Re: [GENERAL] Improve MMO Game Performance

2012-10-27 Thread Torsten Zühlsdorff

Hello Arvind,

the cyclic change idea is really marvellous , thank you

You're welcome. :)

but we store each round, because we need player actions for further
analysis about game trends

Normally the different analyze-forms and goals are known from the 
beginning. You could use a more compact format for the analysis, which 
is optimized for this.

Also: if you just need this data for further analysis: don't store them
together with the actual game data! Big Performance NO GO!

Set up a second database-server! It can be a simple and even slow 
machine. Cache the round-data compressed in RAM or another fast location 
and import them from there in a steady flow into the second 
database-server. Their you can do your heavy analyze at any time without 
annoying your users!
(You can even use more than a second server to do the analyze in 
parallel and sum up the aggregated data. Most the analyze must not be 
actual, so it doesn't bother if it takes some hours more. It is a big 
win for your user-performance)

Greetings from Germany,

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Re: [GENERAL] How to convert HEX to ASCII?

2011-12-03 Thread Torsten Zühlsdorff

Marti Raudsepp schrieb:

On Fri, Dec 2, 2011 at 16:16, Torsten Zuehlsdorff

But i clearly have a missunderstanding of other chars, like umlauts or utf-8
chars. This, for example, should return a 'ö':

# SELECT chr(x'C3B6'::int);
(1 row)

That gives you the Unicode codepoint C3B6, but %C3%B6 is UTF-8-encoded
and actually decodes to the codepoint 00F6.

There is a fundamental problem that a decoded URL may actually be a
binary string -- it might not have a textual representation at all.
But if text is what you want, RFC3986 strongly suggests using UTF-8
for encoding text strings in URLs, and that works almost always in the
real world.

Text is what i want. :) I've created a highly specialiced CMS, which 
handle a bunch of big sites (in meaning of a great numbers of users and 
content). It has a build-in traffic-analyze and with this function it 
creates a real time analyze of the keywords, a user used to find the 
sites in search engines. This is very needful if you try to do SEO for 
websites with more than 20.000 unique content-pages. :)

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION url_decode(input text) RETURNS text
  bin bytea = '';
  byte text;
  FOR byte IN (select (regexp_matches(input, '(%..|.)', 'g'))[1]) LOOP
IF length(byte) = 3 THEN
  bin = bin || decode(substring(byte, 2, 2), 'hex');
  bin = bin || byte::bytea;
  RETURN convert_from(bin, 'utf8');

Hey, this function looks similar to my encoding function :) Thank you 
very munch!

This will break for binary-encoded data in URLs, though.

Thats no problem, i just have text.

Big thanks to all of you,

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Re: [GENERAL] Query runs in 335ms; function in 100,239ms : date problem?

2011-09-06 Thread Torsten Zühlsdorff

Rory Campbell-Lange schrieb:

Try to run it as a prepared query - I guess you'll get about the same run
time as with the function (i.e. over 100 seconds).

The prepared query runs in almost exactly the same time as the function,
but thanks for the suggestion. A very useful aspect of it is that I was
able to get the EXPLAIN output which I guess gives a fairly good picture
of the plan used for the function.

The explain output is here:

I'm inexperienced in reading EXPLAIN output, but it looks like the
Nested Loop Semi Join at line 72 is running very slowly.

I added in more filtering conditions to the clause at line 72 and the
prepared statement dropped in runtime to 24043.902 ms. Unfortunately the
function ran slower -- 47957.796 -- but even that is a 50% improvement.

Also declare your function as STABLE. This can trigger an speed-increase.

-- - ein Datenbank-Layer, der die Arbeit mit 8 
verschiedenen Datenbanksystemen abstrahiert,
Queries von Applikationen trennt und automatisch die Query-Ergebnisse 
auswerten kann.

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Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL 'hosting'

2011-08-16 Thread Torsten Zühlsdorff

Dragan Zubac schrieb:

Does anybody know if there're any companies offering PostgreSQL 'hosting' ?
By 'hosting', I mean you get access to a database to which your
application connects remotely and do sql stuff.
'Hosting' company takes care of database maintenance,backup,etc.

Have a look at:

Greetings from Germany,

-- - ein Datenbank-Layer, der die Arbeit mit 8 
verschiedenen Datenbanksystemen abstrahiert,
Queries von Applikationen trennt und automatisch die Query-Ergebnisse 
auswerten kann.

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Re: [GENERAL] You could be a PostgreSQL Patch Reviewer!

2011-06-16 Thread Torsten Zühlsdorff

Josh Berkus schrieb:

You do not have to be a C coder to be a patch reviewer.  Pretty much all
you need to know is:
- how to checkout PostgreSQL from Git
- how to build PostgreSQL from source
- how to apply a patch

If you know those three things, you can help with patch review.  Of
course, if you do know C, you can be even more help ... and learn the
PostgreSQL source in the process.

I can build PostgreSQL on different FreeBSD-Versions (7, 8.1, 8.2).

Is this in any kind related to the PG-Buildfarm? It sounds like this 
could be automated very easily.

We especially need folks who are able to build PostgreSQL on Windows, as
we have several Windows-specific patches and no reviewers for them.

If there is an rough descriptions, this should be also possible.

Greetings from Germany,
-- - ein Datenbank-Layer, der die Arbeit mit 8 
verschiedenen Datenbanksystemen abstrahiert,
Queries von Applikationen trennt und automatisch die Query-Ergebnisse 
auswerten kann.

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2011-02-02 Thread Torsten Zühlsdorff

Florian Weimer schrieb:

Please guide  me how to change it  permanently and what is the correct
value for it.
I am going for 8GB .

