical day to day use, when a set of data manipulation work
 is done to enact some application task, a changesets record is added
 with a newly generated changeset_id, and that changeset_id then used
 in the other records added/updated/deleted (there are also
 audit/history tables) to associate everything that was done as a
 logical unit for some task.
 So in the changesets table we have this as its pk:
  changeset_id integer not null default
 ... and in the other tables we have this as a non-pk field:
  changeset_id integer not null default
 ... or there may also be a trigger to similar effect of the latter,
 so it is changed for a record update too.
 Now I understand that within a particular database session currval
 will fail if nextval or setval weren't called on that sequence
 generator yet.  And so I depend on this behavior to enforce a general
 business rule that a changesets record has to be inserted before
 other changes in the current session.
 However, under some circumstances, we may want alternately to
 associate some regular changes with a prior changesets record, or
 otherwise with some changesets record whose changeset_id didn't come
 from the sequence generator.
 To make the database simpler or cut down on verbosity, I would like
 in those cases to effectively setval() changeset_id_gen at the start
 of that changeset to some explicit value, so subsequent changes in
 that session can just use that value instead of some newly generated
 Now here's the main point of this message ...
 When I effectively setval() in the session, I want that change to
 only be visible in the session and have no effect outside of it, such
 as affecting what nextval() produces in other sessions.
 It seemed to me that the proper way to do this would be to have some
 other session scope variable, say changeset_id_to_use, that is an
 intermediary between the sequence generator and nearly all the code
 using it.
 So at the start of a session, changeset_id_to_use would be manually
 set by the application, either from nextval(changeset_id_gen) or from
 an explicit value, and then the table default defs or triggers would
 read changeset_id_to_use rather than reading
 The changeset_id_to_use should start off null/missing at the start of
 the session so code that uses it will fail per business rules without
 it being set first.
 I would like to know the proper/best way to declare and access the 
 aforementioned changeset_id_to_use variable?
 I found a 2009 blog post
 which looks relevant to what I want to do, but that looks more like
 abuse of the system rather than using it as intended, though I could
 be wrong.  Is there are better solution than that or what should I be
 Thank you in advance.
 -- Darren Duncan

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[GENERAL] Queries seldomly take 4s while normally take 1ms?

2013-04-09 Thread Christian Hammers

I have a setup with one master and two slaves which are used by a closed
source application. The database is asked the same query, a stored procedure,
with different parameters about 4 million times per second at a peak rate of
150 times per second using 10 parallel connections. The slaves are decent 
Dell servers with 64GB RAM with dual hexacore CPUs and RAID10.

Usually this stored procedure takes 1ms as it basically just does two 
selects against a GIST index for a prefix_range type. Seldomly though, 
about 1-3 times per day, one of these queries takes up to 4000ms!
All those queries also runs in 1ms when executed manually some times later.
Queries with similar parameters (who I supposed to use the same area of the 
index) also continues to run fast during that time. Queries with different
paramers which are running parallel on different threads take 1ms, too, 
so it's not a general load problem.

Cronjobs and other applications seem quiet during that time, there is 
no peak in any of our monitoring graphs. Automatic vacuum/analyze log
entries on the master are not near the timestamps in question.

So my problem seems not the query itself nor the way I indexed my data
but what could it be? Some strange effects with streaming replication
or cache invalidation?

Apologies for not giving you reproducible problem but maybe you 
still have some ideas as I'm just curious as I've never seem such an
effect during my MySQL years :-) The queries contain obvious customer
data so I'm reluctant to give examples but again I doubt that
an explain plan will help if only 1 out of 4E6 queries takes too long.



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Re: [GENERAL] Queries seldomly take 4s while normally take 1ms?

2013-04-09 Thread Christian Hammers

On Tue, 9 Apr 2013 03:53:13 -0700 (PDT)
Greg Williamson wrote:

 Christian --
 original text snip because this POS editor won't let me properly edit
 postgres version ?


 type of replication ?

