Re: [GENERAL] Oracle to PostgreSQL

2017-11-09 Thread Felix Kunde
On Thu, 2017-11-09 at 17:01 +0530, Brahmam Eswar wrote:
> You can create a composite type in PostgreSQL:
> CREATE TYPE complex AS (r integer, i integer);
> You would use an array in this case:
> carr complex[];

I've once faced the same thing, and did as Laurenz suggested.
You will like Postgres' array support.

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Re: [GENERAL] Trigger based logging alternative to table_log

2017-03-27 Thread Felix Kunde
> I have some code which uses table_log 
> ( to keep a log of changes to 
> selected tables.  
> I don't use the restore part, just the logging part.  
> It creates a new table for each table being logged, with several additional 
> columns, and adds triggers to insert rows in the new table for changes in the 
> original.
> The problem is that table_log hasn't been maintained in nearly 10 years, and 
> pgfoundry itself seems to have one foot in the grave and one on a banana peel.
> There are several other systems out there which store the data in hstore or 
> json, which I would probably use if doing this from scratch.  But I'd rather 
> preserve the existing log tables than either throw away that data, or port it 
> over to a new format.
> Is there any better-maintained code out there which would be compatible with 
> the existing schema used by table_log?

Afaik, there is no compatible solution. If tablelog works for you then keep it. 
Do you miss a feature or why do you worry about the unmaintained code base? I 
think, if there would be a problem with any new version that the developer 
would fix it. There is also an existing github repo 

Recently, I have done a comparison of different audit tools to check how good 
my creation (pgMemento) works compared to the others. So I know how most of 
them work. tablelog for example logs both OLD and NEW. So you got all your data 
twice. Other solutions log either OLD of NEW. tablelog uses only one timestamp 
field whereas others using two (or a range).

As tablelog is using history tables with relational layout I would suggest to 
consider other extensions that do a similar thing. If you are interested in 
only logging the data you might check out the temporal_tables extension 
( In my test it had the least impact to 
write operations and disk consumption.

Using hstore or json for logging might sound cool in the first place, but it 
only has its benefits if you don't want to adapt the auditing behaviour to 
schema changes (like new columns etc.). With pgMemento I decided to go for 
jsonb but after many hours of programming complex restoring functions I can say 
that my only real argument of using it now, is that I only log values of 
changed fields. I like that but it makes the trigger overhead bigger.

Greetings from Berlin

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Re: [GENERAL] Getting a delta of two json-typed objects? (a breeze w/ hstore)

2015-01-22 Thread Felix Kunde
Hi, not so long ago, I've asked myself the same question. I've written two 
fuction that do this:

SELECT build_json(array_agg(to_json(old.key)), array_agg(old.value)) 
FROM json_each($1) old
LEFT OUTER JOIN json_each($2) new ON old.key = new.key
WHERE old.value::text  new.value::text OR new.key IS NULL
HAVING array_agg(to_json(old.key)) IS NOT NULL
AND array_agg(old.value) IS NOT NULL;

and this:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.build_json(
json_keys ANYARRAY,
json_values ANYARRAY
json_string TEXT := '{';
delimeter TEXT := '';
json_result JSON;
FOR i IN array_lower(json_keys, 1)..array_upper(json_keys, 1) LOOP
json_string := json_string || delimeter || json_keys[i] || ':' || 
delimeter := ',';
json_string := json_string || '}';
EXECUTE format('SELECT %L::json', json_string) INTO json_result;
RETURN json_result;
LANGUAGE plpgsql;

Not the best way actually. I wonder, how I could benefit from the new 
build_json function in 9.4 json_build_object(VARIADIC any). Have to get my 
keys and values in alternating order... hm.