Usually, you can put these lines

kernel.shmall = 90
kernel.shmmax = 90

into /etc/sysctl.conf.  Run "sysctl -p" to activate them.  However,
this is a bit distribution-specific.

If you're using FreeBSD you even have to restart the machine.

-- - ein Datenbank-Layer, der die Arbeit mit 8 
verschiedenen Datenbanksystemen abstrahiert,
Queries von Applikationen trennt und automatisch die Query-Ergebnisse 
auswerten kann.

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Re: [GENERAL] Problem with initdb: creates database which do not exists

2010-10-18 Thread Torsten Zühlsdorff

Thom Brown schrieb:

initdb creates a database cluster, not a database.  [..]

Now i'm feeling like fool - this is so obviously. -.- I will stop 
posting stressed to the Usenet.

I'm sorry. Thanks for your replies and time!


-- - ein Datenbank-Layer, der die Arbeit mit 8 
verschiedenen Datenbanksystemen abstrahiert,
Queries von Applikationen trennt und automatisch die Query-Ergebnisse 
auswerten kann.

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[GENERAL] Problem with initdb: creates database which do not exists

2010-10-18 Thread Torsten Zühlsdorff


i'm using initdb of an PostgreSQL 8.4 installed over the port-system of 


> initdb foo --locale=de_DE.UTF-8 --lc-collate=de_DE.UTF-8 
--lc-ctype=de_DE.UTF-8 --lc-messages=de_DE.UTF-8 
--lc-monetary=de_DE.UTF-8 --lc-numeric=de_DE.UTF-8 --lc-time=de_DE.UTF-8

The files belonging to this database system will be owned by user "thorny".
This user must also own the server process.

The database cluster will be initialized with locale de_DE.UTF-8.
The default database encoding has accordingly been set to UTF8.
The default text search configuration will be set to "german".

creating directory foo ... ok
creating subdirectories ... ok
selecting default max_connections ... 100
selecting default shared_buffers ... 32MB
creating configuration files ... ok
creating template1 database in foo/base/1 ... ok
initializing pg_authid ... ok
initializing dependencies ... ok
creating system views ... ok
loading system objects' descriptions ... ok
creating conversions ... ok
creating dictionaries ... ok
setting privileges on built-in objects ... ok
creating information schema ... ok
vacuuming database template1 ... ok
copying template1 to template0 ... ok
copying template1 to postgres ... ok

WARNING: enabling "trust" authentication for local connections
You can change this by editing pg_hba.conf or using the -A option the
next time you run initdb.

Success. You can now start the database server using:

postgres -D foo
pg_ctl -D foo -l logfile start


After that the database is not visible:


> psql -l
   List of databases
Name| Owner  | Encoding | Collation | Ctype | Access privileges
 pgsql  | pgsql  | UTF8 | C | C |
 postgres   | pgsql  | UTF8 | C | C |
 template0  | pgsql  | UTF8 | C | C | =c/pgsql
: pgsql=CTc/pgsql
 template1  | pgsql  | UTF8 | C | C | =c/pgsql
: pgsql=CTc/pgsql
(4 rows)


So i try again to create it:


> initdb foo --locale=de_DE.UTF-8 --lc-collate=de_DE.UTF-8 
--lc-ctype=de_DE.UTF-8 --lc-messages=de_DE.UTF-8 
--lc-monetary=de_DE.UTF-8 --lc-numeric=de_DE.UTF-8 --lc-time=de_DE.UTF-8

The files belonging to this database system will be owned by user "thorny".
This user must also own the server process.

The database cluster will be initialized with locale de_DE.UTF-8.
The default database encoding has accordingly been set to UTF8.
The default text search configuration will be set to "german".

initdb: directory "foo" exists but is not empty
If you want to create a new database system, either remove or empty
the directory "foo" or run initdb
with an argument other than "foo".


Thats interessting. But i can't drop the database:


> dropdb foo
dropdb: database removal failed: ERROR:  database "foo" does not exist


So: any idea why the database is not visible? And how do get rid of the
"non-existing" databases ;)

Thanks for your time,
-- - ein Datenbank-Layer, der die Arbeit mit 8 
verschiedenen Datenbanksystemen abstrahiert,
Queries von Applikationen trennt und automatisch die Query-Ergebnisse 
auswerten kann.

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Re: [GENERAL] InitDB: Bad system call

2010-08-16 Thread Torsten Zühlsdorff


... The simplest explanation
I can think of is that it's *only* shmctl that is malfunctioning, not
the other SysV shared memory calls.  Which is even weirder, and
definitely seems to move the problem into the category of kernel bug
rather than configuration mistake.

Hmmm ... Google turned up the information that FreeBSD migrated from int
to size_t variables for shared memory size between 7.0 and 8.0, and in
particular that the size of the struct used by shmctl() changed in
8.0.  So I'm now wondering if what you're dealing with is some sort of
version skew problem.  Could it be that you built Postgres against
system header files that don't match your kernel version?  I'm not
exactly sure how that would manifest as this particular signal,
but it seems worth checking.

I have the correct header files, but that brings me to an interesting 
notice and a workaround.

Before i had build the new jail, i checked out the newest sources for 
FreeBSD 7.0 and recompile the world. With the new "world" i build the 
jail and the problems occurs.
Meanwhile there are two running jails with postgresql in at the same 
server. And IPC-problems seems unfamiliar to me, because the 
error-messages normally looks very different and other instances running 
without problems;)

What i've done now, was disableing an old jail and copy it to an new 
location. After some reconfiguration i use the copy as new jail and 
install postgresql. And it works.

