[GENERAL] Swing JTable and ResultSet TableModel (with big resultsets)

2006-10-27 Thread Stefano B.

Hi, I don't know if this is the right list for this 
question but I don't know where to ask...

I have a question about JTable and a ResultSet 
TableModel (using JDBC postgresql driver).

I have to develop a swingJTable application 
that gets the data from a ResultSetTableModel where the user can update the 
jtable data.
Theproblem is the following:

the JTable have to contain the whole data of the 
source database table. Currently I have defined a 


The problem is that when I execute the query the 
whole ResultSet is "downloaded" on the client side application (my jtable) and I 
could receive (withbig resultsets) an "out of memory 

I have investigate about the possibility of load 
(in the client side) only a small subset of the resultset but with no luck. In 
the maling lists I see that the only way to load the resultset incrementally is 
to define a forward only resultset with autocommit off, and using 
setFetchSize(...). But this solution doesn't solve my problem because if the 
user scrolls the entire table, the whole resultset will be 

In my opinion, there is only one 

- create a small JTable "cache structure" and 
update the structure with "remote calls" to the server ...
in other words I have to define on the server side 
a "servlet environment" that queries the database, creates the resultset and 
gives to the jtable only the data subsets that it needs... (alternatively I could define an RMI client/server 
distribuited applications...)

This is my solution, somebody can help 
Are there others solutions for my 

Thanks in advance,

[GENERAL] database file encryption

2006-08-11 Thread Stefano B.

Hi all,

I have just discovered that in postgres database 
file the data are not encrypted. If I open with a text editor these files I can 
read the records values.

I'd like to know if there is a way in order to 
encrypt these data.

PS. for example in mysql the database file are not 
Thanks ad advance.

[GENERAL] Data warehouse OLAP

2006-08-09 Thread Stefano B.

I'm working in the implementation of a 
datawarehouse on Postgres.

For analisys of aggregated data I'd like to use 
some OLAP tools like for example, Mondrian, OR use the meterialized view (if 

My questions:
isthere anydocumentation about 
warehouse (with OLAP or materialized view)on Postgres?
Which is better? OLAP tools (I think) or 
materialized view?

Any information is welcome!


[GENERAL] Finding missing records

2006-01-27 Thread Stefano B.


I have two identical tables

table1 (f1,f2,f3,f4 primary key 

table2 (g1,g2,g3,g4 primary key 

How can I find the difference between the two 
table1 has 1 records
table2 has 9900 records (these records are in 
table1 as well)

I'd like to find 100 missing records.
I have try this query

select f1,f2,f3,f4 from table1 where (f1,f2,f3,f4) 
NOT IN (select f1,f2,f3,f4 from table2)

but it seems not work (as I want). It returns me no 
records. If I use the IN clause it returns me all 1 table1 

Thanks in advance

[GENERAL] could not connect to the server error

2005-10-17 Thread Stefano B.


I have several java jdbc client applications that 
connect to my Postgres 8.0.4 server.
"After some days" the server rejects the 
connections. There are nomessage in the log file.Only the local 
connections are permitted.

I have tryed to make a connection with EMS 
postgresql and I receive the following error:

could not connect to the server: Connection refused 
Is the server running on host and 
accepting TCP/IP connections on port 5432?

the LOCAL CONNECTIONS are accepted.
Could be a JDBC problem? It seems that "something" 
is still open and postgresql can't create a new connection. I had this problem 
with the older 8.0.x postgres version.

OS is FreeBSD 5.3

Any help will be appreciated.

[GENERAL] Postgresql server crash after some day

2005-08-17 Thread Stefano B.

Hi all,

I have some strange problems with 
After some days it works in local but it doesn't 
listen on port 5432 for remote request.

I can make a connectionfrom local host but I 
can't from remote host. If I try to make a connection from remote host the 
server returns me the classic remote error:

 could not connect to server ... 
is the server running on host ... and accepting TCP/IP connections on port 

This problem happens after some day that I have 
start the server.
There is noparticular error in the log file 
(the server seems to work)

PostgreSql version: 8.0.3
on FreeBSD 5.3

Thanks in advance.