Then I've also found this nice example, which might do the things you are 
looking for:

Gesendet: Donnerstag, 22. Januar 2015 um 20:37 Uhr
Von: Wells Oliver
Betreff: [GENERAL] Getting a delta of two json-typed objects? (a breeze w/ 

Hey all. I have a trigger function which does a delta of two hstore values just 
doing a - b; this check is performed to see if there's a delta and if not I 
don't log it.
I'm wondering if there's a suitable method for comparison two json objects? I 
don't have 9.4 yet so I can't use jsonb, but if there's any input here I'd 
appreciate it.
Wells Oliver

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Re: [GENERAL] table versioning approach (not auditing)

2014-10-01 Thread Felix Kunde
Hey there. Thank you very much for that fix! Thats why I'd like to have a joint 
development and joint testing. It's way more convincing for users to go for a 
solution that is tested by some experts than just by a random developer :) 

I'm open to create a new project and push the code there. Don't care about the 
name. Then we might figure out which parts are already good, which parts could 
be improved and where to go next. I think switching to JSONB for example will 
be easy, as it offers the same functions than JSON afaik.

Gesendet: Dienstag, 30. September 2014 um 21:16 Uhr
Von: Adam Brusselback
An: Felix Kunde
Betreff: Re: [GENERAL] table versioning approach (not auditing)

Felix, I'd love to see a single, well maintained project. For example, I just 
found yours, and gave it a shot today after seeing this post.  I found a bug 
when an update command is issued, but the old and new values are all the same.  
The trigger will blow up.  I've got a fix for that, but if we had one project 
that more than a handful of people used, stuff like that would be quashed very 
I love the design of it by the way. Any idea what it will take to move to JSONB 
for 9.4? 
On Tue, Sep 30, 2014 at 7:22 AM, Felix Kunde wrote:Hey
yes i'm adding an additional key to each of my tables. First i wanted to use 
the primary key as one column in my audit_log table, but in some of my tables 
the PK consists of more than one column. Plus it's nice to have one key that is 
called the same over all tables.
To get a former state for one row at date x I need to join the latest delta 
BEFORE date x with each delta AFTER date x. If I would log complete rows, this 
joining part would not be neccessary, but as I usually work with spatial 
databases that have complex geometries and also image files, this strategy is 
too harddisk consuming.
If there are more users following a similar approach, I wonder why we not throw 
all the good ideas together, to have one solution that is tested, maintained 
and improved by more developpers. This would be great.

Gesendet: Montag, 29. September 2014 um 23:25 Uhr
Von: Abelard Hoffman[]
An: Felix Kunde[]
Betreff: Re: [GENERAL] table versioning approach (not auditing)

Thank you Felix, Gavin, and Jonathan for your responses.
Felix  Jonathan: both of you mention just storing deltas. But if you do that, 
how do you associate the delta record with the original row? Where's the PK 
stored, if it wasn't part of the delta?
Felix, thank you very much for the example code. I took a look at your table 
schemas. I need to study it more, but it looks like the way you're handling the 
PK, is you're adding a separate synthethic key (audit_id) to each table that's 
being versioned. And then storing that key along with the delta.
So then to find all the versions of a given row, you just need to join the 
audit row with the schema_name.table_name.audit_id column. Is that right? The 
only potential drawback there is there's no referential integrity between the 
audit_log.audit_id and the actual table.
I do like that approach very much though, in that it eliminates the need to 
interrogate the json data in order to perform most queries.
On Mon, Sep 29, 2014 at 12:26 AM, Felix Kunde[] wrote:Hey
i've also tried to implement a database versioning using JSON to log changes in 
tables. Here it is:[][[]]
I've got two versioning tables, one storing information about all transactions 
that happened and one where i put the JSON logs of row changes of each table. 
I'm only logging old values and not complete rows.
Then I got a function that recreates a database state at a given time into a 
separate schema - either to VIEWs, MVIEWs or TABLES. This database state could 
then be indexed in order to work with it. You can also reset the production 
state to the recreated past state.
Unfortunately I've got no time to further work on it at the moment + I have not 
done tests with many changes in the database so I can't say if the recreation 
process scales well. On downside I've realised is that using the json_agg 
function has limits when I've got binary data. It gets too long. So I'm really 
looking forward using JSONB.