That fortify your assumption, that the problem must lie in FreeBSD. But 
this will be hard to debug, because the last "make world" was 3 years 
ago of the machine. I will discribe the problem to the FreeBSD-Community.

Thanks for all your help and time,

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Re: [GENERAL] InitDB: Bad system call

2010-08-15 Thread Torsten Zühlsdorff


Well, this seems to be clear proof for what everyone suspected all
along: your kernel is rejecting SysV-shared-memory calls.  I'm too tired
to go check that that shmctl() is the first such syscall during the boot
sequence, but it looks about right.

So we're now back to the question of *why* it's rejecting those calls,
when you apparently have the proper support configured.  I'm afraid
you now need to seek the assistance of some FreeBSD kernel experts;
it's beyond the ken of a simple database hacker ...

7.0-STABLE is ... old.  I would recommend upgrading to something more
recent before moving forward with this "bug", as I expect the FreeBSD
community to recommend such anyway.

FreeBSD 7 is from 2007. Thats not very old - you use FreeBSD for 
services which just should run (like postgresql :)). In my supervised 
server-park are half a dolzen FreeBSD-Server with uptimes around 7 
years. Upgrading is something you do very very rarely. And till now i 
didn't get such recommendation from the community. Its more likely to 
add a new server with a new Version of  FreeBSD.

Hm... i can't start debugging the kernel of a live-maschine. I will add 
a new server therefor. Maybe i can reproduce the problem at another 
machine for the FreeBSD-Community.

Thanks to all for you help und time,

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Re: [GENERAL] InitDB: Bad system call

2010-08-15 Thread Torsten Zühlsdorff

Alban Hertroys schrieb:

Core was generated by `postgres'. Program terminated with signal
12, Bad system call. Reading symbols from /lib/ 
Loaded symbols for /lib/ Reading symbols from

/lib/ Loaded symbols for /lib/ Reading
symbols from /libexec/ Loaded symbols for
/libexec/ #0  0x000800bb166c in shmctl () from
/lib/ (gdb) bt #0  0x000800bb166c in shmctl () from
/lib/ #1  0x005b158f in PGSharedMemoryIsInUse
(id1=Variable "id1" is not available. ) at pg_shmem.c:247 #2
0x006a0844 in CreateLockFile (filename=0x7ea036 
"", amPostmaster=0 '\0', isDDLock=1 '\001', 
refName=0x800e0b180 "/usr/local/pgsql/data") at miscinit.c:835 #3
0x0049baf0 in AuxiliaryProcessMain (argc=3, 
argv=0x7fffebc8) at bootstrap.c:350 #4  0x0056742e in

main (argc=4, argv=0x7fffebc0) at main.c:180
Well, this seems to be clear proof for what everyone suspected all 
along: your kernel is rejecting SysV-shared-memory calls.  I'm too

tired to go check that that shmctl() is the first such syscall
during the boot sequence, but it looks about right.

So we're now back to the question of *why* it's rejecting those
calls, when you apparently have the proper support configured.  I'm
afraid you now need to seek the assistance of some FreeBSD kernel
experts; it's beyond the ken of a simple database hacker ...

Hmm... shared memory in a jail, there used to be some issues with
that and I don't think they have been (or are going to be) solved. I
recall that shared memory can't be local to a jail (it's "shared"
after all), so you probably need(ed) to allow access to it somehow
for your jails. Or you're running into issues sharing the same shared
memory across multiple jails (and the base system) maybe?

The problems are known and i already have taken care of it. As written 
at the beginning i already have two jails at the server with running 
Normally you have to tweak up the IPC-Params and use different user-ids 
for each postgres-user to avoid the problem with the shared memory. 
Thats why my problem is very strange. I never run into such a problem 
and i run nearly a dozen postgresqls in jails at different FreeBSDs.


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Re: [GENERAL] InitDB: Bad system call

2010-08-14 Thread Torsten Zühlsdorff

Tom Lane schrieb:

Hm... /path/to/postgres? Not initdb?

Yes; it's postgres that is failing, not initdb.


But regardless what i use, it looks 

#0  0x000800bb166c in ?? ()
#1  0x005b158f in ?? ()
I believe that is not very helpful, is it?

Nope, it's not.  Could you reconfigure with --enable-debug, rebuild, try

Hm, that was already with --enable-debug. But i believe i just missused 
gdb at the first time. Now i get the following result, which seems more 
helpful. But i have to reuse an save core-dump, because like before 
postgres don't create new ones. Here the result:

%gdb /usr/local/pgsql/bin/postgres /tmp/postgres.core
GNU gdb 6.1.1 [FreeBSD]
Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you are
welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain 

Type "show copying" to see the conditions.
There is absolutely no warranty for GDB.  Type "show warranty" for details.
This GDB was configured as "amd64-marcel-freebsd"...

warning: exec file is newer than core file.
Core was generated by `postgres'.
Program terminated with signal 12, Bad system call.
Reading symbols from /lib/
Loaded symbols for /lib/
Reading symbols from /lib/
Loaded symbols for /lib/
Reading symbols from /libexec/
Loaded symbols for /libexec/
#0  0x000800bb166c in shmctl () from /lib/
(gdb) bt
#0  0x000800bb166c in shmctl () from /lib/
#1  0x005b158f in PGSharedMemoryIsInUse (id1=Variable "id1" is 
not available.

