[GENERAL] Is this a bug?

2007-07-01 Thread Harry Jackson

The following sql statement fails because the column "user_id" does
not exist in the users table.

=# select user_id from users WHERE  username = 'blah';
ERROR:  column "user_id" does not exist
LINE 1: select user_id from users WHERE  username = 'blah..

The following shows a valid statement where I want to delete one user
entry from the "map_users_roles" table

=# delete from map_users_roles where user_id = (select id from users
WHERE  username = 'blah');

If I made a mistake and changed the "id" column to "user_id" then from
some the statement executes.

=# delete from map_users_roles where user_id = (select user_id from
users WHERE  username = 'blah');
DELETE 33631

I would have thought that the last statement would fail. Instead it
removed all the entries from the table. This is happening because I
did not qualify the column names as follows...

=# delete from map_users_roles where user_id = (select u.user_id from
users as u WHERE  username = 'blah');
ERROR:  column u.user_id does not exist
LINE 1: ...lete from map_users_roles where user_id = (select u.user_id ...

Still, this was quite a suprise to me and I would consider this a bug.



---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [GENERAL] verifying database integrity - fsck for pg?

2006-01-31 Thread Harry Jackson
On 1/31/06, Rich Doughty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We are currently migrating a cluster between hosts. I'd like to
> verify that the new database has been transferred reliably and
> that the datafiles are in tact.
> What's the recommended way to do this? We're using
> pg_start/stop_backup so an md5 check is out of the question.
> pg version 8.0

I would doubt if it is a full test but in the past when I have had
corruptions in the database its been a full vacuum that has spotted


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
   choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [GENERAL] A tale of two similar databases

2006-01-17 Thread Harry Jackson
On 17 Jan 2006 01:22:20 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Hi All,
> I am using PostgreSQL 7.3.2 on a server running Red Hat Linux 9.0.
> I have two databases ( identical schema and similar data ).
> One database, D1 contains the actual data of a Production Application.
> The other D2 contains dummy data which is used during development and
> testing of the application.
> D2 actually contains a recent snapshot of D1 and hence contain almost
> the same data.
> The strange thing is that D1 is extremely fast whereas D2 is relatively
> slow for any given query.
> (Thank God, it isnt the other way round :) )
> Eg,
> An extensive Statistics query returns in a matter of seconds on D1 but
> takes close to a minute on D2
> I would like to know if anybody can answer why it is so.

I am making the assumption that you have checked your query plan on
both databases to make sure that they are the same i.e.

on DB1
explain "big query";

on DB2
explain "big query"

If these are not almost identical then you need to investigate the
reasons for the difference ie bad stats on the dev database or missing
index's etc. Have you vacuum analyzed D2?

One other possible reason is that D1 is mostly in cache and D2 isn't.
If you run the query twice on D2 immediately after each other is the
second query much faster. If this is the case what you might be seeing
is D1 being in constant use is forcing the D2 data back onto the disk
and out of the cache.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?


Re: [GENERAL] Plans for 8.2?

2006-01-12 Thread Harry Jackson
On 1/12/06, Jeff Trout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jan 12, 2006, at 1:36 PM, Joshua D. Drake wrote:
> >>> "Built In" Failover/Clustering
> >>> This won't happen. The community stance, which is a good one is
> >>> that no single replication solutions fits everyone's needs and
> >>> therefore we rely out the outside
> >>> sources. Slony-I, Mammoth Replicator and pgpool being the most
> >>> popular.
> >> Too bad - I think that will keep a lot of potential users from
> >> evaluating Pg as a serious alternative. Good or bad, decide for
> >> yourself :)
> >
> Isn't the [expensive db name here]'s replication/failover just an
> expensive addon?
> As in if you don't pay for it you don't get it.
> So we're basically in the same boat as them.. just an add on. we just
> offer more variety.

Not really. The entire company of [expensive DB name here] is at the
end of the phone[0].

Taking Oracle as an example.

I am not aware of Oracle etc having a seperate company that sells
replication on top of their database although I could be wrong. The
other thing is that Oracle is supported by various platforms etc and
that support will include their replication or clustering offering.
Sun has offered to support PostgreSQL just recently but have they
offered to support any of the replication offerings?

I would hardly say we are in the same boat just because we have bolt
on replication.


[0] I am not suggesting that this improves support although it does
improve the appearance of support.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


Re: [GENERAL] regarding triggers

2006-01-10 Thread Harry Jackson
On 1/10/06, John McCawley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Regarding the usefulness of triggers...I tend to stay away from them.  I
> like to keep my data in my database and my logic in my application.  I
> try to relegate triggers to very simple things like timestamping
> records.  i.e. things that I won't later wonder "What in the hell is
> going on???"