As written, one master does streaming replication to two slaves.

 changes from postgres config defaults ?

max_connections = 1000  # (change requires restart)
shared_buffers = 20GB   # min 128kB
wal_level = hot_standby # minimal, archive, or hot_standby
archive_mode = on   # allows archiving to be done
archive_command = 'test ! -f /srv/postgresql-data/archivedir/%f  cp %p 
/srv/postgresql-data/archivedir/%f'# command to use to archive a 
logfile segment
max_wal_senders = 3 # max number of walsender processes
hot_standby = on# on allows queries during recovery
max_standby_archive_delay = 1h  # max delay before canceling queries
max_standby_streaming_delay = 1h# max delay before canceling queries
hot_standby_feedback = on   # send info from standby to prevent
effective_cache_size = 1024MB
log_destination = 'stderr'  # Valid values are combinations of
logging_collector = on  # Enable capturing of stderr and csvlog
log_directory = '/var/log/postgresql/'  # directory where log files are written,
log_filename = 'postgresql-9.2-data.log'# log file name pattern,
log_file_mode = 0640# creation mode for log files,
log_rotation_age = 0# Automatic rotation of logfiles will
log_rotation_size = 0   # Automatic rotation of logfiles will
log_min_messages = notice
log_min_duration_statement = 500# -1 is disabled, 0 logs all statements
log_connections = on
log_disconnections = on
log_duration = on
log_line_prefix = '%t [%p] %u@%d '  # special values:
log_statement = 'all'   # none, ddl, mod, all
log_timezone = 'Europe/Berlin'
track_activities = on
track_counts = on
track_io_timing = on
datestyle = 'iso, dmy'
timezone = 'Europe/Berlin'
lc_messages = 'en_GB.UTF-8' # locale for system error 
default_text_search_config = 'pg_catalog.english'
shared_preload_libraries = 'pg_stat_statements'
pg_stat_statements.max = 1000
pg_stat_statements.track = all

effective_cache_size is way too low, I noticed, can that be the cause?

 Do they happen more at peak usage, semi regularly or sporadically ?

Sporadically. Not at a specific hour or minute-of-hour. Not only at peak
times either. Sometimes at 05:xx in the morning, sometings at 10:xxh.

 Possibly some sporadic postgres process such as checkpoints of 
 autovac processes kicking off. Do your logs show anything ?

As far as I understood, Auto-Vacuum and Auto-Cleaning only happen on
the master and their results get to the slaves via streaming 
replication. I therefore checked the master logs and, as written,
all occurences of Auto-* are at least half an hour before or after.

 Greg W.



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Re: [GENERAL] Queries seldomly take 4s while normally take 1ms?

2013-04-09 Thread Christian Hammers
On Tue, 9 Apr 2013 07:25:16 -0700 (PDT)
Kevin Grittner wrote:

 Christian Hammers wrote:
 You really need to think about 9.2.4 Real Soon Now; there's a
 security fix that you probably should not wait on.

Is scheduled (no access from outside to that network segment at least)

  max_connections = 1000  # (change requires restart)
  shared_buffers = 20GB  # min 128kB
 Those are both potential causes.  For max_connections, see this:
 Maybe you happened to have enough users hit the enter key at the
 same moment to cause a process holding a lock to be starved of
 cycles or something similar.

The application connects permanently with a fixed number of only 20 

 One problem with a large shared_buffers setting is that PostgreSQL
 can accumulate a very large number of dirty pages and flush them to
 the OS all at once.  This can overwhelm the storage system and
 cause exactly the kind of symptoms you're seeing.

I have pretty big changes during early night hours on the master and
then almost only read-only accesses during the day. As checkpoint_timeout
is at 5min, there should not be any significant amount of dirty pages
during daytime, right?
Where would I verity this, with pg_stats_bgwriter.buffers_checkpoint and the
Linux I/O graphs?



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Re: [GENERAL] rights for schema

2012-12-30 Thread Christian Hammers
Am Sun, 30 Dec 2012 15:54:32 +0100
schrieb Philipp Kraus

 can I set all rights to a schema and its content? I have different
 schema and in the public schema all users should be do everything
 (select, update, delete, call functions, etc). Also if I add a new
 user, the user should be get also the rights. My other schemas are
 only access by the database user only.
 How can I do this?

AFAIK you can't set all rights for all tables, views, functions etc.
inside a schema recursively with one command. Neither can you say
that, inside a specific schema, every newly created table or function
should automatically get a default access list. 
(the template1 database can only be used to do the latter for newly
created databases).

What you could do is to create a group (role), put all your users
in it and grant permissions to that role.

Remember, though, that newly created users have to be explicitly added
to that group by the admin and new tables have to be given access to
that role by the admin or the creating user!



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Re: [GENERAL] update from a csv file?

