Re: [GENERAL] Windows Server?

1999-10-27 Thread Ted Nolan SRI Augusta GA

In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>you write:
>> Is this a standard (official) NT build that I can download from somewhere 
>> or have you done your own conversion?
>It is part of the distribution.  Get the tarball, and read the README.NT
>file on the web site or in the doc directory.  We should have a binary
>available, but we don't.
>> Also will this run on Windows 98/95?
>  Bruce Momjian|

I've got a 6.5.1 binary for NT that may be of use to some folks.  It's at

Unfortunately, I can't offer any support, but it might be a starting place.

Unzip, cd to the nw_install/inst_db directory and run the
inst_db.bat file (should work to double click on this from NT explorer,
or from an MS-DOS prompt).

It doesn't install as a service in this version, so run the "start" shortcut
to fire up the postmaster.


Re: Windows NT Service? was Re: [GENERAL] Windows Server?

1999-10-27 Thread Ted Nolan SRI Augusta GA

In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>you write:
>Bruce Momjian writes:
> > 
> > We run on NT now.
> > 
>Has anyone tried running it as an NT service with the SRVANY.EXE
> Life is short.  | Craig Spannring 
>  Bike hard, ski fast.   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> +
> Any sufficiently horrible technology is indistinguishable from Perl.

I have done this, and it seemed to work OK.


Re: [GENERAL] Again: How the hell do I restart immediately

1999-10-08 Thread Ted Nolan SRI Augusta GA

In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>you write:
>Call this script (as in guardian angel) and run it
>instead of the postmaster. Change the postmaster line in here to be
>your postmaster boot configuration options.
>This runs under linux. It will probably work under most un*x
>flavors. Dont expect anything under doze unless you use cygwin for it.
>Yes its nasty, I wrote it to doa job, not to look good
>#!/bin/sh -
>pma=`ps x | grep -v grep | grep postmasterangel | grep 'sh -' | wc -l`
>if [ "$pma" -gt "2" ]
>exit 0
>while [ 1 ]
>pm=`ps x | grep -v grep | grep -v angel | grep postmaster`
>if [ "x$pm" = "x" ]
>/usr/bin/postmaster -o "-F -S 10240" -d 1 -N 512 -B 3000 -D/var/lib/pg
>sql/data -o -F > /tmp/postmasterout 2> /tmp/postmastererr
>sleep 60

Hmm, perhaps I'm missing something, but since the postmaster doesnt go
into the background by default, couldn't you just run a script
with a loop creating postmasters as they die?  Something like:

#! /bin/sh

while :
postmaster  >> post.out 2>&1


Re: [GENERAL] Anyone doing a native NT port?

1999-09-27 Thread Ted Nolan SRI Augusta GA

In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>you write:
>> Bruce,
>> As I am not going to be able to help on the coding I won't try to
>> comment on it's dificulty.
>> But I will ask what realistic expectations are for the current NT port
>> using cgywin. My current concern is that the installation is very
>> complex and the useability is poor due to the need to enter a cgywin
>> shell to access any of the postgresql features.
>> So
>> a) Is it going to be possible using cgywin to build binaries
>> (postmaster, createdb, psql etc) that can be run from a standard windows
>> NT command prompt? Or will a cgywin shell always be needed? If this can
>> be done then so that we can provide an installation of binaries with no
>> unix shell visible then we can probably get this accepted by our users.
>> b) Is it possible to add support for Windows 9x? If so it anyone working
>> on this? (NB I am not considering this as a server platform but for a
>> single user system to avoid us supporting multiple dbms) [anyway I don't
>> know of an alternative to Postgresql that has the same feature set - I
>> need most postgresql features {license and technical}].
>Sorry, I don't know the answers to these questions because I don't use
>NT, but I will say this.  Fixing the above problems is going to be 99
>times easier than porting PostgreSQL to native NT without cygwin. 
>Basically, you will have to write cygwin, and that is no trivial task. 
>The above items can probably be done using tcl/tk for a user interface,
>and having the cygwin shell do the actual execution.  Again, 99 times
>easier to do than the port to native NT.
>  Bruce Momjian|
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED]|  (610) 853-3000

OK,  I've just put the 6.5.1 install for NT that I mentioned a few
messages ago up for FTP at in
/pub/people/ted/  This is part of a larger project I'm
working on and I have absolutely no time to support or debug it.  (And
have never done it from a ZIP before, but that should be OK..)  If it
works for you -- great!  If not, I'd like to hear what went wrong, but
I probably won't be able to help you much.  The key thing, per this
discussion, is that the user doesn't need to get or interact directly
with cygwin.

