Re: [GENERAL] Re: COPY TO returns "ERROR: could not open file for writing: No such file or directory"

2014-05-24 Thread David Noel
I got it fella's, thanks. It was a really simple oversight on my part.

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[GENERAL] COPY TO returns "ERROR: could not open file for writing: No such file or directory"

2014-05-23 Thread David Noel
COPY (SELECT * FROM page WHERE "PublishDate" between '2014-03-01' and
'2014-04-01') TO

gives me:

ERROR:  could not open file
"/home/ygg/sql/backup/" for
writing: No such file or directory

Running it in pgadmin3 I get the additional output:

SQL state: 58P01

I've tried creating a file named
"", changing its permissions,
and changing its owner to pgsql, all with no luck.

The syntax for COPY is:

COPY { table_name [ ( column_name [, ...] ) ] | ( query ) }
TO { 'filename' | PROGRAM 'command' | STDOUT }
[ [ WITH ] ( option [, ...] ) ] it *should* be running just fine. I can't figure out why it's not.

FreeBSD. PostgreSQL 9.3.

Has anyone run into this before?

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Re: [GENERAL] SQL query runs fine on one platform (FreeBSD), but hangs on another (Windows)

2014-04-30 Thread David Noel
> There is nothing wrong with LATERALs, they just have no business being
> used here.  Sorry for the noise.

Ah. No trouble. In fact I'm glad you chimed in -- it motivated me to
learn about laterals so now I know some new SQL syntax!

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Re: [GENERAL] SQL query runs fine on one platform (FreeBSD), but hangs on another (Windows)

2014-04-30 Thread David Noel
> For 9.3, you can write that as:
> select p.*, s.NoOfSentences
> from page p,
>  lateral (select count(*) as NoOfSentences
>   from sentence s
>   where s."PageURL" = p."URL") s
> where "Classification" like case ... end
> order by "PublishDate" desc
> limit 100;
> Performance will be much, much better than what you have but it won't
> work at all on the 9.2 server.

Some interesting feedback on that query you provided. It took nearly
80 seconds to complete.

I rewrote it* as a join and it took .8 seconds to complete:

select p.*, count(*) as NoOfSentences
from page p
inner join sentence c on p."URL" = c."URL"
where "Classification" = 'health'
group by p."URL"

*I may have written it incorrectly but it does _seem_ to produce correct output.

Something seems odd with laterals. I'll have to dig into it more later
and report back, I'm not sure it behaves this way.

For the record, with modification the query you provided wound up
getting executed looking like this:

select p.*, s.NoOfSentences
from page p,
 lateral (select count(*) as NoOfSentences
  from sentence s
  where s."PageURL" = p."URL") s
where "Classification" = 'health'
order by "PublishDate" desc
limit 100;

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Re: [GENERAL] SQL query runs fine on one platform (FreeBSD), but hangs on another (Windows)

2014-04-30 Thread David Noel
The FreeBSD system is running 9.3, the Windows systems are running
9.2. I am waiting on the output from the other developer.

On Tue, Apr 29, 2014 at 8:46 AM, Tom Lane  wrote:
> David Noel  writes:
>> Both queries are run from a Java project using the latest JDBC driver.
>> The PostgreSQL Server versions it's being run on are 9.2 and 9.3. The
>> query executes and returns just fine when run on a FreeBSD-based
>> platform, but executes forever when run under Windows.
> Um .. which one is 9.2, and which one is 9.3?  Do you get the same
> plan according to EXPLAIN on both systems?  (Even if you do, let's
> see the EXPLAIN output.  And maybe EXPLAIN ANALYZE, on the system
> where it completes.)
> regards, tom lane

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Re: [GENERAL] SQL query runs fine on one platform (FreeBSD), but hangs on another (Windows)

2014-04-30 Thread David Noel
Very strange. I ran the query and it seemed slow so I rewrote it with
a join instead. Using join it finished in 800ms. The query using the
lateral finished in more than a minute. I guess I need to do some
analysis on those queries to figure out why there was such a vast
difference in performance. %10, %20, %50, even %100 differences in
performance are huge, but for something to take nearly 100x -- %1
longer to complete? Something just doesn't seem right.

On Tue, Apr 29, 2014 at 3:38 AM, Vik Fearing  wrote:
> On 04/29/2014 09:44 AM, David Noel wrote:
>> Ahh, sorry, copied the query over incorrectly. It should read as follows:
>> select page.*, coalesce((select COUNT(*) from sentence where
>> sentence."PageURL" = page."URL" group by page."URL"), 0) as
>> NoOfSentences from page WHERE "Classification" LIKE CASE WHEN
>> 'health'<>'' THEN 'health' ELSE '%' END ORDER BY "PublishDate" DESC
>> Offset 0 LIMIT 100
>> Does that make any more sense?
> For 9.3, you can write that as:
> select p.*, s.NoOfSentences
> from page p,
>  lateral (select count(*) as NoOfSentences
>   from sentence s
>   where s."PageURL" = p."URL") s
> where "Classification" like case ... end
> order by "PublishDate" desc
> limit 100;
> Performance will be much, much better than what you have but it won't
> work at all on the 9.2 server.
> --
> Vik

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Re: [GENERAL] SQL query runs fine on one platform (FreeBSD), but hangs on another (Windows)

2014-04-29 Thread David Noel
> Is both server/client running on FreeBSD or Windows, or are you switching
> only part of the stack?

When I run it it's all FreeBSD. When the other developer working on it
runs it it's all Windows.

> It shouldn't get stuck. It might be slower on some platforms, but it
> shouldn't really get stuck, so it might be a bug.

That's what I was starting to thing.

> On linux I'd recommend perf/strace/... to investigate the issue, but I'm
> not familiar with similar tool on Windows.

On Windows I'm not sure what he could run either.

> Is the query eating a lot of CPU, or is it just sitting there idle, doing
> nothing? Or is there some other process doing a lot of CPU (e.g. Java)?

IIRC it's eating CPU. I'll double check though.

> Can you try running the query through 'psql' directly, to rule out JDBC
> issues etc.? Try to collect explain plans for the query (maybe there's
> something wrong with it).

That's a good idea. I'll see what he can come up with.

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Re: [GENERAL] SQL query runs fine on one platform (FreeBSD), but hangs on another (Windows)

2014-04-29 Thread David Noel
> But there are two of them : ' and ' makes ''. If you use only one
> psql/parser will complain.

Ha! Wow. That one totally flew by me. It's not a double quotation mark
(one character), it's a double _single_ quotation mark (two
characters). Yeah, that makes complete sense. Wow. Can't believe I
missed that one. I blame it on it being 5am. Yeah. Wow.

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Re: [GENERAL] SQL query runs fine on one platform (FreeBSD), but hangs on another (Windows)

2014-04-29 Thread David Noel
> 'health'<>'' (if that is what you have) means a boolean expression that
> compares the
> literal 'health' with the empty literal '' which is of course always false.

Ah. Gotcha. Thanks. I didn't know you could use a single double
quotation mark in a query -- I thought like in most languages that you
needed two of them for it to be valid.

> Maybe *health* is a column name somewhere ? In this case it should be
> written :
> "health" <> '' (i.e. comparison between the value of column "health" and the
> literal value '')

'health' is one of the accepted values of the page table's
"Classification" column.