There are more plans in my mind. By having a Transaction_Log table it should be 
possible to revert only certain transactions. I'm also thinking of parallel 
versioning, e.g. different users are all working with their version of the 
database and commit their changes

Re: [GENERAL] table versioning approach (not auditing)

2014-09-30 Thread Felix Kunde
yes i'm adding an additional key to each of my tables. First i wanted to use 
the primary key as one column in my audit_log table, but in some of my tables 
the PK consists of more than one column. Plus it's nice to have one key that is 
called the same over all tables.
To get a former state for one row at date x I need to join the latest delta 
BEFORE date x with each delta AFTER date x. If I would log complete rows, this 
joining part would not be neccessary, but as I usually work with spatial 
databases that have complex geometries and also image files, this strategy is 
too harddisk consuming.
If there are more users following a similar approach, I wonder why we not throw 
all the good ideas together, to have one solution that is tested, maintained 
and improved by more developpers. This would be great.

Gesendet: Montag, 29. September 2014 um 23:25 Uhr
Von: Abelard Hoffman
An: Felix Kunde
Betreff: Re: [GENERAL] table versioning approach (not auditing)

Thank you Felix, Gavin, and Jonathan for your responses.
Felix  Jonathan: both of you mention just storing deltas. But if you do that, 
how do you associate the delta record with the original row? Where's the PK 
stored, if it wasn't part of the delta?
Felix, thank you very much for the example code. I took a look at your table 
schemas. I need to study it more, but it looks like the way you're handling the 
PK, is you're adding a separate synthethic key (audit_id) to each table that's 
being versioned. And then storing that key along with the delta.
So then to find all the versions of a given row, you just need to join the 
audit row with the schema_name.table_name.audit_id column. Is that right? The 
only potential drawback there is there's no referential integrity between the 
audit_log.audit_id and the actual table.
I do like that approach very much though, in that it eliminates the need to 
interrogate the json data in order to perform most queries.
On Mon, Sep 29, 2014 at 12:26 AM, Felix Kunde wrote:Hey
i've also tried to implement a database versioning using JSON to log changes in 
tables. Here it is:[]
I've got two versioning tables, one storing information about all transactions 
that happened and one where i put the JSON logs of row changes of each table. 
I'm only logging old values and not complete rows.
Then I got a function that recreates a database state at a given time into a 
separate schema - either to VIEWs, MVIEWs or TABLES. This database state could 
then be indexed in order to work with it. You can also reset the production 
state to the recreated past state.
Unfortunately I've got no time to further work on it at the moment + I have not 
done tests with many changes in the database so I can't say if the recreation 
process scales well. On downside I've realised is that using the json_agg 
function has limits when I've got binary data. It gets too long. So I'm really 
looking forward using JSONB.

There are more plans in my mind. By having a Transaction_Log table it should be 
possible to revert only certain transactions. I'm also thinking of parallel 
versioning, e.g. different users are all working with their version of the 
database and commit their changes to the production state. As I've got a unique 
history ID for each table and each row, I should be able to map the affected 

Have a look and tell me what you think of it.


Gesendet: Montag, 29. September 2014 um 04:00 Uhr
Von: Abelard Hoffman
Betreff: [GENERAL] table versioning approach (not auditing)

Hi. I need to maintain a record of all changes to certain tables so assist in 
viewing history and reverting changes when necessary (customer service makes an 
incorrect edit, etc.).
I have studied these two audit trigger examples:[]
I've also read about two other approaches to versioning:
1. maintain all versions in one table, with a flag to indicate which is the 
current version
2. have a separate versions table for each real table, and insert into the 
associated version table whenever an update or insert is done.
My current implementation is based on the wiki trigger examples, using a single 
table, and a json column to record the row changes (rather than hstore). What I 
like about that, in particular, is I can have a global, chronological view of 
all versioned changes very easily.
But there are two types of queries I need to run.
1. Find all changes made by a specific user
2. Find all changes related to a specific record
#1 is simple to do. The versioning table has a user_id

Re: [GENERAL] table versioning approach (not auditing)

2014-09-29 Thread Felix Kunde
i've also tried to implement a database versioning using JSON to log changes in 
tables. Here it is:
I've got two versioning tables, one storing information about all transactions 
that happened and one where i put the JSON logs of row changes of each table. 
I'm only logging old values and not complete rows.
Then I got a function that recreates a database state at a given time into a 
separate schema - either to VIEWs, MVIEWs or TABLES. This database state could 
then be indexed in order to work with it. You can also reset the production 
state to the recreated past state.
Unfortunately I've got no time to further work on it at the moment + I have not 
done tests with many changes in the database so I can't say if the recreation 
process scales well. On downside I've realised is that using the json_agg 
function has limits when I've got binary data. It gets too long. So I'm really 
looking forward using JSONB.

