Re: [GENERAL] Role & User - Inheritance

2007-03-15 Thread David Legault


Everything that is a permission (CREATEROLE, etc) when creating a role
cannot be inherited. Only the GRANT stuff is inherited and I think only when
the WITH .. is given on the GRANT.

I may be wrong on the last part though.


On 3/15/07, Alexi Gen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

[GENERAL] Role & User - Inheritance?

A ROLE dba01 has been given the option of SUPERSUSER.
A USER user01 is created and tagged to the above ROLE dba01.
When attempting to create a Tablespace (logged in as user01) it generates
the following message:
"permission denied to create tablespace (tblspc01). Must be superuser to
create a tablespace.".
Since user01 is tagged to dba01 (who has the SUPERUSER option) - should'nt
user01 also inherit this? If not - what benefit exists in grouping users
under a Role?


Spice up your IM conversations. New, colorful and animated emoticons. Get

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [GENERAL] Stored procedure

2007-03-13 Thread David Legault

On 3/13/07, Alain Roger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I have a stored procedure which returns a SETOF RECORD.
so basically a partial rowtype from a table.

to execute the query in PHP, i must write :
select * from myschema.sp_a_002('username') as result(Column1 varchar);

to get the result.

However, is there another to get the result without using 'as
result(column1 varchar)' ?
something like a simple "select * from storedprocedure(param);", for
example :-)

thanks a lot,


Windows XP SP2
PostgreSQL 8.1.4
Apache 2.0.58

That's what I do in PHP

if it returns a set "SELECT * FROM myfunction(arg1,arg2,...)"

Then I can just iterate over every record/line/row.

I don't have any stored proc that actually returns a setof record in any of
my functions though, but I would imagine that it doesn't make a difference
in how you call it.

Could you past the whole function?


Re: HIPPA (was Re: [GENERAL] Anyone know ...)

2007-03-10 Thread David Legault

On 3/10/07, Kenneth Downs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Alvaro Herrera wrote:

David Legault escribió:

 That's basically what I've done with my past questions on the ROLE system in
place. Since roles are global, I wanted it fine grained to the DB level so I
had to append DB_ in front of each role name and by using current_database()
inside my functions, I could hide that from the exterior.

 Hmm, there used to be a facility to restrict users to specific
databases, enabled by db_user_namespace (not by default).

I tried this, but couldn't achieve what I wanted with it, it's also marked
as "temp stuff could change in the future".

It seems to still work on 8.2 ...

there is also the 'samegroup' facility in pg_hba.conf.  We create a group
named after each database, and a person cannot get into a database unless
they are in that group.

I append the name of the DB on front of the roles and it works flawlessly,
you can't have 2 DB with the same name in the cluster. It's also transparent
to the application since the functions to interact with the roles + other
tables use current_database() which gets the name of the DB to which the
groups are assigned.

All databases are REVOKED from public as all functions. When a user is
created he is granted connect on the database to which he belongs. So even
if someone gets the credentials to db1_user and attempts to connect to db2
with it it will fail.


[GENERAL] pl/pgsql FOR LOOP with function

2007-03-10 Thread David Legault


How can I return the contents of the row object without knowing the names of
the parameters in it ? I'd like to do something like row[1] or something
similar. Or is there a way to actually get the values knowing the return
type but not the name?

FOR row IN SELECT * FROM getgroups(usr) LOOP

   .. snip ..



FUNCTION getgroups(usr name) RETURNS SETOF name AS



Re: HIPPA (was Re: [GENERAL] Anyone know ...)

2007-03-10 Thread David Legault

That's basically what I've done with my past questions on the ROLE system in
place. Since roles are global, I wanted it fine grained to the DB level so I
had to append DB_ in front of each role name and by using current_database()
inside my functions, I could hide that from the exterior.

Now I have a web administration panel that can let me administer users and
groups. Functions are synced with app permissions and given to groups only.
Then users are assigned to groups to give them their app permissions + db
function permissions. I had to create a couple extra tables to do the sync
between app permissions (view page X, do action Y) and the functions needed
for each of these app permission combos.

Users of my products will now be able to control all the users via that
panel, it also removes any superuser credentials on the app level as now the
DB users are used for the web app login too.

I'm very pleased to have learned this new database and its incorporation in
my apps and future apps.


