Re: [GENERAL] How well does PostgreSQL 9.6.1 support unicode?

2016-12-21 Thread James Zhou
I figured out that I need to use the function CHR to enter supplementary
unicode characters (code points > , i.e. planes 1 - F), e.g.

insert into unicode(id, string) values(100, CHR(128120)); -- a mojo
insert into unicode(id, string) values(101, CHR(128121));  -- another mojo
insert into unicode(id, string) values(102, CHR(119071));  -- musical
symbol g clef ottava alta
insert into unicode(id, string) values(103, CHR(155648));   -- a very
infrequently used Chinese character
insert into unicode(id, string) values(104, CHR(155649));   -- another very
infrequently used Chinese character

the parameters are decimal representation of the code point values, e.g.
128120 is the decimal value of 1f478

The format U&'\03B1' only works for chars between  - 

When entered with CHR(), PostgreSQL gets their char_length() correctly, so
does substring() function.

Thank you all for help.


On Wed, Dec 21, 2016 at 8:31 AM, Tom Lane  wrote:

> Vick Khera  writes:
> > On Wed, Dec 21, 2016 at 2:56 AM, Kyotaro HORIGUCHI <
> >> wrote:
> >> A PostgreSQL database with encoding=UTF8 just accepts the whole
> >> range of Unicode, regardless that a character is defined for the
> >> code or not.
> > Interesting... when I converted my application and database to utf8
> > encoding, I discovered that Postgres is picky about UTF-8. Specifically
> the
> > UTF-8 code point 0xed 0xa0 0x8d which maps to UNICODE code point 0xd80d.
> > This looks like a proper character but in fact is not a defined character
> > code point.
> Well, we're picky to the extent that RFC 3629 tells us to be picky:
> The case you mention is rejected because it would be half of a UTF16
> "surrogate pair", which should not be used in any Unicode representation
> other than UTF16; if we allowed it then there would be more than one way
> to represent the same Unicode code point, which is undesirable for a lot
> of reasons.
> > So I think when you present an actual string of UTF8 encoded characters,
> > Postgres does refuse characters unknown. However, as you observe,
> inserting
> > the unicode code point directly does not produce an error:
> > insert into unicode(id, string) values(1, U&'\d80d');
> > INSERT 0 1
> Hm.  I think that's a bug.  The lexer does know that \d80d is half of a
> surrogate pair, and it expects the second half to come next.  If you
> supply something that isn't the second half of a surrogate pair, you
> get an error as expected:
> u8=# insert into unicode(id, string) values(1, U&'\d80dfoo');
> ERROR:  invalid Unicode surrogate pair at or near "foo'"
> LINE 1: insert into unicode(id, string) values(1, U&'\d80dfoo');
>   ^
> But it looks like if you just end the string after the first half of a
> surrogate, it just drops the character without complaint.  Notice that
> what got inserted was a zero-length string, not U+D08D:
> u8=# select *, length(string) from unicode;
>  id | string | length
> ++
>   1 ||  0
> (1 row)
> I'd have expected a syntax error along the line of "incomplete Unicode
> surrogate pair".  Peter, I think this was your code to begin with ---
> was it intentional to not raise error here, or is that an oversight?
> regards, tom lane
> --
> Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (
> To make changes to your subscription:

Re: [GENERAL] How well does PostgreSQL 9.6.1 support unicode?

2016-12-20 Thread James Zhou
both lc_type and lc_collate are en_US.UTF-8. Sorry for missing them in the
original post.

I understand that collate has impact on sorting order, but the fact that
char_length() is not returning the correct length in char for certain
characters (non-BMP) is an indication that unicode is not fully supported.
If char_length() is not working properly, I'd expect that substring() won't
work either.

The PostgreSQL I am using is an AWS PostgreSQL RDS. I can check with AWS,
but presumably that they are running PostgreSQL RDS on some flavor of lunix.

My client is PgAdmin 4 running on a Windows 7 machine. I understand that
some client tools may not be able to display all unicode chars, but I do
expect that the function ascii() return correct values  of the stored

For me the primary requirement is storing and retrieving all unicode
characters as they are, and char_length() returns the correct values for
all supported unicode chars. Correct sorting is nice-to-have.

Any help to get unicode chars, particularly the mojos (0x1F478, 0x1F479), in
and out of pg correctly is much appreciated. Thank you!


On Tue, Dec 20, 2016 at 9:24 PM, Tom Lane  wrote:

> James Zhou  writes:
> >   - *But their sorting order seems to be undefined. Can anyone
> comment
> >   the sorting rules?*
> Well, it would depend on lc_collate, which you have not told us, and
> it would also depend on how well your platform's strcoll() function
> implements that collation; but you have not told us what platform this
> is running on.
> Most of the other behaviors you mention are also partly or wholly
> dependent on which software you use with Postgres and whether you've
> correctly configured that software.  So it's pretty hard to answer
> this usefully with only this much info.
> regards, tom lane

[GENERAL] How well does PostgreSQL 9.6.1 support unicode?

