Re: [GENERAL] find a string contained in an attribute

2010-03-25 Thread Karina Guardado
Do you have a link where I can read more about this because is not easy to

Thanks for your help,


On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 1:34 AM, Pavel Stehule wrote:

> 2010/3/24 Szymon Guz :
> > 2010/3/24 Karina Guardado 
> >>
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> I want to know if it is possible to search for a string of characters
> >> inside an attribute for example I have the following table and values
> >>
> >> cod_unidad | nombre_uni
> >> +-
> >>   1 | Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Matemática
> >>   2 | Facultad de Ciencias Humanidades
> >>   3 | Facultad de Ingeniería
> >>   4 | Facultad de Agronomía
> >>   5 | Oficinas Centrales
> >>   6 | test
> >>
> >>
> >> I want to retrieve all the rows where I find the word Ciencias for
> >> example. Is there a function or with select is possible to do it?
> >>
> >> thanks in advance,
> >>
> >> karina
> >> El Salvador, Centroamerica
> >
> > For example something like this should work:
> > SELECT * FROM table WHERE nombre_uni like '%Ciencias%';
> > more you can find
> > here:
> > regards
> > Szymon Guz
> better to use a fulltext it is much faster on tables larger than small
> create index foo on tab using gin(to_tsvector('simple', nombre_uni))
> select * from tab where to_tsvector('simple', nombre_uni) @@
> to_tsquery('simple', 'Ciencias');
> Regards
> Pavel Stehule

Re: [GENERAL] data type to store a lot of text and tables of data

2010-03-25 Thread Karina Guardado
Thank you very much  for your help and so soon answears. I will try using
the solutions you suggest.

best regards,


On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 4:44 PM, Raymond O'Donnell  wrote:

> On 24/03/2010 22:39, Karina Guardado wrote:
> > You know I need to design a table where some attributes have a data type
> > that allow me to store  text mixed with tables and other information. I
> > use PHP code to get the information and store it in to the database so I
> > wonder if this is posible to do. I found in the link you provided me
> > that  If character varying is used without length specifier, the type
> > accepts strings of any size. So this is useful for me when only text has
> > to be stored but when the user wants to store information mixed with
> > tables like the following :
> I suppose it depends on what the format of the data is the example
> you posted is HTML, which is pure text, so could be stored in a VARCHAR
> or TEXT column.
> Ray.
> --
> Raymond O'Donnell :: Galway :: Ireland

Re: [GENERAL] data type to store a lot of text and tables of data

2010-03-24 Thread Karina Guardado
You know I need to design a table where some attributes have a data type
that allow me to store  text mixed with tables and other information. I use
PHP code to get the information and store it in to the database so I wonder
if this is posible to do. I found in the link you provided me that  If
character varying is used without length specifier, the type accepts strings
of any size. So this is useful for me when only text has to be stored but
when the user wants to store information mixed with tables like the
following :

Reciba un respetuoso saludo y deseo de éxitos en sus actividades. El motivo
de la presente es para solicitarle se realice una corrección en el plan de
mantenimiento preventivo y correctivo de fotocopiadoras, duplicadores e
impresoras debido a que en el Centro de Cómputo aparecen, según el reporte,
4 impresoras asignadas y en realidad solamente tenemos dos que son las que
detallo a continuación:




No. De Inventario




LaserJet 1300


Si aparece en el listado.



LaserJet 3055


No aparece en el listado

I hope this help,

thanks a lot,


On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 4:08 PM, Raymond O'Donnell  wrote:

> On 24/03/2010 22:01, Karina Guardado wrote:
> > what should be the data type to store a file that can be xls, doc, pdf
> > for example.
> Sorry, I missed this bit - for binary files you can use the bytea type.
> Look under "Binary data types" in the docs.
> Ray.
> --
> Raymond O'Donnell :: Galway :: Ireland

Re: [GENERAL] data type to store a lot of text and tables of data

2010-03-24 Thread Karina Guardado
for example something like the following :

*Table 9-25. Date/Time Operators*
OperatorExampleResult + date '2001-09-28' + integer '7'date '2001-10-05' + date
'2001-09-28' + interval '1 hour'timestamp '2001-09-28 01:00:00' + date
'2001-09-28' + time '03:00'timestamp '2001-09-28 03:00:00' + interval '1
day' + interval '1 hour'interval '1 day 01:00:00' + timestamp '2001-09-28
01:00' + interval '23 hours'timestamp '2001-09-29 00:00:00' + time '01:00' +
interval '3 hours'time '04:00:00' - - interval '23 hours'interval
'-23:00:00' - date '2001-10-01' - date '2001-09-28'integer '3' - date
'2001-10-01' - integer '7'date '2001-09-24' - date '2001-09-28' - interval
'1 hour'timestamp '2001-09-27 23:00:00' - time '05:00' - time '03:00'interval
'02:00:00' - time '05:00' - interval '2 hours'time '03:00:00' - timestamp
'2001-09-28 23:00' - interval '23 hours'timestamp '2001-09-28
00:00:00' - interval
'1 day' - interval '1 hour'interval '1 day -01:00:00' - timestamp
'2001-09-29 03:00' - timestamp '2001-09-27 12:00'interval '1 day
15:00:00' * 900
* interval '1 second'interval '00:15:00' * 21 * interval '1 day'interval '21
days' * double precision '3.5' * interval '1 hour'interval '03:30:00'
/ interval
'1 hour' / double precision '1.5'interval '00:40:00'

is it possible? or is better to use an atached file and store it ? and what
should be the data type to store a file that can be xls, doc, pdf for

On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 3:55 PM, Raymond O'Donnell  wrote:

> On 24/03/2010 21:48, Karina Guardado wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Is there a special data type to use to store a lot of text and tables of
> > data in a column or attribute?
> For large amounts of text, just use the TEXT data type:
> Not sure what you mean by "tables of data".
> Ray.
> --
> Raymond O'Donnell :: Galway :: Ireland

[GENERAL] data type to store a lot of text and tables of data

2010-03-24 Thread Karina Guardado

Is there a special data type to use to store a lot of text and tables of
data in a column or attribute?

thanks in advance,


El Salvador, Centroamerica

Re: [GENERAL] find a string contained in an attribute

2010-03-24 Thread Karina Guardado
Thanks a lot for your help that's exactly what I wanted. It worked fine.