On 3/10/07, Kenneth Downs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Awesome!  That never occurred to me.  This is really cool.

Tom Lane wrote:

Kenneth Downs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 Perhaps a lesser form of CREATEROLE, CREATEROLE_LIMITED, who can create
roles and only grant to the roles he himself is a member of.

 You can make that out of spare parts today, by granting non-superusers
execute rights on functions that create users.

regression=# create or replace function makeuser(text) returns void as $$
  execute 'create role ' || quote_ident($1) || ' login';
end$$ language plpgsql security definer;
regression=# revoke all on function makeuser(text) from public;
regression=# create user joe;
regression=# grant execute on function makeuser(text) to joe;
regression=# \c - joe
You are now connected to database "regression" as user "joe".
regression=> create user foo;
ERROR:  permission denied to create role
regression=> select makeuser('foo');

(1 row)

regression=> \c - foo
You are now connected to database "regression" as user "foo".

regards, tom lane

Re: [GENERAL] security permissions for functions

2007-03-08 Thread David Legault

On 3/8/07, Rikard Pavelic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Bill Moran wrote:
>> Hmm, so the answer to my question
>> "How can I assign execute permission to a role for a single function
>> inside schema."
>> is I can't?
> How did you interpret "do it like this" to mean "you can't do it"?
>> So this basically means that I can't fine tune the permissions through
>> functions, but I
>> can through views and tables?
>> This looks like a bug in design to me ;(
> Relax.  You (somehow) misunderstood Tom.

Urgh, I didn't meant it like that ;(

Anyway, maybe I didn't make myself clear enough.
Let's try again ;)

Let's say I have two functions in schema example
and two users
user1 and user2

Is there a way to grant user1 permission to execute function
example.function1(), but not example.function2()
And for user2 to be able to execute
example.function2() and not example.function1()?

To grant user1 permission to execute example.function1()
I need to do GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA example to user1
But this permissions grants him also ability to execute example.function2

GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION example.function1() TO user1
REVOKE EXECUTE ON FUNCTION example.function1() FROM user1
don't have any affect.

Role PUBLIC don't have access to this schema so that is not an issue.

I have a GRANT USAGE on schema "name" to PUBLIC

and I have a GRANT EXECUTE on function1 to user1 and a GRANT EXECUTE on
function2 to user 2 and I can't access function2 as user1.

But when I created the functions I did a REVOKE EXECUTE on functionN from

Exception: SQLSTATE[42501]: Insufficient privilege: 7 ERROR: permission
denied for function function2 ...



---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings


Re: [GENERAL] get username of user calling function?

2007-03-01 Thread David Legault

On 3/1/07, George Nychis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

David Legault wrote:
> See the EXECUTE function in the pl/pgSQL language in the docs for
> queries.
So it turns out that in a SECURITY DEFINER the current_user is the owner
of the function.
  I had to use session_user and it works now :)

yes because you are running it in the context of the owner of the function

there is also another SECURITY setting that will be in the context of the
caller where current_user() should return the callee.

- George

Re: [GENERAL] get username of user calling function?

2007-03-01 Thread David Legault

On 3/1/07, George Nychis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

A. Kretschmer wrote:
> You can use the current_user - variable. Select current_user;

I'm trying to create a function in which users can only kill their own
processes, it works
perfectly if i hardcode a username in such as this:
CREATE FUNCTION kill_process(integer) RETURNS boolean
AS 'select pg_cancel_backend(procpid)
 FROM (SELECT procpid FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE procpid=$1 and
AS kill;'

See the EXECUTE function in the pl/pgSQL language in the docs for dynamic

But if i try to replace usename=''gnychis'' with usename=current_user it no

longer works.

Any ideas?

- George

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?


2007-02-21 Thread David Legault

Will report on it,

There isn't anything in the FAQ about changes to the ROLES that I've seen

though this line may be interesting:

%Allow GRANT/REVOKE permissions to be applied to all schema objects with one

The proposed syntax is:

IN public TO phpuser;
It's marked with an % saying it's easy to implement, but isn't with a "-" so
it won't be in 8.3.

Will make REVOKE and GRANT commands much easier without knowing all the
objects that need to be listed to use them.



