[GENERAL] Casting composite types

2008-07-26 Thread Julian Scarfe

Using 8.1

# create table foo (a integer, b integer);
# create table baz (b integer, c integer);

# insert into foo values (8,9);
# insert into baz values (9,1);

# select * from foo;
a | b
8 | 9
(1 row)

# select * from baz;
b | c
9 | 1
(1 row)

# create view foobaz as select foo.*, baz.c from foo join baz using (b);

# select * from foobaz;
a | b | c
8 | 9 | 1
(1 row)

So far so good.

I have many functions that take the composite type foo, and therefore wish 
to be able to cast a foobaz into a foo, by taking only columns in foo (i.e. 
a and b).  But of course there's no cast defined:

# select foobaz::foo from foobaz;
ERROR:  cannot cast type foobaz to foo

# select foo(foobaz) from foobaz;
ERROR:  function foo(foobaz) does not exist
HINT:  No function matches the given name and argument types. You may need 
to add explicit type casts.

Ideally, I'd love to avoid writing a separate function for each foo,baz pair 
of types as I have many of each. In any case, I want to avoid specifying the 
columns of foo in the code of foo(foobaz) so that the function doesn't break 
when I alter the foo table.  The best I've got for the latter is:

my ($foobaz) = @_;
my $foo = {};
$row = spi_fetchrow(spi_query(SELECT * from foo limit 1));
for (keys %$row) {$foo-{$_} = $foobaz-{$_}};
return $foo;
$$ LANGUAGE plperlu;

which feels very cumbersome, but works, provided foo is not empty.

# select foo(foobaz) from foobaz;
(1 row)

Am I missing an obvious trick or syntax here for such an 'autocast'?  Or 
have I just been corrupted by Perl to take types too lightly?



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[GENERAL] last analyze time in 8.1?

2007-06-07 Thread Julian Scarfe
Is there any way of getting at the last time a table was analyzed (by 
autovacuum) in 8.1 or is that only recorded (in pg_stat_*_tables) since 8.2?



---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?


[GENERAL] Timezones -- what comes out does not go in?

2006-08-16 Thread Julian Scarfe

The timezone on our boxes is set to Etc/UCT (possibly a distro default).

(psql 8.1.4)

= select to_char(current_timestamp, 'HH24:MI:SS TZ');
09:05:48 UCT
(1 row)

=  select '09:05:48 UCT'::time;
ERROR:  invalid input syntax for type time: 09:05:48 UCT

UTC works, of course:

= select '09:05:48 UTC'::time;
(1 row)

Is this behaviour expected? Desirable?


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?


Re: [GENERAL] Timezones -- what comes out does not go in?

2006-08-16 Thread Julian Scarfe


This works in CVS HEAD, thanks to some hard work by Joachim Wieland.

One of these days I'll find an issue *before* you folks have patched it. :-)



---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
  choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not


2006-01-02 Thread Julian Scarfe
I'm keeping config information for an application in a series of related 
tables.  I'd like a command that INSERTs data if it's new, or UPDATEs it if 
the key is duplicated.

Copying the config info from one database to another virgin installation is 
easy, of course. I can just use pg_dump on the original db1 to create the 
DDL and run it into the new database db2.

The problem comes when I've made changes in db1 that I want to copy to db2, 
but db2 may itself have additional entries not present in db1.  I'd like to 
update the entries in db2 that have equivalent entries in db1 with their db1 
values, without destroying the rest of the data in db2.

Here's an example:

db1 is created as follows:

create table a (
a_id text PRIMARY KEY,
param_b text,
param_c text

create table d (
d_id text PRIMARY KEY,
a_id text references a(a_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE,
param_e text,
param_f text

insert into a values ('a1', 'b1', 'c1');
insert into a values ('a2', 'b2', 'c2');

insert into d values ('d1', 'a1', 'e1', 'f1');
insert into d values ('d2', 'a2', 'e2', 'f2');
insert into d values ('d3', 'a1', 'e3', 'f3');

The databases have identical schema:
$ pg_dump -s db1 | psql db2

and provided db2 is empty, I can just copy the contents across:
$ pg_dump -ad db1  db1.config
$ psql db2  db1.config

So far so good.

