Re: [GENERAL] playing with timestamp entries

2001-04-25 Thread Dale Walker

Tom Lane wrote:
> Dale Walker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I use the 'hash' type as queries regarding usage will always be of the
> > form "select .. where username='xxx';"
> Use a btree anyway.  Postgres' btree implementation is much better than
> its hash index implementation.

OK, I'll give that a whirl...

> > insert into sumlog
> >   select  s.username,
> > to_char(timestamp(h.time_stamp),'-MM') as date,
> > sum(h.acctsessiontime),
> > sum(float8(h.acctinputoctets)/100),
> > sum(float8(h.acctoutputoctets)/100)
> > from subscribers as s,history as h
> >   where s.username=h.username
> >   group by s.username,date;
> > This works fine, but as the database size is constantly growing the
> > summary table takes a while to calculate...
> What plan does EXPLAIN show for this query?
> regards, tom lane

psql:zz.sql:7: NOTICE:  QUERY PLAN:

Aggregate  (cost=349984.03..365862.83 rows=127030 width=40)
  ->  Group  (cost=349984.03..356335.55 rows=1270304 width=40)
->  Sort  (cost=349984.03..349984.03 rows=1270304 width=40)
  ->  Hash Join  (cost=27.35..87635.90 rows=1270304
->  Seq Scan on history h  (cost=0.00..36786.04
rows=1270304 width=28)
->  Hash  (cost=25.28..25.28 rows=828 width=12)
  ->  Seq Scan on subscribers s 
(cost=0.00..25.28 rows=828 width=12)



The way I read this, I think my biggest problem is in the

Dale Walker < [EMAIL PROTECTED] >
Independent Computer Retailers (ICR) Pty Ltd

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?

[GENERAL] playing with timestamp entries

2001-04-25 Thread Dale Walker

I record our radius logs in a firly basic table, schema is as follows:
CREATE TABLE "history_new" (
"username" character varying(50) NOT NULL,
"time_stamp" int4 NOT NULL,
"acctstatustype" character varying(8) NOT NULL ,
"acctdelay" int2 NOT NULL,
"acctinputoctets" int4 ,
"acctoutputoctets" int4 ,
"acctsessionid" character varying(30),
"acctsessiontime" int4 ,
"acctterminatecause" character varying(50),
"nasidentifier" character varying(22),
"nasport" character varying(4),
"framedipaddress" character varying(16),
"callingstationid" character varying(16),
"ascenddatarate" character varying(16),
"calledstationid" character varying(16)

I then create an index on the username column by:

CREATE INDEX "i_h_uh" on HISTORY using hash (username);

I use the 'hash' type as queries regarding usage will always be of the
form "select .. where username='xxx';"

I also calculate a 'summary' in the form of a table I call sumlog:

CREATE TABLE "sumlog" (
"username" character varying(8) NOT NULL,
"period" character varying(8) NOT NULL,
"sumtime" int4 DEFAULT '0' ,
"mbup" float8 DEFAULT '0.0' ,
"mbdn" float8 DEFAULT '0.0' );

This table is populated by the following query:
insert into sumlog 
select  s.username,
to_char(timestamp(h.time_stamp),'-MM') as date,
from subscribers as s,history as h 
where s.username=h.username 
group by s.username,date;

This works fine, but as the database size is constantly growing the
summary table takes a while to calculate...

I was thinking of doing the following:
1. only update 'sumlog' for the current period (eg. 2001-04)
2. adding an index on the timestamp column to speed-up the query for
the insert into sumlog.

My questions are:
1. is it possible to create an index entry on the function applied to
the time_stamp.
eg. something of the form [ create index "i_ts" on history
(to_char(timestamp(h.time_stamp),'-MM')) ]
2. what is the best way to access the data from the history table for a
known period..
    eg. knowing period='2001-04' is there a better function to use than
'to_char' against the timestamp, any sort of indexing I should use,

I've been going around in circles, and I'm sure I've missed some
basic/common-sense sort of step, but now I'm running out of time to
spend on it

Has anyone here done anything similar??

