[GENERAL] psql bug?

2000-01-26 Thread Sarah Officer

I am running postgres 6.5.3 on an IRIX6.5.  In psql, I can't
describe any table I create.  I am able to select contents.  Is this
a bug?

psql mydb
mydb=> \d
Database= bcams
 |  Owner   | Relation |   Type   |
 | dusty| sites| table|
 | dusty| sites_pkey   | index|

mydb=> \d sites
ERROR:  typeidTypeRelid: Invalid type - oid = 0

mydb=> select * from sites
mydb-> ;
id|site_name   |first|   second|category_code
-1|TRI-CITY AIRPORT|44.111000|18.111000|1
-2|USED CAR LOT|44.222000|18.222000|1
-3|BIG CITY MALL   |44.333000|18.333000|2
-4|TOWN DUMP   |44.444000|18.444000|1
-5|VILLAGE PARK NE |44.555000|18.555000|1
(5 rows)

Re: [GENERAL] how to use pg-connect ?

2000-01-26 Thread Sarah Officer

I would like more info about the pgtcl commands, too.  In the
"Integrated Document" on the postgres web page, there's a list of
commands (chapter 49), but not detailed information.  When I enter
pgtclsh, I can get a list of options.  For pg_connect, I get this:

% pg_connect
pg_connect: database name missing
pg_connect databaseName [-host hostName] [-port portNumber] [-tty
pg_connect -conninfo 

This is fairly intuitive, but the pg_result command isn't as
% pg_result
Wrong # of arguments
pg_result result ?option? where option is
-assign arrayVarName
-assignbyidx arrayVarName ?appendstr?
-getTuple tupleNumber
-tupleArray tupleNumber arrayVarName

Is there a description of these options in one of the other

Sarah Officer

Cécile DESNOYERS wrote:
> Hello,
> I'd like to know if there is a way to use pg_connect() with a
> different host than « localhost ».
> I tried to put an IP address or a server name but it didn't work. Has
> anybody ever used pg_connect with something else than localhost ?
> Thank you
> Cecile

[GENERAL] < and > for datetime

2000-01-20 Thread Sarah Officer

Hi all,

I'm trying to find  less than and greater than functions for
datetime types.  It doesn't look the the time interval operators
would be appropriate, but I haven't found anything else in the
docs.  Here's my snippet of plpgsql which fails:

select count(*) into rescount
from currentresults cr, masters m
where cr.ben = new.ben
and m.mi_id = cr.mi_id
and m.idate > mydate;

rescount & mydate are variables.  How do I compare dates?  I'd be
glad to read the documentation if I could find the right page.



[GENERAL] psql parsing and variable problems

2000-01-20 Thread Sarah Officer

I have been looking at the psql documentation  posted on the web
site.  I am trying to set variables, but I can't seem to make that
happen.  I also notice that psql doesn't seem to parse full
backslash commands.  Are the documents out of date, or is the a bug?

\echo foo

is interpreted as \e and pops me into the editor.

\qecho foo

is interpreted as \q and exits psql.

When I try to use a variable, psql doesn't seem to recognize it.

> create table status (
>   code varchar(5) not null,
>   stat_desc varchar(30) not null);

> insert into status(code, stat_desc) values ('A1', 'First Status');
INSERT 19082 1

> select * from status;
A1  |First Status
(1 row)

Following the example in the documentation, I try to set a psql
variable, but psql isn't interpreting it the way I expect it to.

>\set foo 'status'
> select * from :foo;
ERROR:  parser: parse error at or near ":"
> \set foo status
> select * from :foo;
ERROR:  parser: parse error at or near ":"

Any suggestions?  Is the posted documentation out of date?  How can
I use a psql variable?  What is the alternative?  What I really want
to do is use the 'psql --set' option so I can pass the path to the
plpgsql library from the command line.

:plpgsqlpath LANGUAGE 'C';

Any help is appreciated,

Sarah Officer

Re: [GENERAL] parser

2000-01-20 Thread Sarah Officer

I had this problem a couple years ago.  I changed the column name
before the upgrade by renaming the table to table_old, creating a
new table with the original table name by selecting from table_old. 
For the column I needed  to rename, I selected offset as
'x_offset'.  I made sure everything was there, then dropped
table_old and exported the database prior to the upgrade.  It's a
bit of trouble to find all the queries in the software and replace
the column name, but for my application it was workable.  Or maybe
you already know how to do this but don't think you should have to?

I hope this helps.