On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 3:25 PM, Szymon Guz  wrote:

> 2010/3/24 Karina Guardado 
> Hi,
>> I want to know if it is possible to search for a string of characters
>> inside an attribute for example I have the following table and values
>> cod_unidad | nombre_uni
>> +-
>>   1 | Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Matemática
>>   2 | Facultad de Ciencias Humanidades
>>   3 | Facultad de Ingeniería
>>   4 | Facultad de Agronomía
>>   5 | Oficinas Centrales
>>   6 | test
>> I want to retrieve all the rows where I find the word Ciencias for
>> example. Is there a function or with select is possible to do it?
>> thanks in advance,
>> karina
>> El Salvador, Centroamerica
> For example something like this should work:
> SELECT * FROM table WHERE nombre_uni like '%Ciencias%';
> more you can find here:
> regards
> Szymon Guz

[GENERAL] find a string contained in an attribute

2010-03-24 Thread Karina Guardado

I want to know if it is possible to search for a string of characters inside
an attribute for example I have the following table and values

cod_unidad | nombre_uni
  1 | Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Matemática
  2 | Facultad de Ciencias Humanidades
  3 | Facultad de Ingeniería
  4 | Facultad de Agronomía
  5 | Oficinas Centrales
  6 | test

I want to retrieve all the rows where I find the word Ciencias for example.
Is there a function or with select is possible to do it?

thanks in advance,

El Salvador, Centroamerica

[GENERAL] problems with encoding

2009-10-07 Thread Karina Guardado

I have a Map info file named map.TAB and when I tried to export it to
Postgres I get an error of encoding so I used konwert to convert it to utf8
using the following statement
konwert any/es-utf8 map.TAB -O

But this only convert the name of the header of each column but not the
registers of each column so I don't know what to do in order to make it work
and I get the following error

ERROR 1: INSERT command for new feature failed.
ERROR:  invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xe17465
HINT:  This error can also happen if the byte sequence does not match the
encoding expected by the server, which is controlled by "client_encoding".

Command: INSERT INTO "geocalderas" (wkb_geometry , "fnode_", "tnode_",
"lpoly_", "rpoly_", "length", "geo_lin_", "geo_lin_id", "fnode1", "tnode1",
"lpoly1", "rpoly1", "geo_lin1", "geo_lin__1", "fnode1_1", "tnode1_1",
"lpoly1_1", "cod", "iden", "descripció") VALUES
(GeomFromEWKT('SRID=32767;LINESTRING (447585.611617154267151
352808.138727543642744)'::TEXT) ,   291,   297, 0,
0, 281.033,   175,83, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,600300,
12083, 'Cr�ter, caldera')
ERROR 1: Terminating translation prematurely after failed

any help please,



[GENERAL] problems with function pg_catalog.btrim(date)

2009-09-02 Thread Karina Guardado

Hi everybody,

I hope some one can help me, I have created  the following function but 
I always get the error that there is not function 
pg_catalog.btrim(date), in the version postgresql 8.1 it worked but now 
it does not so I don't know if it is related with a configuration 
problem of the postgresql or somethin in the function code  :



CREATE FUNCTION edad(date) RETURNS integer
   AS $_$
fechnac ALIAS FOR $1;
dia_nac integer;
mes_nac integer;
anho_nac integer;
fecha_nac  date;
fecha_temp text;
hoy date;
dia  integer;
mes  integer;
anho integer;
temp integer;
edad integer;


hoy := current_date;
hoy := date(trim(hoy));

fecha_nac:= date(trim(fechnac));
fecha_temp:=CAST(fecha_nac  AS  text );

dia_nac :=CAST(substring(fecha_temp from 1 for 2)  AS integer );
mes_nac := CAST (substring(fecha_temp from 4 for 2) AS integer);
anho_nac :=CAST(substring(fecha_temp from 7 for 4) AS integer );

dia :=CAST(substring(hoy from 1 for 2)  AS integer );
mes := CAST (substring(hoy from 4 for 2) AS integer);
anho := CAST(substring(hoy from 7 for 4) AS integer );

edad:= (anho-anho_nac)-1;

IF mes+1-mes_nac < 0  THEN
RETURN edad;

IF mes+1-mes_nac < 0  THEN
RETURN edad;

IF mes+1-mes_nac > 0  THEN
RETURN edad+1;

IF dia-dia_nac >= 0  THEN
RETURN edad+1;
RETURN edad;

   LANGUAGE plpgsql;

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[GENERAL] problems with special characters

2008-11-26 Thread Karina Guardado

Hi list,

I have a problem I have created a database with encoding SQL_ASCII and 
when I insert the data using a terminal in linux and insert the data for 
Insert into mytable values(1,'Eléctrico'); it works fine but if I try to 
copy this data from a text file doing \copy mytable from textfile, it 
insert the data but instead of é writes a ? and I don't have any idea 
how to copy the data without this problem.

I really appreciate your help.



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