2012-12-28 Thread Christian Hammers
Am Fri, 28 Dec 2012 00:47:35 -0500
schrieb François Beausoleil

 Le 2012-12-27 à 09:54, Kirk Wythers a écrit :
  I have been using COPY FROM to do a mass import of records from CSV
  files into a new database. I have discover however, a small number
  of records ( a few thousand) in one of the files that contain new
  data that needs to be added to the database, but on rows that have
  a primary key and have already been inserted (so I can't use COPY
  FROM because it violates the primary key). 
 You will want to COPY FROM on a new table that has the same structure:
 CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE original_table_name_temp( LIKE original_table_name 
 COPY original_table_name_temp FROM stdin;

The INCLUDING ALL will also generate the same unique keys that let
the COPY fail in the original table so omit that.



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Re: [GENERAL] Composite Indexes with a function and a column

2012-12-21 Thread Christian Hammers

On Fri, 21 Dec 2012 08:46:14 -0200
Alex Pires de Camargo wrote:

 Is it possible?

Why not?

 devel_np=# CREATE TABLE t (i int);
 devel_np=# CREATE INDEX ON t (length(i::text), i);



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Re: [GENERAL] Composite Indexes with a function and a column

2012-12-21 Thread Christian Hammers

A function that is used as part of an index has at least to be declared 

 devel_np=# CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION f() RETURNS int AS $$ BEGIN return 
(random()*100)::int; END; $$ VOLATILE LANGUAGE plpgsql;

 devel_np=# CREATE INDEX ON t (f(), i);
 ERROR:  functions in index expression must be marked IMMUTABLE

Of couse, you can just declare your function as IMMUTABLE and still call
random() or access other tables in it if you think you know what you're doing.

(I wonder if it's somehow possible to get PostgreSQL into an endless loop or
crash by doing an ORDER BY which uses an index that returns random values...)



On Fri, 21 Dec 2012 10:31:43 -0200
Alex Pires de Camargo wrote:

 Thanks a lot!
 From documentation:
 IMMUTABLE indicates that the function cannot modify the database and always
 returns the same result when given the same argument values; that is, it
 does not do database lookups or otherwise use information not directly
 present in its argument list. If this option is given, any call of the
 function with all-constant arguments can be immediately replaced with the
 function value.
 I understand that to be immutable a function should not access mutable data.
 If my function access another table that I have guarantee that it will not
 be changed, It's safe to turn that function immutable and use in an index?
 I know that i'll be punished if my guarantee fails...
 On Fri, Dec 21, 2012 at 10:12 AM, Christian Hammers wrote:
  On Fri, 21 Dec 2012 08:46:14 -0200
  Alex Pires de Camargo wrote:
   Is it possible?
  Why not?
   devel_np=# CREATE TABLE t (i int);
   devel_np=# CREATE INDEX ON t (length(i::text), i);

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Re: [GENERAL] Monitoring streaming replication from standby on Windows

2012-12-14 Thread Christian Hammers

I was just wondering the same. As for the slave, it seems to me that
the ps fax output postgres: startup process   recovering is at least
a quick way to check if the replication client has synced.

In a case where e.g. the slave was down for a while and then unsuccessfully
waits for WAL files which were long deleted on the master, this line changed
to startup process  waiting.



On Fri, 14 Dec 2012 09:52:49 -0400
Yamen LA wrote:

 Thank you Karl.
 I am trying to determine on the slave itself whether streaming replication 
 (i.e. WAL receiver process) is active or not, similar to checking 
 pg_stat_replication on the master. In fact, this is part of a larger module I 
 am building to control the databases and automate failovers.
 As for monitoring the offset between the two, what is a reasonable value for 
 the differences between last xlog sent, received and replayed?
 Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2012 19:43:53 -0600
 Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Monitoring streaming replication from standby on 
 On 12/13/2012 7:36 PM, Yamen LA wrote:
 I would like to know how to check the status of the streaming
 replication from standby server on Windows. Apparently from the
 master I can use the pg table pg_stat_replication. This table
 is, however, empty on the standby since it contains information
 about WAL sender processes and not WAL receiver.
 pg_last_xlog_replay_location and pg_last_xlog_receive_location
 also continue to be valid even when the streaming replication is
 down, so they don't help in this case.
 From online tutorials and PostgreSQL wiki the only way I found
 is by checking the running processes for wal sender and wal
 receiver using ps command on Unix systems. The problem is that
 on Windows, all those processes carry the same name,
 I suppose there should be some parameter to get the db engine as
 it realizes when the streaming replication is down and it logs
 that in pg_log files, but I can't seem to find such a parameter.
 Thank you for your help.
 What are you trying to determine?
 If it's whether the replication is caught up, I have a small C
 program that will do that and have posted it before (I can do that
 again if you'd like.)
 If it's whether it's up, that's a bit more complex, since you have
 to define up.  
 For most purposes determining that the offset between the two is
 less than some value at which you alarm is sufficient, and if you
 then alarm if you can't reach the master and slave hosts, you then
 know if the machines are up from a standpoint of reachability on
 the network as well.
   -- Karl Denninger
   The Market Ticker ®
   Cuda Systems LLC  