Many thanks,


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Re: [GENERAL] SQL query runs fine on one platform (FreeBSD), but hangs on another (Windows)

2014-04-29 Thread David Noel
Ehh, to clarify I'm referring to the lone _double_ quotation mark at
the end of the condition 'health'<>''. I called it a "single quotation
mark" because it was a quotation mark all by itself, but realize that
could be misread. Single quotation marks are technically this: '

Sorry for the newbie spam -- I can't run
less-than/greater-than/quotation marks through Google for answers.

On 4/29/14, David Noel  wrote:
>> select p.*, s.NoOfSentences
>> from page p,
>>  lateral (select count(*) as NoOfSentences
>>   from sentence s
>>   where s."PageURL" = p."URL") s
>> where "Classification" like case ... end
>> order by "PublishDate" desc
>> limit 100;
> Great. Thanks so much!
> Could I make it even simpler and drop the case entirely?
> select p.*, s.NoOfSentences
> from page p,
>  lateral (select count(*) as NoOfSentences
>   from sentence s
>   where s."PageURL" = p."URL") s
> where "Classification" like 'health'
> order by "PublishDate" desc
> limit 100;
> I'm not sure what "case WHEN 'health'<>'' THEN 'health' ELSE '%' end"
> does. I follow everything just fine until I get to the 'health'<>''
> condition. What does the single quotation mark mean? I can't seem to
> find it in the documentation.
> -David

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Re: [GENERAL] SQL query runs fine on one platform (FreeBSD), but hangs on another (Windows)

2014-04-29 Thread David Noel
> select p.*, s.NoOfSentences
> from page p,
>  lateral (select count(*) as NoOfSentences
>   from sentence s
>   where s."PageURL" = p."URL") s
> where "Classification" like case ... end
> order by "PublishDate" desc
> limit 100;

Great. Thanks so much!

Could I make it even simpler and drop the case entirely?

select p.*, s.NoOfSentences
from page p,
 lateral (select count(*) as NoOfSentences
  from sentence s
  where s."PageURL" = p."URL") s
where "Classification" like 'health'
order by "PublishDate" desc
limit 100;

I'm not sure what "case WHEN 'health'<>'' THEN 'health' ELSE '%' end"
does. I follow everything just fine until I get to the 'health'<>''
condition. What does the single quotation mark mean? I can't seem to
find it in the documentation.


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Re: [GENERAL] SQL query runs fine on one platform (FreeBSD), but hangs on another (Windows)

2014-04-29 Thread David Noel
Ahh, sorry, copied the query over incorrectly. It should read as follows:

select page.*, coalesce((select COUNT(*) from sentence where
sentence."PageURL" = page."URL" group by page."URL"), 0) as
NoOfSentences from page WHERE "Classification" LIKE CASE WHEN
'health'<>'' THEN 'health' ELSE '%' END ORDER BY "PublishDate" DESC
Offset 0 LIMIT 100

Does that make any more sense?

On 4/29/14, David Noel  wrote:
> On 4/29/14, Achilleas Mantzios  wrote:
>> On 29/04/2014 09:59, David Noel wrote:
>>> "select page.*, coalesce((select COUNT(*) from sentence where
>>> sentence."PageURL" = page."URL" group by page."URL"), 0) as
>>> NoOfSentences from page WHERE "Classification" LIKE CASE WHEN "<>"
>>> THEN " ELSE '%' END ORDER BY "PublishDate" DESC Offset 0 LIMIT 100"
>> In all honesty, this query is very badly written. It seems like it was
>> ported from some other
>> system. The inner group by in the coalesce is redundant since the result
>> is
>> always one row,
>> moreover, it is wrong since coalesce accepts a scalar value, it hits the
>> eye
>> at first sight.
>> Additionally, ''<>'' always returns false, what's the purpose of the CASE
>> statement?
> Ok, thanks for the heads up. It confused me, too. It's code I'm just
> picking up from another developer, so I don't know why it was done the
> way it was done. I'm not super proficient with SQL but I'll take a
> stab at rewriting it.
>> Try to re-write the query in a good form, and then perform EXPLAIN
>> on both systems to see what's wrong.
> Will do. Thanks for the advice.

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Re: [GENERAL] SQL query runs fine on one platform (FreeBSD), but hangs on another (Windows)

2014-04-29 Thread David Noel
On 4/29/14, Achilleas Mantzios  wrote:
> On 29/04/2014 09:59, David Noel wrote:
>> "select page.*, coalesce((select COUNT(*) from sentence where
>> sentence."PageURL" = page."URL" group by page."URL"), 0) as
>> NoOfSentences from page WHERE "Classification" LIKE CASE WHEN "<>"
>> THEN " ELSE '%' END ORDER BY "PublishDate" DESC Offset 0 LIMIT 100"
> In all honesty, this query is very badly written. It seems like it was
> ported from some other
> system. The inner group by in the coalesce is redundant since the result is
> always one row,
> moreover, it is wrong since coalesce accepts a scalar value, it hits the eye
> at first sight.
> Additionally, ''<>'' always returns false, what's the purpose of the CASE
> statement?

Ok, thanks for the heads up. It confused me, too. It's code I'm just
picking up from another developer, so I don't know why it was done the
way it was done. I'm not super proficient with SQL but I'll take a
stab at rewriting it.

> Try to re-write the query in a good form, and then perform EXPLAIN ANALYZE
> on both systems to see what's wrong.

Will do. Thanks for the advice.

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[GENERAL] Re: SQL query runs fine on one platform (FreeBSD), but hangs on another (Windows)

2014-04-29 Thread David Noel
On 4/29/14, David Noel  wrote:
> The query I'm running is:
> "select page.*, coalesce((select COUNT(*) from sentence where
> sentence."PageURL" = page."URL" group by page."URL"), 0) as
> NoOfSentences from page WHERE "Classification" LIKE CASE WHEN "<>"
> THEN " ELSE '%' END ORDER BY "PublishDate" DESC Offset 0 LIMIT 100"

Relevant schema below:


  "URL" text NOT NULL,
  "Title" text,
  "Article" text,
  "PublishDate" timestamp with time zone,
  "SiteName" text,
  "Classification" text,
  OWNER TO dba;


  "UUID" serial NOT NULL,
  "IDSentence" text NOT NULL,
  "Contents" text,
  "IDAuthor" text,
  "CreatedAt" text,
  "PageURL" text NOT NULL,
  CONSTRAINT sentence_pkey PRIMARY KEY ("UUID"),
  CONSTRAINT idpage_fkey FOREIGN KEY ("PageURL")
  REFERENCES page ("URL") MATCH Unknown
ALTER TABLE sentence
  OWNER TO dba;



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[GENERAL] SQL query runs fine on one platform (FreeBSD), but hangs on another (Windows)

2014-04-29 Thread David Noel
The query I'm running is:

"select page.*, coalesce((select COUNT(*) from sentence where
sentence."PageURL" = page."URL" group by page."URL"), 0) as
NoOfSentences from page WHERE "Classification" LIKE CASE WHEN "<>"
THEN " ELSE '%' END ORDER BY "PublishDate" DESC Offset 0 LIMIT 100"

I can post the table definitions if that would be helpful but I don't
have them on hand at the moment.

The gist of it though is that "page" and "sentence" are two tables.
page.URL maps to sentence.PageURL. The page table has the columns
"Classification", and "PublishDate". URL, PageURL, and Classification
are strings. PublishDate is a timestamp with timezone.