) at pg_shmem.c:247
#2  0x006a0844 in CreateLockFile (filename=0x7ea036 
"", amPostmaster=0 '\0', isDDLock=1 '\001', 
refName=0x800e0b180 "/usr/local/pgsql/data") at miscinit.c:835
#3  0x0049baf0 in AuxiliaryProcessMain (argc=3, 
argv=0x7fffebc8) at bootstrap.c:350

#4  0x0056742e in main (argc=4, argv=0x7fffebc0) at main.c:180
(gdb) quit


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Re: [GENERAL] InitDB: Bad system call

2010-08-14 Thread Torsten Zühlsdorff

Tom Lane schrieb:

=?ISO-8859-15?Q?Torsten_Z=FChlsdorff?=  writes:
It's the same like before, but this time with core-file! :) I don't know 
why, but now there is one. You can find it here: (2,4 MB)

That's good, but the core file is pretty much useless to anyone else.
Please gdb it and post a stack trace:

gdb /path/to/postgres /path/to/core
gdb> bt
gdb> quit

Hm... /path/to/postgres? Not initdb? But regardless what i use, it looks 

#0  0x000800bb166c in ?? ()
#1  0x005b158f in ?? ()
#2  0x00300020 in ?? ()
#3  0x7fffe620 in ?? ()
#4  0x7fffe560 in ?? ()
#5  0x00080091607a in ?? ()
#6  0x000800c04a60 in ?? ()
#7  0x000800913496 in ?? ()
#8  0x7fffeab8 in ?? ()
#9  0x7fffeab0 in ?? ()
#10 0xff00423f38e0 in ?? ()
#11 0x7fffe618 in ?? ()
#12 0x0031 in ?? ()
#13 0xaa8a in ?? ()
#14 0x007ea036 in ?? ()
#15 0x00080091056d in ?? ()
#16 0x0207 in ?? ()
#17 0x05c8 in ?? ()
#18 0x7fffe618 in ?? ()
#19 0xff00423f38e0 in ?? ()
#20 0x7fffe65d in ?? ()
#21 0x007ea094 in ?? ()
#22 0x7fffeab0 in ?? ()
#23 0x7fffeab8 in ?? ()
#24 0x in ?? ()

I believe that is not very helpful, is it?


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Re: [GENERAL] InitDB: Bad system call

2010-08-13 Thread Torsten Zühlsdorff

Hello Tom,

How annoying :-(.  I think what you need to do is use truss or strace
or local equivalent with the follow-forks flag, so that you can see what
the stand-alone backend process does, not just initdb itself.

Ok, next round. I just have truss as an option, because strace didn't 
work at my AMD64. Hope its helpfull:

$ truss -f -o /tmp/pgtuss-f.txt /usr/local/pgsql/bin/initdb -D 


[ scratches head ... ]  That looks like it got interrupted before
getting to anything interesting.  Did the console printout show any "Bad
system call" reports?

Yes, it does. But because i believed that it's not very helpful without 
a core-file, i rebuild everything again. I checked out the newsted 
sources from bsd, build the world new, the jail new and than the postgresql.

It's the same like before, but this time with core-file! :) I don't know 
why, but now there is one. You can find it here: (2,4 MB)

If helpful, i can give you access to the jail. This should be easier for 
us, than communication over multiple timezones.


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Re: [GENERAL] InitDB: Bad system call

2010-08-13 Thread Torsten Zühlsdorff

Hi Glen,

How annoying :-(.  I think what you need to do is use truss or strace
or local equivalent with the follow-forks flag, so that you can see what
the stand-alone backend process does, not just initdb itself.
Ok, next round. I just have truss as an option, because strace didn't 
work at my AMD64. Hope its helpfull:
$ truss -f -o /tmp/pgtuss-f.txt /usr/local/pgsql/bin/initdb -D 


[ scratches head ... ]  That looks like it got interrupted before
getting to anything interesting.  Did the console printout show any "Bad
system call" reports?

I didn't see it mentioned earlier in this thread - is
security.jail.sysvipc_allowed=1?  This will automatically be set to 1 if
you have jail_sysvipc_allow="YES" in rc.conf.

Yes, it is:
# sysctl -a | grep sysvipc_allowed
security.jail.sysvipc_allowed: 1


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Re: [GENERAL] InitDB: Bad system call

2010-08-12 Thread Torsten Zühlsdorff

Hi Tom,

Please notice, that after changing the IPC-Settings of the system, no 
core-file is dumped anymore. Quiet interessting.

How annoying :-(.  I think what you need to do is use truss or strace
or local equivalent with the follow-forks flag, so that you can see what
the stand-alone backend process does, not just initdb itself.

Ok, next round. I just have truss as an option, because strace didn't 
work at my AMD64. Hope its helpfull:

$ truss -f -o /tmp/pgtuss-f.txt /usr/local/pgsql/bin/initdb -D 



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Re: [GENERAL] InitDB: Bad system call

2010-08-12 Thread Torsten Zühlsdorff


Excerpts from Torsten ZÌhlsdorff's message of mié ago 11 02:52:34 -0400 2010:

Bad system call (core dumped)

I think you should try harder to generate the core file.  Maybe you have
too low an "ulimit -c" setting?

The kernel message indicates that core *is* being dumped.  Possibly it's
being dumped in the $PGDATA directory, which initdb will rm -rf on
failure.  Try using initdb --noclean.

So... yesterday night i was able to change the SyS-IPC Settings and 
restart the server. Good bye 216 days uptime :D

After that i recreate the jail from the scratch and compiled PG 9.0 Beta 
4 again.  I've compiled PG with:

$ ./configure --enable-debug

InitDB is:
$ /usr/local/pgsql/bin/initdb -D /usr/local/pgsql/data/ --noclean
Running in noclean mode.  Mistakes will not be cleaned up.
The files belonging to this database system will be owned by user "pgsql".
This user must also own the server process.