On 2/21/07, Richard Huxton  wrote:

David Legault wrote:
> I'll test all that [EMAIL PROTECTED] stuff and see what happens and if it 
> properly and report back on it.

Excellent - never used it myself.

> Is there a place where I can see what features were suggested and where
> could suggest my own?

Full list, and what people are thinking about for 8.3:

Check the mailing-list archives before proposing a new feature - see
what others have thought of in the past. Then, think through what you
want and discuss it here before posting to the hackers list. If you're
not planning to make changes yourself, you'll either need to directly
persuade a developer, or gain enough support to convince one it's worth
their time.

   Richard Huxton
   Archonet Ltd


2007-02-21 Thread David Legault

I only have a local root user for DBA pruposes, the rest will be DB specific
roles (If I can do it properly).

Users have no privileges except CONNECT to the DB. All the privileges are
granted to group roles.

Users are assigned groups to have access to DB functionality which are all
stored in functions.

There is a "guests" group role for public access which is locked down to the
basic data stuff, minimum required to display stuff on the website. Then
there is "administrators" group role for the admin of the system. A user
member of that group can then start creating new groups add assign them
privileges (application + DB - they are synched) and then create new users
and assign them groups.

Everything is built so that the modularity of the application side can be
respected, I just need to drop in a new application module, update the
application privileges table, add the new functions and sync them together
(M to M table mapping) and the system will now detect the new possibilities
itself and allow an admin to add the new module privileges to already
existing groups or create a new group for them.

I'll test all that [EMAIL PROTECTED] stuff and see what happens and if it works
properly and report back on it.

Is there a place where I can see what features were suggested and where I
could suggest my own?



On 2/21/07, Richard Huxton  wrote:

David Legault wrote:
>  From the docs
> db_user_namespace (boolean)

> It doesn't talk about this in the CREATE ROLE docs though so it's a bit
> ambiguous and the note saying this is a temp measure means they are
> thinking
> of something better for the future I assume.

Well, it's clearly not ideal, but it's probably a fair bit of work to
have global AND database-specific users in a clean way, and there's just
not been the demand for it.

> I'm trying to build a web managed system for my apps (PHP) where I can
> manage ROLES (users/groups) using an admin area of the site without
> to touch the DB directly like a DBA. This enables the customer to set
> himself the access levels of the groups which are assigned to their
> different users. Restricting roles to databases is what I want
> ultimately. I
> use the DB role system as the auth mecanism of the website too, so no
> actual
> DB super user has access to the DB and is stored in server PHP code. If
> server is compromised, there is still another layer before reaching the
> data.

Hmm - never gone quite that far myself. You've got to balance the
prospects of someone gaining access to your PHP code versus the risks of
handing out database passwords to all your users.

Recently I've been using one user my app connects as, then use SET ROLE
to switch to individual user-types or users. Not proof against hackers
(except the most stupid), but it does prevent e.g. accidental changes to
lookup tables. It'd be nice to have a LOCK option on the SET ROLE, but
again, it depends on demand.

Then, I have a separate user who owns the database and I use that user
for admin tasks (backups etc).

> If there was an option to force each new ROLE to have no connexion
> privileges to any DB until I set one via GRANT would also be good. Else
> I'll
> have to revoke all DBs when I create it and then GRANT only the single
> one I
> want.

Yep - REVOKE public from all databases and then anything after that will
have to be a member of a group you've explicitly GRANTed.

   Richard Huxton
   Archonet Ltd


2007-02-21 Thread David Legault

From the docs

db_user_namespace (boolean)

This parameter enables per-database user names. It is off by default. This
parameter can only be set in the postgresql.conf file or on the server
command line.

If this is on, you should create users as [EMAIL PROTECTED] When username is
passed by a connecting client, @ and the database name are appended to the
user name and that database-specific user name is looked up by the server.
Note that when you create users with names containing @ within the SQL
environment, you will need to quote the user name.

With this parameter enabled, you can still create ordinary global users.
Simply append @ when specifying the user name in the client. The @ will be
stripped off before the user name is looked up by the server.

*Note: * This feature is intended as a temporary measure until a complete
solution is found. At that time, this option will be removed.

If I read it properly, this means I can create the ROLES as [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
and they
will be limited to the DB to which is contained in their ROLE name.