Dale Walker < [EMAIL PROTECTED] >
Independent Computer Retailers (ICR) Pty Ltd

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

[GENERAL] Replication server

2000-09-26 Thread Dale Walker

Just received the email on Replication server.

Based on the threads this last week, the sooner it's out there the

Fantastic, yah yah yah!!!

Independent Computer Retailers (ICR)

Re: [GENERAL] FreeBSD Softupdates??

2000-09-26 Thread Dale Walker

Bruce Momjian wrote:
> No, softupdates to not affect recovery.  Standard PostgreSQL flushes all
> stuff to disk on transaction commit, and this it not affected by the
> file system softupdate status.


yes I see (light goes on in head), this was sort of aluded to in on of
the responses, but it didn't click.

Therefore, there would be little practical benefit??

I'll try a long series of insert/select/updates and compare.

Independent Computer Retailers (ICR)

[GENERAL] FreeBSD Softupdates??

2000-09-26 Thread Dale Walker

Just a quick q.

Does anyone know what effects FreeBSD's 'softupdates' would have 
on the /usr/local/pgsql/data filesystem.

Would this help performance, or would it be a shot in the foot??

Independent Computer Retailers (ICR)

Re: [GENERAL] Starting postmaster at boot

2000-09-14 Thread Dale Walker

Adam Lang wrote:
> I didn't directly use your method, but you nonetheless solved my problem.
> >From the beginning everyone was telling me to put this into my rc.local:
> su postgres -c "/usr/local/pgsql/bin/postmaster -D /usr/local/pgsql/data -i
> /usr/local/pgsql/postgres.log 2>&1 &"
> It was never working.  I noticed you had a tag "-l" in yours for su.  I
> looked up the reason for it and gave it a try.  So the script:
> su -l postgres -c "/usr/local/pgsql/bin/postmaster -D
> /usr/local/pgsql/data -i /home/postgres/postgres.log 2>1 &"
> does work.
> I still don't understand the point of the 1's and 2's in the command though.

it's a method for redirecting STDERR --> STDOUT

this is especially usefull in scripts 

normally I use [scriptname >/dev/null 2>&1] to send any unwanted output
to /dev/null

> Why is everyone else's script working without the -l and mine wasn't?

'-l' uses the login profile for the su'd user... this is similar to a
'simuated login', without it , it was only referencing variables from
your roo profile ... (ie. no PGDATA,etc..)

Independent Computer Retailers (ICR)

[GENERAL] vacuum taking long time

2000-09-14 Thread Dale Walker

I have a machine inadvertently reboot on me this morning, and I have
been running a vacuumdb command to try and check it.

The vacuum command has processed the indexes OK, but it hasn't returned
to a prompt as yet (3hrs)

The table has only taken about 5min to do a vacuum on in the past... any

This is what I have on my screen so far...
$ vacuumdb --dbname=icr --table=log --verbose --echo
NOTICE:  --Relation log--
NOTICE:  Pages 17010: Changed 0, reaped 890, Empty 0, New 0; Tup
1031544: Vac 56920, Keep/VTL 0/0, Crash 0, UnUsed 0, MinLen 114, MaxLen
126; Re-using: Free/Avail. Space 7048436/7048436; EndEmpty/Avail. Pages
0/890. CPU 1.95s/0.51u sec.
NOTICE:  Index idx_lacctterminatecause: Pages 2049; Tuples 1031544:
Deleted 963. CPU 0.26s/1.76u sec.
NOTICE:  Index idx_lservicetype: Pages 2047; Tuples 1031544: Deleted
963. CPU 0.30s/1.71u sec.
NOTICE:  Index idx_lnasporttype: Pages 2047; Tuples 1031544: Deleted
962. CPU 0.30s/1.70u sec.
NOTICE:  Index idx_lnasport: Pages 2594; Tuples 1031544: Deleted 962.
CPU 0.36s/1.72u sec.
NOTICE:  Index idx_lnasip: Pages 3595; Tuples 1031544: Deleted 962. CPU
0.39s/1.82u sec.
NOTICE:  Index idx_luser: Pages 3303; Tuples 1031544: Deleted 962. CPU
0.33s/1.90u sec.
NOTICE:  Index idx_loutdate: Pages 2569; Tuples 1031544: Deleted 962.
CPU 0.35s/1.72u sec.
NOTICE:  Index log_pkey: Pages 2173; Tuples 1031544: Deleted 962. CPU
0.27s/1.75u sec.


