2001-01-27 Thread Mike Miller

I am finding that a lot of messages (such as the commit messages and various 
things of the like, as well as messages for complex queries being completed 
implicitly and various things like that) showing up in my global apache log 
file (using PHP/Apache).  Any ideas how I can either get these to disapear, 
or even better, show up in the invidivual [VirtualHost] directive ErrorLog 

Please help
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[GENERAL] Unknown Type 'ame' [urgent]

2001-01-16 Thread Mike Miller

I was having problems with AME in 7.0.3 running initdb so I figured I would 
try to install 7.1beta3 and see if it is fixed.  I get the following error: 
"ERROR:  Error: unknown type 'ame'." still with this version.  Clearly 
something is wrong.  Does anyone have any ideas?


[postgres pgsql]$ /usr/pgsql/bin/initdb -D /usr/pgsql/data
This database system will be initialized with username "postgres".
This user will own all the data files and must also own the server process.

Fixing permissions on existing directory /usr/pgsql/data
Creating directory /usr/pgsql/data/base
Creating directory /usr/pgsql/data/global
Creating directory /usr/pgsql/data/pg_xlog
Creating template1 database in /usr/pgsql/data/base/1
DEBUG:  starting up
DEBUG:  database system was shut down at 2001-01-16 13:06:34
DEBUG:  CheckPoint record at (0, 8)
DEBUG:  Redo record at (0, 8); Undo record at (0, 8); Shutdown TRUE
DEBUG:  NextTransactionId: 514; NextOid: 16384
DEBUG:  database system is in production state
ERROR:  Error: unknown type 'ame'.

Creating global relations in /usr/pgsql/data/global
DEBUG:  starting up
DEBUG:  database system was interrupted at 2001-01-16 13:06:34
DEBUG:  CheckPoint record at (0, 8)
DEBUG:  Redo record at (0, 8); Undo record at (0, 8); Shutdown TRUE
DEBUG:  NextTransactionId: 514; NextOid: 16384
DEBUG:  database system was not properly shut down; automatic recovery in 
FATAL 2:  cannot open pg_log: No such file or directory

initdb failed.
Removing temp file /tmp/initdb.29632.

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2001-01-16 Thread Mike Miller

mv global.bki global.bki.old; mv template1.bki template1.bki.old
cat global.bki.old | sed s/" ame"/" name"/  global.bki
cat template1.bki.old | sed s/" ame"/" name"/  global.bki

Solution is pretty simple actually (did figure this one out).  I did find 
other people complaining about this, but no solutions.  But I just did the 
install on an older slackware system and diffed the bki files to find some 
as 'ame' and others as 'name' - so I used the lines above and managed to get 
it to work just fine.  Quite odd really... I am using the latest stable 
versions of all of the GNU tools straight from their site.

Problem appears to be solved though, but maybe a check in the Makefile is in 
order.  It seems (through my google search, as well as a search of this 
archive) that I am not the only one with this problem.


To: "Mike Miller" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2001 13:18:04 -0500

"Mike Miller" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Fixing permissions on pre-existing data directory /usr/pgsql/data
  Creating database system directory /usr/pgsql/data/base
  Creating database XLOG directory /usr/pgsql/data/pg_xlog
  Creating template database in /usr/pgsql/data/base/template1
  ERROR:  Error: unknown type 'ame'.

  ERROR:  Error: unknown type 'ame'.

  Creating global relations in /usr/pgsql/data/base

Now that I look, there is a similar report in the pgsql-bugs archives
from last August, but no information about any resolution.

Please try the initdb with --debug added, and send me the resulting
output (it'll probably be kinda bulky, so don't send to the list).

   regards, tom lane

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