Re: [GENERAL] creating "user" table

2001-09-23 Thread Daniel ?erud

Thanks for the information !!


Daniel Åkerud.

> > "Chris" == Chris  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Chris> Hi,
> Chris> This one is more for the developers, but other 
comments welcome.
> Chris> Since we can't create a table called user in a 
normal database due to
> Chris> the reserved keyword problem,
> False precondition!
> template1=# create database demo;
> template1=# \c demo
> You are now connected to database demo.
> demo=# create table "user" (name text, age int);
> demo=# \d
>List of relations
>  Name | Type  | Owner  
> --+---+
>  user | table | merlyn
> (1 row)
> demo=# \d user
>   Table "user"
>  Attribute |  Type   | Modifier 
> ---+-+--
>  name  | text| 
>  age   | integer | 
> demo=# insert into "user" values ('Randal', 39);
> INSERT 1034607 1
> demo=# insert into "user" values ('Russ', 38);
> INSERT 1034608 1
> demo=# insert into "user" values ('Ron', 35);
> INSERT 1034609 1
> demo=# select * from "user" order by age;
>   name  | age 
> +-
>  Ron|  35
>  Russ   |  38
>  Randal |  39
> (3 rows)
> demo=# 
> You can quote any reserved word to get any name you want.
> You just need to think of the table name of demo as 
_ "demo" _.
> -- 
> Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, 
Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
> Perl/Unix/security consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, 
etc. etc.
> See for onsite and open-
enrollment Perl training!
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TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [GENERAL] "user"

2001-09-10 Thread Daniel ?erud

Forgott to say that I try to create a table named 

> Why is this so very commonly used word reserved?
> Is that some kind of #define so you easily can recompile 
> PostgreSQL? If so, please guide me to the place. This is 
> truly annoying.
> Thanks!
> Daniel Åkerud

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

[GENERAL] "user"

2001-09-10 Thread Daniel ?erud

Why is this so very commonly used word reserved?
Is that some kind of #define so you easily can recompile 
PostgreSQL? If so, please guide me to the place. This is 
truly annoying.


Daniel Åkerud

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[GENERAL] Encrypting columns, security

2001-08-09 Thread Daniel ?erud

I have two questions:


I have a table


  password text,
  created timestamp not null default current_timestamp


I want to make two triggers on select/insert for this. The 
trigger for insert should xor password with the first byte 
(or something) from created. The trigger for select should 
xor it back using the same byte from created.  Is this 
possible in plpgsql? Where can I read about it? Has anyone 
done it? 

I want to combine this with:

Has anyone got a tip of how to keep a column encrypted to 
assure yourself that noone can steal it? I have thought of 
a hash algorithm like ripemd160 but it seems this can't do 
the trick because i have to save the key somewhere and 
saving it in the database suck and giving it to the user 
gives him extra trouble.

Anyone has a tip of doing this?
It would be extra good if I then ould make a function 
called verifyUser(text, text) (username/password) that 
decrypted it and verifyed it (plpgsql, don't like the idea 
of putting C in there).

Hope I was clear enought, thanks for reading through!

Daniel Åkerud

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[GENERAL] What could be the reason for EXTREMELY slow INSERTs?

2001-04-02 Thread Daniel ?erud

I have this little test application that compares 
retreiving and inserting data using indexes and not using 
indexes. I have tried this program on two different 
machines. One is a PIII 533 256 meg memory and SCSI. The 
other one is a dual 400 (something) 512 meg memory. The 
thing is that the PII _SELECTS_ faster (this is OK since 
the program uses one thread/process) than the dual 400 but 
inserts is a complete different story.

1 inserts takes 665 seconds on the PIII 533, while on 
the dual 400 it takes about 13 seconds (*GULP!*). I have 
done a clean reinstallation (dpkg --purge postgresql, apt-
get install postgresql) and tried it again. Same results. 
Do you guys know what could be the reason?


Daniel Åkerud

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Re: Re: [GENERAL] Dissapearing indexes, what's that all about?

2001-04-01 Thread Daniel ?erud

deluxe :-)


Can't see the logic behind that though
The jump in the b-tree must save about 5000 checks... half 
the table??


Daniel Åkerud

> Daniel ?erud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > and filling it with 1 rows made out of
> > $pwgen 8 1 > data [enter]
> > and then running VACUUM and VACUUM ANALYZE
> > still yields a sequential scan doing a
> > select * from index_with where name > 'm';
> > namely 
> > seq scan on index_with (cost=0.00..189 rows 5170 
> So?  You're asking it to retrieve over half of the table 
(or at least
> the planner estimates so, and I don't see any evidence 
here that its
> estimate is wildly off).  An indexscan would still be a 
loser in this
> scenario.
> If you want to see an indexscan with an inequality query, 
try giving
> it a reasonably tight range.  Probably
> select * from index_with where name > 'm' and name < 'n';
> would use the index in this example.
>   regards, tom lane

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[GENERAL] Tables grow in size when issuing UPDATEs! Why??

2001-03-28 Thread Daniel ?erud

I have noticed a strange thing when dealing with postgreSQL.

Foreword: this is all about postgres tables increasing in
size extremely fast when doing updates. My sainness is
decreasing in approximatly the same speed. Please look.

When I do this:

* create database foo
* create table test

foo int4

and make, for example, 20 inserts into this. Arbitrary data.

Then, I make in another terminal: (user with permission)
cd /var/lib/postgres/data/base/foo

watch -n 1 'ls -al test'

On my system it is now 8k big.

then (a couple of times),
update test set foo=5;

10 times is enough for it to get 16k big. I realised that it
increases in size EXTREMELY fast when only UDPATing. I find
this strange, as I update timestamp in my real database
often and in 5 minutes it is 2 megabytes big and containing
only 18 rows! (NO BULLSHIT!!)

Please help me with this I am quite desperate...

Daniel Åkerud

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