But now db2 gets some additional entries:
db2=# insert into a values ('a3', 'b3', 'c3');
db2=# insert into d values ('d4', 'a1', 'e4', 'f4');
db2=# insert into d values ('d5', 'a2', 'e5', 'f5');

Meanwhile, I make some config changes in db1:
db1=# update a set param_b = 'b1 new' where a_id = 'a1';
db1=# update d set param_e = 'e1 new' where d_id = 'd1';
db1=# update d set param_f = 'f2 new' where d_id = 'd2';

$ pg_dump -ad db1  db1.config
and db1.config now contains
INSERT INTO a VALUES ('a2', 'b2', 'c2');
INSERT INTO a VALUES ('a1', 'b1 new', 'c1');
INSERT INTO d VALUES ('d3', 'a1', 'e3', 'f3');
INSERT INTO d VALUES ('d1', 'a1', 'e1 new', 'f1');
INSERT INTO d VALUES ('d2', 'a2', 'e2', 'f2 new');

I want to update the data in db2 to reflect the values in db1. I can't 
truncate the tables in db2 because I'd lose the additional entries (a3, d4, 

But of course when I do...
$ psql db2  db1.config
... I get ...
ERROR:  duplicate key violates unique constraint a_pkey
ERROR:  duplicate key violates unique constraint d_pkey
...and the a1, d1, d2 rows are not updated to match db1.

What I'd really like is to be able to do:

INSERT OR UPDATE INTO a VALUES ('a2', 'b2', 'c2');
INSERT OR UPDATE INTO a VALUES ('a1', 'b1 new', 'c1');
INSERT OR UPDATE INTO d VALUES ('d3', 'a1', 'e3', 'f3');
INSERT OR UPDATE INTO d VALUES ('d1', 'a1', 'e1 new', 'f1');
INSERT OR UPDATE INTO d VALUES ('d2', 'a2', 'e2', 'f2 new');

so that the rest of the row is treated as an UPDATE if the primary key is a 

Of course I can write something at the application level to examine each row 
and take appropriate action. But it feels like this may be a commonly 
encountered problem for which there may be a database-level solution.  Am I 
missing something obvious?


Julian Scarfe

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [GENERAL] SQL Question

2005-04-16 Thread Julian Scarfe
- How can i select only the newest record for each ProdId ?
100| 2005-04-01
200| 2005-04-01
DISTINCT ON was made for this and on the similar tables I have performs 
rather more efficiently than using a subquery.

select distinct on (ProdId) ProdId , LastUpdate
from produpdate
order by ProdId , LastUpdate desc;
- How can i select to retrieve the last 2 dates in record
100| 2005-04-01 | 2005-03-01
200| 2005-04-01 | 2005-03-01
To get the previous one, my first thought is something like:
select distinct on (ProdId) ProdId , LastUpdate
from produpdate p1
where LastUpdate  (
   select max(LastUpdate ) from produpdate p2 where p2.ProdId = p1.ProdId
order by ProdId , LastUpdate desc ;
but there may be a much more efficient way of getting the nth result in 

Julian Scarfe 

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
 subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
 message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: [GENERAL] Index use with left join

2005-04-09 Thread Julian Scarfe
Julian Scarfe [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Does the planner realise that
the intersection, Query 6, will still return 150 rows, or does it assume
independence of the filters in some way and estimate
It assumes independence of the conditions --- which is why having two
of them reduced the rowcount estimate so much.  There are some limited
cases in which it can recognize redundant conditions, but offhand I
think that only works for scalar inequalities (like x  5 AND x  6).
Even that's smarter than I dared hope for!
Any general suggestions for workarounds?
Not much, other than trying to avoid redundant conditions.
Did you look into the state of the PostGIS work on geometric statistics?
No, though PostGIS is clearly the way forward for my needs in the 
medium/long term.

PostGIS stores bounding boxes for its geometric features.  The operators 
like  and @ work as intersect and containment for the bounding boxes, 
while Intersects() and Contains() use more exact but presumably 
computationally expensive functions.  I don't yet know how these, GiST 
indexes and the planner get along together.  But I imagine the issue I've 
come across is one of the, if not the, most important one in spatially 
enabled databases.