It doesn't talk about this in the CREATE ROLE docs though so it's a bit
ambiguous and the note saying this is a temp measure means they are thinking
of something better for the future I assume.

I'm trying to build a web managed system for my apps (PHP) where I can
manage ROLES (users/groups) using an admin area of the site without having
to touch the DB directly like a DBA. This enables the customer to set
himself the access levels of the groups which are assigned to their
different users. Restricting roles to databases is what I want ultimately. I
use the DB role system as the auth mecanism of the website too, so no actual
DB super user has access to the DB and is stored in server PHP code. If the
server is compromised, there is still another layer before reaching the DB

If there was an option to force each new ROLE to have no connexion
privileges to any DB until I set one via GRANT would also be good. Else I'll
have to revoke all DBs when I create it and then GRANT only the single one I



On 2/21/07, Richard Huxton  wrote:

David Legault wrote:
> Concerning the pg_hba.conf file, I don't want to prevent external
> connections to the DB as I need all my web apps to connect to them. I
> referring the fact that ROLE A "belongs" to DB G so that I don't want
> him to
> access anything in DB H for example.
> I'd like to be able to create roles that can't connect (not the
> user configs) to any database except the ones for which they have been
> granted the privilege to do so.
> So when creating ROLE A, he wouldn't be able to connect [through a PHP
> pg_connect(user, pass, db)] until I explicitly grant him access to the
> for connexion via GRANT ON DATABASE G TO A.


Then you'll need to add "GRANT CONNECT" for each user/group.

Also check the section on database-specific roles in the manuals
(there's a setting in postgresql.conf that lets you have [EMAIL PROTECTED]).
Might be useful.

   Richard Huxton
   Archonet Ltd


2007-02-21 Thread David Legault

Concerning the pg_hba.conf file, I don't want to prevent external
connections to the DB as I need all my web apps to connect to them. I was
referring the fact that ROLE A "belongs" to DB G so that I don't want him to
access anything in DB H for example.

I'd like to be able to create roles that can't connect (not the pg_hba.conf
user configs) to any database except the ones for which they have been
granted the privilege to do so.

So when creating ROLE A, he wouldn't be able to connect [through a PHP call
pg_connect(user, pass, db)] until I explicitly grant him access to the DB
for connexion via GRANT ON DATABASE G TO A.

As for the REVOKE and checking of privileges, haven't found anything for
that on pgfoundry, will look on google.



On 2/21/07, Richard Huxton  wrote:

David Legault wrote:
> In which table pg_* are stored the GRANT options? As I can do a
> with a SELECT to see if the user has any grants on functions using the
> pg_proc table. At the same time, I need to know exactly the names of the
> functions to be able to REVOKE them which in my opinion, there should be
> wildcard which enables you to REVOKE everything at once without prior
> knowing the names of the functions.

Check pgfoundry / google for some functions to do just that - there are
plenty out there.

If you want to write your own, the permissions are stored in "proacl" in
pg_proc (and similarly named columns in other tables for other objects).
You may find the information_schema.routine* views simpler to work with
for part of your effort though.

   Richard Huxton
   Archonet Ltd


2007-02-21 Thread David Legault

In which table pg_* are stored the GRANT options? As I can do a cross-check
with a SELECT to see if the user has any grants on functions using the
pg_proc table. At the same time, I need to know exactly the names of the
functions to be able to REVOKE them which in my opinion, there should be a
wildcard which enables you to REVOKE everything at once without prior
knowing the names of the functions.

The has_function_privilege(user, function, privilege) is of no use except to
check if he has a GRANT on a function but again you need to explicitly name
that function and arguments when you REVOKE.

I'll then block everyone on connection, and allocate to new users using the
grant options on database.



On 2/21/07, Richard Huxton  wrote:

David Legault wrote:
> Hello,
> Is there a way to revoke all privileges of a role without actually
> specifying the whole list of items.
> Like if a role has privileges on FUNCTIONs, is there a REVOKE all

There's no GRANT/REVOKE  ON public.* command format, but there are
plenty of plpgsql functions that do something of the sort.

> Is there a way to check if it has a GRANT in a particular type (CONNECT,
> FUNCTION, TRIGGER) before calling the REVOKE command?

