Re: [GENERAL] Humor me: Postgresql vs. MySql (esp. licensing)

2003-12-01 Thread Unihost Web Hosting


As I've mentioned before, we happilly run and offer PostgreSQL and
MySQL hosting to our customers. We also offer shell access which
simplifies things a little. I'm a little confused as to why people
find having auth control from pg_hba.conf a problem? We never use the
same passwords or pam for our DBs either, since it offers a little more
security should one or the other be compromised. If you use a tool
like webmin, it not really any more complicated. Anyone who complains
about it being "too hard" to offer PG as a shared hosting option just
hasn't investigated the possibility.

In my experience, many ISPs and hosts don't offer it because they
beleive the ROI (time, learning, extra maintenance, patching,
updates,etc) will not good.



Craig O'Shannessy wrote:

  On Sun, 30 Nov 2003, Joshua D. Drake wrote:

There is another thing too-- MySQL manages connection permissions entirely

  within the RDBMS, while PostgreSQL relies on the pg_hba.conf.  This makes
managing a database server in a shared hosting environment a bit harder.
While I appreciate the PostgreSQL way of doing things, I realize that it is
a bit harder to make work for the average web hosting provider.  I am
currently looking at the possibility of building a solution, but no one has
expressed interest, so I am not sure.



Ahh just run different instances for each customer.

This wouldn't really work for a ISP would it?  A fairly low spec machine 
with a few hundred low-hit websites, maybe 60 of them wanting a database 
for their blogs?

My ISP runs mysql, I don't get shell access :((, but I can remotely 
connect to their mysql server from home.  If running sixty instances of 
PostgreSQL, wouldn't you have to have 60 different port numbers, not to 
mention a whole lot of RAM?

I've asked them to put up PostgreSQL as an alternative, but they just say 
"too hard" and don't want to talk about it.

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Re: [GENERAL] Postgresql on file system EXT2 or EXT3

2003-11-29 Thread Unihost Web Hosting
I'm in agreement with Joshua in some aspects of his reply but not 
others.  I use Reiserfs on many production servers and have done so for 
a couple of years.  I have needed perform one repair only on the 
filesystem, which was automated with the tools provided.  Reiser is 
still beta, in the same way that Debian uses the term testing to refer 
to non-stable software.  Many people us it in a production environment 
successfully.  But, as a caveat to my praises to Reiser, if you decide 
to use it , understand that you *must* know your subject, how to use the 
tools and how to recover from failures.  It is not enough to merely rely 
on fsck getting the job done, and, in some circumstances the 
incantations required to performa fix can be quite terse IMHO.

The next fs I install will be XFS after much deliberation and 
conversation with like minded fellow compugeeks, since it's at least as 
good as any other journaling fs, but has the added bonus that 
filesystems can be *grown* without the aid of LVM, etc.  Which would be 
a huge bonus.

Just my 2 cents.


Joshua D. Drake wrote:

| Don't go on EXT2, its not reliable and takes lots of time to start 
after an

Actually EXT2 is quite reliable and it is also quite fast. However your
point is accurate about start up time after a crash.
The most promising FS is Reiserfs v4

Although Reiser is promising, I wouldn't touch it. It is beta, frankly my
experience is that even their stable stuff is still beta.
If you want a native, reliable, stable FS for Linux. Use JFS or XFS 
(when 2.6 comes out)


Joshua D. Drake

If you cant wait I suggest XFS or JFS.

Look in the archives for all the explanations.

Ohhh, and don't use IDE Drives, only SCSI.

Canaan Surfing Ltd.
Internet Service Providers
Ben-Nes Michael - Manager
Tel: 972-4-6991122
Fax: 972-4-6990098
- Original Message - From: Carmen Wai [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 27, 2003 5:00 PM
Subject: [GENERAL] Postgresql on file system EXT2 or EXT3


I would like to know whether there is any different in installing

on the Linux system with file system of EXT2 or EXT3. I have two 
with idential OS (Red Hat 7.3 install with postgresql 7.3.4) but with
different file system, 1 is EXT2 and the other is EXT3. When I insert

records to the two machines, I found that the machine with EXT2 insert

quicker than the other with EXT3.