Unzip it and double click on "inst_pg.bat".  Hopefully this will start an
install process.  After this finishes, double click on "startdb.bat"
in the directory where you told it to install, minimize that, then double
click on "nw_psql.bat"  (You could wrap other PGSQL commands as bat files

When done, double click on "stopdb.bat" to kill the postmaster & ipc-daemon.

This install does not install PG as a service.  I've done that with seeming
success, but it didn't make it into the install...

Also,  as you've seen, I still have some concerns about the ipc-daemon
gradually becomming a CPU hog..

Ted Nolan

[GENERAL] Re: [PORTS] ipc-daemon runs wild on NT?

1999-09-27 Thread Ted Nolan SRI Augusta GA

In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>you write:
>Hello folks,
>I'm running 6.5.1 on NT.  I think I've applied all the patches to the
>ipc-daaemon, but after a while it starts hogging the CPU, even when no
>queries of any sort are being made (although there is a postmaster present).
>Reducing the priority helps a bit, but it's not a solution.
>Has anyone seen this?  If so did you find a fix?
>   Thanks,
>   Ted Nolan

I've done a little more looking (very little..) and see that the
ipc-daemon has a loop in ipc-daemon.c that looks like

usleep(30) ;

I still don't know exactly what the ipc-daemon _does_, but I'm wondering if
cygwin usleep() somehow granularizes to 0 in some cases..

Does anyone has any feeling what the consequences would be in changing that
usleep to a "sleep(1)"

Ted Nolan

Re: [GENERAL] Anyone doing a native NT port?

1999-09-27 Thread Ted Nolan SRI Augusta GA

In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>yo
u write:
>My company is pretty impressed with postgre on unix, but we also need a
>native port for nt (it is not an option to have our customers install cygwin
>on their production systems.)  Ideally we would like to see the backend
>running as a native service under nt.  We have the resources to do the port
>ourselves (I will probably end up doing the work myself), but I was
>wondering if there was already an effort underway to develop something like
>Dave Heinecke
>Senior Software Engineer
>Axent Technologies

Don't know if this helps, but I pretty well have an install procedure
that installs a Postgres 6.5.1 binary tree with enough of cygwin to
make it work, so the user never has to go get cygwin or compile
Postgres.  It's very basic, no spiffy GUI, it just asks several
questions and goes to work...

I have also been able to install it as a service, though I have not integrated
that part with my install.

Ted Nolan

Re: [GENERAL] How to compile PosttgreSQL on NT

1999-07-07 Thread Ted Nolan SRI Augusta GA

In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>you write:
>This is now in the doc directory as README.NT.
>[Charset iso-8859-1 unsupported, filtering to ASCII...]
>> These are the steps I used to compile and run PostgreSQL on Windows NT.
>> Notice that I have not verfied it after 24-3-99. In the coming week I hope
>> to update my webpage.
>> 1. Install the Cygwin package
>> 2. Update to EGCS 1.1.2
>> 1. Install the Andy Piper Tools
>> 1. Download the Cygwin32 IPC Package by .
>> 2. Untar the package and follow the readme instructions.
>> 3. I tested 1.03.
>> 4. I used the \cygwin-b20\h-i568-cygwin32\i586-cygwin32\lib and
>> \cygwin-b20\h-i568-cygwin32\i586-cygwin32\include\sys instead of the
>> /usr/local/lib and usr/local/include/sys.
>> 1. Download the current snapshot.tar.gz (24-3-98).

It might be nice to say what and where the Andy Piper Tools are
( and where the cygwin32 IPC package can
be gotten (

Also I didn't use the Piper tools or EGCS 1.1.2, and as far as I can tell,
it is working (6.5)..

Ted Nolan