Both queries are run from a Java project using the latest JDBC driver.
The PostgreSQL Server versions it's being run on are 9.2 and 9.3. The
query executes and returns just fine when run on a FreeBSD-based
platform, but executes forever when run under Windows.

Does anyone have any idea why this might be happening? Are there
platform/syntax compatibility issues I'm triggering here that I'm
unaware of? Is there something wrong with the query?

We're going to try to test it under Linux too, but that system will
have to be set up first so it might be a while before we know those

Any thoughts would be appreciated,

David Noel

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Re: [GENERAL] Small PosgreSQL locking function request - with bounty

2013-09-13 Thread David Noel
> ...have you used the "for update" clause in your select statements?

Hi Ralf, thanks for the reply. I was unaware of the "for update"
construct. Thank you!

> My understanding is, that "for update" does what you need.

I've read through the documentation, found a few examples using "for
update" syntax, and it looks like you're right. Would transaction
level SERIALIZABLE also work? It does seem messier though, having to
handle errors thrown due to concurrent transactions.

I'm running to some trouble though with the SELECT FOR UPDATE
documentation found here --
It says:

"...if an UPDATE, DELETE, or SELECT FOR UPDATE from another
transaction has already locked a selected row or rows, SELECT FOR
UPDATE will wait for the other transaction to complete, and will then
lock and return the updated row (or no row, if the row was deleted).
Within a SERIALIZABLE transaction, however, an error will be thrown if
a row to be locked has changed since the transaction started."

In my case I have a boolean "Active" column as a flag to indicate
whether the selected row is currently being crawled. This column is
used in querySelect to identify inactive rows. It is then modified by
queryUpdateActive within the same transaction to identify the row as
"currently being processed". Under the default READ COMMITTED
isolation level (without using the SELECT FOR UPDATE construct) I'm
running into the issue that concurrent transactions select the same
row to be crawled, and don't see the update from the other
transaction. My question is: according to the documentation, it seems
that SELECT FOR UPDATE may still run into the same concurrency issue.
If two concurrent transactions select the same row, the first will be
given the lock. The second transaction will encounter the lock and be
forced to wait. The update from the first transaction will occur, the
lock will be released, and control will be passed to the second
transaction. According to the documentation, the row will already have
been selected, so the transaction, it seems, will continue processing
the row as if it were marked "Inactive". In essence, the way I read
it, it won't care that the row had been updated by the first
transaction, and so essentially I will be running into the same
problem I'm facing now. Am I reading this correctly?

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[GENERAL] Small PosgreSQL locking function request - with bounty

2013-09-12 Thread David Noel
from \"crawlq\" "   +
"where \"Special\" = ? "+
"AND \"Active\" = 'true' "  
"AND \"TimeoutDate\" <= now() " +
"AND \"CrawlError\" = 'false' " +
"OR "   
"\"Special\" = ? "  +
"AND \"Active\" = 'false' " 
"AND \"CrawlError\" = 'false' " +
"order by \"NextCrawlDate\" asc limit 1";

String queryUpdateActive =
"update \"crawlq\" "
"set \"Active\" = 'true', " +
"\"TimeoutDate\" = now() + interval '5 
minutes' "   +
"where \"URL\" = ? "

try {
stmt = dbq.prepareStatement(querySelect);
stmt.setString(1, cs);
stmt.setString(2, cs);
rset = stmt.executeQuery();

ret = new FetchType(

} else
ret = null;


if (ret != null){
stmt2 = dbq.prepareStatement(queryUpdateActive);
stmt2.setString(1, ret.getURL());

if(debug_level == 1)
+ " : DAO : fetch complete " + ret.getURL());

return ret;
} catch (SQLException e) {  
try {
return null;
} catch (SQLException e2) {
return null;

Running on one machine I'm bypassing the transaction concurrency issue
by synchronizing the method. But the Java concurrency constructs I'm
using here don't scale to multiple machines.

At any rate, have I provided enough information to get the solution
I'm looking for? Have I provided enough financial incentive to get
this implemented? If so, please respond with code here to the list so
multiple people don't implement it and expect to be paid. I can only
pay one person, though if another person fixes a bug in a proposed
solution I'm open to splitting the bounty however seems fair.

Thanks for reading, hope to hear back!

-David Noel

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Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL: CPU utilization creeping to 100%

2013-04-04 Thread David Noel
On 4/3/13, Eduardo Morras  wrote:
> a) Perhaps process are waiting to I/O, do you take zfs snapshots? How often?
> It can limit your i/o performance. Check the output of #zpool iostat 5
> b) Is the zpool ok? If one of the disks lags behind the others (because
> hardware errors) reconstructing the raidz should show what you say. Check
> the output of #zpool status when the "cpu storm" happens.
> c) If you do a simple #top -U postgres (or the user that executes your
> postgres server), what does the STATE column show? Check that to know the
> kernel state of the process.
> d) Do you use the standard values for zfs? Specially arc values.

Hmm, your points do make sense. Tuning postgresql.conf seems to have
done the trick for now, but if this issue pops up again I'll
definitely run through the diagnostics you have suggested.

Standard zfs arc values, yes.



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Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL: CPU utilization creeping to 100%

2013-04-04 Thread David Noel
On 4/2/13, John R Pierce  wrote:
> On 4/2/2013 3:35 PM, David Noel wrote:
>> The hardware is a Dell PowerEdge 1420, dual Xeon Nocona's, 3.2ghz,
>> 16gb ram. The disks are 4 Kingston HyperX SATA3's attached to a
>> HighPoint RocketRAID 2721 controller, ZFS, RAID10.
> .
>> postgresql.conf, all standard/default except for:
>> max_connections = 256
> A) use a connection pool so you don't NEED 256 active database connections.
> B) shared_buffers, work_mem, and maintenance_work_mem all need to be
> tuned.   I'd suggest 4gb, 16mb, 1gb respectively as a starting point on
> a 16GB ram system.   if you can, shrink your max_connections by using a
> connection pooler (my target is generally no more than 2-4 active
> queries per CPU core or hardware thread). Ouch, Xeon Nocona was a
> single core, dual thread CPU, with rather poor performance, essentially
> just a Pentium-4...  3Ghz on a P4 is like 2Ghz on other CPUs.
> when you said raid10, do you mean zfs mirrored, or are you doing
> hardware raid10 in the Highpoint?   I would have configured the raid
> card for JBOD, and done ZFS mirroring in the OS, so you can take
> advantage of ZFS's data integrity features.  Those are consumer
> grade SSD's, are they even qualified for use with that Highpoint
> controller ?
> --
> john r pierce  37N 122W
> somewhere on the middle of the left coast

It looks like you guys were spot on, thanks. I've incorporated some of
the suggested values, done a little RTFM'ing (chapter 18.4), made a
few additional tweaks, and have brought things to a seemingly stable
state. Still testing, but so far so good. Glad it was such a simple

Many thanks,


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Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL: CPU utilization creeping to 100%

2013-04-04 Thread David Noel
On 4/3/13, Kevin Grittner  wrote:
> David Noel  wrote:
>> On 4/2/13, Kevin Grittner  wrote:
>>> David Noel  wrote:
>>>> 'select * from pg_stat_activity' shows that the queries are not
>>>> waiting, and are in the idle state.
>>> The process is idle or the process is running the query?  If the
>>> latter, what do you mean when you say "the queries ... are in the
>>> idle state"?
>> select * from pg_stat_activity returns a table containing a column
>> labeled "state". When the postgres process is at 100% utilization and
>> the application has hung, this query returns the value "idle" in that
>> field. When things are running properly, as they are for the moment
>> now, the value is "active".
> When a connection shows "idle", the related process should be
> showing zero CPU usage.  Are you seeing something different?  If
> so, is the transaction or query start time changing from one sample
> to the next?