Sarah Officer

Jeff MacDonald wrote:
> hi, got this question from a user, anyone up for some discussion on it
> 1) I have been using 6.3 and recently tried to
> move to 6.5.  I found that the word "offset" is now a reserved word and I have  used 
>it as a field name in
> a table.  6.5 reports this as an error.  I wonder if the parser should do this  
>since the context is as a
> field name.
> ==
> Jeff MacDonald
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]  irc: bignose on EFnet
> ==

[GENERAL] Creating Triggers

2000-01-19 Thread Sarah Officer

Thanks to Ed Loehr and others on the group, I finally was able to
create triggers in my database.  This is a summary of what I learned
in the process.  For the most part, I didn't find this in the
documentation.  If anything here is incorrect, please let me know. 
If not, can it be put in documentation somewhere?  or in the FAQ?

- The actual working code for a trigger must be put into a function
which is called by the trigger. [This *is* in the docs]

- If the trigger function needs access to rows which are affected by
the insert/update/delete, the trigger function must use plpgsql as a
language.  A sql function cannot access the special 'old' and 'new'

- Before creating a function in plpgsql, a handler and trusted
language must be created.  Example syntax:

  CREATE FUNCTION plpgsql_call_handler () RETURNS OPAQUE AS
  '/install/lib/path/plpgsql.so' LANGUAGE 'C';
  HANDLER plpgsql_call_handler

- The return type for a plpgsql function must be opaque.

- A value must be returned if a return type is specified.  The old &
new records are available as return values from the plpgsql

- The body of a plpgsql function looks like sql except for reference
to old and new.  The SQL part of the function must be enclosed with
'begin' and 'end;' or there will be a compiler error at run time.

- Example triggers and plpgsql functions can be found in the
postgres subdirectory: src/test/regress/sql.

- If a trigger function is dropped and recreated, the corresponding
trigger must also be dropped and recreated.  Otherwise postgres
6.5.3 will give a runtime error that the cache lookup failed.

[GENERAL] Trigger problem

2000-01-19 Thread Sarah Officer

I am trying to create a simple trigger function.  With some help
from the mailing list, I managed to create a trigger and functions. 
Unfortunately I get an error message when I delete from the table
which has the trigger.  Can anyone help me spot the error?  Here's
what I have done:

'/achilles_usr12/mars/swl/IRIX6.5/lib/plpgsql.so' LANGUAGE 'C';
HANDLER plpgsql_call_handler

create table Images (
  id varchar(100)   PRIMARY KEY,
  title  varchar(25)NOT NULL,
  filepath   varchar(256)   NOT NULL UNIQUE,
  status_codevarchar(5) NOT NULL
) ;

create table Istatus (
  status_codevarchar(5) PRIMARY KEY,
  status_descvarchar(100)   NOT NULL

CREATE FUNCTION remove_status_func()
  RETURNS opaque AS '
  delete from Images
  where Images.status_code = old.status_code ;
  select 1 as val;
  ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' ;

CREATE TRIGGER Istatus_delete_trigger
  EXECUTE PROCEDURE remove_status_func() ;

Insert into Istatus(status_code, status_desc)
values('A1', 'A1 Desc');
Insert into Istatus(status_code, status_desc)
values('A2', 'A2 Desc');
Insert into Istatus(status_code, status_desc)
values('A3', 'A3 Desc');
Insert into Images(id, title, filepath, status_code)
values ('ID1', 'First Image', '/usr/local/foo.gif', 'A1');
Insert into Images(id, title, filepath, status_code)
values ('ID2', 'Another Image', '/usr/local/bar.gif', 'A2');

> select * from istatus;
A1 |A1 Desc
A2 |A2 Desc
A3 |A3 Desc
(3 rows)

> select * from images;
id |title|filepath  |status_code
ID1|First Image  |/usr/local/foo.gif|A1 
ID2|Another Image|/usr/local/bar.gif|A2     
(2 rows)

> delete from istatus where status_code = 'A1';
ERROR:  fmgr_info: function 18848: cache lookup failed

What is the problem with the cache lookup?  Any suggestions would be

Sarah Officer

Re: [GENERAL] psql problem describing tables

2000-01-19 Thread Sarah Officer

Let me clarify.  The reason there is not data in my table is because
I haven't inserted any yet.  I inserted a row of data.  It gets
selected correctly, but I still can't describe the table.  So the
problem doesn't seem to be related to having an empty table.


Sarah Officer wrote:
> I am running postgres 6.5.3 on an SGI.  I haven't done much except
> create a few tables and indexes.  When I enter psql and type '\d',
> all my tables and indexes are listed.  When I type '\d tablename'
> however, I get the following message:
> \d Images
> ERROR:  typeidTypeRelid: Invalid type - oid = 0
> I can select from the table, but there's no data in it.  I have the
> same problem with all my tables, and I can't describe indexes
> either.  Any suggestions?
> Thanks,
> Sarah Officer

[GENERAL] psql problem describing tables

2000-01-19 Thread Sarah Officer

I am running postgres 6.5.3 on an SGI.  I haven't done much except
create a few tables and indexes.  When I enter psql and type '\d',
all my tables and indexes are listed.  When I type '\d tablename'
however, I get the following message:

\d Images
ERROR:  typeidTypeRelid: Invalid type - oid = 0

I can select from the table, but there's no data in it.  I have the
same problem with all my tables, and I can't describe indexes
either.  Any suggestions?