Thanks again

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

[GENERAL] Index use with left join

2005-04-08 Thread Julian Scarfe
..1308.44 rows=10105 width=25) (actual 
time=180.078..180.927 rows=1391 loops=1)
Sort Key: (a.ident)::text
-  Seq Scan on a  (cost=0.00..611.05 rows=10105 width=25) (actual 
time=0.170..83.442 rows=10105 loops=1)
Total runtime: 917.066 ms

Again, so far, nothing obviously unusual.  Now I combine the filters in 4  
5 (as I did from 1  2 to get 3)

6) Now I combine the filters in 4  5 (as I did from 1  2 to get 3, which 
performed in a similar time to 1)

explain analyze
select  n.ref, n.code, a.ident, a.name
   from n left outer join a on (a.ident = n.code)
   where bbox  box (point (-0.032, 0.873), point (0.017, 0.908))
   and box (q_node, q_node)
   @ box (point (-0.032, 0.873), point (0.017, 0.908))
Nested Loop Left Join  (cost=0.00..851.06 rows=8 width=45) (actual 
time=11.662..7919.946 rows=150 loops=1)
  Join Filter: ((inner.ident)::text = outer.code)
  -  Index Scan using n_bbox on n  (cost=0.00..88.44 rows=1 width=20) 
(actual time=0.107..10.256 rows=150 loops=1)
Index Cond: (bbox  '(0.017,0.908),(-0.032,0.873)'::box)
Filter: (box(q_node, q_node) @ '(0.017,0.908),(-0.032,0.873)'::box)
  -  Seq Scan on a  (cost=0.00..611.05 rows=10105 width=25) (actual 
time=0.006..18.044 rows=10105 loops=150)
Total runtime: 7920.684 ms

Whoa!  Instead of a performance similar to query 4, it chooses a different 
strategy, and takes 40 times as long. (Both tables just analyzed.)

By brute force:
set enable_nestloop to off;
explain analyze
select  n.ref, n.code, a.ident, a.name
   from n left outer join a on (a.ident = n.code)
   where bbox  box (point (-0.032, 0.873), point (0.017, 0.908))
   and box (q_node, q_node)
   @ box (point (-0.032, 0.873), point (0.017, 0.908))
Merge Left Join  (cost=1371.62..1447.50 rows=8 width=45) (actual 
time=177.273..179.341 rows=150 loops=1)
  Merge Cond: (outer.code = inner.?column3?)
  -  Sort  (cost=88.45..88.45 rows=1 width=20) (actual time=8.452..8.538 
rows=150 loops=1)
Sort Key: n.code
-  Index Scan using n_bbox on n  (cost=0.00..88.44 rows=1 
width=20) (actual time=0.109..7.031 rows=150 loops=1)
  Index Cond: (bbox  '(0.017,0.908),(-0.032,0.873)'::box)
  Filter: (box(q_node, q_node) @ 
  -  Sort  (cost=1283.17..1308.44 rows=10105 width=25) (actual 
time=165.520..166.348 rows=1391 loops=1)
Sort Key: (a.ident)::text
-  Seq Scan on a  (cost=0.00..611.05 rows=10105 width=25) (actual 
time=0.042..69.560 rows=10105 loops=1)
Total runtime: 182.275 ms

What's happening here, please? How am I misleading the planner? Is it 
because the index is rtree?

Yes, I should consider PostGIS for spatial stuff, but I've got what I've got 

Julian Scarfe 

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [GENERAL] Index use with left join

2005-04-08 Thread Julian Scarfe
The problem is that it's underestimating the number of rows pulled from
the n table (1 vs actual 150), which makes a simple nestloop join look
like the way to go.  That error comes from the fact that we don't really
have any statistical estimation for geometric conditions :-(.  Some of
the PostGIS hackers have been working on such, I believe, but I'm not
sure how far they've gotten.
Thanks Tom.
I can see the poor estimation of the geometric filter is a significant 

Reviewing it I wondered if the coarse/fine nature of the filters was also an 
issue.  Query 4, with the filter on the index, selects 396 of the ~20,000 
rows of the table (having estimated 22).  Query 5, with the filter requiring 
a Seq scan, selects 150 of the ~20,000 rows of the table (having estimated 
5), all of which were returned by Query 4.  Does the planner realise that 
the intersection, Query 6, will still return 150 rows, or does it assume 
independence of the filters in some way and estimate 