The related process was maxed out at or near 100%. I've scanned
chapter 18.4 of the documentation and along with some suggested values
from a reply earlier have brought things to the point where it *seems*
to be stable. I'm continuing to test though, so if the issue pops up
again I'll check to see whether the query start time is changing or

Thanks for the help,


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Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL: CPU utilization creeping to 100%

2013-04-02 Thread David Noel
On 4/2/13, John R Pierce  wrote:
> On 4/2/2013 3:35 PM, David Noel wrote:
>> The hardware is a Dell PowerEdge 1420, dual Xeon Nocona's, 3.2ghz,
>> 16gb ram. The disks are 4 Kingston HyperX SATA3's attached to a
>> HighPoint RocketRAID 2721 controller, ZFS, RAID10.
> .
>> postgresql.conf, all standard/default except for:
>> max_connections = 256
> A) use a connection pool so you don't NEED 256 active database connections.
> B) shared_buffers, work_mem, and maintenance_work_mem all need to be
> tuned.   I'd suggest 4gb, 16mb, 1gb respectively as a starting point on
> a 16GB ram system.   if you can, shrink your max_connections by using a
> connection pooler (my target is generally no more than 2-4 active
> queries per CPU core or hardware thread).

Great, thanks. I'll get those tunables modified and see if that
smooths things out.

> Ouch, Xeon Nocona was a
> single core, dual thread CPU, with rather poor performance, essentially
> just a Pentium-4...  3Ghz on a P4 is like 2Ghz on other CPUs.

I won't tell them you said that. Feelings might get hurt.

> when you said raid10, do you mean zfs mirrored, or are you doing
> hardware raid10 in the Highpoint?   I would have configured the raid
> card for JBOD, and done ZFS mirroring in the OS, so you can take
> advantage of ZFS's data integrity features.

RAID10 under ZFS. Yes, JBOD. ZFS is neat!

> Those are consumer grade SSD's, are they even qualified for use
> with that Highpoint controller?

Consumer grade SSD's, indeed. They've held together so far though.
Fingers crossed.

Thanks again,


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Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL: CPU utilization creeping to 100%

2013-04-02 Thread David Noel
On 4/2/13, Kevin Grittner  wrote:
> David Noel  wrote:
>> 'select * from pg_stat_activity' shows that the queries are not
>> waiting, and are in the idle state.
> The process is idle or the process is running the query?  If the
> latter, what do you mean when you say "the queries ... are in the
> idle state"?

select * from pg_stat_activity returns a table containing a column
labeled "state". When the postgres process is at 100% utilization and
the application has hung, this query returns the value "idle" in that
field. When things are running properly, as they are for the moment
now, the value is "active".

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Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL: CPU utilization creeping to 100%

2013-04-02 Thread David Noel
On 4/2/13, Ian Lawrence Barwick  wrote:
> 2013/4/3 David Noel :
>> I'm running into a strange issue whereby my postgres processes are
>> slowly creeping to 100% CPU utilization. I'm running
>> postgresql-server-9.2.3, FreeBSD 8.3-RELEASE-p6, and using the
>> postgresql-9.2-1002.jdbc4 driver.
> (...)
>> postgresql.conf, all standard/default except for:
>> max_connections = 256
> It's very likely the default settings are woefully inadequate for your
> server; some basic
> tuning (especially the value of shared_buffers and other
> memory-related parameters)
> should help.
>> Any thoughts? What other information can I provide?
> Sample EXPLAIN/EXPLAIN ANALYZE output from the query in question, and
> if possible relevant table definitions etc. would certainly be useful.
> Regards
> Ian Barwick

Thanks for the feedback. I'll look into pg tunings. Hopefully the
problem's there somewhere.

explain analyze select * from ((select * from "crawlq" where "Active"
= 'true' AND "TimeoutDate" <= now()) UNION (select * from "crawlq"
where "Active" = 'false')) as RS order by "NextCrawlDate" asc limit 1

"Limit  (cost=4092.39..4092.39 rows=1 width=203) (actual
time=23.447..23.450 rows=1 loops=1)"
"  ->  Sort  (cost=4092.39..4096.34 rows=1583 width=203) (actual
time=23.442..23.442 rows=1 loops=1)"
"Sort Key: public.crawlq."NextCrawlDate""
"Sort Method: top-N heapsort  Memory: 25kB"
"->  HashAggregate  (cost=4052.81..4068.64 rows=1583
width=236) (actual time=18.195..20.486 rows=877 loops=1)"
"  ->  Append  (cost=0.00..3997.41 rows=1583 width=236)
(actual time=0.015..13.423 rows=877 loops=1)"
"->  Seq Scan on crawlq  (cost=0.00..1995.14
rows=18 width=236) (actual time=0.011..3.397 rows=49 loops=1)"
"  Filter: ("Active" AND ("TimeoutDate" <= now()))"
"  Rows Removed by Filter: 828"
"->  Seq Scan on crawlq  (cost=0.00..1986.43
rows=1565 width=236) (actual time=0.013..7.152 rows=828 loops=1)"
"  Filter: (NOT "Active")"
"  Rows Removed by Filter: 49"
"Total runtime: 23.633 ms"

Relevant rows from table crawlq:

  "URL" text NOT NULL,
  "LastCrawlDate" timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now(),
  "NextCrawlDate" timestamp with time zone,
  "Active" boolean DEFAULT false,
  "TimeoutDate" timestamp with time zone,

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Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL: CPU utilization creeping to 100%

2013-04-02 Thread David Noel
What's strange is that the crawler will run just fine for up to
several hours. At some point though the CPU utilization slowly begins
to creep higher. Eventually everything locks and the program hangs.
'top' shows the processes connected to the queue database at or near
%100, and the program ceases output (I have debugging messages built
in to show current activity "[timestamp] : crawling [URL]"). At some
point--anywhere from 30 minutes to several hours later--CPU
utilization drops to normal and the program resumes operation as if
everything were fine. This goes on for up to several hours, then the
utilization issue repeats. So it's a very odd issue I've run into.

