[GENERAL] Set valued attributes ?

2000-07-25 Thread Nico D

Does anyone know how to make an attribute a collection of
I haven't found any reference of this object-oriented
feature in Postgres online manuals.

Please, let me know any hints/links or anything that could help me doing the following:

Assume that each row of tables is identified by OID.
I want to define an attribute, say (t1.c2), as a collection
of OIDs linking to rows of table t2.

At the same time the attribute (t1.c3) contains a collection
of OIDs linking to rows of table t3.

How do I do to make the postgres "navigate through OID
links", to prevent expensive access methods (joins, sequential or
indexed) ?


2000-06-29 Thread Nico D

Hello folks

I'm an engineering student and I would be very interested to learn the pros and cons 
these two DataBases:

- Versant : commercial OODBMS (Object-Oriented)

- PostgreSQL : open source ORDBMS (Object-Relational)

(Other DB like Oracle are ERDBMS and not ORDBMS if I guess

It seems to me the main disadvantage of ORDBMS is the still
presence of Impendance Mismatch, which is completely absent

Well, I would like to focus the meaning of the "Object" point
of view of PostgreSQL: does it offer just the arbitrariness
of data structure? What else?
Can a row be assimilated to an object ?

Please let me know any experiences which can show interesting aspects of
PostreSQL vs Versant (and/or other OODBMS in general) ?

The good thing in Versant is that it's 100% Object-Oriented
and works well with Java (through JVI interface). The sad thing is that it's
closed-source and it's very commercial.
The good thing in PostgreSQL is that it's open-source and
is available everywhere. I hope to find a lot of more good
points related to PostgreSQL.
