Re: [GENERAL] Update from select

2013-05-13 Thread Justin Tocci
em stands for easy money

update tbl1
set col3=em.col3,col4=em.col4,col5=em.col5
(select col3, col4,col5 from tbl2 where col1=criteria) em


Justin Tocci
7813 Harwood Road
North Richland Hills, TX 76180
phone 817-503-9545
skype justintocci

On May 13, 2013, at 3:23 PM, Bret Stern 

 PG 8.4
 Having trouble putting together an update query to update
 multiple columns in tbl1 from columns in tbl2. 
 update tbl1
 set col3,col4,col5
 (select col3, col4,col5 from tbl2 where col1=criteria)
 Can someone add to the Postgres Docs (shown below) to help me with this.
 UPDATE employees SET sales_count = sales_count + 1 WHERE id =
  (SELECT sales_person FROM accounts WHERE name = 'Acme Corporation');
 Many thanks
 Bret Stern
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2008-02-26 Thread justin tocci

Il giorno 24/feb/08, alle ore 04:53, justin tocci ha scritto:

In its most basic form a great tool would just start as a pl/pgsql  
or pl/perl function that could be used to call a table and have it  
output a batch of records to an editable html form or a colored pdf  
for nice reports. There would need to be some kind of interface for  
Apaché of course.
I guess the XML functions of 8.3 + an XSL stylesheet should do the  
job... my 2 cents,


I'll take a look at them. Anyone have a recommendation for a CGI  
interface? I've thought about it enough to want to try it. I don't  
really know how APEX / HTML DB work so I'm open to suggestions. I can  
either put the controller in a perl module and send intelligent  
requests for formatted pages to postgres or I could attempt to put a  
controller into pl/pgsql.

It is amazing to me that a similar project doesn't already exist. I am  
still looking though. I think many people have written functions that  
output tables into formatted html, Excel and pdf formats.


Justin Tocci
7813 Harwood Road
North Richland Hills, TX 76180
cell 817-988-7758
land 817-503-9545

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster


2008-02-23 Thread justin tocci
In its most basic form a great tool would just start as a pl/pgsql or  
pl/perl function that could be used to call a table and have it output  
a batch of records to an editable html form or a colored pdf for nice  
reports. There would need to be some kind of interface for Apaché of  

Anyone know of anything like this?

Best Regards,

Justin Tocci   -
7813 Harwood Road, North Richland Hills, TX 76180
cell 817-988-7758   -   land 817-503-9545

I am curious to know if there is anything sort of like APEX or Html DB  
in the Oracle world available for PostgreSQL. I've done a fairly  
extensive search but this could be done in so many ways I could easily  
be missing it.

Ultimately I am looking to migrate away from MS Access for my front  
end work and get into something web-based. My main concern is that  
virtually everything I find wants to take over a large portion of  
database functionality for Postgres. This can look like caching,  
relationship management or database abstraction, it all boils down to  
opportunity for performance degradation to me.

When I write a MS Access front end I place all my business logic in  
the database and use Access strictly for forms, menus, excel exporting  
and nice looking reports. I'd like a tool that just focused on these  
items and did them well through the web.

I read a bit about APEX/Html DB and how it lived entirely in stored  
procedures in the database and thought that was a great idea. The  
logic is right there, not separate from but actually in the database  
engine, so it shouldn't be tempted to duplicate any database  
functionality or try to take anything over from the database. So I'm  
looking for something like that for PostgreSQL.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
  choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

[GENERAL] Primary key column numbers...

2005-05-31 Thread Justin Tocci

What I'm trying to do is
IF the relation given is a TABLE, give the primary key column numbers.
IF the relation is a VIEW, just give an array with a '1' in it.

Later I'll put in some hocus-pocus to be more intelligent about VIEWs  
but right now this would do me fine.

I've read the docs on arrays and such, I just can't seem to put  
together nor cast an array that's compatible with int2vector. There  
was some notice to look at contrib/array but that has been removed in  
version 8, which is what I'm using.

This is what I have so far.