Independent Computer Retailers (ICR)

Re: [GENERAL] creating functions

2000-08-26 Thread Dale Walker

Stephan Szabo wrote:
> > but I received this as the error:
> > --
> > ERROR:  Unrecognized language specified in a CREATE FUNCTION:
> > 'plpgsql'.  Recognized languages are sql, C, internal and the
> > created
> > procedural languages.
> > --
> By default the procedural languages are not loaded.  There's a
> script createlang which you can use to load the plpgsql language
> into your database.  (If you want it in all future databases,
> I believe if you add it to template1, all later dbs have it
> enabled)

got it.

and guess what the sample function worked!

Thanks for that..

Independent Computer Retailers (ICR)

[GENERAL] creating functions

2000-08-26 Thread Dale Walker

Hi All,

I'm trying to create a function that takes an interval (in seconds)
returns HH:MM:SS similar to reltime() but not dividing down to num#
days,months etc...

anyway, I've been looking into the CREATE FUNCTION routines and
here I
struck a stumbling block.

I tried(from the doco):
CREATE FUNCTION concat_text (text, text) RETURNS text AS '
RETURN $1 || $2;
' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';

but I received this as the error:
ERROR:  Unrecognized language specified in a CREATE FUNCTION:
'plpgsql'.  Recognized languages are sql, C, internal and the
procedural languages.

I'm running PostgreSQL 7.0.2 on FreeBSD-4.1. I'm new to postgres
migrating from mysql).

What I'm wondering:
1. Am I missing something basic and fundamental here??
2. Am I looking at the right doco.. I recall on the list a
back there was a coment about the wrong doco being used...

Any help is appreciated..

Independent Computer Retailers (ICR)

[GENERAL] insert into table from select..

2000-08-09 Thread Dale Walker

Hi all,

I'm having some trouble with the insert function and would appreciate
anyones woords of wisdom...

What I'm trying to do in a nutshell:
1. populate a 'working' table from a file (this is fine)
2. run sanity checks on the data (this is fine)
3. merge 'working' table into the 'main' table. (AARRGGG - not

raw datafile:
1996-12-12 12:12:12|bill
1997-03-02 23:12:45|ted



sql statements: (table log has already been created with same parameters
as 'logtmp')
create table logtmp (outdate timestamp,luser char(8));
copy logtmp from '/tmp/file' using delimiters '|';
\echo various syntax checking to make sure data is good
\echo Update main table with new data
\set fieldnames 'outdate,luser'
insert into log (:fieldnames) select :fieldnames from logtmp;

Everything works OK except for the last line...
I know the variable 'fieldnames' works though on 'select :fieldnames
from logtmp'

When I actually use this in the production environment, the main table
will have _one_ extra field as a serial sequence (this is why I used the
fieldnames variable, otherwise I have about 20 fields), I thought this
was my problem at first, but when I simplified the data right down, it
still fails.

Any thoughts??

Thanks in Advance.


[GENERAL] Table Design: Timestamp vs time/date

2000-08-05 Thread Dale Walker

I'm currently setting up a table to contain user login/logout
information. Just wondered what would be more scalable??better to

Having a 'timestamp' field 'CCYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SS' or two separate
fields one for time 'HH:MM:SS.SS' and one for Date 'CCYY-MM-DD'.

most queries will be of the form:

select  from  where username='xxx' and date<'CCYY-MM-DD'
and date>'CCYY-MM-DD'

so I was thinking that a separate 'Date only' field would index better..

Any Thoughts??