On 4/2/13, David Noel  wrote:
> I'm running into a strange issue whereby my postgres processes are
> slowly creeping to 100% CPU utilization. I'm running
> postgresql-server-9.2.3, FreeBSD 8.3-RELEASE-p6, and using the
> postgresql-9.2-1002.jdbc4 driver.
> I'm not sure what information here is relevant, so I'll give
> everything I can as concisely as I can.
> The hardware is a Dell PowerEdge 1420, dual Xeon Nocona's, 3.2ghz,
> 16gb ram. The disks are 4 Kingston HyperX SATA3's attached to a
> HighPoint RocketRAID 2721 controller, ZFS, RAID10.
> There are 2 databases, one a queue, and one containing tables storing
> crawled data.
> The application is a webcrawler. The application pulls URLs from the
> queue and marks them active in a single transaction. It then feeds the
> URLs to the crawler threads who crawl the URL, populate the tables
> with data, and signal the main thread to update the queue database,
> marking the item as inactive and rescheduling it with a new
> "NextCrawlDate".
> The processes that hang are the postgres processes that interact with
> the queue database.
> 'select * from pg_stat_activity' shows that the queries are not
> waiting, and are in the idle state.
> Essentially, the query in question is responsible for returning 1 URL
> from the union of the list of URL's whose crawl session has timed out
> and the list of URL's next in line to be crawled according to the
> schedule (NextCrawlDate). The query is: "select * from ((select * from
> "crawlq" where "Active" = 'true' AND "TimeoutDate" <= now()) UNION
> (select * from "crawlq" where "Active" = 'false')) as RS order by
> "NextCrawlDate" asc limit 1"
> Beyond this I don't know what useful debugging information to include.
> I'll take a guess and start with some vmstat output.
> Under normal conditions (with the crawler running) vmstat shows the
> following:
>  procs  memory  pagedisks faults
> cpu
>  r b w avmfre   flt  re  pi  pofr  sr da0 da1   in   sy
> cs us sy id
>  2 0 0119G  8450M  1143   0   1   0   900   0   0   0  128 6700
> 8632 32  4 65
>  2 0 0119G  8444M  1937   0   0   0   100   0   4   4  280 112206
> 7683 36  5 59
>  1 0 0119G  8443M   427   0   0   0  1377   0  90  90  222 115889
> 9020 35  7 58
>  1 0 0119G  8442M  1798   0   0   018   0   1   1  153 104954
> 7071 30  4 66
>  3 0 0119G  8443M   528   0   0   0   681   0  10  10  293 125170
> 14523 40 15 46
>  1 0 0119G  8432M 15227   0   0   4  2850   0   3   3  205 83830
> 6663 55 12 33
>  8 0 0119G  8433M  3306   0   0   0   445   0   2   2  249 113792
> 7068 34  5 61
> 10 0 0118G  8461M  1190   0   0   0  9909   0  72  73  451 120263
> 10036 56  9 35
> 14 0 0118G  8456M  5887   0   0   0  1202   0   2   2  272 130795
> 9506 44 12 44
>  9 0 0118G  8444M  7750   0   0   0  1070   0   9   9  298 87643
> 9584 80 13  7
>  3 0 0118G  8442M  1335   0   0   0   648   0   5   5  189 143691
> 9234 36  6 58
>  1 0 0118G  8442M   689   0   1   1   472   0   2   2  206 153868
> 8635 32  7 61
>  1 0 0118G  8441M   203   0   0   0  1124   0  75  75  191 142598
> 8909 31 10 60
>  2 0 0118G  8440M  9508   0   0   0   684   0   8   8  231 132785
> 10247 47 13 41
>  4 0 0118G  8456M  4046   0   0   0  5469   0  11  11  299 143119
> 12475 54 22 24
>  4 0 0117G  8490M  1076   0   0   0  9858   0  16  16  291 140701
> 14849 58 25 17
>  1 0 0116G  8524M   344   0   0   0  8936   0   4   4  234 149103
> 12137 45 15 40
>  2 0 0114G  8586M   715   0   0   5 17719   0  73  75  322 151002
> 11430 34 10 56
>  5 0 0112G  8648M  2773   0   0   0 16997   0   6   6  225 118339
> 8700 30 10 61
>  1 0 0110G  8705M  4429   0   0   0 15763   0   7   7  423 139590
> 10354 40 11 49
>  1 0 0108G  8760M  1443   0   0   0 14519   0   7   7  

[GENERAL] PostgreSQL: CPU utilization creeping to 100%

2013-04-02 Thread David Noel
I'm running into a strange issue whereby my postgres processes are
slowly creeping to 100% CPU utilization. I'm running
postgresql-server-9.2.3, FreeBSD 8.3-RELEASE-p6, and using the
postgresql-9.2-1002.jdbc4 driver.

I'm not sure what information here is relevant, so I'll give
everything I can as concisely as I can.

The hardware is a Dell PowerEdge 1420, dual Xeon Nocona's, 3.2ghz,
16gb ram. The disks are 4 Kingston HyperX SATA3's attached to a
HighPoint RocketRAID 2721 controller, ZFS, RAID10.

There are 2 databases, one a queue, and one containing tables storing
crawled data.

The application is a webcrawler. The application pulls URLs from the
queue and marks them active in a single transaction. It then feeds the
URLs to the crawler threads who crawl the URL, populate the tables
with data, and signal the main thread to update the queue database,
marking the item as inactive and rescheduling it with a new

The processes that hang are the postgres processes that interact with
the queue database.

'select * from pg_stat_activity' shows that the queries are not
waiting, and are in the idle state.

Essentially, the query in question is responsible for returning 1 URL
from the union of the list of URL's whose crawl session has timed out
and the list of URL's next in line to be crawled according to the
schedule (NextCrawlDate). The query is: "select * from ((select * from
"crawlq" where "Active" = 'true' AND "TimeoutDate" <= now()) UNION
(select * from "crawlq" where "Active" = 'false')) as RS order by
"NextCrawlDate" asc limit 1"

Beyond this I don't know what useful debugging information to include.
I'll take a guess and start with some vmstat output.

Under normal conditions (with the crawler running) vmstat shows the following:

 procs  memory  pagedisks faults cpu
 r b w avmfre   flt  re  pi  pofr  sr da0 da1   in   sy
cs us sy id
 2 0 0119G  8450M  1143   0   1   0   900   0   0   0  128 6700
8632 32  4 65
 2 0 0119G  8444M  1937   0   0   0   100   0   4   4  280 112206
7683 36  5 59
 1 0 0119G  8443M   427   0   0   0  1377   0  90  90  222 115889
9020 35  7 58
 1 0 0119G  8442M  1798   0   0   018   0   1   1  153 104954
7071 30  4 66
 3 0 0119G  8443M   528   0   0   0   681   0  10  10  293 125170
14523 40 15 46
 1 0 0119G  8432M 15227   0   0   4  2850   0   3   3  205 83830
6663 55 12 33
 8 0 0119G  8433M  3306   0   0   0   445   0   2   2  249 113792
7068 34  5 61
10 0 0118G  8461M  1190   0   0   0  9909   0  72  73  451 120263
10036 56  9 35
14 0 0118G  8456M  5887   0   0   0  1202   0   2   2  272 130795
9506 44 12 44
 9 0 0118G  8444M  7750   0   0   0  1070   0   9   9  298 87643
9584 80 13  7
 3 0 0118G  8442M  1335   0   0   0   648   0   5   5  189 143691
9234 36  6 58
 1 0 0118G  8442M   689   0   1   1   472   0   2   2  206 153868
8635 32  7 61
 1 0 0118G  8441M   203   0   0   0  1124   0  75  75  191 142598
8909 31 10 60
 2 0 0118G  8440M  9508   0   0   0   684   0   8   8  231 132785
10247 47 13 41
 4 0 0118G  8456M  4046   0   0   0  5469   0  11  11  299 143119
12475 54 22 24
 4 0 0117G  8490M  1076   0   0   0  9858   0  16  16  291 140701
14849 58 25 17
 1 0 0116G  8524M   344   0   0   0  8936   0   4   4  234 149103
12137 45 15 40
 2 0 0114G  8586M   715   0   0   5 17719   0  73  75  322 151002
11430 34 10 56
 5 0 0112G  8648M  2773   0   0   0 16997   0   6   6  225 118339
8700 30 10 61
 1 0 0110G  8705M  4429   0   0   0 15763   0   7   7  423 139590
10354 40 11 49
 1 0 0108G  8760M  1443   0   0   0 14519   0   7   7  405 139806
10214 37  5 58
 1 0 0104G  8863M   333   0   0   0 26537   0   5   5  284 107770
9947 34  6 60
 1 0 0104G  8859M  1331   0   0   0  1700   0 114 114  464 103248
12113 40  9 51
 1 0 0104G  8854M  1708   0   0   0   272   0   6   6  279 99817
9470 40  5 55
 9 0 0104G  8850M  3653   0   0   0  4809   0  28  28  346 160041
54071 42 32 26
12 3 0105G  8845M 20576   0   0   0 18344   0   7   7  383 95019
32533 46 53  1
20 0 0114G  8721M 46913   0   0   0  2941   0  11  11  461 77480
9794 72 28  0
12 1 0110G  8759M 25109   0   0   0 35881   0  70  70  413 72631
10161 76 24  0
 2 0 0110G  8716M 12993   0   1   1   265   0   8   8  292 83085
10073 61 30  9
 3 0 0110G  8716M  2144   0   0   045   0   3   3  183 100994
7410 39 20 41