Sarah Officer

[GENERAL] triggers & functions

2000-01-12 Thread Sarah Officer


I'm porting a database from Oracle, and I'm having difficulty
working out the syntax & logic for porting the triggers.

Here's an example of what I have in Oracle:

create table Images (
  id varchar(100)   PRIMARY KEY,
  title  varchar(25)NOT NULL,
  filepath   varchar(256)   NOT NULL UNIQUE,
  status_codevarchar(5) NOT NULL
) ;

create table Istatus (
  status_codevarchar(5) PRIMARY KEY,
  status_descvarchar(100)   NOT NULL

When I delete a record in Istatus, I want to delete any records in
Images that have the given status code.  Okay, this is a rather
crude example, but I think if I can do this, I can do the rest.

In Oracle, I write the trigger something like this:

CREATE TRIGGER istatus_delete_trigger 
delete from Images i
where i.status_code = :old.status_code;

Based on the documents and regression tests in the distribution, it
looks like I need to move the meat of the trigger into a function
for postgres.  In postgres I'll call the procedure from the trigger.

Well, after going through the docs & looking at examples, I haven't
figured it out.  My inclination is to write:

CREATE FUNCTION remove_status_func()
  RETURNS int4 AS '
  delete from Images
  where Images.status_code = old.status_code ;
  select 1 as val;
  ' LANGUAGE 'sql' ;

I don't want to return anything, but that doesn't seem to be an
option. Is opaque equivalent to no return value?  I couldn't find it
in the docs. Postgres gave me a message that opaque types weren't
allowed if the language is sql.  Why?

So I have a dummy return value, but now Postgres doesn't seem to
like the reference to 'old'.  I see examples of functions which use
'old' in the plpgsql.sql regression set, but those specify a
different language (even though that language looks like sql).  I
didn't find the definition of that language after poking around.

Can anyone set me straight here?  An example of a trigger which
calls a sql procedure would be much appreciated!  I'd like the
function to be able to access the rows which are being removed.


Sarah Officer 

Re: [GENERAL] Simulating an outer join

2000-01-12 Thread Sarah Officer

Can somebody comment on using EXISTS vs. IN in a subselect?  I have
some statements with subselects, and I'd like to understand the
ramifications of choosing EXISTS or IN.

Sarah Officer

Mike Mascari wrote:
> Bruce Momjian wrote:
> >
> > I have been thinking about how to simulate an outer join.  It seems the
> > best way is to do:
> >
> > SELECT tab1.col1, tab2.col3
> > FROM tab1, tab2
> > WHERE tab1.col1 = tab2.col2
> > SELECT tab1.col1, NULL
> > FROM tab1
> > WHERE tab1.col1 NOT IN (SELECT tab2.col2 FROM tab2)
> >
> > Comments?  I know someone was asking about this recently.
> >
> I wouldn't use IN ;-)
> SELECT table1.key, table2.value
> FROM table1, table2
> WHERE table1.key = table2.key
> SELECT table1.key, NULL
> (SELECT table2.key FROM table2 WHERE table1.key = table2.key);
> Mike Mascari

[GENERAL] views containing agregates questions

2000-01-11 Thread Sarah Officer

In the docs directory of the 6.5.3 distribution, I was browsing
through the TODO file.  There is a note there:
'Views containing aggregates sometimes fail(Jan)'

In what way do they fail?  I need to create several views with
aggregates, and I'm concerned about what the effect will be.  I
tried to search the archives on the postgres page, but when I enter
a keyword such as 'view', I get the message "Can't open template
file 'views '!". 

Any information on the views/aggregate functions problem would be

Sarah Officer

[GENERAL] joins between databases

1999-05-04 Thread Sarah Officer

Can I do a select joining tables of one database with tables in another
database?  Both
databases would be managed by the same postmaster.


Sarah Officer

[GENERAL] index on an int8 column

1999-05-04 Thread Sarah Officer

I have a table with a column of type int8.  When I try to create an
index on it, the
database protests and gives the following error message:

ERROR:  Can't find a default operator class for type 20.

Is there an easy fix for this?  I assumed builtin numeric types would
default comparison functions.

Also, if I am not posting to the appropriate mailing list, please let me

Thanks in advance,

Sarah Officer

[GENERAL] entity relationship diagram free software

1999-04-21 Thread Sarah Officer

I am looking for a freeware tool to document my postgres database
tables, indices, etc.
A friend of mine uses ERwin, but this is a licensed package his company
had to buy.  I
Are there any free software tools that people use to create entity
relationship diagrams
and to document databases?


Sarah Officer