Network Engineering  Design; Content Delivery Platform  IP

NETCOLOGNE Gesellschaft für Telekommunikation mbH
Am Coloneum 9 | 50829 Köln
Tel: 0221 -8711 | Fax: 0221 -78711

Dr. Hans Konle (Sprecher)
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HRB 25580, AG Köln

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Weise verwendet werden.

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[GENERAL] logcheck compatible daily logfile rotation?

2012-12-10 Thread Christian Hammers

I'm trying to figure out how to configure a logcheck compatible logfile 
rotation i.e. where 
a) the current logfile always has a fixed name and old files are named like
   *.1, *.2.gz etc. and
b) the current logfile is not truncated but newly created (or else logcheck
   always warns about possible tempering)

So essentially I want syslog style logrotation but not using syslog as that
was not recommended (not very reliable in chapter 23.3) and does not look
so nice (hostname in every line due to syslog output format, #011 instead of 
tabs in multiline messages).

The builtin log catcher does not rotate files if no %Y or similar is in 
log_filename and neither can be told to reopen the file with SIGHUP or
pg_ctl reload.

Using pg_ctl start | rotatelogs, which is recommended in the docs would
imply that I modify the /etc/init.d/ script which would work but I hate
editing Debian package scritps because such modifications are too easily
broken on updates.

At the moment I'm stuck with syslog and a custom rsyslog template but still,
I'm curious what others are doing!



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Re: [GENERAL] Correlation in pg_stats

2012-11-26 Thread Christian Hammers

Do you want to search for tables with many unordered rows?

schemaname, tablename, correlation 
abs(correlation)  0.2 and 
schemaname not in ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema')

Or do you want to put the table in order?

  CREATE TABLE tbl_test_new (LIKE tbl_test INCLUDING ALL);
  INSERT INTO tbl_test_new SELECT * FROM tbl_test ORDER BY id;
  DROP TABLE tbl_test;
  TABLE tbl_test_new RENAME TO tbl_test;

If you really want to get a correlation of near 0 try

  INSERT INTO tbl_test (name) SELECT random() FROM generate_series(1, 100);



Am Mon, 26 Nov 2012 01:52:21 -0800 (PST)
schrieb classical_89

 Hi,First sorry for my bad English :D.I'm new in PostgreSQL and
 database .Now i'm researching about statistic correlation .I want to
 make a example with the table -assume that I have tbl_test table and
 two column - id  name - and do something to get correlation of a
 column is near 0 (zero).What step can i do  ?
 Thanks for your support :)
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Re: [GENERAL] 9.1 to 9.2 requires a dump/reload?

2012-11-24 Thread Christian Hammers

Can you remember where did you read that? There is no mention of GIST on and a database
which uses GIST indexes *seems* to work just finde after upgrading with



Am Mon, 22 Oct 2012 15:02:13 -0700
schrieb Lonni J Friedman

 pg_upgrade has worked fine for several releases.  I believe that the
 only time when pg_upgrade isn't a viable option is for some types of
 GIST indices.
 On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 2:55 PM, Nikolas Everett
  I was just looking at and it
  mentioned that a dump/reload cycle was required to upgrade from a
  previous release.  I just got done telling some of my coworkers
  that PG had been bitten by this enough times that they were done
  with it.  Am I wrong?  Is this normal?
  I see that pg_upgrade is an option.  Having never used how long
  should I expect pg_upgrade to take?  Obviously we'll measure it in
  our environment, but it'd be nice to have a ballpark figure.

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[GENERAL] How and for what to use SP-GIST?

2012-11-24 Thread Christian Hammers

The release notes of PostgreSQL 9.2 praise SP-GIST as a major feature
but I cannot find any information on how to actually use it.

The main documentation seems unusual low level and the examples chapter
just refers to the source code. The only examples I can find there are
the regression tests.