...and when postgres goes bonkers:

 procs  memory  pagedisks faults cpu
 r b w avmfre   flt  re  pi  pofr  sr da0 da1   in   sy
cs us sy id
 2 0 0 98G10G  1091   0   1   0   849   0   0   0  114 2641
8582 30  4 66
 2 0 0 98G10G20   0   0   0 0   0   0   0  197 20500
10454 46  2 53
 2 0 0 98G10G59   0   0   0 0   0   0   0  284 23715
11180 46  3 51
 3 0 0 98G10G17   0   0   0   652   0  69  70  288 21968
11571 46  4 50
 2 0 0

[GENERAL] initdb error

2012-12-16 Thread David Noel
I'm running into the following error message when running initdb (FreeBSD host):

 ygg# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/postgresql initdb -D /zdb/pgsql/data --debug
 The files belonging to this database system will be owned by user "pgsql".
 This user must also own the server process.

 The database cluster will be initialized with locales
   NUMERIC:  en_US.UTF-8
   TIME: en_US.UTF-8
 The default text search configuration will be set to "english".

 creating directory /zdb/pgsql/data ... ok
 creating subdirectories ... ok
 selecting default max_connections ... 100
 selecting default shared_buffers ... 32MB
 creating configuration files ... ok
 creating template1 database in /zdb/pgsql/data/base/1 ... FATAL:
 could not open file "pg_xlog/00010001" (log file 0,
 segment 1): No such file or directory
 child process exited with exit code 1
 initdb: removing data directory "/zdb/pgsql/data"

 My best guess is that it has something to do with permissions, but I
 really have no idea. Has anyone seen this before and found a way
 around it?


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Re: [GENERAL] initdb error

2012-12-15 Thread David Noel
Ugh. It turns out I had security.bsd.hardlink_check_gid=1 and
security.bsd.hardlink_check_uid=1 in sysctl.conf. Setting them to 0
fixed everything. That's frustrating. Sorry for all the trouble. Many
thanks for helping resolve this.

On 12/15/12, Amitabh Kant  wrote:
> David
> I just tried installing PG 9.2.2 on FreeBSD 8.3 and initdb went smoothly
> without any problems. the only difference would be that I had it running in
> a virtualbox instance. My config were as follows;
> FreeBSD 8.3-RELEASE-p5 (binary updated through freebsd-update)
> PG 9.2.2 (installed through ports)
> root filesystem on UFS
> ZFS mounted on /example
> PG data directory set to /example/pgsql/data
> relevant rc.conf entries:
> postgresql_enable="YES"
> postgresql_data="/example/pgsql/data"
> running "/usr/local/etc/rc.d/postgresql initdb" works perfectly. Just
> needed to set the correct permissions on /example/pgsql directory.
> Amitabh
> On Sat, Dec 15, 2012 at 10:32 AM, David Noel 
> wrote:
>> > You need to talk to some FreeBSD kernel hackers about why link()
>> > might be failing here.  Since you see it on UFS too, we can probably
>> > exonerate the ZFS filesystem-specific code.
>> >
>> > I did some googling and found that EPERM can be issued if the
>> > filesystem
>> > doesn't support hard links (which shouldn't apply to ZFS I trust).
>> > Also, Linux has a "protected_hardlinks" option that causes certain
>> > attempts at creating hard links to fail --- but our use-case here
>> > doesn't fall foul of any of those restrictions AFAICS, and of course
>> > FreeBSD isn't Linux.  Still, I wonder if you're running into some
>> > misdesigned or misimplemented security restriction.  You might want
>> > to look at your kernel parameters and see if any of them look like
>> > they might have to do with restricting hard-link operations.
>> >
>> > Also, since Amitabh failed to duplicate the failure on both earlier
>> > and later FreeBSD kernels, and we've not heard reports of this from
>> > anybody else either, it seems more than possible that it's a plain
>> > old bug in the specific kernel version you're using.
>> >
>> > As a short-term workaround, I'd suggest rebuilding with
>> > HAVE_WORKING_LINK disabled.  (Just remove that #define from
>> > src/include/pg_config_manual.h and rebuild.)
>> OK, thanks. I've gotten in touch with the freebsd-hackers mailing
>> list. Hopefully we'll be able to get this one figured out.
>> I compiled a GENERIC kernel and tried it again. Still no luck. But at
>> least we know now it wasn't a configuration error.

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Re: [GENERAL] initdb error

2012-12-14 Thread David Noel
> You need to talk to some FreeBSD kernel hackers about why link()
> might be failing here.  Since you see it on UFS too, we can probably
> exonerate the ZFS filesystem-specific code.
> I did some googling and found that EPERM can be issued if the filesystem
> doesn't support hard links (which shouldn't apply to ZFS I trust).
> Also, Linux has a "protected_hardlinks" option that causes certain
> attempts at creating hard links to fail --- but our use-case here
> doesn't fall foul of any of those restrictions AFAICS, and of course
> FreeBSD isn't Linux.  Still, I wonder if you're running into some
> misdesigned or misimplemented security restriction.  You might want
> to look at your kernel parameters and see if any of them look like
> they might have to do with restricting hard-link operations.
> Also, since Amitabh failed to duplicate the failure on both earlier
> and later FreeBSD kernels, and we've not heard reports of this from
> anybody else either, it seems more than possible that it's a plain
> old bug in the specific kernel version you're using.
> As a short-term workaround, I'd suggest rebuilding with
> HAVE_WORKING_LINK disabled.  (Just remove that #define from
> src/include/pg_config_manual.h and rebuild.)

OK, thanks. I've gotten in touch with the freebsd-hackers mailing
list. Hopefully we'll be able to get this one figured out.

I compiled a GENERIC kernel and tried it again. Still no luck. But at
least we know now it wasn't a configuration error.