I guess I can test that by trying it with a non-geometric column and a btree 

7) Filtered requiring a sequntial scan
explain analyze
select  n.ref, n.code, a.ident, a.name
   from n left outer join a on (a.ident = n.code)
   where code ~~ 'EGT%';
Merge Left Join  (cost=10361.53..10441.90 rows=419 width=45) (actual 
time=731.175..732.615 rows=248 loops=1)
  Merge Cond: (outer.code = inner.?column3?)
  -  Sort  (cost=9078.36..9078.49 rows=53 width=20) (actual 
time=547.154..547.300 rows=248 loops=1)
Sort Key: n.code
-  Seq Scan on n  (cost=0.00..9076.84 rows=53 width=20) (actual 
time=260.558..543.587 rows=248 loops=1)
  Filter: (code ~~ 'EGT%'::text)
  -  Sort  (cost=1283.17..1308.44 rows=10105 width=25) (actual 
time=180.359..181.149 rows=1292 loops=1)
Sort Key: (a.ident)::text
-  Seq Scan on a  (cost=0.00..611.05 rows=10105 width=25) (actual 
time=0.125..83.844 rows=10105 loops=1)
Total runtime: 735.613 ms

8) Filtered using the index, but returning a subset of the 419 rows from 
Query 7

explain analyze
select  n.ref, n.code, a.ident, a.name
   from n left outer join a on (a.ident = n.code)
   where code = 'EGTT';

Merge Left Join  (cost=1283.17..1572.15 rows=411 width=45) (actual 
time=451.609..510.507 rows=226 loops=1)
  Merge Cond: (outer.code = inner.?column3?)
  -  Index Scan using n_pkey on n  (cost=0.00..208.82 rows=52 width=20) 
(actual time=17.301..73.840 rows=226 loops=1)
Index Cond: (code = 'EGTT'::text)
  -  Sort  (cost=1283.17..1308.44 rows=10105 width=25) (actual 
time=430.231..431.032 rows=1279 loops=1)
Sort Key: (a.ident)::text
-  Seq Scan on a  (cost=0.00..611.05 rows=10105 width=25) (actual 
time=5.743..321.326 rows=10105 loops=1)
Total runtime: 514.103 ms

9) Filtered on both
explain analyze
select  n.ref, n.code, a.ident, a.name
   from n left outer join a on (a.ident = n.code)
   where code ~~ 'EGT%' and code = 'EGTT';
Nested Loop Left Join  (cost=0.00..971.58 rows=8 width=45) (actual 
time=53.634..1.285 rows=226 loops=1)
  Join Filter: ((inner.ident)::text = outer.code)
  -  Index Scan using n_pkey on n  (cost=0.00..208.95 rows=1 width=20) 
(actual time=0.288..21.137 rows=226 loops=1)
Index Cond: (code = 'EGTT'::text)
Filter: (code ~~ 'EGT%'::text)
  -  Seq Scan on a  (cost=0.00..611.05 rows=10105 width=25) (actual 
time=0.008..18.741 rows=10105 loops=226)
Total runtime: 12223.328 ms

Similar problem.  Of course Query 9 is concocted and unrealistic, but it is 
representative of the coarse/fine filter problem, where I select a set of 
rows using an approximate filter (e.g. bounding box for the geometrical 
case) with an index and then use a second, exact but computationally 
expensive filter to keep only those rows that I really want.

Any general suggestions for workarounds?

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
 joining column's datatypes do not match

Re: [GENERAL] truncate/create slowness

2005-03-31 Thread Julian Scarfe
It's possible you could get out of this by vacuum full and then reindex
each catalog, but it might be easier to dump and reload the database ...
I've got a similar issue, but caused by neglect rather than anything to to 
with pg_autovacuum.

Do you have any rules of thumb for deciding when a pg_dumpall/restore is 
likely to be faster than a vacuum full?  Or perhaps more straightforwardly, 
how would you expect the time required for a vacuum full to scale with pages 
used and rows in the table?

Julian Scarfe 

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

[GENERAL] Clustering system tables

2005-03-27 Thread Julian Scarfe
I've got a database (7.4)  whose system tables have been long neglected. 
Instead of the 100 or so pages I'd expect for 4000 rows after VACUUM, I've 
got 24,000 pages and a mere 1.4 million unused item pointers.

If it were an ordinary table, I'd CLUSTER it, as from experience it would be 
vastly quicker than a VACUUM FULL.  But CLUSTER responds with:

ERROR:  pg_attribute is a system catalog
Is VACUUM FULL my only option to compact the table?
Julian Scarfe 

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
   (send unregister YourEmailAddressHere to [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: [GENERAL] postgresql 8.0 advantages

2005-02-27 Thread Julian Scarfe
There are some speed improvements in 8.0 too, though that wasn't the
main focus of the release cycle.  For instance, Lonni Friedman's nearby
thread reports on a case where 8.0 consistently finds a much better
query plan for a complex query than prior releases did, because we fixed
some issues in the GEQO planner module.
Could you give an example or two of the sorts of queries for which 
performance is improved under 8.0 compared with 7.4, please Tom?