In those I stumbled across the ~=~ operator. How does it differ
from the normal =? (kind of hard to google for this string :))

SP-GIST should be good at suffix search, I read. What exactly is
meant here? I assume its not suffix as in LIKE '%foo'.

I'm interested because I heavily use the prefix_range extension for
phone number searching. Could I somehow benefit from a SP-GIST suffix 
index (maybe by reversing my numbers)?

thanks for any comments!



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[GENERAL] When do archived WAL files gets removed after wal_keep_segments changed?

2012-10-31 Thread Christian Hammers

I run two PostgreSQL servers in a master-slave setup and set 
wal_keep_segments=1000 on the master to allow long downtimes on the slave.

Meanwhile the disk got fuller than I estimated and I changed the config
to wal_keep_segments=500 and restarted the server afterwards.

Yet, the number of WAL segments in my archive dir was still at 1000!

I tried a random mix of VACUUM, CHECKPOINT, pg_start_backup(), 
pg_stop_backup(), server restarts, googling and just plain waiting 
but the number of archived WAL segments just increased to 1018.

Although I understand that I may safely delete those WAL files that
are older than the last .backup file I wonder if that shouldn't be
happen automatically. Why doesn't it?

Relevant non-default settings from the master with version 9.1.6:
 wal_level = hot_standby
 archive_mode = on
 archive_command = 'test ! -f /srv/postgresql-archivedir/%f  cp %p 
 wal_keep_segments = 500
 hot_standby = on



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[GENERAL] Why is the wrong index used? (with gist index)

2012-09-17 Thread Christian Hammers

Just because I added a LIMIT 1 to the following query, PostgreSQL decided to
use a different index which gives a far worse performance :-(

Probably it gets a bit confused because I use the custom index from the prefix
extension (
If it's impossible for PostgreSQL to make a correct judgement here, can I force
it to use a certain index in cases where I know better?

The index was created as follows, but the additional gist_prefix_range_ops
parameter does not seem to have any effect:
  CREATE INDEX destinations_nr_gist_idx ON destinations USING gist (nr 

The table is 3-4GB big and contains some million rows:

  devel=# ANALYZE VERBOSE destinations;
  INFO:  analyzing public.destinations
  INFO:  destinations: scanned 3 of 196069 pages, containing 3205481 live 
rows and 441 dead rows; 3 rows in sample, 20948720 estimated total rows

devel=# explain analyze SELECT prefix FROM destinations WHERE nr @ 
'22116804109' ORDER BY length(nr) desc;
 Sort  (cost=63182.14..63234.51 rows=20949 width=22) (actual time=0.277..0.278 
rows=2 loops=1)
   Sort Key: (length(nr))
   Sort Method: quicksort  Memory: 25kB
   -  Bitmap Heap Scan on destinations  (cost=817.08..61678.57 rows=20949 
width=22) (actual time=0.264..0.269 rows=2 loops=1)
 Recheck Cond: (nr @ '22116804109'::prefix_range)
 -  Bitmap Index Scan on destinations_nr_gist_idx  (cost=0.00..811.84 
rows=20949 width=0) (actual time=0.253..0.253 rows=2 loops=1)
   Index Cond: (nr @ '22116804109'::prefix_range)
 Total runtime: 0.315 ms

devel=# explain analyze SELECT prefix FROM destinations WHERE nr @ 
'22116804109' ORDER BY length(nr) desc LIMIT 1;

 Limit  (cost=0.00..3481.06 rows=1 width=22) (actual time=689.413..689.414 
rows=1 loops=1)
   -  Index Scan Backward using destinations_nr_length_idx on destinations  
(cost=0.00..72924752.20 rows=20949 width=22) (actual time=689.410..689.410 
rows=1 loops=1)
 Filter: (nr @ '22116804109'::prefix_range)
 Total runtime: 689.437 ms
 ^^  BAD!

devel=# \d+ destinations;
Table public.destinations
   Column|Type | Modifiers  
   | Storage  |  Description   
 id  | integer | not null default 
nextval('destinations_id_seq'::regclass) | plain| 
 nr  | prefix_range| not null   
   | plain|
 prefix  | text| not null   
   | extended |
destinations_pkey PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
destinations_nr_unique_idx UNIQUE, btree (nr)
destinations_nr_gist_idx gist (nr)
destinations_nr_length_idx btree (length(nr))
destinations_prefix_idx btree (prefix)
 Has OIDs: no



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