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Re: [GENERAL] initdb error

2012-12-14 Thread David Noel
On 12/14/12, Tom Lane  wrote:
> David Noel  writes:
>> I didn't have any luck with the rc script but I was able to use it to
>> get a ktrace dump as root (ktrace as user pgsql doesn't seem to work).
>> So hopefully that will show something(!)
> The relevant part of the ktrace output is
>  71502 postgres CALL  unlink(0x7fffc130)
>  71502 postgres NAMI  "pg_xlog/xlogtemp.71502"
>  71502 postgres RET   unlink -1 errno 2 No such file or directory
>  71502 postgres CALL
> open(0x7fffc130,O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_EXCL,S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR)
>  71502 postgres NAMI  "pg_xlog/xlogtemp.71502"
>  71502 postgres RET   open 3
>  71502 postgres CALL  write(0x3,0x801a56030,0x2000)
>  71502 postgres GIO   fd 3 wrote 4096 bytes
>   a lot of uninteresting write() calls snipped ...
>  71502 postgres RET   write 8192/0x2000
>  71502 postgres CALL  close(0x3)
>  71502 postgres RET   close 0
>  71502 postgres CALL  unlink(0x7fffbc60)
>  71502 postgres NAMI  "pg_xlog/00010001"
>  71502 postgres RET   unlink -1 errno 2 No such file or directory
>  71502 postgres CALL  link(0x7fffc130,0x7fffbc60)
>  71502 postgres NAMI  "pg_xlog/xlogtemp.71502"
>  71502 postgres NAMI  "pg_xlog/00010001"
>  71502 postgres RET   link -1 errno 1 Operation not permitted
>  71502 postgres CALL  unlink(0x7fffc130)
>  71502 postgres NAMI  "pg_xlog/xlogtemp.71502"
>  71502 postgres RET   unlink 0
>  71502 postgres CALL  open(0x7fffc530,O_RDWR,0x180)
>  71502 postgres NAMI  "pg_xlog/00010001"
>  71502 postgres RET   open -1 errno 2 No such file or directory
> This corresponds to the execution of XLogFileInit(), and what's
> evidently happening is that we successfully create and zero-fill
> the first xlog segment file under a temporary name, but then
> the attempt to rename it into place with link() fails with EPERM.
> This is really a WTF kind of failure, I think.  The directory is
> certainly writable --- it was made under our own UID, and what's
> more we just managed to create the file there under its temp name.
> So how can we get an EPERM failure from link()?
> I think this is a kernel bug.
>   regards, tom lane
> PS: one odd thing here is that the ereport(LOG) in
> InstallXLogFileSegment isn't doing anything; otherwise we'd have gotten
> a much more helpful error report about "could not link file".  I don't
> think we run the bootstrap mode with log_min_messages set high enough to
> disable LOG messages, so why isn't it printing?  Nonetheless, this error
> shouldn't have occurred.

Thanks so much for the analysis. Where to from here? The mailing list? The postgresql port
maintainer? Who should I be in touch with?

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Re: [GENERAL] initdb error

2012-12-14 Thread David Noel
>> Interestingly, I have a second--virtually identical--server that I
>> just tried initdb on. FreeBSD 8.3-RELEASE-p5, postgresql-server-9.2.2.
>> Exact same "FATAL: could not open file pg_xlog" error. So it is
>> reproducible.
> Does virtually identical extend to architecture, amd64?

Yes... and hardware. They only vary in the amount of CPU cache--one
has twice the other.

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Re: [GENERAL] initdb error

2012-12-14 Thread David Noel
On 12/13/12, David Noel  wrote:
> I'm running into the following error message when running initdb (FreeBSD
> host):
>  ygg# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/postgresql initdb -D /zdb/pgsql/data --debug
>  The files belonging to this database system will be owned by user "pgsql".
>  This user must also own the server process.
>  The database cluster will be initialized with locales
>TIME: en_US.UTF-8
>  The default text search configuration will be set to "english".
>  creating directory /zdb/pgsql/data ... ok
>  creating subdirectories ... ok
>  selecting default max_connections ... 100
>  selecting default shared_buffers ... 32MB
>  creating configuration files ... ok
>  creating template1 database in /zdb/pgsql/data/base/1 ... FATAL:
>  could not open file "pg_xlog/00010001" (log file 0,
>  segment 1): No such file or directory
>  child process exited with exit code 1
>  initdb: removing data directory "/zdb/pgsql/data"
>  My best guess is that it has something to do with permissions, but I
>  really have no idea. Has anyone seen this before and found a way
>  around it?
>  -David

Interestingly, I have a second--virtually identical--server that I
just tried initdb on. FreeBSD 8.3-RELEASE-p5, postgresql-server-9.2.2.
Exact same "FATAL: could not open file pg_xlog" error. So it is

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Re: [GENERAL] initdb error

2012-12-14 Thread David Noel
> Did you use ports to install postgresql?


> What is the version of postgresql and freebsd you are using?

postgresql client and server v. 9.2.2. If all else fails I could try
downgrading to a previous version of postgres.

FreeBSD 8.3-RELEASE-p5

> I am getting a different output while running
> the initdb command through the rc script, and it's not using the -D path to
> initialize the cluster, it falls back to the default location
> /usr/local/pgsql/data .  Setting postgresql_data="/usr/local/pgsql1/data"
> in /etc/rc.conf makes it initialize at the right location .  I did not had
> to mess with an permissions and the rc commands were all run as root. The
> above was tested on FreeBSD 9.1 with Postgresql 9.2 on UFS.

I didn't have any luck with the rc script but I was able to use it to
get a ktrace dump as root (ktrace as user pgsql doesn't seem to work).
So hopefully that will show something(!)

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Re: [GENERAL] initdb error

2012-12-14 Thread David Noel
> Well this has definitely moved up a support level and past anything I
> know about.
> For the record what version of FreeBSD are you running in case someone
> is searching the archives?

Any help is always appreciated.

FreeBSD 8.3-RELEASE-p5. (I wonder if upgrading to 9.1 would do anything..)

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Re: [GENERAL] initdb error

2012-12-13 Thread David Noel
On 12/13/12, Tom Lane  wrote:
> David Noel  writes:
>> /zdb is a zfs volume I've created for cvs and postgres.
> zfs eh?  What happens if you point initdb at a non-zfs volume?
> (I"m wondering if zfs has issues with the O_DIRECT flag that we'll
> probably try to use with pg_xlog files.)

I /boot off of a UFS volume so I created a directory there, chown and
chmod'ed it, then ran initdb again. Same error, unfortunately.

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Re: [GENERAL] initdb error

2012-12-13 Thread David Noel
Unfortunately no luck there. Still stick with the same error.

On 12/13/12, David Noel  wrote:
> On 12/13/12, Adrian Klaver  wrote:
>> On 12/13/2012 10:47 AM, David Noel wrote:
>>> On 12/13/12, Tom Lane  wrote:
>>> ygg:/usr/home/ygg> ll /zdb/pgsql/data/pg_xlog/
>>> total 2
>>> drwx--  2 pgsql  wheel  2 Dec 13 12:42 archive_status
>> Different train of thought, away from permissions.
>> How was Postgres installed?
>> Where there any errors during the install process?--
>> Is there another version of Postgres on this machine?
>> Adrian Klaver
> I'd logged in as ygg via `su ygg`.
> /zdb is a zfs volume I've created for cvs and postgres.
> Postgres was installed via `make install` and there were no errors
> during the install process.
> I could try deinstalling and installing it again... maybe that will
> fix something.

