[GENERAL] Deleting all but one row of a list of non-uniques

2004-06-22 Thread Zak McGregor
Hi all

I have a table, for simplicity's sake containing one field, called unid. 

for example, select unid, oid from table gives me something like this:
   unid   |   oid
 XNO24ORK | 40276607
 XNPGJDPU | 40276673 *
 XNPGJDPU | 40276674 *
 XNXAAVQ2 | 40277583
 ZAZAFAA4 | 40276600
 ZAZV5UG4 | 40276446
 ZD66A1LL | 40277162
 ZDXZ27RS | 40277454
 ZEKRT3GM | 40277739 *
 ZEKRT3GM | 40277740 *
 ZEKRT3GM | 40277741 *

(I've marked the rows with duplicated unids with the * to the right)

I'd like to delete rows in such a way that one (and any one) row for each unid
remains, and all other duplicates are removed. Does anyone have any ideas that
may help me here please?

slecting distinct is not helpful as in reality there are other fields which
contain data like timestamps that will differ but I don't mind which one
remains, but I'd need to work with them on selects to the table afterwards.

 I've tried:

 delete from table where oid in (select p1.oid from table p1, table p2 where
p1.oid != p2.oid and p1.unid=p2.unid);

which only works in a few cases - I suspect where there are only two rows with
the same unid. Is it even possible?

Alternatively, can I get the \copy command to ignore attempts to insert
duplicated rows into a UNIQUE column instead of aborting the copy? Not sure if
any of the options that can be supplied to the table at creation time for unique
will help here.





http://www.carfolio.com/Searchable database of 10 000+ car specs

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
  joining column's datatypes do not match

Re: [GENERAL] count(1) return 0?

2004-06-09 Thread Zak McGregor
On Mon, 01 Mar 2004 13:12:12 +1100
Klint Gore [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The counting and grouping is done after the where clause is applied.
 since player iplaybadly (who was 1200's opponent) didnt win any, he/she
 is not included in the result set to be grouped and counted.  You need
 to get iplaybadly into the result set first.
 try something like
 select fixture, home, sum(case winner=home then 1 else 0 end) 
 from results
 group by fixture, home

Ah, thanks, works a charm.

Thanks too to all who offered help on this one.




http://www.carfolio.com/Searchable database of 10 000+ car specs

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
  joining column's datatypes do not match

Re: [GENERAL] count(1) return 0?

2004-02-29 Thread Zak McGregor
On Mon, 01 Mar 2004 12:13:07 +1100
Klint Gore [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Mon, 1 Mar 2004 02:14:56 +0200, Zak McGregor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  to return a 0 value instead of absolutely nothing if no rows match
  fixture=4916 and winner=away? I get absolutely no results at all.
  any ideas please?
 dont group by winner.  it's not returned in the statement so it's not
 needed anyway.  an exact value is specified in the where clause so it's
 not going to be different either.

Thanks Klint, that works. I will need to group by fixture though (not winner -
that was just one of the permutations that I was playing around with) at some
point which presents the same problem. I have a number of fixtures in the
results table which need to be aggregated to tally frames won per player per
fixture (stored as a view) and those results further aggregated to find points
for a points table. All is good until a player has won no frames in a fixture,
at which point the fact that an empty result is returned becomes problematic.

For instance:

select fixture, count(1) as total, away from results where winner=away group by
fixture, away;
 fixture | total | away 
4913 | 4 | 1214
4916 | 9 | 1200
4918 | 7 | 1123
4928 | 9 | 1318
4935 | 5 | 1265
(5 rows)

select fixture, count(1) as total, home from results where winner=home group by
fixture, home;
 fixture | total | home 
4913 | 9 | 1198
4918 | 9 | 1257
4928 | 1 | 1401
4935 | 9 | 1359
(4 rows)

in fixture 4916, player 1200 won 9-0, but his opponent does not show as having 0
in the second result set. I suspect what I am expecting is somehow illogical,
but I can't see why.

I would expect to see a total of 0 for the case where winner=away and
fixture=4916 = the fixtures are after all being grouped - if there are zero
cases where fixture=4916 and winner=away, as far as I can see that should be the
count() result... however as I said I am probably missing something quite basic.
If anyone could please explain why what I expect to see is not what I actually
see I would be very grateful indeed.





http://www.carfolio.com/Searchable database of 10 000+ car specs

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[GENERAL] Large OR query

2001-06-12 Thread Zak McGregor

Hi all

If I have say 1000 values for an ID field, what is the best way to
select from a table all the corresponding records?
I have tried 
select * from blah where id in (id1,id2,id3...id1000)
select * from blah where id=id1 or id=id2 ... or id=id1000

and both are pretty slow.
Is there a better way to do this please?


