2001-09-05 Thread Gabriel Fernandez


What does it mean the MATCH FULL parameter in a foreign key specfication

It seems it is only valid for a multi-column foreign key: What's a
multi-column foreign key ?

I've tried to search this in Bruce's book but I have a lot of problems
to connect to it at   http://www.postgresql.org/docs/awbook.html


Gabi :-)

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[GENERAL] Vacuumdb message: AbortTransaction and not in-progress ...

2001-05-23 Thread Gabriel Fernandez


We have some db's in our server. When executing a vacuumdb, ONLY FOR
SOME of them, the following message is shown:

AbortTransaction and not in in-progress state

After this, the vacuum process is aborted, so we cannot vacuum these
'problematic' db's.

What can we do ?

Gabi :-)

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[GENERAL] Index on a function(field)

2001-05-11 Thread Gabriel Fernandez


Is it possible to create an index using a function(field) sintaxis ?

For instance:

CREATE  INDEX i1_cdu on cdu using btree ( substr(cdu_code,1,1)
varchar_ops );

If not, should I alter the table to include a field with the value


Gabi :-)

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[GENERAL] Table whose name has Capital letters

2000-11-24 Thread Gabriel Fernandez

Hi ,

I have created a table with the name 'Nov2000' and now it is impossible to
access it, because psql is always searching for the table 'nov2000'.

The only solution I have found is to manually modify the pg_class table and
the name of the physical file associated to the table.

Have I done something wrong or is it a bug ?  I mean, it seems psql is
alwyas converting the query string to lowercase, but it doesn't when you
create a table, a index or a sequence.

I'm running  6.5.3 PostgreSQL on a Linux RedHat 6.0 machine.


Gabi :-)

[GENERAL] Problem with drop table within a transaction

2000-09-04 Thread Gabriel Fernandez


I have a problem when doing drop table within a transaction:

It seems that if you execute a drop table sentence but after the
transaction is aborted because an error occurs, the result is a
corruption of the database: the drop table sentence deletes the physical
files corresponding to the table, but as transaction is aborted the
table is not deleted from the database definition.

So then you cannot recreate the table (baclkend says it alredy exists),
you cannot drop the table (it says it doesn't find the physical file),

(Anyway, it is not very critical : i'm not droping table each hour and i
can do it in its own atomic transaction).

Beyond that i would want to know if there is available information about
the database definiton in postgresql: where the table is defined, how to
'fix' manually some problems (for instance, the one i have explained


Gabi :-)

Re: [GENERAL] Problem with LIKE operator

2000-03-22 Thread Gabriel Fernandez


Finally I have found the problem: the table was corrupted, so i have
recreated it and it works fine.

I wonder if instead of recreating it i would have had to execute a vacuum.

Thanks to you all for your help and your suggestions (i will keep them for
the future).

Gabi :-)

[GENERAL] Problem with LIKE operator

2000-03-21 Thread Gabriel Fernandez


I have some problems using LIKE within strings which have brackets.

For example if i do:

select code from codes where code like '(4)' ;

i do not obtain nothing. But in the DB indeed there is a row whose code
is '(4)'.

I have tried to escape the brackets with '\\(4\\)' or with ' \(4\)' but
it doesn't work.

How can i do it ?

Gabi :-)

Re: Re: [GENERAL] Regular expressions syntax: is \ the escape character ?

2000-03-07 Thread Gabriel Fernandez

Thanks a million to you all. Finally, as someone in the list suggested, i'm
using the double backslash (\\) and it seems it works ok.

The only problem i have is when i want to escape a single quote (') or the
backslash (\).

For example: i have one row with the value 'ONE\SECOND'

I try to recover it doing (from psql frontend):

select field1 from table1 where field1 ~* 'ONE\\\'  ;

But it doesn't work, and the parser seems to be confused (it asks me to
close again the quote ' ).

The problem is the same with the single quote '. I've tried this:

select field1 from table1 where field1 ~* 'D\\'ALEMA' ;

But it doesn't work neither.

Thanks for your help.

Gabi :-)

[GENERAL] locale mb support

2000-03-07 Thread Gabriel Fernandez

Hi all:

I'm using Postgres-6.5.3 with Red Hat 6.0 and I've a problen using

I compiled Postgres --wiht-locale --with-mb=LATIN1.

I did initdb -e LATIN1

And finally I createdb -E LATIN1 test.

I also have defined


when postmaster starts.

So now, I try to select * from test1 order by ...

The problem is that I do not get the result sorted as I would.
What's wrong? What should I do?

Thanks to all,


[GENERAL] Problems with operator '%' within a select

2000-01-19 Thread Gabriel Fernandez

Hi !

I've just had some problems using the operator '%' within a select.
This is an example:

"select codigo from codis where codigo like '%3'  "

And i've found that all the rows which contains more than one three
won't be selected.
(For example: values 'a34ree3', '34fg3')

It seems as if you put only one character with '%' it will select only
the rows wich contain only one time this character.

Am I wrong ?

Gabi :-)

[GENERAL] Confussion with table-lock levels and isolation levels

2000-01-13 Thread Gabriel Fernandez

Hi fellows !

I would only want to ask some questions concerning table-locking levels
and isolation levels:

* First of all:  should I assume that AccessXXX  modes imply locking
the complete table and Row imply locking only the  rows which have
been accessed ? Will then the conflicts be solved according the
hierarchy between modes ?

* Second:
  - What does exactly mean that a mode 'CONFLICTS'  with another
  - Does it mean that another concurrent transactions having
these modes will have to wait until the first transaction
  have finished (commit or roll back) ?
  - Can we determine (when accessing a row in a table) wether we
will have a conflict or not according to the criteria
  explained in the previous question (Access- complete table,
Row - rows accessed) ?

 If all the previous assumptions are true:
   - When there is a conflict, will the only consequence be
that all concurrent transactions will be processed in a
   FIFO serie and not in parallel ?
   - What about all the others concurrent transactions which
haven't conflicted ? How can you avoid falling into
   contradiction with the isolation level (and assure the
protection against non-repeteable reads or phantom
   reads ?
   - I feel those two levels (transactions and isolation
levels) are two layers so the transactions will be
   processed according to a FIFO serie when exist any
problem concerning the isolation level or the
   table-locking. Is this a good way to describe the way
PostgreSQL manages the things ?

Thank you very much for your help.  By the way, is the first time i'm
subscribed to a mailing list so if I do anything inappropiate or strange
please tell me.

Best regards

Gabi :-)