[GENERAL] Fighting the autovacuumer (to prevent wraparound)

2013-10-03 Thread Michael Graham
Hi all,

We partition the data in postgres in a per-month basis and run a script
to delete old partitions.  Sometimes this script fails and the delete
doesn't happen because of a deadlock, today I noticed that it was the
autovacuumer that fighting with the script.

Is it possible to stop the autovacuumer temporarily (and cancel any on
going autovacuum) so that my script can remove the table that the
autovacuumer wants to vacuum?

I'm on 9.1.4 if it matter.

Michael Graham mgra...@bloxx.com

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Re: [GENERAL] Fighting the autovacuumer (to prevent wraparound)

2013-10-03 Thread Michael Graham
On Thu, 2013-10-03 at 11:53 -0700, bricklen wrote:
 On Thu, Oct 3, 2013 at 11:48 AM, Michael Graham mgra...@bloxx.com
 Hi all,
 We partition the data in postgres in a per-month basis and run
 a script
 to delete old partitions. 
 Does delete = drop?

No I'm truncating the tables for that partition (sorry I should have
made that clear in my original message).

  Sometimes this script fails and the delete
 doesn't happen because of a deadlock, today I noticed that it
 was the
 autovacuumer that fighting with the script.
 Are you uninheriting the partition before attempting to get rid of it?
 ALTER TABLE your_partition NO INHERIT the_parent_table;

I'm not no, will that help?  I see that the autovacuumer is vacuuming
the actual partition that I want to truncate to the parent but I do do
an analyse on the parent table after the truncate but in the same

Michael Graham mgra...@bloxx.com

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[GENERAL] Table containing only valid table names

2013-04-26 Thread Michael Graham

Hi all,

I'm trying to create a table that contains only valid table names.  I'm 
currently using reglass for the field type which works fine for when you 
are adding to the table (i.e. you can't add invalid tablesnames to the 
table).  But it is still possible to leave the table in an invalid state 
after doing a drop table.

So for example:

= CREATE TABLE table_list (tablename regclass);
= INSERT INTO table_list VALUES ('foo');
ERROR:  relation foo does not exist
LINE 1: INSERT INTO table_list VALUES ('foo');
= CREATE TABLE foo (a int);
= INSERT INTO table_list VALUES ('foo');
= SELECT * FROM table_list;
(1 row)

Does any one have any ideas that could be used to stop this from 
happening?  I'm not really in the position to have different users for 
the modification of the table_list and the drops so I don't think I can 
use different roles.

I'm pretty sure I can't do what I need as postgres doesn't support 
triggers on DDL but maybe I'm wrong.

Michael Graham

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[GENERAL] unnest and string_to_array on two columns

2011-10-25 Thread Michael Graham
Hi all,

I'm trying to migrate an old (and sucky) schema to a new one and I'm
having some difficulties coming up with a sane select.

I have basically id, a, and b where a and b contain a list of flags like

id | a| b  |

1  | abc  | abcdef |

and what to convert this to multiple ids with single flags, like:

id | a| b|
1  | a| a|
1  | b| b|
1  | c| c|
1  | NULL | d|
1  | NULL | e|
1  | NULL | f|

My first attempt was

SELECT id, unnest(string_to_array(a,NULL)),
unnest(string_to_array(b,NULL)) FROM foo;

But this causes the shorter string to be repeated until it is the same
length as the shorter string.  In the end I have managed to get the
behaviour that I want but the select is horrible:

SELECT COALESCE(aa.id,bb.id) AS id,
aa.unnest AS a,
bb.unnest AS b FROM
SELECT *, row_number() OVER() FROM
 SELECT id,unnest(string_to_array(a,NULL)) FROM foo
) AS a
) AS aa  
SELECT *, row_number() OVER() FROM
SELECT id,unnest(string_to_array(b,NULL)) FROM foo
) AS b
) AS bb
ON aa.row_number=bb.row_number AND aa.id=bb.id;

So I was wondering if anyone had any better solutions.

Michael Graham mgra...@bloxx.com

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[GENERAL] Vacuum as easily obtained locks

2011-08-03 Thread Michael Graham
Hi all,

I have an application that is reading from a queue table, as part of my
testing I stressed the table to check performance, but after the test
was completed I have the a very large empty table:

SELECT relname, pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size(oid)) AS size,
reltuples::bigint FROM pg_class;

  relname   |   size   | reltuples 
 logdata5queue  | 142 GB   | 0

From reading the documentation I see that postgres would return this
space to that system after a normal vacuum if one or more pages at the
end of a table become entirely free and an exclusive table lock can be
easily obtained.

What does easily obtained mean in this context?  Would my applications
constant polling of the queue mean that the lock could not be easily

Michael Graham mgra...@bloxx.com

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Re: [GENERAL] Vacuum as easily obtained locks

2011-08-03 Thread Michael Graham
On Wed, 2011-08-03 at 09:03 -0500, Andy Colson wrote:
 Depending on how long you ran your test, and the conf settings, and
 the size of your database, autovacuum may never have even tried.

I know that the vacuum is definitely running (in fact isn't it the
vacuum that set the reltuples to 0?), the test was running for a number
of weeks but this is the first time it has emptied the queue.

 You can take a look on pg_stat_all_tables, under the *vacuum columns,
 to see if it ever even ran.  (a date in last_autovacuum would indicate
 a successful run, it wont show failures).  It should, however, write 
 something to the system log.  I recall something like autovacuum 
 canceled because...something or other type a message.