The database cluster will be initialized with locale en_US.ISO8859-1.
The default database encoding has accordingly been set to LATIN1.
The default text search configuration will be set to "english".

creating directory /usr/local/pgsql/data ... ok
creating subdirectories ... ok
selecting default max_connections ... Bad system call
Bad system call
Bad system call
Bad system call
Bad system call
Bad system call
selecting default shared_buffers ... Bad system call
Bad system call
Bad system call
Bad system call
Bad system call
Bad system call
Bad system call
Bad system call
Bad system call
Bad system call
Bad system call
Bad system call
Bad system call
Bad system call
Bad system call
Bad system call
Bad system call
creating configuration files ... ok
creating template1 database in /usr/local/pgsql/data/base/1 ... Bad 
system call

child process exited with exit code 140
initdb: data directory "/usr/local/pgsql/data" not removed at user's request

Result in $PGDATA is:
$ ls -lah /usr/local/pgsql/data/
total 84
drwx--  12 pgsql  pgsql   512B Aug 12 08:56 .
drwx--   6 pgsql  pgsql   512B Aug 12 08:56 ..
-rw---   1 pgsql  pgsql 4B Aug 12 08:56 PG_VERSION
drwx--   3 pgsql  pgsql   512B Aug 12 08:56 base
drwx--   2 pgsql  pgsql   512B Aug 12 08:56 global
drwx--   2 pgsql  pgsql   512B Aug 12 08:56 pg_clog
-rw---   1 pgsql  pgsql   3.8K Aug 12 08:56 pg_hba.conf
-rw---   1 pgsql  pgsql   1.6K Aug 12 08:56 pg_ident.conf
drwx--   4 pgsql  pgsql   512B Aug 12 08:56 pg_multixact
drwx--   2 pgsql  pgsql   512B Aug 12 08:56 pg_notify
drwx--   2 pgsql  pgsql   512B Aug 12 08:56 pg_stat_tmp
drwx--   2 pgsql  pgsql   512B Aug 12 08:56 pg_subtrans
drwx--   2 pgsql  pgsql   512B Aug 12 08:56 pg_tblspc
drwx--   2 pgsql  pgsql   512B Aug 12 08:56 pg_twophase
drwx--   3 pgsql  pgsql   512B Aug 12 08:56 pg_xlog
-rw---   1 pgsql  pgsql17K Aug 12 08:56 postgresql.conf
-rw---   1 pgsql  pgsql49B Aug 12 08:56

Please notice, that after changing the IPC-Settings of the system, no 
core-file is dumped anymore. Quiet interessting.


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Re: [GENERAL] InitDB: Bad system call

2010-08-12 Thread Torsten Zühlsdorff


The first suspicious i can see are a lots of "ERR#32 'Broken pipe'" entries.

This is the result of postgres crashing and thus initdb being unable to
write any more data to it.

I think you should try harder to generate the core file.  Maybe you have
too low an "ulimit -c" setting?

There is no ulimit at FreeBSD.


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Re: [GENERAL] InitDB: Bad system call

2010-08-10 Thread Torsten Zühlsdorff

Hi Tom,

Bad system call (core dumped)

Have you tried running the initdb with strace or truss?  That might give 
you a clue as to exactly what system call is failing.  Your jail isn't 
allowing something fundamental here, but it's hard to guess what.

Or even easier, gdb the core file ...

As written early i can't locate the core file. But now i use truss:
$ truss -o /tmp/pg.truss /usr/local/bin/initdb /usr/local/pgsql/

Here is the result:

The first suspicious i can see are a lots of "ERR#32 'Broken pipe'" entries.

I also changed some ipc-values from:

kern.ipc.semmnu: 4096
kern.ipc.semmns: 8192
kern.ipc.semmni: 32767

But these are read-only values. I have to reboot the machine. But it's a 
live-machine and it will take some time to prepare rebooting. -.-

Greetings from Germany,

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Re: [GENERAL] InitDB: Bad system call

2010-08-10 Thread Torsten Zühlsdorff

Reko Turja schrieb:

i've just compiled a new Jail at my FreeBDS 7.0-STABLE machine and 
trying to get PostgreSQL 9.0 Beta 4 running. Compiling etc works fine.

Is the machine really running a pre-RELENG 7.0?

As far as i now, we used the 7.0 versions some month after their 
release. So: no.

When i look in, i see in the welcome message:
FreeBSD 7.0-STABLE (GENERIC) #1: Fri Aug 15 19:33:13 CEST 2008

That are 6 months after initial release of 7.0.

But when i call the initdb, i get "Bad System Call" messages. Here is 
the output:

The system throwing out a coredump instead of failing gracefully 
suggests an OS bug and as you are seemingly running an ancient 
development branch, that seems even quite plausible.

I'm running a development *jail* at the *same* machine like the 
live-database. The live-database works greats. There is also a second 
jail were a postgresql-instance is running. In both i can use Postgresql 
(versions 8.3 and 8.4) without any limitations. But in the third-jail i 
get the problems.


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Re: [GENERAL] InitDB: Bad system call

2010-08-10 Thread Torsten Zühlsdorff

Torsten Zühlsdorff schrieb:

i've just compiled a new Jail at my FreeBDS 7.0-STABLE machine and 
trying to get PostgreSQL 9.0 Beta 4 running. Compiling etc works fine.