There are more plans in my mind. By having a Transaction_Log table it should be 
possible to revert only certain transactions. I'm also thinking of parallel 
versioning, e.g. different users are all working with their version of the 
database and commit their changes to the production state. As I've got a unique 
history ID for each table and each row, I should be able to map the affected 

Have a look and tell me what you think of it.


Gesendet: Montag, 29. September 2014 um 04:00 Uhr
Von: Abelard Hoffman
Betreff: [GENERAL] table versioning approach (not auditing)

Hi. I need to maintain a record of all changes to certain tables so assist in 
viewing history and reverting changes when necessary (customer service makes an 
incorrect edit, etc.).
I have studied these two audit trigger examples:
I've also read about two other approaches to versioning:
1. maintain all versions in one table, with a flag to indicate which is the 
current version
2. have a separate versions table for each real table, and insert into the 
associated version table whenever an update or insert is done.
My current implementation is based on the wiki trigger examples, using a single 
table, and a json column to record the row changes (rather than hstore). What I 
like about that, in particular, is I can have a global, chronological view of 
all versioned changes very easily.
But there are two types of queries I need to run.
1. Find all changes made by a specific user
2. Find all changes related to a specific record
#1 is simple to do. The versioning table has a user_id column of who made the 
change, so I can query on that.
#2 is more difficult. I may want to fetch all changes to a group of tables that 
are all related by foreign keys (e.g., find all changes to user record 849, 
along with any changes to their articles, photos, etc.). All of the data is 
in the json column, of course, but it seems like a pain to try and build a 
query on the json column that can fetch all those relationships (and if I mess 
it up, I probably won't generate any errors, since the json is so free-form).
So my question is, do you think using the json approach is wrong for this case? 
Does it seem better to have separate versioning tables associated with each 
real table? Or another approach?

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[GENERAL] memory issues with BYTEAs in JSON and hstore

2014-05-27 Thread Felix Kunde
I've developed a database auditing/versioning using the JSON data type 
( and doing some tests now. 
Unfortunately I'm facing some problems when dealing with tables that store 
images as BYTEA. Some of them are around 15 MB big.

My tool logs changes to JSON and can populate it back to views with 
json_populate_recordset and json_agg. When performing this procedure on tables 
containing BYTEAs I receive an 54000 error (Cannot enlarge string buffer). Is 
this because of json_agg or because of single rows? 

Executing to_json on the whole column that contains the binary data (size above 
500 MB) lead to out-of-memory errors. The same goes for hstore. Executing these 
functions only on the biggest image was successful but freezed my pgAdmin. When 
I encoded BYTEA to TEXT before transforming it to JSON or hstore it worked. But 
trying json_populate_recordset still runs into memory problems (but explain 

Do you think JSONB will solve my problems in the future?

Here is also a comparison in size between the bytea (and encoded versions to 
TEXT) and JSON / hstore output which I found kinda interesting:

operation | bytea | bytea-'escape' | bytea-'hex' | bytea-'base64'
  | 15 MB | 40 MB   | 31 MB| 21 MB
to_json() | 57 MB | 57 MB   | 31 MB| 21 MB
hstore()  | 46 MB | 40 MB   | 31 MB| 21 MB

Thanks in advance for any hints.

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[GENERAL] comparing two JSON objects in 9.3

2014-05-12 Thread Felix Kunde

Im developing an auditing mechanism where table contents are logged as JSON (

At first I just logged the whole row everytime my triggers were fired.

Now Im trying to log only the old state of values that have changed.

Therefore I compare the OLD and NEW entry by using json_each(json).