Yeah it said it last ran yesterday (and is currently running now), but I
did I notice in the log:

2011-08-02 19:43:35 BST ERROR:  canceling autovacuum task
2011-08-02 19:43:35 BST CONTEXT:  automatic vacuum of table

Which is interesting if not particularly useful.

 While you are running a test, you could keep an eye on the log to see
 if you get any of those messages.  I think that would indicate
 autovacuum could not get a lock.  You can also watch pg_stat_activity
 during the test, current_query will show you what table is being

I'm pretty certain the autovacuumer is running while the test is on
going what I can't work out is under what circumstances it will be able
to return unused space to the OS in when it can't.

Michael Graham mgra...@bloxx.com

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Re: [GENERAL] Vacuum as easily obtained locks

2011-08-03 Thread Michael Graham
On Wed, 2011-08-03 at 10:17 -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
 Michael Graham mgra...@bloxx.com writes:
  Would my applications
  constant polling of the queue mean that the lock could not be easily
 Very possible, depending on what duty cycle is involved there.

Hmm.  The clients aren't that aggressive, especially when they failed to
find data on a previous select, there are 4 clients, they each poll
every 10 seconds and the select runs in 1ms.

It might be worth noting that they don't ever disconnect from the
server, but I assume that is not an issue for getting the
AccessExclusiveLock on the table?

My worry at the moment is that because the table is so large the vacuum
takes a very long time to run (one has been running for 5hrs) and I
assume it will continue to run until it is able to get the
AccessExclusiveLock is so desperately wants.

Michael Graham mgra...@bloxx.com

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Re: [GENERAL] Vacuum as easily obtained locks

2011-08-03 Thread Michael Graham
On Wed, 2011-08-03 at 11:40 -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
 The other problem is that once autovacuum has gotten the lock, it has
 to keep it for long enough to re-scan the truncatable pages (to make
 sure they're still empty).  And it is set up so that any access to the
 table will kick autovacuum off the lock.  An access pattern like that
 would very likely prevent it from ever truncating, if there are a lot
 of pages that need to be truncated.  (There's been some discussion of
 modifying this behavior, but nothing's been done about it yet.) 

Ah!  This looks like it is very much the issue.  Since I've got around
150GB of data that should be truncatable and a select every ~2s.

Just to confirm would postgres write:

2011-08-03 16:09:55 BST ERROR:  canceling autovacuum task
2011-08-03 16:09:55 BST CONTEXT:  automatic vacuum of table

Under those circumstances?

Michael Graham mgra...@bloxx.com

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[GENERAL] Rearranging simple where clauses

2011-05-04 Thread Michael Graham

I was playing around with some sql in postgres and got to wondering why
the optimiser can't figure out that rearranging some expressions can
result in massive improvements in the queue plan.  For example id + 5 
100 compared with id  100 - 5.

Is it simply that no one has go around to doing it or is there some
deeper reasons?  It's not really important I'm just curious.

Michael Graham mgra...@bloxx.com

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Re: [GENERAL] Rearranging simple where clauses

2011-05-04 Thread Michael Graham
On Wed, 2011-05-04 at 10:49 -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
 Well, it'd require a very large amount of
 type-specific/operator-specific knowledge, and it's not clear what
 would drive the planner towards doing useful rearrangements rather
 than counterproductive ones, and the number of real-world queries
 where it'd actually help doesn't seem to be that large.  I've seen one
 or two complaints about that sort of thing, but it's way way down the
 list of serious problems. 

I did suspect that the answer would be that the difficulty out ways the
benefit.  But in terms of driving the planner don't we always want to be
looking to move all the constants to one side of the expression since
the planner seems to like those?

Michael Graham mgra...@bloxx.com

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Re: [GENERAL] Rearranging simple where clauses

2011-05-04 Thread Michael Graham
On Wed, 2011-05-04 at 11:49 -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
 Well, you failed to show us any concrete examples of the cases you
 were looking at, but no I don't think the planner necessarily likes
 all the constants on one side.  Most likely the win cases are where
 one side of a WHERE-condition operator exactly matches an index, so
 you'd need to be looking for places where rearrangement could make
 that happen. 

The reason I never showed you any was because I don't have any I was
just curious.  But yeah making one side match an index exactly is
probably the biggest win.

Michael Graham mgra...@bloxx.com

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[GENERAL] Transaction wraparound vacuum synchronicity

2011-03-09 Thread Michael Graham
Hi all,

I have a database with a number of tables that are partitioned monthly,
after that the tables are mostly read only (on rare occasions we may
delete from a table but normally we just drop the partitions).  Recently
I've noticed that we have a lot of these tables are vacuumed around the
same time, after a little big of digging I've realised that postgres is
vacuuming them to stop xaction wrap around.  So for example in a few
million xactions (later today) postgres is going to want to vacuum 37
tables for just this reason.

I know I can fiddle autovacuum_freeze_max_age and vacuum_freeze_min_age
to change how regularly the tables have this occur, and I can do this on
a per table basis in pg_autovacuum (yes this means I'm running an old
version, version 8.2) but what I'm wondering is how other people are
breaking this synchronisation?

Should I add a random value to the freeze_max_age for all the old tables
when I start a new month?  Or do the same with the freeze_min_age?
Perhaps I should just force a vacuum on some of the tables the break it?

Michael Graham mgra...@bloxx.com

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