But when i call the initdb, i get "Bad System Call" messages. Here is 
the output:

$ /usr/local/pgsql/bin/initdb -D /usr/local/pgsql/data -d

First i believed this is an error relating to SYSVSHM-, SYSVSEM-, 
SYSVMSG-options or User-Id 
( But the postgres-user 
has a user-id which is not used by other postgres-instances in other 
jails. And the other options are enabled in the root-instance.

I also tried to build postgres from a fresh portstree, to make sure, 
that i have nothing miss-"./configure"d, but there are the same problems.

I've tried the initdb in the only jail PostgreSQL is already running. 
There it works.

I have no clue what to do next. I didn't even find the core-dump -.- 
Should i just tune-up the System V IPC parameters and hope?


-- - ein Datenbank-Layer, der die Arbeit mit 8 
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Re: [GENERAL] InitDB: Bad system call

2010-08-10 Thread Torsten Zühlsdorff

Hello Thom,

and the section under NetBSD/OpenBSD.

I already know the FreeBSD section. My current values are:

kern.ipc.shmall: 131072
kern.ipc.shmmax: 2684225436
kern.ipc.semmap: 4096

kern.ipc.semmnu: 512
kern.ipc.semmns: 1024
kern.ipc.semmni: 512

kern.ipc.shm_use_phys: 0

security.jail.sysvipc_allowed: 1

I also run the user with different UIDs:

$ grep pgsql -h /usr/local/jail/*/*/etc/passwd
pgsql:*:1070:70:PostgreSQL Daemon:/usr/local/pgsql:/bin/sh
pgsql:*:7575:7575:PostgreSQL Daemon:/usr/local/pgsql:/bin/sh
pgsql:*:1074:70:PostgreSQL Daemon:/usr/local/pgsql:/bin/sh
pgsql:*:1071:70:PostgreSQL Daemon:/usr/local/pgsql:/bin/sh

I also rebuild the complete jail to make sure, that it is not an error
while creating the jail.
I also disable all - but one (the live-db ;)) - postgresql instance to
make sure, that enough shared memory is free.
But the "bad system call" messages don't go away. Any other hint?


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[GENERAL] InitDB: Bad system call

2010-08-09 Thread Torsten Zühlsdorff


i've just compiled a new Jail at my FreeBDS 7.0-STABLE machine and 
trying to get PostgreSQL 9.0 Beta 4 running. Compiling etc works fine.

But when i call the initdb, i get "Bad System Call" messages. Here is 
the output:

$ /usr/local/pgsql/bin/initdb -D /usr/local/pgsql/data -d
Running in debug mode.
The files belonging to this database system will be owned by user 

This user must also own the server process.

The database cluster will be initialized with locale C.
The default database encoding has accordingly been set to SQL_ASCII.
The default text search configuration will be set to "english".

fixing permissions on existing directory /usr/local/pgsql/data ... ok
creating subdirectories ... ok
selecting default max_connections ... Bad system call (core dumped)
Bad system call (core dumped)
Bad system call (core dumped)
Bad system call (core dumped)
Bad system call (core dumped)
Bad system call (core dumped)
selecting default shared_buffers ... Bad system call (core dumped)
Bad system call (core dumped)
Bad system call (core dumped)
Bad system call (core dumped)
Bad system call (core dumped)
Bad system call (core dumped)
Bad system call (core dumped)
Bad system call (core dumped)
Bad system call (core dumped)
Bad system call (core dumped)
Bad system call (core dumped)
Bad system call (core dumped)
Bad system call (core dumped)
Bad system call (core dumped)
Bad system call (core dumped)
Bad system call (core dumped)
Bad system call (core dumped)
creating configuration files ... ok
creating template1 database in /usr/local/pgsql/data/base/1 ... Bad 
system call (core dumped)

child process exited with exit code 140
initdb: removing contents of data directory "/usr/local/pgsql/data"

There is no further message in /var/log/messages.

First i believed this is an error relating to SYSVSHM-, SYSVSEM-, 
SYSVMSG-options or User-Id 
( But the postgres-user 
has a user-id which is not used by other postgres-instances in other 
jails. And the other options are enabled in the root-instance.

I also tried to build postgres from a fresh portstree, to make sure, 
that i have nothing miss-"./configure"d, but there are the same problems.

I have no clue, what the problem is. Any hints?


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Re: [GENERAL] MySQL versus Postgres

2010-08-08 Thread Torsten Zühlsdorff

Scott Frankel schrieb:

On Aug 6, 2010, at 6:13 AM, Torsten Zühlsdorff wrote:

John Gage schrieb:

On reflection, I think what is needed is a handbook that features cut 
and paste code to do the things with Postgres that people do today 
with MySQL.

Everyone of my trainees want such thing - for databases, for other 
programming-languages etc. It's the worst thing you can give them. 
The< will copy, they will paste and they will understand nothing. 
Learning is the way to understanding, not copying.

I couldn't disagree more.  Presenting working code (at least snippets) 
should continue to be a fundamental part of any documentation project.

You missunderstand me. Working code is a fundamental part of any 
documentation. But we talk about a handbook with code that works in 
PostgreSQL and does the same thinks in MySQL.
This way the trainees won't learn how PostgreSQL works, the just learn 
the different examples. Giving them training-problems and the PostgreSQL 
handbook is out of my experience the best way. It tooks longer for them 
to solve the problems, but in this way they are able to solve problems, 
which are not related to the presented examples.

Greetings from Germany,

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Re: [GENERAL] MySQL versus Postgres

2010-08-06 Thread Torsten Zühlsdorff

John Gage schrieb:

On reflection, I think what is needed is a handbook that features cut 
and paste code to do the things with Postgres that people do today with 

Everyone of my trainees want such thing - for databases, for other 
programming-languages etc. It's the worst thing you can give them. The< 
will copy, they will paste and they will understand nothing. Learning is 
the way to understanding, not copying.