I always try to get all the relationships from the data into the
database using whatever the database can do ie triggers, foriegn keys,
check constraints etc. I find that leaving all the logic to the
application is a disaster waiting to happen particularly when the
application is being developed by lots of people.

If you insist in having all the logic in the application then surely
you could use triggers to make sure that if the application makes a
cock up then the integrity of the data won't be compromised. I know
you can use "begin;  commit;" from the application but when working
with other developers there are no guarantees that they will always be
using them or more likely a mistake will be made by me or someone else
and I want the database to handle it.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?


Re: [GENERAL] Forum Software

2005-12-30 Thread Harry Jackson
On 12/30/05, Scott Marlowe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 12/30/05, Raymond O'Donnell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I used it once (2004) because it supported Postgres. It got hacked in
>  under a month. I admit that this was a one off but having searched
>  around the Internet for various bulletin board software there seem to
>  be no end of problems with phpbb with regards security. I have even
>  come across articles claiming that the phpbb team try not to publish
>  all their exploits but rather blame PHIP [0] itself and they have a
>  tendency to ignore certain exploits in any releases that are not
>  current.
>  That's hardly fair.  PostgreSQL also ignores security issues on older
> versions.  If you're running 8.0.0 and a security fix came out in 8.0.1,
> it's your fault, not the PGDG folks.

Actually a security hole being found is not really anyones fault [0]
it just happens and then something has to be done by the user who has
the software on his system.
Would the people on here ignore requests for help regardless of
version. I am sure if the case was stong enough someone would give you
a hand, perhaps they wouldn't but I am not reading on blogs how the
PostgreSQL community ignores security issues or that PostgreSQL has a
particular problem with security. In fact searching for Postgres
exploit returnred 206000 results on google which considering
PostgreSQL is a great deal older than phpbb is not bad now is it.

> Also, as a big proponent of PHP, I have to admit that it's quite easy to
> write insecure software with it.

Its quite easy to write insecure software period. Choice of language
with regards security is an almost pointless discussion. See point
[0]. Its the ability of the surgeon in the majority of cases that
makes for a successful operation not his choice of scalpel [1].

> I've had nothing but good luck with PHPBB.

And I am truly happy for you. I would have loved phpBB to have been my
silver bullet. I may yet need to use it again because I can find
nothing else that will do the job. For all its faults its most
certainly filling a gap in the market.

I don't want to use phpBB and I will need to be dragged kicking and
screaming to drink from that well again but were needs must, better
the devil you know.


[0] Actually we could blame the software developers for the bugs but
that would be like blaming a surgeon for stitches. However, this does
not give the surgeon immunnity if he performs the operation with as
little apptitude as a drunk.

[1] Although choosing a chain saw for open heart surgery may put him
in the "limited ability" category.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
   choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [GENERAL] Forum Software

2005-12-30 Thread Harry Jackson
On 12/30/05, Raymond O'Donnell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 30 Dec 2005 at 9:36, Harry Jackson wrote:
> > PHPBB. I don't want to use PHPBB due to its complete lack of anything
> > resembling security.
> Just curious - where do you get your info re PHPBB's "complete lack
> of anythng resembling security"? I've been considering using that
> software, and would like a balanced opinion of its godd & bad points.

I used it once (2004) because it supported Postgres. It got hacked in
under a month. I admit that this was a one off but having searched
around the Internet for various bulletin board software there seem to
be no end of problems with phpbb with regards security. I have even
come across articles claiming that the phpbb team try not to publish
all their exploits but rather blame PHIP [0] itself and they have a
tendency to ignore certain exploits in any releases that are not

The whole thing does not inspire any confidence in me and having been
stung by the software once I think it would be foolhardy to give it
annother shot. Perhaps everything I am reading is true perhaps its all
just bad luck.

Just out of interest try searching google for

phpbb exploit

I get a "WERE SORRY" page from google which is an attempt by google to
prevent the proliferation of a particular worm, its bad when google
step in ;) If you get results the first time then try the search a few
times in succession.

If you are lucky enough to get some search results you will notice
that there are 821,000 pages in the search results. Compared to

exploit vBulletin 330,000
exploit yabb 26000
exploit bbboard exploit 631

I know its hardly scientific and that phpbb and vbulleting are a lot
more popular than the other two boards but I really cannot afford the
time or the money that getting cracked costs and try to avoid it at
all costs.

Friendly Advice:
If you do decided to run phpbb then make sure you chroot Apache
properly, which is something you should be doing anyway particularly
if you run any third part software. This will save you time and money
in the long run if someone gets in[1]. Its also easier to backup a
chrooted env so you can roll over [2] the cracked site after/if you
catch them in the act.