You can wrap it in a function and check the system catalogues or use the
has_xxx_privilege() functions, otherwise no.

> Also, if I do a GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE X TO Y, will Y be able to
> to other databases if I haven't given him permission to do so (what is
> default value when a role is created since roles are global)?

By default all users can connect to all databases. This is limited by
your pg_hba.conf settings and after that by GRANT CONNECT;

   Richard Huxton
   Archonet Ltd


2007-02-20 Thread David Legault


Is there a way to revoke all privileges of a role without actually
specifying the whole list of items.

Like if a role has privileges on FUNCTIONs, is there a REVOKE all FUNCTIONS.
Is there a way to check if it has a GRANT in a particular type (CONNECT,
FUNCTION, TRIGGER) before calling the REVOKE command?

Also, if I do a GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE X TO Y, will Y be able to connect
to other databases if I haven't given him permission to do so (what is the
default value when a role is created since roles are global)?



[GENERAL] Per Database Roles

2007-02-19 Thread David Legault


Is there a way to attach roles to only certain databases so that the login
[from PHP pg_connect(username, password, database)] is tied to that
particular database and any creation of roles (users/groups) can be
constrained into that particular database.

I plan to use the roles system to be able to create the users/groups
access/permissions and I would like to have them isolated on a per database
basis instead of having them in a situation that Role A (user) belonging to
DB C could also be used in DB D (security issue).

I've seen this from the docs :

db_user_namespace (boolean)

This parameter enables per-database user names. It is off by default. This
parameter can only be set in the postgresql.conf file or on the server
command line.

If this is on, you should create users as [EMAIL PROTECTED] When username is
passed by a connecting client, @ and the database name are appended to the
user name and that database-specific user name is looked up by the server.
Note that when you create users with names containing @ within the SQL
environment, you will need to quote the user name.

With this parameter enabled, you can still create ordinary global users.
Simply append @ when specifying the user name in the client. The @ will be
stripped off before the user name is looked up by the server.

*Note: * This feature is intended as a temporary measure until a complete
solution is found. At that time, this option will be removed.

But in the CREATE ROLE portion of the docs it talks about them being global
and doesn't mention anything about creating them as [EMAIL PROTECTED] to tie 
them to
that particular DB.



Re: [GENERAL] Addons

2007-02-17 Thread David Legault

I can't seem to be able to change/add builtin contrib items using the
installer after it's been installed already. Is there another way to access
those modules and install them manually ?


On 2/17/07, Joshua D. Drake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

David Legault wrote:
> Hello,
> I can't find a list of addons on the website. I'd like to view the list
> addons like pgcrypto and download/install some of them into my
> so I can use some of the functions.

There is and there is the built in contrib. The built
in contrib has the items such as pgcrypto.

> And is there any advanced docs on the PL/PGSQL language like how to
> manipulate strings (string replace, search, split, etc)

The language doesn't :), PostgreSQL does. Unlike something like Perl (or
plPerl), something like replace() uses the PostgreSQL function replace()
not a language function. See here:

You can call anything in the above link from plpgsql, directly.


Joshua D. Drake

> Thanks
> David


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[GENERAL] Addons

2007-02-17 Thread David Legault


I can't find a list of addons on the website. I'd like to view the list of
addons like pgcrypto and download/install some of them into my installation
so I can use some of the functions.

And is there any advanced docs on the PL/PGSQL language like how to
manipulate strings (string replace, search, split, etc)




2007-02-15 Thread David Legault

Well basically, I was planning on building my user accounts directly using
the postgres user/group policy and get away from the model superuser always
connects to the DB.

I kind of think it defeats the purpose of inheritance of attributes if you
can't inherit from all attributes of a certain group.

basically, you have a web app with a guest account into a guests group for
any anonymous user that comes in. Once they log in, they have access to
their privileges. If an "administrator" group user logs in I want him to be
able to add "sub-admin" people and administer the users/groups via an admin
web interface. Since my application is built in modules, all web application
privileges (usually page/action combo) are correlated with the group
privileges (which determine which stored proc/functions) that person has
access via his membership to the groups.

The way I see it , is just an extra loop for me. When I create a new user
and assign him a group, I'll simply check if any of the group membership he
has contains the CREATEROLE and just give it to him and vice-versa if he
loses a group and doesn't have it anymore.