Is postgresqk perform better with EXT2 file system?

Thanks a lot!
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Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL Advocacy, Thoughts and Comments

2003-11-29 Thread Unihost Web Hosting
Further to this post, what might actually work is to convince O' Reilly 
(since they have PostgreSQL book/s) to do some articles like they have 
for PG, but making full use of the PG database.  For instance, building 
a simple data-warehouse using PG.  Articles that show off an OSS 
product/project in a clearly enterprise light in a step-by-step 
fashion.  There have been so many articles on DB design using MySQL.  
How about an article on DB design using all the functionality of a real 

Just a few thoughts.



Tony wrote:

HI All,

I'm glad that this thread prompted some thoughtful response.   I think 
one of my main points I was trying to make, Jason hit the nail on the 
head.  The article to which I was referring uses a great example which 
I have experienced many times before, but in order to grasp this, PHP 
et al, must be thought of as a scripting language which crosses many 
corporate boundries, and it is easy to assume that it's primary use 
(simple web site back ends) are the only thing to discuss.  But the 
situation has changed enourmously since the release of PHP v4.  Now 
many consultant/developer/sys-admins like myself are going to client 
site on a contract (this is especially true in the UK, I can't speak 
for anywhere else) and finding complex stocktrading systems, inventory 
systems, CRM systems, and others, all written in PHP backed by MySQL.  
Whether this is right or wrong, good choice or bad choice is not what 
I'm interested in debating.   The point is that when these systems 
where architected, the developers used MySQL not because they were 
dumb, but because many of them develop awesome code and can get around 
most problems in the code, with a little ingenuity.  Many simply do 
not have the insight into the potential benefits of *proper* RDBMS can 
offer.   Had they had the benefit of such knowledge the code they have 
written would be faster (in DB) and more legible. Sadly often the 
developers are the only source of DBA for some of these companies.

The second scenario, is with admin systems, written by people like 
myself for companies, whether they be simple or complex systems, that 
are intended as a temporary work around to an immediate problem.  In a 
very short space of time the stop-gap application you had written to 
sort out the immediate problem quickly becomes a core business 
application (I recently returned to a site after not being there for 
two years and the temporary address book/ email system that I knocked 
up in an afternoon was not only still being used, but now relied upon 

So on to my point, MySQL guys will happily say Hey, we're not saying 
that the features MySQL is missing aren't important, and we're working 
towards them, but in the meantime these issues can be worked around 
like this.  and happily play the whole thing down.  Many LAMP 
developers aren't aware of the benefits of stored procedures, of 
triggers and other good stuff. Like myself, if they were aware how 
much easier life could be if these things were accessible to them, 
they'd probably be converts too.

There is not enough emphasis put on the basic importance of these 
functions in PG.  Someone needs to standup and say Hey, look how this 
can simplify your programming lives  until I started using 
Druid/Postgres, I had no idea why I needed triggers or what a cascade 
effect did, or why I might want one.
The Linux  community has grown  at least in part because it has 
educated  potential users and journo's to its benefits.  I believe if 
the PG advocacy team did the same, then it would attract many more 
serious LAMP developers.

Like Linux vs. Windows, PG has an awful lot going for it in respect to 
MySQL, so why not crow about it.  It needs to be pointed at a crowd 
that are DB novices, they need to be told why PG is worth the 
time/knowledge investment, because anyone who reads the MySQL site, 
will come away with the impression that the Trigger, Stored Procs, and 
other things are a luxurious overhead not necessary for getting the 
job done.

I'd gladly help out with such a paper, but find myself in the sad 
position of my prose being open to attack due to my newbieness in the 
DB world and not able to speak authoratatively on the subject.

Have a think, I'd like to know if others agree.



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Re: [GENERAL] PGSQL on shared hosting

2003-11-21 Thread Unihost Web Hosting

Without wanting to get flamed for gratuitous advertising, my company 
offers shared hosting with PostgreSQL 7.4.  I'll leave it at that.

Apologies in advance to anyone I've offended.