Zak McGregorhttp://www.carfolio.com - Over 7000 car specs online
Web mercenary - currently for hire. Perl/html/.js/sql/cgi/GNUlinux/php +
Trying to make bits uncopyable is like trying to make water not wet.
The sooner people accept this, and build business models that take 
this into account, the sooner people will start making money again. 
-- Bruce Schneier 

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TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?


Re: [GENERAL] Queries across multiple databases  (was: SELECT from a table in another database).

2001-05-21 Thread Zak McGregor

On Mon, 21 May 2001 07:55:13 -0400
Andrew Rawnsley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If I ever come up with said schema-dropping patch, and anyone else
wants it, 
 let me know.

I'd dance a happy jig ;-)

I'm not sure whether it is quite the way to do it, but I'd have a better
time with things if I could span databases in a single request. Are
there theoretical problems with spanning databases in a single query? Is
it a feature of bad database design  implementation?





Zak McGregor
http://www.carfolio.com - Specifications of cars online. Over 7000!

Of course my password is the same as my pet's name.  
My macaw's name was Q47pY!3, but I change it every 90 days.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?


Re: [GENERAL] formatting a date

2001-05-10 Thread Zak McGregor

On Thu, 10 May 2001 15:30:01 -0400
Fran Fabrizio [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm looking all over the place in the Pg docs and Momjian book and
 having no luck finding any functions that would turn a timestamp such as
 2001-05-08 23:59:59-04 into May 8, 2001.  (i.e. do what date_format()
 was doing for me in MySQL.)  Is there equivalent functionality in Pg?

You want to look at to_char().

To get May 10, 2001 you'd need to write something like:

select to_char(now(), 'Month dd, ');

It pads the output of the month to 9 places, btw.

 (watch for potential wrapping of the link)

for more info.


Zak McGregor
http://www.carfolio.com - Specifications of cars online. Over 7000!

Of course my password is the same as my pet's name.  
My macaw's name was Q47pY!3, but I change it every 90 days.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?


Re: [GENERAL] Data transfer format between UNIX server and Windows client?

2001-04-05 Thread Zak McGregor

On Thu, 05 Apr 2001 09:25:28 -0500
"Paul A. Lender" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 MY QUESTION -- When query results are sent to the client, where does the
 conversion of stored binary data to easily readable text take
 place:  on the server before it leaves for the clients, or at libpq.dll
 the clients?

I would say at the server, no question (Tom, others, please whack me with
a cluestick if I'm wrong here...). Not that you can assume that binary
data is safe from prying eyes either...

 If the transfer between boxes is text, does anyone have experience using
 encrypted connection between a Unix box and a Windows client (without
 a web server, that is)?

Try and tunnel through ssh. Not sure about the MS box, but the *BSD box
will handle it fine.
http://www.cs.stanford.edu/security/tunnel.html (just one example)

I have found putty to be a good Win32 ssh client. Search for putty.exe at



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[GENERAL] Views, indices and pg_dump

2001-03-26 Thread Zak McGregor

Hi all

Thanks to everyone for this great forum, and for Postgres!

I have a couple of questions:

I have a smallish table which I join on another (smaller) table. I have
created a view for this purpose, thinking it would save on overhead.
The view also incorporates some calculated fields. However, when I do an
EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM my_view it shows sequential scans on both tables and
no use of any indices (I've created them on the view and the two other
tables). It seems the view does the join on the fly. If so, will using a
view speed up queries? Also, how do I make it use the indices for queries?

Another, slightly unrelated question: Why does pg_dump dump the view as a
normal table?

Thanks so much for your help



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Re: [GENERAL] How to auto create a unique key for each newly added record?

2001-03-26 Thread Zak McGregor

On Mon, 26 Mar 2001 21:20:13 -0500
"Jeff" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 How to if it is possible to let postgresql to auto assign unique key to each
 new record that is added to the database?
Just set up the table with the field you are wanting to have as a unique id as type 


create table auto_id (id serial, description varchar(32));



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Re: [GENERAL] How to copy a table?

2001-03-26 Thread Zak McGregor

On Mon, 26 Mar 2001 21:21:12 -0500
"Jeff" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Can some one show me what's the best way to backup a table or copy a table?

Backing up is simple with pg_dump and pg_dumpall.

Copying a table (assuming within the same database) is also easy:

create table test as select * from other_table;



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TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[GENERAL] Joins and field types

2001-01-12 Thread Zak McGregor

Hi all

What sort of performance penalty on joins using varchar(n) vs. int fields can I expect 
if both tables are fairly small (ie unlikely to have more than 2 rows each)?

Is there a good reference or two on these sorts of questions?

thanks a lot


Zak McGregor