SELECT old.key, old.value
FROM json_each(row_to_json(OLD)) old
LEFT OUTER JOIN json_each(row_to_json(NEW)) new ON old.key = new.key
WHERE new.value::text  old.value::text OR new.key IS NULL;

Now I aggregate the result to arrays of JSON and call this function, that Ive written:


 json_string TEXT := {;
 delimeter TEXT := ;
 json_result JSON;
 FOR i IN array_lower(json_keys, 1)..array_upper(json_keys, 1) LOOP
 json_string := json_string  delimeter  json_keys[i]  :  json_values[i];
 delimeter := ,;

 json_string := json_string  };

 EXECUTE format(SELECT %L::json, json_string) INTO json_result;
 RETURN json_result;

LANGUAGE plpgsql;

In the end the call looks like this:

SELECT audit.build_json(array_agg(to_json(old.key)), array_agg(old.value))

FROM json_each(row_to_json(OLD)) old
LEFT OUTER JOIN json_each(row_to_json(NEW)) new ON old.key = new.key
WHERE new.value::text  old.value::text OR new.key IS NULL;

Everything works as expected, but it feels kinda ugly to me.

Any PG-JSON experts around to tell me a better solution?

Did i trapped into some YouShouldNots?


Felix Kunde

Re: [GENERAL] Temporary table already exists

2014-01-31 Thread Felix Kunde

I had a similar problem once. The pool is reusing connections and the temporary tables are still there.

Now I always create new temporary tables with a unique name like this:

tmpTableId = TMP + Math.abs(generateUUID().hashCode());
if (tmpTableId.length()  15)
 tmpTableId = tmpTableId.substring(tmpTableId.length() - 15, tmpTableId.length());

tableStmt = conn.createStatement();

try {
 // create global temporary tables
 tableStmt.executeUpdate(create temporary table TABLE_ANME_ + tmpTableId + ( ... ) on commit preserve rows);


Then you have to add the tmpTableId to every statement in your code but it should work fine.

Gesendet:Freitag, 31. Januar 2014 um 12:04 Uhr
Betreff:Re: [GENERAL] Temporary table already exists

Hi Albe, this is code of my stored function:
		p_id_deck BIGINT
		l_id_user BIGINT;
		l_cards_number INTEGER;
		l_deck_type BIGINT;
		l_result BIGINT[];
		SELECT INTO STRICT l_id_user id_user
		FROM ccg_schema.decks_per_user
		WHERE id = p_id_deck;
		SELECT stored_functions_v0.get_card_deck_types(t1.id_master_card) AS deck_type_ids
		FROM ccg_schema.deck_composition T0
		,ccg_schema.cards_per_user T1
		WHERE id_deck = p_id_deck
		  AND t1.id_owner = l_id_user
		  AND t0.id_card = t1.id_card;
		SELECT INTO l_cards_number COUNT(*)
		FROM deck_types;
		FOR l_deck_type IN SELECT DISTINCT unnest(deck_type_ids) FROM deck_types LOOP
			IF (l_cards_number = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT unnest(deck_type_ids) AS id FROM deck_types) T0 WHERE id = l_deck_type)) THEN
l_result := array_append(l_result, l_deck_type);
			END IF;
		RETURN l_result;
ConnectionPool reuse connections, of course, but how you can see from my code, the temporary table deck_types are already defined with ON COMMIT DROP clause, so I think that my work is not in transaction. Am I true? If so, how can I put my code in transaction? Many thanks. Mephysto

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[GENERAL] Audit database to recreate former states using JSON functions

2014-01-14 Thread Felix Kunde

last december Ive delvoped a few PL/pgSQL functions to log

all changes in my database and recreate former database states.

I used row_to_json to log and json_populate_recordset to reproduce

my tables. I think its cool feature and I like to share and discuss it

with you. I would be very happy to recieve some feedback. Im also

interested in other versioning approaches, if there are (?).

You can find the repository here:

Ive written all the relevant stuff into the README.

At last, I really like to thank Hans-Jrgen Schnig (

for giving me the advice to use JSON functions. This made the whole

developement way more easy.

Have a great day.