Could there be an option (off by default) that could tell Postgres to
INHERIT those 4 conditions like the command:

GRANT *role* [, ...] TO *username* [, ...] [ WITH [ADMIN OPTION] [FULL

Or something similar.



On 2/15/07, Kenneth Downs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Tom Lane wrote:

"David Legault" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 I thought it would transfer that CREATEROLE privilege too.

I've been dying to get 2 cents in on this.  Tell me if this suggestion
makes any sense.

We use real database users in our systems, we don't connect in with an
over-endowed user and then arbitrate security in client code.   Therefore,
we depend entirely upon the server's ability to enforce security.

The practical advantage of this, which is huge, is that nowhere in my
Postgres settings do I have to make allowance for the web user (apache) to
"go root" with respect to Postgres.  As a general rule we consider this good
of course, because a remote exploit on the web server could not do anything
the user could not do anyway.

Except for the hole.  On a public site that lets users register, we have
to have  way to let the web server assume the role of somebody who has
createuser privelege, and that's pretty much the end of the no-root policy.
If an exploit could be placed, it could simply go into that mode and create
a superuser.

What would be really nice is if you could limit the ability of CREATEUSER
to grant roles.  A nice general solution would be to allow a user with
CREATEUSER privelege to only put other users into the same groups that
person is in, or perhaps into a list specified by a higher-privelege user.

What's chances of anything like that showing up?

And, dumb question, am I mistaking the purpose of INHERIT and it already
does what I'm saying?  I don't think so because INHERIT does not let
somebody create users out of the void.

 This is documented someplace ... ah, under CREATE ROLE:

: The INHERIT attribute governs inheritance of grantable privileges (that
: is, access privileges for database objects and role memberships). It
: does not apply to the special role attributes set by CREATE ROLE and
: ALTER ROLE. For example, being a member of a role with CREATEDB
: privilege does not immediately grant the ability to create databases,
: even if INHERIT is set; it would be necessary to become that role via
: SET ROLE before creating a database.

The main reason we did that is that SUPERUSER seemed a bit too dangerous
to be an inheritable privilege.  You could argue the other role
attribute bits either way, but for simplicity they all act the same.

regards, tom lane

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend


2007-02-15 Thread David Legault

The docs should probably be more clear about this because you can do:

GRANT *role* [, ...] TO *username* [, ...] [ WITH ADMIN OPTION ]

GRANT on Roles

This variant of the GRANT command grants membership in a role to one or more
other roles. Membership in a role is significant because it conveys the
privileges granted to a role to each of its members.
GRANT administrator TO admin;

I thought it would transfer that CREATEROLE privilege too.



On 2/15/07, Alvaro Herrera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

David Legault escribió:
> Hello,
> I'm a bit new to Postgre, and I'm experimenting with the roles stuff.
> I want to know why If I create a role called "administrator" (a group
> basically, no login) :
> And then create a user
> CREATE ROLE admin LOGIN PASSWORD 'password' ON ROLE administrator;
> admin doesn't have the CREATEROLE privilege himself, but because he is
> of a group that has it, why doesn't this fall back on him having it?
> When I try to use that admin user to create another role, it says
> insufficient privileges.
> Am I missing something in this role stuff ?

A single point, which is that while the privileges that are inherited
are those that you can GRANT and REVOKE with the respective commands.
CREATEROLE and the others are not inherited.

Also, keep in mind that while role "admin" does not have CREATEDB
privilege, if you grant it the CREATEROLE privilege it will easily be
able to create a database by creating another role with CREATEDB
privilege.  So don't grant CREATEROLE to just anyone.

FYI, the short name of PostgreSQL is "Postgres", not Postgre.

Alvaro Herrera
PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Development, 24x7 support


2007-02-15 Thread David Legault


I'm a bit new to Postgre, and I'm experimenting with the roles stuff.

I want to know why If I create a role called "administrator" (a group
basically, no login) :


And then create a user

CREATE ROLE admin LOGIN PASSWORD 'password' ON ROLE administrator;

admin doesn't have the CREATEROLE privilege himself, but because he is part
of a group that has it, why doesn't this fall back on him having it?

When I try to use that admin user to create another role, it says
insufficient privileges.

Am I missing something in this role stuff ?