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Re: [GENERAL] initdb error

2012-12-13 Thread David Noel
On 12/13/12, Adrian Klaver  wrote:
> On 12/13/2012 10:47 AM, David Noel wrote:
>> On 12/13/12, Tom Lane  wrote:
>> ygg:/usr/home/ygg> ll /zdb/pgsql/data/pg_xlog/
>> total 2
>> drwx--  2 pgsql  wheel  2 Dec 13 12:42 archive_status
> Different train of thought, away from permissions.
> How was Postgres installed?
> Where there any errors during the install process?--
> Is there another version of Postgres on this machine?
> Adrian Klaver

I'd logged in as ygg via `su ygg`.

/zdb is a zfs volume I've created for cvs and postgres.

Postgres was installed via `make install` and there were no errors
during the install process.

I could try deinstalling and installing it again... maybe that will
fix something.

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Re: [GENERAL] initdb error

2012-12-13 Thread David Noel
On 12/13/12, Tom Lane  wrote:
> David Noel  writes:
>> I've tried initdb directly:
>> initdb -D /zdb/pgsql/data
>> ...and still seem to wind up with the error:
>> creating template1 database in /zdb/pgsql/data/base/1 ... FATAL:
>> could not open file "pg_xlog/00010001" (log file 0,
>> segment 1): No such file or directory
> Hm, that eliminates my first theory that the rc.d script is using
> initdb's --xlogdir switch to try to put pg_xlog someplace that doesn't
> exist on your system.  But it seems like this must be some variant of
> that.  A simple permissions problem is not very credible, because at
> this point initdb has successfully made the data directory and a bunch
> of files within it already.
> You could get more information by using the --noclean switch to prevent
> removal of the datadir after failure, and then having a look at the
> debris.  Is there a pg_xlog subdirectory inside /zdb/pgsql/data, and if
> so what permissions has it got?  Perhaps it is not a directory, but a
> symlink to somewhere else?
>   regards, tom lane

ygg:/usr/home/ygg> initdb -D /zdb/pgsql/data --noclean
creating template1 database in /zdb/pgsql/data/base/1 ... FATAL:
could not open file "pg_xlog/00010001" (log file 0,
segment 1): No such file or directory
child process exited with exit code 1
initdb: data directory "/zdb/pgsql/data" not removed at user's request

ygg:/usr/home/ygg> ll /zdb/pgsql/
total 2
drwx--  14 pgsql  wheel  18 Dec 13 12:42 data

ygg:/usr/home/ygg> ll /zdb/pgsql/data/
total 53
-rw---  1 pgsql  wheel  4 Dec 13 12:42 PG_VERSION
drwx--  3 pgsql  wheel  3 Dec 13 12:42 base
drwx--  2 pgsql  wheel  2 Dec 13 12:42 global
drwx--  2 pgsql  wheel  2 Dec 13 12:42 pg_clog
-rw---  1 pgsql  wheel   4467 Dec 13 12:42 pg_hba.conf
-rw---  1 pgsql  wheel   1636 Dec 13 12:42 pg_ident.conf
drwx--  4 pgsql  wheel  4 Dec 13 12:42 pg_multixact
drwx--  2 pgsql  wheel  3 Dec 13 12:42 pg_notify
drwx--  2 pgsql  wheel  2 Dec 13 12:42 pg_serial
drwx--  2 pgsql  wheel  2 Dec 13 12:42 pg_snapshots
drwx--  2 pgsql  wheel  2 Dec 13 12:42 pg_stat_tmp
drwx--  2 pgsql  wheel  2 Dec 13 12:42 pg_subtrans
drwx--  2 pgsql  wheel  2 Dec 13 12:42 pg_tblspc
drwx--  2 pgsql  wheel  2 Dec 13 12:42 pg_twophase
drwx--  3 pgsql  wheel  3 Dec 13 12:42 pg_xlog
-rw---  1 pgsql  wheel  19713 Dec 13 12:42 postgresql.conf

ygg:/usr/home/ygg> ll /zdb/pgsql/data/pg_xlog/
total 2
drwx--  2 pgsql  wheel  2 Dec 13 12:42 archive_status

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Re: [GENERAL] initdb error

2012-12-13 Thread David Noel
> You are doing the above as the database user ex:postgres?


ygg:/usr/home/ygg> whoami

> The database user has permissions on /zdb/pgsql/data?


ygg:/usr/home/ygg> ll /zdb/
total 3
drwxrwxrwx  3 cvswheel  3 Dec 12 15:33 cvsroot
drwxrwxrwx  2 pgsql  wheel  2 Dec 13 10:17 pgsql

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Re: [GENERAL] initdb error

2012-12-13 Thread David Noel
On 12/13/12, Adrian Klaver  wrote:
> On 12/13/2012 07:38 AM, David Noel wrote:
>> I'm running into the following error message when running initdb (FreeBSD
>> host):
>> ygg# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/postgresql initdb -D /zdb/pgsql/data --debug
>> The files belonging to this database system will be owned by user
>> "pgsql".
>> This user must also own the server process.
>> The database cluster will be initialized with locales
>>TIME: en_US.UTF-8
>> The default text search configuration will be set to "english".
>> creating directory /zdb/pgsql/data ... ok
>> creating subdirectories ... ok
>> selecting default max_connections ... 100
>> selecting default shared_buffers ... 32MB
>> creating configuration files ... ok
>> creating template1 database in /zdb/pgsql/data/base/1 ... FATAL:
>> could not open file "pg_xlog/00010001" (log file 0,
>> segment 1): No such file or directory
>> child process exited with exit code 1
>> initdb: removing data directory "/zdb/pgsql/data"
>> My best guess is that it has something to do with permissions, but I
>> really have no idea. Has anyone seen this before and found a way
>> around it?
> Not quite what is in the the init script in rc.d, have you tried running
> the initdb command directly? As you say I believe there are permissions
> problems. So following the instructions found below may solve your problem:
>> -David
> --
> Adrian Klaver

I've tried initdb directly:

initdb -D /zdb/pgsql/data

...and also through pg_ctl:

pg_ctl initdb -D /zdb/pgsql/data

...and still seem to wind up with the error:

creating template1 database in /zdb/pgsql/data/base/1 ... FATAL:
could not open file "pg_xlog/00010001" (log file 0,
segment 1): No such file or directory


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[GENERAL] initdb error

2012-12-13 Thread David Noel
I'm running into the following error message when running initdb (FreeBSD host):

ygg# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/postgresql initdb -D /zdb/pgsql/data --debug
The files belonging to this database system will be owned by user "pgsql".
This user must also own the server process.

The database cluster will be initialized with locales
  TIME: en_US.UTF-8
The default text search configuration will be set to "english".

creating directory /zdb/pgsql/data ... ok
creating subdirectories ... ok
selecting default max_connections ... 100
selecting default shared_buffers ... 32MB
creating configuration files ... ok
creating template1 database in /zdb/pgsql/data/base/1 ... FATAL:
could not open file "pg_xlog/00010001" (log file 0,
segment 1): No such file or directory
child process exited with exit code 1
initdb: removing data directory "/zdb/pgsql/data"

My best guess is that it has something to do with permissions, but I
really have no idea. Has anyone seen this before and found a way
around it?


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