Julian Scarfe 

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
 subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
 message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: [GENERAL] pgpool 2.5b2 released

2005-02-06 Thread Julian Scarfe
 After takin a swig o' Arrakan spice grog, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Julian
Scarfe) belched out:
  So all I'm looking for is a way for pgpool to shout if it detects a
  failure.  That could initiate the investigation of the other
  criteria required for failover.

 _There_ lies the one change that is needed.  Given that, some outside
 'oracle' can be used to decide if it's appropriate to do a FAILOVER.

 It's quite important for this not to be deeply embedded in pgpool...

I think we have a consensus on that.  So what's the most sensible mechanism
for the shout.  Since I posted my original question, I realized that
pgpool notes a failure of either master or slave in its log.  Would we want
something more proactive?


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
  joining column's datatypes do not match

Re: [GENERAL] pgpool 2.5b2 released

2005-02-04 Thread Julian Scarfe
From: Joshua D. Drake [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Since pgpool has this capability, how about including a hook that allows
 script to be run when pgpool detects a problem with the master?  That
 allow action to be taken to investigate further and, if required,
 or failover and promote the slave to master.
 Because it is not the place of a connection management software
 to failover. Failover should happen only if:

 1. You have a specific set of criteria that is matched via a
 management software.

 2. You do it yourself.

I'm not suggesting that it's the place of pgpool to *force* a failover.  I
am suggesting that one of the criteria that is likely to be useful is the
inability to connect to the master, and that's something that pgpool,
apparently, detects.  It seems unnecessary to use completely different
failure-detection mechanisms for the purpose of failover to those used for
the connection management.

So all I'm looking for is a way for pgpool to shout if it detects a failure.
That could initiate the investigation of the other criteria required for

 The last thing in the world you need is to fail over to a slave because
 somebody accidently tripped over a network cord.

In our application, that's *exactly* what we need.  We have a database that
receives data in a fairly continuous stream.  If the datastream cannot be
written to the database, the database becomes worse than useless quite
rapidly.  We need the ability to switchover or failover to another node as
master as soon as possible, to allow the datastream to be written to the
other node.  We'll rebuild the failed master later, if necessary.  But if
the failover doesn't happen promptly, we might as well rebuild the whole

Julian Scarfe

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?


Re: [GENERAL] pgpool 2.5b2 released

2005-02-03 Thread Julian Scarfe
  Does it attempt any interaction with Slony when it detects a failure of
  master?  It would seem a pity to have pgpool watching the pair to detect
  failure but having to have a separate watcher process to tell Slony to

 If pgpool detects PostgreSQL failure, Slony should detect it as well, no?

Others are much better place to answer this, but my understanding is that
Slony does not do so:

What Slony-I is not:

Slony-I is not a network management system.  Slony-I does not have any
functionality within it to detect a node failure, or automatically promote a
node to a master or other data origin.  Slony-I is not multi-master; it's
a connection broker, and it doesn't make you coffee and toast in the

 pgpool 2.5 has the capabilty to perform periodical health checking to

Since pgpool has this capability, how about including a hook that allows a
script to be run when pgpool detects a problem with the master?  That would
allow action to be taken to investigate further and, if required, switchover
or failover and promote the slave to master.

Julian Scarfe

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?


Re: [GENERAL] pgpool 2.5b2 released

2005-02-02 Thread Julian Scarfe
From: Tatsuo Ishii [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Pgpool 2.5b2 supports master slave mode which can cope with
 master/slave replication softwares such as Slony-I. In this mode
 pgpool sends non SELECT queries to master only. SELECTs are load
 balanced by pgpool.

Sounds good!

Does it attempt any interaction with Slony when it detects a failure of the
master?  It would seem a pity to have pgpool watching the pair to detect
failure but having to have a separate watcher process to tell Slony to

Julian Scarfe

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
  joining column's datatypes do not match

Re: [GENERAL] Index bloat in 7.2

2004-12-06 Thread Julian Scarfe
From: Christopher Browne [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 The empty pages not reclaimed problem is something that did indeed
 get fixed in the post-7.2 days.  I _think_ it was 7.4, but it might
 have been 7.3.

 In short, 7.4.x is indeed a good resolution to your issue.


 That's exactly what I'd expect ...

Thanks both.

So it sounds like:

a) the issue is controllable with a regular (and in our case, just
occasional) reindex without any long term negative consequences

b) Only a dump-restore major version upgrade (which we'll do next time we
can take the system out for long enough) will avoid the issue.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?


