[GENERAL] VACUUMing in general

2001-04-28 Thread Erich K. Oliphant

Is any work being done to streamline/redesign the way 
PostgreSQL handles updates and/or the way VACUUM works so that it doesn't lock 
the entire table while it does it's job? It seems that tables that need to 
be VACUUM'ed the most would typically have fewer acceptable "windows" in which 
to work.

[GENERAL] Replication options in Postgres

2000-07-31 Thread Erich

I am setting up a system that processes transactions, and it needs to
be highly reliable.  Once a transaction happens, it can never be
lost.  This means that there needs to be real-time off-site
replication of data.  I'm wondering what's the best way to do this.

One thing that might simplify this system is that I _never_ use UPDATE
or DELETE.  The only thing I ever do with the database is INSERT.  So
this might make replication a little easier.

I think I have a few possibilities:

1. In my PHP code, I have functions like
inserttransaction(values...).  I could just modify inserttransaction()
so that it runs the same query (the INSERT) on two or more DB
servers.  This would probably work ok.

2. I could write triggers for all my tables, so that when there is an
INSERT, the trigger does the same INSERT on the other server.  Any
ideas for an efficient way to do this?

3. Any other tricks?

I don't need mirroring.  There will be one master and one or more
slaves, and the only thing the slaves will do is store backup data.
The most important thing is that I can't lose a single transaction.



[GENERAL] PG vs. Oracle for larger databases

2000-07-28 Thread Erich

How suitable is PG for doing larger databases?  The need I am
considering would be a financial database that does maybe up to 100k
transactions/day.  Obviously, it needs to be very reliable, and have
minimal scheduled, and no unscheduled downtime.  Should this project
be on Oracle or Postgres?



[GENERAL] From timestamp to seconds since epoch?

2000-07-17 Thread Erich

I've read through all the documentation, and I can't find a function
that takes a timestamp and converts iit to seconds since epoch.
Here's what I need to do: I have pairs of timestamps ('2000-07-12
03:33:53+00'), and I want to find out how many seconds are in the
interval between them.  I know I can do

select timestamp1 - timestamp2

and I get a result in days, hours, mins, and seconds, but is there a
way to get that whole thing in just seconds?  This has to be pretty
efficient, because it's going to get called a lot.



[GENERAL] Figured it out (psql and Gnu readline)

2000-07-12 Thread Erich

With some helpful hints from various people, I figured out how to get
this to work, and now my life is more pleasant and meaningful.

Situation: Stock installation of OpenBSD 2.7, with PostgreSQL 7.0.2.
I installed postgres by downloading the source tar and compiling, not
by going through /usr/ports.

Anyway, I'm not sure if OpenBSD ships with readline or whatever, so I
downloaded the latest readline (4.1) and compiled and installed it.  I
then did ./configure in postgres, and recompiled psql, and it still
didn't have history.

Following some sugestions on this group, I figured out the problem.
First, there is no history.h with readline 4.1.  There's
readline/history.h.  So I modified Makefile.global to include that
file.  Also, I had to edit config.h, with several tweaks to various
defines.  I had to tell it that there is no history.h, but there is a
readline/history.h.  I had to put in that there is no history function
in libreadline, and it must also use libhistory.  Etc.

After doing all that, it worked beautifully.  I often have to do a
sequence of slighly varied inserts, etc, and this is much better.

Maybe for the next release, there should be better handling of gnu
readline 4.1?  Or maybe it should come with the package?  Just a


This message was my two cents worth.  Please deposit two cents into my
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Re: [GENERAL] Figured it out (psql and Gnu readline)

2000-07-12 Thread Erich

 configure is supposed to handle all that for you ... if it failed to
 find the right location of libreadline and associated includes then
 the question is why.  You sure you ran configure after installing
 the include files?

I just deleted my postgres tree, and then unpacked it again, and ran
configure again.  libreadline.a and libhistory.a are in
/usr/local/lib/.  readline.h and history.h are in

I then ran ./configure.

When I look at config.h, I can see that it failed to detect
/usr/local/include/readline/history.h.  Also, I see that it did define
HAVE_HISTORY_IN_READLINE 1 which is incorrect.  I would have to make
the change by hand to the file.

I think it may be a bug.


[GENERAL] How to get PL languages to work in Postgres

2000-07-12 Thread Erich

I'm sure this is a dumb question, but...

When I try to create a PL/pgSQL function, even a very simple one like
the add_one function in the example, I get this error:

ERROR:  Unrecognized language specified in a CREATE FUNCTION: 'plpgsql'.  Recognized 
languages are sql, C, internal and the created procedural languages.

Do you have any idea how to get it to work?  I just compiled and
installed Postgres in the normal way.  I can see that there is a
plpgsql.so in /usr/local/pgsql/lib.

Have I missed an installation option?  Anything else I should do?



[GENERAL] References on functions?

2000-07-12 Thread Erich

I'm starting to write functions in plpgsql, and I can do the basic
stuff just fine, but the language isn't so well documented.  Is there
any good tutorial on the language?  Or should I switch over to perl?
I would rather learn plpgsql than do it in perl, because I would guess
that plpgsql is faster and more optimized for working in Postgres.
Any source of better docs?



This message was my two cents worth.  Please deposit two cents into my
e-gold account by following this link:
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Re: [GENERAL] International Address Format Standard

2000-06-17 Thread Erich

International addresses can be very strange.  To send a package to
someone in Anguilla, you address it like this:

John Doe
344 444 
The Valley, Anguilla

where 344 444  is the guy's phone number.

In Laos, an address is like this:

John Doe
Near Wat 
Luang Prabang, Laos

where Wat  is the name of the nearest temple.


This message was my two cents worth.  Please deposit two cents into my
e-gold account by following this link:
275A B627 1826 D627 ED35  B8DF 7DDE 4428 0F5C 4454