[0] If PHP is so problematic with regards security then this would
still cast some doubt as as to the teams ability since they have
chosen an implimentation langauage that is severely flawed.
[1] This is assuming its a typical remote command execution and not
some other nefarious hack involving your database which may be outside
the chroot or cross site scripting or .. the list is
[2] After fixing the hole.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?


[GENERAL] Forum Software

2005-12-30 Thread Harry Jackson
What would people recommendation be for Bulleting Board software. I am
after something that uses PostgreSQL and has similar features of
PHPBB. I don't want to use PHPBB due to its complete lack of anything
resembling security.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [GENERAL] outdated (bad) information in pg_stat_activity

2005-12-17 Thread Harry Jackson
On 12/17/05, hubert depesz lubaczewski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  must have missed that one. thanks - we are moving to 8.1 anyway (50-150%
> increase in performance for some specific tasks!).

For which tasks in particular are you seeing this king of gain?



---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


[GENERAL] libpq and PQexecPrepared

2005-05-01 Thread Harry Jackson
I have been trying to use PQexecPrepared but so far have been having
little success. I have looked at the docs and there is very little in
there by way of examples. I am not really a native C programmer hence
my reason for assuming its my own fault and not a bug in PG but I have
noticed some things I just cannot explain.

Version == (PostgreSQL) 7.4.7

The following function has been used by me for some time from Perl

CREATE FUNCTION insert_index(varchar, integer, integer) RETURNS INTEGER AS '
 var_keywordalias for $1; 
 var_job_id alias for $2; 
 var_term_freq  alias for $3; 
 var_exists int4;
 SELECT into var_exists job_id  
FROM job_search_index  
   WHERE keyword = var_keyword
 AND job_id = var_job_id;
IF var_exists is null  THEN
 insert into job_search_index ( keyword , job_id, term_frequency ) 
 values ( var_keyword, var_job_id, var_term_freq);
return 1;
 update job_search_index 
set term_frequency = var_term_freq
  where keyword = var_keyword
and job_id  = var_job_id;
return 2;
   END IF;
   RETURN 0;
' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';

Its straight forward enough.

However, when I use the following from libpq

prepare = PQexec(conn,  "prepare insert_indx (varchar, integer,
integer) as select harry.insert_index($1, $2, $3)");

result = PQexecPrepared(conn, 
   (const char* const *)paramValues,

If I log the statements called I get the following

[5-1] LOG:  statement: prepare insert_indx (varchar, integer, integer)
as select harry.insert_index($1, $2, $3)
[6-1] LOG:  statement: BEGIN
[7-1] LOG:  statement: SELECT  job_id FROM job_search_index WHERE
keyword =  $1  AND job_id =  $2
[7-2] CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function "insert_index" line 7 at select into variables
[8-1] LOG:  statement: SELECT   $1  is null
[8-2] CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function "insert_index" line 12 at if
[9-1] LOG:  statement: update job_search_index set term_frequency = 
$1  where keyword =  $2  and job_id =  $3
[9-2] CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function "insert_index" line 16 at SQL statement
[10-1] LOG:  statement: SELECT  1
[10-2] CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function "insert_index" line 22 at return

The params are correct for the entry in the logs at [7-1] but if you
look at [9-1] the params are in the wrong order. This looks odd to me
and I was wondering if someone could explain this?

I am assuming this could be an error in the way I am using libpq
because so far I have been unable to get libpq working when using
stored procs and prepared statements

As an aside are there any decent examples on using libpq online. The
ones in the docs are minimal at best and assume text parameters which
make things a bit too easy. I have also greped through the contrib
directories and most of the src in there seems to be using PQexec. I
would like to see a working example using PQexecPrepared with mixed
params if possible.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [GENERAL] Any real known bugs about wrong selects?

2004-01-18 Thread Harry Jackson
David Teran wrote:
The real question was: are there open known bugs where a select 
statement does not return a correct result, meaning a wrong number of 
rows? Were there a lot of errors like this?
We are asking this because this makes trouble with the database we are 
currently using. Of course we know that there is no guarantee that pgsql 
works 100% bugfree but we are only asking for user experience.
An error of this nature in any database is a very serious problem and 
you should really take it up with the vendor. If you can reproduce it I 
am sure they would try and supply a patch as soon as feasibly possible.

I have seen databases return the wrong number of rows to queries loads 
of times or at least that is what it appears to be. On further 
investigation these apparent bugs turn out to be user errors in 
complicated sql statements. To date I have never seen a database return 
the anything other than what I have asked it for and Postgres is in this 


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
 subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
 message can get through to the mailing list cleanly