Re: [GENERAL] Index bloat in 7.2

2004-12-06 Thread Julian Scarfe
On Mon, Dec 06, 2004 at 08:48:04AM -, Julian Scarfe wrote:
b) Only a dump-restore major version upgrade (which we'll do next 
time we
can take the system out for long enough) will avoid the issue.
On 6 Dec 2004, at 16:18, Alvaro Herrera wrote:
Long enough could be a minutes or seconds issue if you use Slony-I,
I've heard ...  (Of course you'd still need to fix your apps, which may
take somewhat longer than that.)
A good point Alvaro, but I don't think Slony-I is compatible with 7.2, 
which is the version I'm starting from.  For upgrades from 7.3 onwards, 
it's certainly a route worth considering.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

[GENERAL] Index bloat in 7.2

2004-12-05 Thread Julian Scarfe
I've got a box running 7.2.1 (yes, I know :-() in which an index for a
rapidly turning over (and regularly vacuumed) table is growing steadily in
size.  The index in question is on a timestamp field that is just set to
now() on the entry of the row, to enable the query that clears out old data
to an archive to run efficiently.  Reindexing shrinks it back to a
reasonable size. Other indexes reach an equilibrium size and stay there. The
behaviour is fine on a system running 7.4.x: the index stays at a sensible
number of pages.

Is this likely to be related to a known issue with 7.2 that got fixed, or
have I got potentially more serious problems?


Julian Scarfe

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?


[GENERAL] How can I change a cast from explicit only to implicit?

2004-11-25 Thread Julian Scarfe
In 7.2.x

template1=# select point('1'::text, '2'::text);
(1 row)

but in 7.4.x

template1=# select point('1'::text, '2'::text);
ERROR:  function point(text, text) does not exist
HINT:  No function matches the given name and argument types. You may need
to add explicit type casts.

  List of casts
 Source type | Target type |  Function
|   Implicit?
 text| double precision| float8
| no

OK, so to make the cast work without explicit casts in the SQL, I need the
text to float8 (or another suitable numeric type) cast to be implicit.  But:

template1=# create cast (text as float8) with function float8(text) as
ERROR:  cast from type text to type float8 already existsoat8(text) as

template1=# drop cast (text as float8);
ERROR:  cannot drop cast from text to double precision because it is
required by the database system

So how can I force a built-in cast to become implicit?


Julian Scarfe

---(end of broadcast)---
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Re: [GENERAL] How can I change a cast from explicit only to implicit?

2004-11-25 Thread Julian Scarfe

  So how can I force a built-in cast to become implicit?

 If you're intent on doing that, you can change its entry in pg_cast.
 But I think you'd be far better off to fix your application.  Implicit
 casts across type categories have a habit of kicking in when you least
 expected it, causing the backend to adopt surprising and unpleasant
 interpretations of straightforward-looking queries.  If you check the
 pgsql-bugs archives you will find some of the examples that prompted us
 to change this cast to non-implicit...

It's a fair point, Tom.  Having developed the code with 7.2, we are looking
for the simplest way to recreate backward compatible behaviour in 7.4.  Sure
enough, we'll flag the code for revision next time it gets an overhaul, but
a single change to the database would be preferable in the short term.   I
think the current default of these casts being explicit only is sensible.



---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [GENERAL] Simulating an outer join

2000-01-13 Thread Julian Scarfe

Bruce Momjian wrote:

 I am just writing the EXISTS section from my book.  I don't think it
 matters what fields are returned from an EXISTS subquery.  If I am
 wrong, someone please let me know.

Celko also writes (in his chapter on EXISTS in "SQL for Smarties"):

"In general the SELECT * option should perform better than the actual column. 
It lets the query optimizer decide which column to use.  If a column has an
index on it, then simply seeing a pointer to the index is enough to determine
that something exists."

Obviously you're in a much better position than me to judge whether that's the
case in pgsql!  But it might be worth a test.

Julian Scarfe

[GENERAL] Making points into paths

2000-01-12 Thread Julian Scarfe

I'd like to take a set of points and link them into a path.  But I can't see a
single operator/function that creates a path from points! ;-(

It seems like a fairly fundamental operation, unlike some of Postgres's
delightfully rich set of geometric datatypes, operators and functions. It
doesn't look too hard to write an external function that appends a point to a
path, but am missing something obvious?


Julian Scarfe