2016-12-20 Thread James Zhou
Unicode has evolved from version 1.0 with 7,161 characters released in 1991
to version 9.0 with 128,172 characters released in June 2016. My questions
- which version of Unicode is supported by PostgreSQL 9.6.1?
- what does "supported" exactly mean? simply store it? comparison? sorting?
substring? etc.

Below is a test I did which reveals some unexpected behaviors.

My test database 'gsdb' is using UTF8 encoding, confirmed by

select datname, datcollate, datctype, pg_encoding_to_char(encoding)
from pg_database
where datname = 'gsdb';

which returned UTF8.

Here is a simple test table:

create table unicode (id int, string varchar(100));

Then I insert some unicode characters by referencing their code points in

/* characters from BMP,  -  */
insert into unicode(id, string) values(1, U&'\0041');  -- 'A'
insert into unicode(id, string) values(2, U&'\00C4');   -- 'A' with umlaut,
insert into unicode(id, string) values(3, U&'\03B1');  -- Greek letter alpha
insert into unicode(id, string) values(4, U&'\6211');  -- a Chinese
insert into unicode(id, string) values(5, U&'\6211\4EEC'); -- a string of
two Chinese characters
insert into unicode(id, string) values(6, U&'\30CF');  -- a Japanese
insert into unicode(id, string) values(7, U&'\306F');  -- a Japanese
insert into unicode(id, string) values(8, U&'\2B41');  --
insert into unicode(id, string) values(9, U&'\2B44');  --
insert into unicode(id, string) values(10, U&'\2B50');  --

/* Below are unicode characters with code points beyond , aka planes 1
- F */
insert into unicode(id, string) values(100, U&'\1F478'); -- a mojo
insert into unicode(id, string) values(101, U&'\1F479');  -- another mojo
insert into unicode(id, string) values(102, U&'\1D11F');  -- musical symbol
g clef ottava alta
insert into unicode(id, string) values(103, U&'\26000');   -- a very
infrequently used Chinese character
insert into unicode(id, string) values(104, U&'\26001');   -- another very
infrequently used Chinese character
insert into unicode(id, string) values(105, U&'\26000\26001');  -- a string
with 2 Chinese characters in the plane 2

The SELECT below shows what PostgreSQL has recorded:

select id, string,
  substring(string, 1, 1) as firstChar,
  ascii(substring(string, 1, 1)) as unicodeInt
from unicode
order by string;

Here are the results:

[image: Inline image 1]


   - BMP characters (id <= 10)
  -  they are stored and fetched correctly.
  - their lengths in char are correct, although some of them take 3
  bytes (id = 4, 6, 7)
  - *But their sorting order seems to be undefined. Can anyone comment
  the sorting rules?*
   - Non-BMP characters (id >= 100)
  - they take 2 - 4 bytes.
  - Their lengths in character are not correct
  - they are not retrieved correctly, judged by the their fetched ascii
  value (column 5 in the table above)
  - substring is not correct

Specifically, the lack of support for emojo characters 0x1F478, 0x1F479 is
causing a problem in my application.

My conclusion:
- PostgreSQL 9.6.1 only supports a subset of unicode characters in BMP.  Is
there any documents defining which subset is fully supported?

Are any configuration I can change so that more unicode characters are



Re: [GENERAL] Where to download pgbench for Windows 7

2016-12-03 Thread James Zhou
Thank you, John.

On Dec 2, 2016 23:12, "John R Pierce"  wrote:

> On 12/2/2016 10:37 PM, James Zhou wrote:
>> I am new to PostgreSQL and am leaning it. I installed PostgreSQL on a
>> Windows 7 laptop and would like to play with pgbench to generate a sample
>> database and a bit load.
>> As I read, pgbench should come with the server download. But after I
>> install it, I could find pgbench:
> its a command line program. at CMD ('dos prompt'), try...
>   D:\Postgresql\9.5\bin\pgbench --help
> (replace that path with wherever you installed the eDB postgres package)
> --
> john r pierce, recycling bits in santa cruz
> --
> Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (
> To make changes to your subscription:

[GENERAL] Where to download pgbench for Windows 7

2016-12-02 Thread James Zhou
I am new to PostgreSQL and am leaning it. I installed PostgreSQL on a
Windows 7 laptop and would like to play with pgbench to generate a sample
database and a bit load.

As I read, pgbench should come with the server download. But after I
install it, I could find pgbench:

[image: Inline image 1]

Is there a Windows version of pgbench, or it is only available on Linux?