SELECT indkey
FROM (SELECT relname, indkey
FROM pg_catalog.pg_index join pg_catalog.pg_class
ON pg_index.indrelid = pg_class.oid
WHERE indisprimary=true
SELECT viewname, ('{1}')::int2vector[] as indkey
FROM pg_catalog.pg_views ) t
WHERE relname = ''

Result: ERROR: UNION/INTERSECT/EXCEPT could not convert type  
int2vector[] to int2vector

Any help here would be appreciated.

justin tocci
fort worth, tx

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

[GENERAL] TABLEs to VIEWs with Perl

2005-05-18 Thread Justin Tocci
#!/usr/bin/perl -wuse strict;# This program turns text files with TABLE definitions#      clipped from PGADMIN into VIEWs with a pre-pended 't'.## All VIEWs get a full set of rules and permissions and assume the first column is the primary key.# # To use:# put this script into a text file and save it.# make it executable: chmod a+x Adjust the INFILE and FINAL directories for your system# put your TABLE files, one TABLE per file into the INFILE directory.# To run: ./ fileone.txt filetwo.txt# Output is appended to view.sql file in FINAL directoryI tried to post the program and got denied for size. Its 72 lines.Is there an appropriate place to post such a thing?justin toccifort worth, texas

[GENERAL] Looking for dependent object DROP and CREATE scripts

2003-08-21 Thread Justin Tocci

I'm looking for 
aSELECT that I could add a WHERE clause to and get all the CREATE (and 
seperately, DROP) statements that I need to rebuild dependent objects before I 
makechanges to my tables.

For instance, I have 
acolumn datatype I want to change in a table. In order to do this I need 
to drop all the 'first tier' views that depend on it and then re-create them 
when I'm done, plus I need the 'second tier' views and rules that that depend on 
the 'first tier' views etc...So if I could just run a couply SELECTs and 
save the results as .sql scripts I could run, I'd be all set. Rarely the CREATE 
script wouldneed to be edited to run without error, but it still would be 
ahuge time saver.

So essentially I'm 
looking for two SELECTs (DROP and CREATE) that would hand me the scripts to do 
this. (Or is there another way?) 

Just so you don't 
think I didn't try to figure this out already, I've tried to work with the 
pg_depend table and this is what I have so far. Read on to see where I'm 

Select distinct 
desc1.relname AS 

desc2.relname AS 

from pg_depend left 
join (select pg_class.oid, pg_class.relname from pg_class UNION select 
pg_rewrite.ev_class, pg_rewrite.rulename from pg_rewrite UNION select 
pg_rewrite.oid, pg_rewrite.rulename from pg_rewrite UNION select 
pg_namespace.oid, pg_namespace.nspname from pg_namespace UNION select 
pg_constraint.oid, pg_constraint.conname from pg_constraint UNION select 
pg_type.oid, pg_type.typname from pg_type UNION select pg_attrdef.oid, 
pg_attrdef.adsrc from pg_attrdef) desc1 on pg_depend.objid = desc1.oid 

left join (select 
pg_class.oid, pg_class.relname from pg_class UNION select pg_rewrite.ev_class, 
pg_rewrite.rulename from pg_rewrite UNION select pg_rewrite.oid, 
pg_rewrite.rulename from pg_rewrite UNION select pg_namespace.oid, 
pg_namespace.nspname from pg_namespace UNION select pg_constraint.oid, 
pg_constraint.conname from pg_constraint UNION select pg_type.oid, 
pg_type.typname from pg_type UNION select pg_attrdef.oid, pg_attrdef.adsrc from 
pg_attrdef) desc2 on pg_depend.refobjid = desc2.oid 
where deptype 

This gives 
methe table I'm looking for in column DescB, hooked to itsdependent 
rules in column DescA, but I haven't been able to get dependent views to show up 
at all. In fact views that depend on views don't show up either. Does pg_depend 
not have records for dependent views? If not, how is it 

Fort Wayne, IN


2003-08-09 Thread Justin Tocci

When my RULE takes 
the form of:


The INSERT query doesn't fire and 
there is no error. Putting the INSERT first allows them to both fire. Can anyone 
tell me why? I think it has something to do with *NEW* and *OLD* being 
initialized differently for an UPDATE than for an INSERT. 

I'd like to 
know what's going on so I can be confident I'm writing my rules 


Fort Wayne, IN