Francois Suter wrote:

i am a newbie to the pgsql world, so pls bear with a possibly stupid
question. i want to test out pgsql but i only have a shared hosting
account. is it possible to install pgsql without root access, only 
for my
account? my webhost uses redhat i think.

No. The make install step requires a root access.

Your best chance is to find a shared hosting which offers PostgreSQL 
rather than MySQL. There are some. Not many, but some...

Good luck.

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Re: [GENERAL] Recomended FS

2003-10-20 Thread Unihost Web Hosting

Hi Ben,

You asked so here's my take on the subject, but I've gotta say that you
can't go far wrong with reading Bruce Momjian's paper at:

But with that aside.

1. Unless your doing major league DB stuff, the FS should make more
than marginal difference, if it's Journaled then it's good. You can
take all the time benchmarking that you want, just be sure your ROI is
worth the time you invest. My favourite fs is Reiser, but in the cold
light of day, ext3 is supported in more places. My first choice is
Reiser, since I used it even when it was "unstable" on production
servers and it never let me down. I often use one or the other.

2. Bruce's article really is good for this question, but in a nutshell
you need to get as much of the DB as close to the CPU as possible. As
with any serious application, you can't beat a good L1/L2 cache, then
plenty of RAM/Memory ... DBs yum RAM, the more the merrier. Lastly
fast and wide disc access, remember disk access will be the slowest
part of the system, and in an ideal world you'd fit nearly all of your
DB in RAM if it was practical and safe.

You'd probably gain more from taking the time to really ensure that
your DB is designed flawlessly, and all your indexes are where they're
needed. All of the basics come into play, but a well built RDBMS
system is greater than the sum of its parts.

For further reading check out:

It all adds up!!.

Good Luck


Ben-Nes Michael wrote:


I'm upgrading the DB sever hardware and also the Linux OS.

My Questions are:

1. What is the preferred FS to go with ? EXT3, Reiseref, JFS, XFS ? ( speed,
efficiency )
2. What is the most importent part in the Hardware ? fast HD, alot of mem,
or maybe strong cpu ?

Thanks in Advance

Canaan Surfing Ltd.
Internet Service Providers
Ben-Nes Michael - Manager
Tel: 972-4-6991122
Fax: 972-4-6990098

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TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [GENERAL] Humor me: Postgresql vs. MySql (esp. licensing)

2003-10-08 Thread Unihost Web Hosting
Hi John,

I've been thinking about this for sometime, since a couple of my 
associates are looking to build a commercial app based around JDBC.  The 
difficulty came when we looked at redistributing a MySQL JDBC driver 
.jar with the application.  From what I can tell, since you distribute 
the JDBC driver they assume that somewhere it's going to be used with a 
MySQL server and therefore requires licensing.  It wasn't exactly clear 
IMHO or straightforward.  So they've decided to go with PG only for the 
time being, which makes running the server on Windows a little more 
difficult, but who wants to run windows anyway!

As far as speed goes, I think that there isn't enough in it anymore to 
comment about.  Sure MySQL is faster in XYZ scenario, but PG is faster 
in ABC scenario, swings and roundabouts.  IMHO the only place where 
MySQL has a clear advantage is the fact that it replicates right out of 
the box, with very little difficulty (see my earlier post today) and is 
quite robust.

Just my 2 Cents



John Wells wrote:

Yes, I know you've seen the above subject before, so please be gentle with
the flamethrowers.
I'm preparing to enter a discussion with management at my company
regarding going forward as either a MySql shop or a Postgresql shop.
It's my opinion that we should be using PG, because of the full ACID
support, and the license involved.  A consultant my company hired before
bringing me in is pushing hard for MySql, citing speed and community
support, as well as ACID support.
My biggest concern with MySQL is licensing.  We need to keep costs low,
and last I remember the parent company was being pretty strict on fair
use under the GPL.  If I recall, they even said a company would have to
license the commercial version if it were simply used operationally within
the company.
Also, I was under the impression that Postgresql had pretty much caught up
with MySql in the speed this not the case?
Finally, ACID support in mysql always seemed kind of a hackperhaps
this has changed?
Thanks for any input (armament ;) ) you can provide.


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