-- - ein Datenbank-Layer, der die Arbeit mit 8 
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Re: [GENERAL] MySQL versus Postgres

2010-08-06 Thread Torsten Zühlsdorff

John Gage schrieb:

So, perhaps what is needed in any sort of battle with MySQL is an 
introductory documentation that gives specific examples of how to 
achieve "oh wow!" worthwhile results quickly with Postgres.

I receive my "oh wow" when i do the same things in Postgres like in 
MySQL: Writting some procedures, triggers and use foreign key. The "oh 
wow" was that it just *works*. After some years of using MySQL this is a 
very uncommon feeling, even if you are experienced which MySQL. ;)

And after that "oh wow" you starting reading the manual.

Greetings from Germany,

-- - ein Datenbank-Layer, der die Arbeit mit 8 
verschiedenen Datenbanksystemen abstrahiert,
Queries von Applikationen trennt und automatisch die Query-Ergebnisse 
auswerten kann.

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Re: [GENERAL] Cognitive dissonance

2010-06-09 Thread Torsten Zühlsdorff

Brian Modra schrieb:

Personally I like to use html docs, and it would be good if the
documentation were downloadable from the postgresql website in other
formats, for convenience...

But, what I use is this, which works pretty well:

(e.g. to get the 8.1 dosc)

mkdir postgresql
cd postgresql
wget -r -nH -l 10 -k -np

... then after it all downloads:

open the file docs/8.1/interactive/index.html
in your web browser.

links docs/8.1/interactive/index.html

HTML is "text", so you can search using grep e.g.
grep -r "ALTER TABLE .* ADD COLUMN" docs/8.1

Thats the way i do too. A huge pdf is often not very helpful. In my 
personal case i programm often in a train, using my laptop. Searching a 
PDF with more than 1.000 pages really hits my battery. With html-files i 
could preselect the items to search.
Also it's possible to import the html-files in a postgres-db and using 
fulltext-search. ;)

-- - ein Datenbank-Layer, der die Arbeit mit 8 
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Re: [GENERAL] 110,000,000 rows

2010-05-27 Thread Torsten Zühlsdorff

John Gage schrieb:

Herbert Simon must be spinning in his grave...or smiling wisely.  What 
does a human do with a petabyte of data?

for example i have a private search-engine for my most often used sites. 
google and the other ones always know just a part of the whole site, my 
own one knowns all. its a good research-tool (and mirror) and support a 
lot more filter-posibilities than google. there are many great internet 
sites out there, which have no search. after waiting for crawling this 
is no longer a problem for me.

another big example in my private use is a neural network for figuring 
out relations between news and stock-prices. or statistical data of 
website usage. oh - analyse of the behavior of google is also a great 
fun with much data. or a database for typical games like chess or poker 
or something like this. i also have some databases with geo-data or free 
avaiable data like statistics about birthnumbers in germany, a list of 
all germany citys with its habitants (grouped by gender) and so on.

or calculating a list of prim-numbers on your own just to make some 
implementation tests. sometime this databases just grow because you want 
to see how long it can take to get x results and forgot to disable the 
test after reaching the border :D

But when a desktop machine for $1700 retail has a terabyte of storage, 
the unix operating system, 4 gigs of memory, and an amazing 27 inch 
display, I guess hardware isn't the problem (and I know one could put 
together the same machine on Linux etc. for much less).

yes and for private use you can use such a desktop machine as 
database-server. it can work while you're on work ;)

Greetings from Germany,
-- - ein Datenbank-Layer, der die Arbeit mit 8 
verschiedenen Datenbanksystemen abstrahiert,
Queries von Applikationen trennt und automatisch die Query-Ergebnisse 
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Re: [GENERAL] 110,000,000 rows

2010-05-27 Thread Torsten Zühlsdorff

John Gage schrieb:

Please forgive this intrusion, and please ignore it, but how many 
applications out there have 110,000,000 row tables?  I recently 
multiplied 85,000 by 1,400 and said now way Jose.

I have two private applications with about 250,000,000 rows a table. I 
could cluster them, but the performance is good enough.

Greetings from Germany,

-- - ein Datenbank-Layer, der die Arbeit mit 8 
verschiedenen Datenbanksystemen abstrahiert,
Queries von Applikationen trennt und automatisch die Query-Ergebnisse 
auswerten kann.

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Re: [GENERAL] PHP and PostgreSQL boolean data type

2010-02-11 Thread Torsten Zühlsdorff

Thom Brown schrieb:

A long-standing problem we've had with PostgreSQL queries in PHP is
that the returned data for boolean columns is the string 'f' instead
of the native boolean value of false.

This problem is solved since nearly 5 years with PDO. You can use an 
abstraction like DDDBL (see my signature) if you want to save time while 
using PDO.

Greetings from Germany,

-- - ein Datenbank-Layer, der die Arbeit mit 8 
verschiedenen Datenbanksystemen abstrahiert,
Queries von Applikationen trennt und automatisch die Query-Ergebnisse 
auswerten kann.

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Re: [GENERAL] PHP and PostgreSQL boolean data type

2010-02-10 Thread Torsten Zühlsdorff

Thom Brown schrieb:

A long-standing problem we've had with PostgreSQL queries in PHP is
that the returned data for boolean columns is the string 'f' instead
of the native boolean value of false.

This problem is solved since nearly 5 years with PDO. You can use an
abstraction like DDDBL (see my signature) if you want to save time while
using PDO.

Greetings from Germany,

-- - ein Datenbank-Layer, der die Arbeit mit 8 
verschiedenen Datenbanksystemen abstrahiert,
Queries von Applikationen trennt und automatisch die Query-Ergebnisse 
auswerten kann.

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Re: [GENERAL] masking the code

2009-06-29 Thread Torsten Zühlsdorff

Jasen Betts schrieb:

I've wrote a PLPGSQL stored procedure for a DB I've to delivery to my
customer. The problem is that I want to hide the code of the stored
procedure. I don't want that my customer is able to read the code of the my

Do exist a way to mask the code of the store procedure shipped with my DB?

rewrite it in a compiled language.

And hope, that the customer could not read the result.


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2009-05-04 Thread Torsten Zühlsdorff


i'm writting some functions for parsing urls and handling strings. But i 
have problems with the result set.

I already figured out how to return a single record/row. But i need 
more. A good example for what i want is ts_debug();

cse=> SELECT alias, token from 

  alias   |   token
 protocol | http://
 url  |
 host |
 url_path | /docs/index.html

I try to get an output like that:
cse=> SELECT alias, token from 

  alias   |   token
 scheme   | http://
 url  |
 host |
 path | /docs/
 file | index.html

But i never get more than one row return. I need a hint how i can return 
more than one row. Or even better: a littel example ;)

Thanks very much and greetings from Germany,

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[GENERAL] Fulltext: problem with english words in german text

2009-03-24 Thread Torsten Zühlsdorff


i have a problem with understanding fulltext search in PG 8.3.


CREATE TABLE tfulltext (body text, fulltext tsvector);

INSERT INTO tfulltext VALUES ('title und description sind wichtige 
grundlagen', to_tsvector('pg_catalog.german', 'title und description 
sind wichtige grundlagen'));

SELECT * from tfulltext;
  body  | 

 title und description sind wichtige grundlagen | 'titl':1 'wichtig':5 
'grundlag':6 'description':3

I expect, that the query:
SELECT * FROM tfulltext WHERE fulltext @@ to_tsquery('title');

Will return the entry. But the result-set is empty. If i use 'titl' 
(without 'e') as parameter of to_tsquery it returns the entry.

I try to cast the search-parameter to ts_vector, but it didn't work. How 
can i solve the problem?

Thanks for every hint and greetings from Germany,
-- - ein Datenbank-Layer, der die Arbeit mit 8 
verschiedenen Datenbanksystemen abstrahiert,
Queries von Applikationen trennt und automatisch die Query-Ergebnisse 
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Re: [GENERAL] Fulltext: problem with english words in german text

2009-03-24 Thread Torsten Zühlsdorff


I've just noticed, that i forgot to change the subject. While writing i 
figured out, that the question is not the one, i want to ask.

I am sorry for confusions.

-- - ein Datenbank-Layer, der die Arbeit mit 8 
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Re: [GENERAL] Fulltext: problem with english words in german text

2009-03-24 Thread Torsten Zühlsdorff

Torsten Zühlsdorff schrieb:


i have a problem with understanding fulltext search in PG 8.3.


I solved it. I have to specify the language in to_tsquery(). -.-

-- - ein Datenbank-Layer, der die Arbeit mit 8 
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Re: [GENERAL] question about performance

2008-07-21 Thread Torsten Zühlsdorff

A. Kretschmer schrieb:

if I have a table, the_table, with a DATE field, i'll call it 'day', and 
I'd like to find all rows whos day falls within a given month, which of the 
following methods is faster/costs less:


SELECT * FROM the_table WHERE day LIKE '2008-01-%';


SELECT * FROM the_table
WHERE ( day BETWEEN '$month_begin' AND '$month_end' );

# where $month_begin is '2008-01-01' and $month_end is '2008-01-31';

Probably the second one, but it depends if you have a propper index.

Other solution: create a functional index based on date_trunc and
rewrite your where-condition also.

Can you give an example?


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Re: [GENERAL] Persistent connections in PHP

2007-08-17 Thread Torsten Zühlsdorff

Hannes Dorbath schrieb:

On 15.08.2007 10:53, Torsten Zühlsdorff wrote:
If the dictionary is not too large, you should store it directly in 
the memory of the server. Therefore you can use Shared Memory 

Uhm, but how does TSearch get it from there? And even if it does, it 
will still held its own copy?

In this case I misunderstood you. I believed, that you get a dictionary 
from pg and use it. -.-
Because often people load a dictionary from db to get the translation of 
$content, shared memory can make this very fast. My advise based on this 


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
  choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [GENERAL] Persistent connections in PHP

2007-08-17 Thread Torsten Zühlsdorff

Hannes Dorbath schrieb:

On 14.08.2007 23:13, Dmitry Koterov wrote:

Pconnects are absolutely necessary if we use tsearch2, because it
initializes its dictionaries on a first query in a session. It's a very
heavy process (500 ms and more). So, if we do not use pconnect, we waste
about 500 ms on each DB connection. Too much pain.

We've been using pconnect for exactly the same reason. Though startup 
time for our dictionary is even higher (around 2 seconds). The problem 
is that persistent connections in PHP are not clean implemented, they 
can get randomly garbage collected. The problem seems well known, though 
I'm unaware of any fix. I think it's best to use pgbouncer and plain 
connect ATM. Additionally, as mentioned earlier, using pconnect under 
the Apache webserver is not a good idea at all, at least not with it's 
current architecture.

If the dictionary is not too large, you should store it directly in the 
memory of the server. Therefore you can use Shared Memory 

Another advantage of the solution is, that you have one dictionary for 
all php-childs - so you do not waste memory by loading the dictionary 
each request.


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