Re: [GENERAL] error codes when running pg_dumpall from a perl script.

2001-10-12 Thread Simon Crute

Allan Engelhardt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 You'll want to ask on the perl groups, but briefly you get an illegal seek
when your command writes to the error file descriptor:

 % perl -e '`echo hi 12` or warn Oops: $! $?;'
 Oops: Illegal seek 0 at -e line 1.

 It's a perl feature, not a bug ;-)  Try

Thanks for that.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

[GENERAL] WAL and crash ressialiance

2001-05-16 Thread Simon Crute

  If I have the WAL pointing to a different disk that the main postgres
database, and that other disk crashes (say writing to it blocks) what will
postgres do ? Will it continue to write OK to the main database, or will the
whole thing crash ? or hang waiting for the WAL writes to finish ?


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[GENERAL] Building DBD::Pg

2001-05-07 Thread Simon Crute

  I'm trying to install  build DBD::Pg. against Postgres7.1
I've downloaded the latest version (0.98)
Postgres was installed via the RPMs.  (base, lib, delel, perl, docs, test
and server)
it's a redhat 6.2 based system but with perl 5.6 installed.

perl Makefile.PL runs OK
make runs OK,
but when I run make test I get the following errors.

[simon@sunshine DBD-Pg-0.98]$ make test
/usr/bin/perl -Iblib/arch -Iblib/lib -I/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.6.0/i686-linux
OS: linux
Use of uninitialized value in join at line 53.
DBI-data_sources .. not ok:
DBI-connect(dbname=template1) failed: No pg_hb at line 59
DBI-connect ... not ok: No pg_hb at line 59.
make: *** [test_dynamic] Error 255

Can anyone give me a clue what's wrong ?


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TIP 3: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
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Re: [GENERAL] How robust is postgresql ?

2001-03-07 Thread Simon Crute

Thanks for the answer, (and thanks to adb too)

 7.1 has write-ahead logging (WAL), which does what you are looking for.

 The fsync mode also helps with data integiry, but it *really* slows down
 the system, unfortunately.

Looks like WAL is what we want. I understand that 7.1 should be out in a few
weeks ?

  The other question is Backups. Is there anyway to take diferential
backups ?
  I.E do a full dump periodically, and then make diferential backups from
  to time (preferably to a differet box)

 You can do a database dump and back up the SQL generated, or do a
 filesystem backup.  See for
 information on the specifics.

I was looking for ways of backing up only data that had changed since the
last backup. The server will probably be hosted with an ISP so I don't want
unnecessary data transfers.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

[GENERAL] How robust is PostgreSQL

2001-03-06 Thread Simon Crute

Hi all,
  We're writing an app in Perl and currently using Oracle as the backend
database (via the perl DBI) but due to the costs when we put this live we're
thinking of useing Postgresql.

However we need to know how crash resistant Posgresql is. Oracle has the
"Archive log mode" which writes a log of everything that's casued the
database to change. This allows you to recoved it properly in the event of a

Does Postgresql have anything simmilar ? I've read about Postgresql's "fsync
mode". Does this guarantee that the data is written to the disk properly and
that the in the even of a crash (such as power outage etc) the database will
still be correct ?

The other question is Backups. Is there anyway to take diferential backups ?
I.E do a full dump periodically, and then make diferential backups from time
to time (preferably to a differet box)


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TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster